Characteristics of a Persuasive Writing

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Characteristics of a Persuasive Writing

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Characteristics of a Persuasive Writing Guided Notes

Persuasion Argument  Reasons Details  Facts Use all of these to support your side 

Assertion: Reasoning: Evidence: Support for your reasoning, using contemporary or historical examples, statistical or scientific information

What is Argument? An argument involved the process of establishing a claim and then proving it with the use of logical reasoning, examples, and research

It’s Important because…  Guides an audience through ______ Offers a clear explanation of each argued point  Demonstrates the ______of the writer

Basic Information to Essay’s Structure Proper MLA Heading  Name, Teacher, Class, Date  Page Number  Creative Title

Introduction Paragraph  ______ Thesis Statement  List of main ideas/arguments (can be used in thesis statement)  Transitional Statement (See Persuasive Signal Handout)

Body Paragraphs (Need at least 2 paragraphs)  At least _____ arguments o Use plenty of details, facts, statistics,

Counter Argument Paragraph  List at least _____ argument for the other side, but then prove why you are right in your position and the other side is wrong 1  Be careful here! You want to make sure you don’t confuse the reader of your position.

Conclusion (Needs to be at least one paragraph)  Repeat 3 arguments  ______your best points  Your last thoughts on the topic

Title—Why Do I Need One?  Introduces the topic of discussion to the audience  Generates ______in the argument  Writers title their work

Creating a Title  Try to grab attention by: o Offering a provoking image o Picking up on words or examples offered in the essay itself o Asking a question  ______that are too general or lack pizzazz

Considering titles Image you wrote a paper offering solution to the problem of road rage. Which do you consider he best title? Road Rage Can’t Drive 55 Road Rage: Curing our Highway Epidemic

Introductory Paragraph It NEEDS to be H.O.T.  ______your audience  State your ______o Think about your thesis sentence  Introduce your ______and arguments We will take a closer look at thesis sentences later.

Steps to a GREAT introduction: The key to an effective persuasive essay is its introduction. YOU NEED TO:  Get the readers attention and ______ Hopefully get them to agree to your views  Write a thesis statement that states your position on the topic  List the arguments on the topic  ______


Setup of the INTRO paragraph  ______o Interesting quote or statement related to the topic o Startling fact related to the topic 2 o Ancedote (real or hypothetical story) o Rhetorical question o Quotation o Striking image  Moves into thesis  List off your arguments o Either list them or generally imply your arguments  Transitional statement into body of essay

Thesis Statements THE MOST IMPORTANT SENTENCE IN YOUR PAPER.  Let’s the reader know the main idea of the paper  Answers the question: “______?”  Not a factual statement, but a claim that has to be proven throughout the paper

It’s Role  It should guide your reader through your argument.  Located in the introduction to ______.

Types of Statements Situation/Stance Topic Sentences

 Although some parents buy cell phones for their children, this is a serious mistake.

Try yourself:

 Many teenagers believe that a cell phone are a necessity, these devices cause many problems.

 If your school adopts a uniform policy, school climate will improve immediately.

 Even though my allowance has remained the same for the last couple of years, I believe it needs to

be increased.

FAN BOYS (For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So)

 Many children carry cellphones, BUT it is a big mistake Try yourself:  Teenagers need cell phones, so parents should purchase phones for them immediately

 Our school adopted a uniform dress code, but the school climate has not improved significantly

 A small allowance is a thing of the past, so my allowance must be increased.

Semicolon Thesis Sentences

 Elementary school children want to carry cell phones; however, it is a bad idea. Try yourself: 3  Many parents wonder why their child needs a cell phone; however, from a teen’s point of view,

it’s necessity

 Our school adopted a uniform dress code; as a result, the school climate significantly improved.

 As my age and responsibilities increase; sadly my allowance does not, this needs to change

How to Construct a Thesis Statement for a Persuasive Essay 1. Identify the topic of your paper Relationships between teenagers and their parents 2. Turn your topic into a guiding How does the relationship between teenagers and their parents question change? 3. Answer your question with a As teenagers grow more independent, they resent and resist the statement limitations and expectations their parents impose on them. 4. Refine this statement into a Conflict between teenagers and their parents is a usual stage in a working* thesis kid’s development; however, it can be difficult. * As you work on your research and begin your essay, your thesis statement might need to be tweaked. THIS IS A TYPICAL AND EXPECTED PIECE OF THE PUZZLE.

Your Turn! 1. Identify the topic of your paper Cellphone use in the classroom 2. Turn your topic into a guiding question 3. Answer your question with a statement

4. Refine this statement into a working* thesis

Body Paragraphs At least 3 Main Arguments: Details Used in each Main Body Paragraph  Logic (Logos)  Facts/Statistics  Emotional (Pathos)  Evidence/Examples  Expert credibility (Ethos)  Experience

BODY PARAGRAPHS  Writers set the stage for the main body of the essay in the introduction o ______, the intro that topics that will be discussed in the essay. o Follow that order in the rest of the essay  Various Organizational Styles to Use o o o  TOPIC SENTENCE: first sentence of each paragraph tells reader what that paragraph is about 4 o State your argument, this is what the paragraph will be about . ______ Next couple of sentences should give reasoning, or the “______” of the sentence/paragraph, offering support for your argument o Remaining sentences in the paragraph should include: . ______ Scientific information  Expert example . ______of that paragraph’s main idea  Current and/or historial examples . DON’T FORGET TO ______FOR THE SOURCES USED

COUNTERARGUMENT PARAGRAPH  Addressing ______is important in building a strong argument.  It ______your credibility as a writer—you will have researched multiple sides to help you come up with an informed decision.  Don’t forget to use appropriate language. No name calling or bullying towards the opposition.  Make sure you state what the other side, the opposition, might argue. o ______.  The rest of the paragraph you will use the details and examples to prove your side right. o You state what the other side might say, ______. o Pick ______that you researched from the opposite side o Use a fact from your research to prove that argument wrong. o DON’T SUPPORT THE OTHER SIDE! o STICK TO YOUR SIDE OF THE TOPIC

CONCLUSION  Restate your thesis from the intro.  Summarize your main important parts of the essay (______).  Use some of the same ______from your introduction in the conclusion as well.  It should include a lot of the same information as the introduction, ______.  It should be several sentences: o Not only should the conclusion be it’s own paragraph but it should also be about 4-5 sentences in length!

5 PERSUASIVE BODY PARAGRAPH EXAMPLE Counterargument: Formula= Summarize counterargument + Refute

Some might say that social media helps lonely people make connections, but the negative impact of cyber bullying outweighs the benefits.

EXAMPLE: Topic: Online Social Networking Position: Online Social Networks are bad for society Arguments Support 1st A Jan. 2012 Center for the Digital Future at the People find it difficult to converse face to face USC Annenberg School study found that the percentage of people reporting less face-to-face time with family in their homes rose from 8% in 2000 to 34% in 2011

2nd 49.5% of students reported being the victims of Cyber bullying bullying online and 33.3% reported committing bullying behavior online. 800,000 minors were harasses or cyberbullied on Facebook according to a June 2012 Consumer Reports survey.

Quick Plan  Have all your research  Know your topic  Create a t-chart for your arguments and an explanation for why it is an argument (Only use 10 minutes to complete this activity)



Arguments: Details (Prove it, Explain, Support) 1st





6 Persuasive Vocabulary

Vocabulary is extremely vital when constructing a persuasive essay. Being conscious of what words you use when writing. The wording you pick can help sway your audience towards or away from your point of view.

Persuasive Words in Support of…

Accurate Definitely Most important Tremendous Advantage Effective Popular Truly Always/Never Emphasize Profitable Trustworthy Best Expect Should Workable Certain Interesting Strongly Recommend Worthwhile Confident Magnificent Superb Convenient Most Superior

Persuasive Words Against…

Aggravate Displeased Irritate Shameful Agony Dreadful Offend Shocking Atrocious Harmful Ordeal Terrible Confusing Harsh Outrageousness Unreliable Cruel Horrible Provoke Unstable Damaging Inconsiderate Repulsive Disadvantages Inferior Severe

HOW TO CITE YOUR SOURCES  General guidelines o The information you need to know from the source depends on the type of source (website, database, magazine, book, etc.)  Most sources are web-based, follow these general rules: o EXAMPLE of a sentence with an author listed . Gary Smith stated that teenagers with cell phones “tend to stay in contact with their parents throughout the day” (2). OR . Teenagers with a cell phone “tend to stay in contact with their parents throughout the day” (Smith, 2). o EXAMPLE of a sentence without an author’s name: . According to the frequently asked questions page on Verizon’s website currently 78% of teenagers in the United States own a cell phone (2). OR . 78% of teenagers in the United States own a cell phone (“Verizon FAQ”).


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