Student Senate Minutes for Wednesday, October 27, 2004
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Student Senate Minutes for Wednesday, October 27, 2004
The meeting came to order at 2:41 PM.
The following non-Senators were present: Martha A Rozynski, Tarcisio Nunes (Vector), Adam Shaine (Engineering Science Rep candidate, NCE Rep ‘03-‘04), Priya Shah (Junior Class Rep candidate), Bob Moran, Keerti
The following Senators were late: Carla Cerqueira (NCE Rep, 2:45 PM)
The following Senators were absent: Aatif Cooper (HCI Rep, excused for feedback session), Mark Hanna (Resident Rep, excused for Date Auction), Jason Koonts (CoE Rep, excused for feedback session), Peter Beskal (EE Rep, excused for feedback session), Alvaro Franco (ChE Rep, excused for feedback session), Scott Sorensen (CCS Rep, excused for feedback session), Michael Mielczarek (IS Rep, excused for feedback session), Jill Bonafide (Commuter Rep, excused for illness)
A motion was made by Baker Assaf (Freshmen Class President) to approve the minutes for October 13th, 2004. Motion seconded by Richard Ranky (ME Rep). Motion passes.
A motion was made by Nishant Vyas (Frosh Res Rep) to approve the minutes for October 20th, 2004. Motion seconded by Peter Hamilton (SoA Rep). Motion passes.
Irini Behkit (President): Nik, Mark, Uma and I went to the webcam presentation. It was about IMing with people’s faces (video chat). They wanted to have free trial for campus. They were willing to give some free things out (webcams). We made our comments regarding its effectiveness on campus. It is difficult to install new thing on campus. They already have a headquarters at NJIT, and no body knew about this. What is NJIT getting out of this? They get to run their experiment. Senators have a lot of things on their plate (Senators shouldn’t be the ones to volunteer). Do you want to support this and use it? I gave them Matt Luminoso’s contact information. Residents might benefit from it. Also, distance learning students might want it for their classes. Ahsan and I went to Pathmark and Shoprite for Noble November. Pathmark said okay, and they need a few days. We need to do more letters have a list of places we want to target (Tops Hamilton, K-mart, Affordable Copies, Warren Pizza, Wachovia) and distribute to. On the Board of Trustees, the contact hasn’t replied back yet. The bottom line, he wants to see what we said. We can attend the open session. The closed session not allowed. But our two student members should be allowed in the closed session. We have to forward the e-mail and link. (what e-mail and link?) Nikola Kivich (VP Admin): Mark and I received an e-mail about the attendence policy. We need to have quorum to start a meeting. You do not have to be recognized. You get no voting power if you are absent. And about the feedback flyers, for future reference, keep it simple. On it, there should be date, time, location, and major. Advertise FREE FOOD and include the Senate logo. Keep simple it, big, colorful, and actually order food.
Uma Phatak (Cor Sec): The business cards are done.
Yujing Xie (Treasurer): There’s a Halloween party this Thursday. There’s an assignment sheet going around for decorating and cleaning up from 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
Eric Owle (IT Rep) resigns.
Maggie Vallejos (Senior Class President): There was a meeting Thursday with the commencement committee. Nominations for honorary doctorates for this graduation are done already. Start nominating for 2005-2006. Honorary Doctorates are individuals whose accomplishments are of such excellence that they provide inspiration to the graduates. NJIT awards honorary doctorates to individuals who have distinguished themselves by sustained scholarly or creative activity in the arts, science, or technology or by service to humanity. E-mail a resume and a picture to me for nominations. On November 11th, there’s a SAC/Senior Class Pub night. This week is the last week for the 5% discount off of the January 8-15 Colorado ski trip if paid in full by October 29. Killington, Vermont tickets are on sale this Friday, 2 PM Campus Center 4th floor. $25 check, $99 for the trip cash/check.
Nishant Vyas (Frosh Res Rep): I met with Sandy from maintenance about the toilet paper. It’s really rough. So we could use eco-saver for softer toillet paper or switch to Scott’s.
Baker Assaf (Freshmen Class President) and Supreet Bindra (Sophomore Class President): There are now tables in the commuter lounge on the 2nd floor.
Ahsan Mirza (SoM Rep) gave a report on management. See attached.
Richard Ranky (ME Rep) on behalf of Peter Beskal (EE Rep): This is the library report. We talked about ventilation and the atmospheric conditions. If there are any problems, go to front desk. They will get fans. About the time on computers… They have one machine set to time out in five minutes. It seems to be getting positive feedback. Three machines will on five minute time, and fifteen machines will be on a 30 minute timer. Finding something online and taking care of it quickly shouldn’t be a problem. This is so people won’t camp out at computers
Samantha Welch (History Rep) gave a report on history. See attached. Richard Ranky (ME Rep): This is the feedback session report. There are 500 ME students, 400 undergrad, 100 graduate. Enrollment is back up, and the department will be sending out surveys. We also made a proposition to NASA from the ASME. There is also a new curriculum, as well as new honors sectinos. We are planning a trip to a nuclear plant. The Dr. Staff issue has been taken care of, and we also mentioned ProE licensing concerns. The engine lab is doing great and should be up by next year in the fall. Three engines, one diesel and one gas. There’s new room in basement, with a digital console for each engine, input and output.
Donald Grote (CS Rep) gave a report on computer science. See attached.
Carla Cerqueira (NCE Rep): We had feedback session on Monday with all of the engineerings. There were no problems with these deparments. We sent out a survey.
Old Business
Quorum is no longer recognized.
Halloween Plans
Irini Bekhit (President): Mike Miller from WJTB will DJ for the party. He will play Z100 snogs, Monster Mash, Thriller.
Louise Pronstroller (Frosh Commuter Rep): If you want him to play something, you can also bring in CDs.
Noble November
Each Senator volunteers to take a Noble November box to a different part of campus.
Third Strip
Irini reads Jay Koonts’s report. Ahsan will report next week. Peter Beskal will report next week.
Jason Wolf (VP Student Affairs): Students get meals and money per week for services on campus or related to campus, like a Domino’s medium pie and soda. Some students get money per month. There is a way to put money on card for the bookstore, but nobody knows where to go or how to do it.
Irini Bekhit (President): We should test this presentation on Senate. We have agreed upon that it is optional. Can the Vector do an article about this? From the first strip to the second strip to the third, we could sell the idea to students…
Nishant Vyas (Frosh Res Rep): Wanted for sure a restaurent outside of NJIT. Andre Pause (Arch Rep): I would very much like on the bill, since scholarships could cover it.
Adam Shaine: We should first do a survey, get general consensus, and direct it more towards resident students, since commuters are already using cash.
Priya Shah: Commuters are getting mugged. Some wish they wouldn’t carry cash, just a card. Let’s make pamphlets…
Richard Ranky (ME Rep): It should be mandatory for freshmen, so they get used to using it.
Board of Trustees
The Senate informally appoints Peter Hamilton (SoA Rep) as the non-voting position and Michael Pallotta (Pub Rep) as the voting position.
Junior Class President
Priya introduces herself.
Teacher Evaluations Site
Senators provide feedback on the site.
New Business
Career Development Services
Ahsan Mirza (SoM Rep): As freshmen, I got an internship, but I didn’t get any credit from the school. The School of Management is writing a letter to CDS and the school. Maybe we can make it a Senate issue, working with school reps.
Samantha Welch (History Rep): I was told to sign up for something for no credit, with no advantage.
Richard Ranky (ME Rep): After an interview and submitting my resume, I got no response from them.
Nikola Kivich (VP Admin): It’s $2200 dollars for course credit or additive credit.
Ronak Trivedi (BME Rep): You have to ask them many times.
Jason Wolf (VP Student Affairs): I got an internship out of sophomore year, but I feel like I’m being punished for getting it. My last summer for job, since I got high level job before, lowered me in consideration for new jobs in the following summer. Mark Canlas (Recording Secretary): They have limited resources for rare majors/professions.
Richard Ranky (ME Rep): You should really talk to professors for internships in the industry.
Irini Bekhit (President): We should ask them to come in and give a presentation.
The rest of the agenda is tabled.
Baker Assaf (Freshmen Class President): On the 20th on Saturday. There will be jerseys. It will be Tuesday or Wednesday night from 9:00 PM to 11:00 PM. Which Saturday is good? I think it’s bad for commuters. How about Tuesday and Thursday? Or the 16th and 17th. He suggested we do it that way or let teams sign up and ask teams which would be better for them. Come or you can’t make it.
We needs refs for basketball for this tournament, and for the football tournament. If you know football/basketball real well, there are 4 games/hour. That’s $28 or $30 per hour. Football is per day.
Irini Bekhit (President): There’s supposed to be a presentation from IFSC on the alcohol and drug policy.
The GSA passed a resolution stating that two members from the GSA and two members from Senate would monitor the factual information the Vector is giving. Nik and I volunteer.
Team senate lost every single activity, but the students beat faculty. There’s a big mug trophy in senate office.
Jason Wolf (VP Student Affairs): Team GDS/Theta Chi won the Junk Pile Wars.
Carla: Adam Shain for running my feedback sessions
Rich: Thanks to miniversity for Tour de Tech
Louise, feedback session in the ballroom
Team Oak, Thank you Team Senate for being such good competition
Baker, for basketball. Recorded by Mark Canlas.
Attached: Don, Sam, and Ahsan’s major reports