Town of Milo MINUTES s2

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Town of Milo MINUTES s2

Town of Milo MINUTES

Municipal Office Selectmen’s Meeting

6 Pleasant Street May 2, 2017 Milo, Me 04463

MEMBERS PRESENT: Paula Copeland, Peter Hamlin, Tony Hamlin, Isabelle Warren and Damien Pickel. MEMBERS ABSENT: Lee McMannus. 6:30 PM Call to Order– by Peter Hamlin, Chairman Pro Tem MINUTES: Tony made the Motion to approve the Minutes of April 4th with corrections. Second – Isabelle. Passed – unanimously. CORRESPONDENCE: None. PUBLIC COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS: Nancy Harrigan stated that she had paperwork she would like the Board to sign. The paperwork is to get direction signs for the Kiwanis Building at the Business Park. Tony made the Motion to sign as presented. Second – Isabelle. Passed – unanimously. AGENDA: DEPARTMENT UPDATES: Public Works – Glenn stated that they have finished up the sweeping of the streets. The new 1-ton truck is working out good. Library –Rochelle informed the Board that Brent Cramer will be painting the trim on the windows at the library. Everything else is going good. Health Officer – Ben stated that he has no report tonight. Police Department – Damien informed the Board that the doctor has cleared him for full duty. The paperwork has been filed with Ellen. There have been 122 calls for service since our last meeting, making the year to date calls 516. These included 6 arrests. Damien informed the Board that an overdose victim that was driven from Sebec to Milo for help was resuscitated. The Police Department has been patrolling D’Este Road more frequently due to the speeding complaints received. Damien informed the Board that the Brownville Police Department has been officially abolished at a meeting last night. This will not have any effect on the Milo Police Department. According to the Mutual Aid Agreement with the Sheriff’s Department, they will need to request assistance from Milo for any Milo Police Officer to respond to calls to Brownville. Cemetery – Richard Mullins stated that there is no report. Damien informed the Board that the paperwork for the Cemetery Trust has been filed with the County and sent to Augusta as needed. State of Maine spoke with Damien and they are requesting additional paperwork due to the word “Trust” being used in the documents sent. Permission is needed from the Department of Financial Regulations. Damien will be sending out the needed paperwork. Treasurer – Ellen informed the Board that there is $777,423.67 in the account. She stated that Trio will be here tomorrow to start changing over Motor Vehicle and Cash Receipts. Tony suggested a letter be sent to the State Representatives regarding the bill in the Legislature for a portion of the excise amounts going to the State. This will affect our mil rate even more. ATV ACCESS ACROSS THE MAIN ST. BRIDGE: Damien informed the Board that there have been questions regarding the Main St. bridge having access for ATV’s. In 2011, Mike Washburn requested that access be granted through town to reach numerous trails. The State does not want to allow this access due to the Main Street bridge. Now it will need to go through an appeals process. Damien is going to reach out to Norm Higgins and Paul Davis to see if they will support this due to economic growth for the area. He has also spoken with the Snowmobile Club members to get permission to have access across the snowmobile bridge. However, a side by side ATV will not fit. Damien will continue working on this and bring any updates to the Board. Tony expressed concern regarding this situation. Damien reminded him that the Board has the final decision. 2017 SCHOOL BOARD APPOINTMENTS: Betty presented the Board with 4 interested residents for the School Board vacancies. Bryan Boyce, Joseph Mangum, James Lord and Denise Hamlin. The Board decided that they wanted to each write 2 names on a piece of paper. This resulted in a 3-way tie. They chose to have Damien make the final decision. The 2 new School Board members are Denise Hamlin and Bryan Boyce. TAN NOTE BIDS: Ellen stated that she requested bids from 4 banks and has received one bid back from Camden at 1.23% and can be prepaid back without penalty. Tony made the Motion to accept the bid from Camden at 1.23%. Second – Isabelle. Passed – unanimously. BOAT DOCK CONTRACT: Damien stated that he made the requested changes to the Boat Dock Contract. Tony made the Motion to approve the Boat Dock Contract application. Second – Paula. Passed – unanimously. CURB YOUR ANIMAL ORDINANCE DISCUSSION: Damien informed the Board that he has received a few complaints about dog owners not cleaning up after their animals. Damien figured it would be best to cover all animals at this time and to include keeping animals on a leash. Paula made the Motion to approve and sign the Curb Your Animal Ordinance as presented. Second – Isabelle. Passed – unanimously. BANGOR HUMANE SOCIETY CONTRACT: Damien informed the Board that he has spoken with the shelter in Sebec, Jenny. She is waiting to get her license from the State of Maine. At that time, she will contact Damien with a quote. The current Contract with Bangor Humane Society ends June 30th so the Board will discuss this at the meeting in June. OTHER – Fire Department Water Line Extension: Betty informed the Board that Kevin Black, as Fire Chief, approached Timmy Gormley with the Water District and requested a water line extension from Park Street to the Training Facility. Timmy is suggesting that if this project did move forward two new hydrants should also be installed. This will increase the bill for Fire Protection. Damien will talk to Donnie Richards to see if this is something that the Fire Department still would like to do. OTHER: Damien informed the Board that Ricky Bradeen asked about the air supply to the sprinkler system. This process is normally done manually but Ricky is requesting to make it automatic. This has not been budgeted for 2017. The Board agreed to continue as is but may consider this for 2018. NEW/UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Town Manager’s Report: Damien updated the Board on the following topics: 1. Damien informed the Board that Ron Demarais is in the process of putting up the rest of the signs at the Business Park. Damien is in the process of illuminating the signs. 2. Damien stated that the Derby Shops Purchase and Sales is waiting for the Bankruptcy Court to sign off on the paperwork. He has spoken with Chad Mowry from Central Maine and Quebec. They are concerned about the roof. Once the Town of Milo officially owns the property, Damien will get in touch with PCEDC and Ransom to begin the grant and funding process. PCEDC has money set aside for this already. 3. Damien has also spoken with Ron Demarais regarding the property at 21 West Main Street. Ron can’t do anything with the building until the grant has been sent in. Ron is anticipating to be able to start working on the building within the next 2 weeks. 4. Damien has given out several Junkyard papers and have had voluntary compliance on 2 of the locations. The other 2-3 are in the process. 5. The lights at the tennis courts, basketball court and Business Park need to be replaced. The timer at the basketball court also needs to be replaced. Penquis Solid Waste Appointment: Betty informed the Board that she has 3 Appointments for the Penquis Solid Waste Board. She spoke with Alicia Harmon at Brownville and asked if they had a preference on how the appointments were issued. Alicia agreed that they can be staggered and it would be fine to do 1 – 3 years on them. The Appointments will go as Damien Pickel is for a 1- year term, Isabelle Warren is for a 2-year term and Donald Banker is for a 3-year term. Tony made the Motion to sign and approve the Appointments for the Penquis Solid Waste Appointments. Second – Paula. Passed – unanimously.

PUBLIC COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS: Nancy Harrigan asked if the beer brewery would still be going into the Business Park. Damien stated that this is still in the process of being finalized. Nancy Harrigan asked how to get Gerrish Road on the Google Maps. Damien stated that he will check with Susie in the morning. She does some of this and will be able to check on it. Glenn stated that MDOT has been notified on the name change. Glenn will also be putting the sign for Harris Pond. Lois Wagner informed the Board that Carver Road does not have a sign either. Lois also wanted to know if the TAN Note was needed last year. It was needed for a brief time but was repaid in August once the tax money started coming in. Paula wanted to ask Ellen why 2 check were missing from the Warrant. Ellen stated that she will check on this in the morning. ADJOURNMENT: Tony made the Motion to adjourn at 7:33 PM. Second – Isabelle. Passed – unanimously. Respectfully submitted: ______Peter Hamlin, Chairman Pro Tem Betty Gormley, Secretary Date: ______

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