WEEKLY Drawing Assignment Rubric-Observation
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WEEKLY Drawing Assignment Rubric-Observation
All Assignments will be graded using this rubric.
1 2 3 4 5 6 Failed to Struggles with the Met some portions Met most portions Met standard completely. Exceeds the attempt the main concepts of of the standard. of the standard. The drawing shows standard. Has standard for the assignment. Average use of line Drawing shows excellent use of line to complete this Drawing missing to show some of the good use of line to show all details of the understanding of assignment lines, that show details of the object. detail the object. object. The drawing looks the use of line, the form of the Some details are Missing only a few realistic with all lines shading and object and lacks missing. There is lines to add in included. The shading is realism. Shows detail. No shading some shading, but detail. The shading strong and well done. The understanding of and/or the drawing the drawing is still 2- needs a few object looks real and 3-D detail beyond appears 2-D D in appearance. finishing touches expectation. for a realistic drawing.
Choose an object you would like to draw. Looking closely at the object, draw its contour line (outer edges). Add detail. Draw additional lines and shapes that you see. Add value. Shade the darker areas seen in your object. 6 Advanced Student Assessment: 5 Accomplished Circle the score you deserve. 4 Apprentice Write a reason or reasons you deserve this grade. 3 Developing 2 Beginning 1 Failed to attempt WEEKLY Drawing Assignment Rubric-IMAGINATIVE IMAGE
All Assignments will be graded using this rubric.
1 2 3 4 5 6 Failed to Struggles with the Met some portions of Met most portions Met standard completely. Exceeds the attempt the main concepts of the standard. The of the standard. The drawing shows a great standard. The standard for the assignment. drawing has few Drawing shows attention to all details. The drawing shows this Drawing lacks details. It is complete some details, but drawing is complete with excellent attention assignment almost all detail. with minimal effort. needs further substantial effort evident. to detail and is Unclear what the Work may appear refinement to have The image includes many complete. The drawing is careless. The correct amount of creative ideas. image includes intended to be. drawing includes an detail. The drawing many unique and Drawing is idea, but lacks is complete with creative ideas. incomplete and originality and may good effort and Shows no evidence of have imitated includes some understanding/eff creativity or someone else’s unique ideas. ort beyond originality. design. expectation.
Draw anything that comes to your mind from your own imagination. Remember to use details to create more interest in your imaginative drawing. (note use only appropriate images). 6 Advanced Student Assessment: 5 Accomplished Circle the score you deserve. 4 Apprentice Write a reason or reasons you deserve this grade. 3 Developing 2 Beginning 1 Failed to attempt