State of Western Australia 2015
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Cadetship in Investigations
Diploma of Government – Investigations (PSP51712)
Information for agencies and candidates Enquiries: Centre for Public Sector Excellence, Public Sector Commission Dumas House, 2 Havelock Street, West Perth 6005 Locked Bag 3002, West Perth WA 6872 Telephone: (08) 6552 8813 Fax: (08) 6552 8710 Email: [email protected] Website:
© State of Western Australia 2015
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Published by the Public Sector Commission (Western Australia), July 2015.
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Cadetship in financial services Introduction The Diploma of Government is a nationally accredited qualification tailored to the unique development needs of the Western Australian public sector. The qualifications in this training package are designed to meet these needs which are orientated towards public administration and practice and differ to those of private enterprise, particularly in the procedural requirements of human resources, finance and investigations areas.
Pilot cadetship initiative The Public Sector Commission is offering an opportunity for eligible public sector employees to participate in a pilot cadetship in investigations. The pilot is being run in partnership with the Department of Training and Workforce Development (DTWD) and supported through the Australian Apprenticeships system. Places are limited. The Diploma in Government – Investigations (PSP51712) is the final of three pilot cadetship programs being offered. The first pilot cadetship, Diploma in Government Human Resources was launched in March 2014 and the second cadetship, the Diploma of Government Financial Services was launched in October 2014. These cadetships are the first of their kind for the WA public sector and are aimed at addressing an aging workforce by investing in current experience, addressing skills gaps, providing recognition of current skills and building the knowledge, capability and capacity across the sector. Cadetships are competency based, on-the job development programs delivered in collaboration with workplace managers and supervisors. The programs are available to current public sector employees and are targeted at existing PSGOGA level 5 - 9 (or equivalent) employees, who conduct and coordinate investigations within the public sector. The pilot cadetship in investigations is targeted at current government investigators. It is designed to enhance their career pathways and opportunities through on-the-job development within their own agency. Participants will be assessed with on-the-job evidence so that they receive formal recognition and attain the nationally accredited qualification, Diploma in Government – Investigations (PSP51712). Diploma of Government – Investigations (PSP51712) This specialist qualification covers the competencies required of persons responsible for the coordination and conducting of investigations. This specialist cadetship covers the competencies required by those responsible for government investigation under a range of legislation, regulations, mandated government and organisational policy, standards and instructions. The units of competency reflect the responsibilities of the individual and the job skills required for effective performance in the public sector context. To successfully complete this qualification a total of 11 units of competency must be successfully completed.
Units of competency
PSPETHC501B Promote the values and ethos of public service PSPGOV503B Coordinate resource allocation and usage PSPGOV512A Use complex workplace communication strategies PSPLEGN501B Promote compliance with legislation in the public sector PSPREG502A Coordinate investigation processes PSPREG425 Conduct investigations PSPREG506 Manage investigation information processes PSPREG508 Review and evaluate investigations PSPOHS501A Monitor and maintain workplace safety PSPREG604 Coordinate multi-agency investigations PSPREG407B Produce formal record of interview
The pilot cadetships system The pilot cadetships have been developed as sector-wide cadetships, aligned to the Commission’s Employment-based training strategy 2013-2015 and developed in collaboration with the Electrical Utilities and Public Administration Training Council (EUPA) under Australian Apprenticeships within the Vocational Education and Training Act 1996. A person who undertakes an Australian apprenticeship can be referred to as an apprentice, trainee or cadet. In the context of these specialised cadetship programs the person undertaking the training is referred to as the cadet. The DTWD partner with industry training councils and monitor registered training organisations to formalise on-the-job training through traineeships, cadetships and apprenticeships. These accredited qualifications enable the labour market to address skills shortages and emerging skills needs, and are monitored by DTWD’s Apprenticeship Office. This initiative is also monitored by the Commission.
Investigation targeted occupation professionals The public sector in WA is the largest employer in the State, with the developing of government investigation capabilities becoming a strong focus. The cadetship has been designed to improve the efficiency, effectiveness and consistency of government investigators across the WA public sector. The Investigations specialist role is identified as a State priority occupation for WA. Under the 1State priority occupations list (SPOL) these occupations are identified as contract, program and project administrators. This cadetship targets professionals who investigate, coordinate and conduct matters in accordance with rules of procedural fairness and natural justice to determine what response should apply to breaches and non-compliance. The aim is to impartially gather and compile all relevant evidence and manage the coordination to a required public standard.
1 The State Priority Occupation List (SPOL) is a list of occupations produced annually by the Department of Training and Workforce Development (DTWD) which are rated according to their identified priority status in Western Australia. State priority occupation list Eligibility Government investigation professionals or similar, working within public sector
The opportunity to participate in the pilot for Investigations is now available for PSGOGA level 5 to 9 (or equivalent*) positions. Targeted divisions, branches or job positions who conduct and coordinate investigations could include: Human Resources – Directors, Managers, Senior Officers Integrity – Directors, Managers, Principle, Senior Officers Investigators and Compliance – Directors, Managers, Principles, Senior Officers
Pre-requisite requirements Current position must range within PSGOGA Level 5 – 9 (or equivalent*) This cadetship is designed to target roles in Human Resource or Integrity occupations that either coordinate, supervise, manage or direct matters linked to government investigations Must have completed a Cert IV in Government Investigations and/or a Cert IV in Government Statutory Compliance or have a minimum of two years of experience as an investigator or compliance officer, conducting government investigations
Selection criteria Must be PSGOGA level 5 to 9 or equivalent level in appropriate occupation that oversee and conducts administrative investigations. Must be full-time or part-time (minimum of 20 hours per week). Permanent or fixed-term contract with a minimum period of 24 months remaining. Available to commence on 30 September 2015. Must have approval, support and guidance of an agency manager, supervisor and/or director to enter into the cadetship. Ability to fund the training fee (either the employing agency or participant).
*Indicates flexibility on the level of employment dependant on job role, experience and prior qualifications. It also relates to some Public Sector employees being paid under a separate award other than PSGOGA How to apply Interested parties who meet the criteria can complete the cadetship application form in this booklet. Important Note*: If you have read the eligibility section and you do not fit the criteria, the Commission would still like to hear from you as may be considered for the pilot initiative. *If you just fall outside of the employment level criteria’s set, for example, if you are a level 4 or are higher than a level 9 and have a role in overseeing administrative investigations please fill in the Expressions of interest (EOI) form also available in this booklet.
Notification All applications and EOIs, will be assessed and notified if they have been successful by 16 September 2015. Successful applicants will commence an induction on the 30 September 2015. Please note: There are limited places available
Duration The pilot cadetship for Government Investigations will commence on 30 September 2015 and runs for a maximum of 24 months. Given the competency based nature of the cadetship, should the cadet provide the necessary evidence of understanding, they may complete their qualification earlier than the prescribed 24 months. Cadets will be assessed throughout the duration of the cadetship against the required competencies. Any skills gaps identified will need to be addressed through on-the-job development within their workplace. To complement this method of delivery there will be limited off-the-job training workshops run by the registered training organisation. This flexible approach enables all cadets to work at their own pace. At the completion of this cadetship, participants will receive the nationally accredited qualification Diploma of Government – Investigations (PSP51712). Contractual arrangements The cadet and agency are required to sign a National Training Contract to commence and complete the cadetship, Diploma of Government – Investigations (PSP51712). The National Training Contract is registered and monitored by DTWDs Apprenticeship Office and the Commonwealth’s Department of Industry, Australian Apprenticeship Support Network. Assessment A qualified trainer and assessor from the registered training organisation will assess the cadet through observation, in class presentations, portfolio of evidence, feedback from the cadet’s manager or supervisor, and through on-the-job development within the agency.
Cost The Commission has engaged Public Sector Training Solutions Pty Ltd as the registered training organisation (RTO) to deliver the qualification at a cost of $2,900 per person (no GST payable). This fee may be paid by either the agency or the participant and must be paid directly to the registered training provider.
The Commission’s reporting requirements Submitting your ‘Cadetship application form’ or the ‘Expression of interest form’ will assist the Commission to gauge the response to the pilot program. This information will be used as evidence in an evaluation report, which is required to be submitted to DTWD. The report will include information about the success of the pilot program, the interest across the sector and assist the transition of the pilot into an ongoing cadetship program beyond the life of the pilot. Benefits Benefits for agencies include: flexible delivery with minimal off-the-job training and majority on-the-job development and assessment up skilling employees using public sector specific capabilities providing valuable resources and references for increasing the awareness and understanding of the mechanics of government investigations improving practices and governance within the business area increasing professional networking across agencies providing an understanding of how the agency contributes to the wider community. Benefits for employees include: a nationally recognised qualification within the specialist field of government investigation training in good practices specific to the public sector networking with participants, sharing knowledge across agencies increased access to tangible and real bodies of work that relate to learning outcomes on–the-job. providing a career path and identifying additional development requirements though on-the-job development increasing competitive advantage for higher level positions. Benefits for the sector include: reinforcing the requirement to build strong governance in government investigations within the public sector increased awareness of Australian apprenticeships working in the sector directly addressing aging workforce needs, by investing in experienced employees growing the talent for future public sector leaders tapping into talented current and future leaders who are enthusiastic and embrace innovation.
Who is involved?
Public Sector Commission As this is a pilot cadetship gazetted with reporting requirements, the Commission’s role is to drive, co-ordinate and report to the DTWD on this initiative. The Commission is also able to assist participants and agencies navigate through the cadetship. If you have any questions, please contact the program cadetship coordinator, Kerry Collins, on 6552 8813 or [email protected]
Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) Australian Apprenticeship Support Network is contracted by the Department of Industry to complete training contracts. The training contracts are required by the state and Commonwealth government in order to register the cadetship. Your agency may have a preferred AASN provider. If not, the Commission will arrange for an AASN to sign the participant into the National Training Contract on the day of induction.
Registered Training Organisation Public Sector Training Solutions (PSTS) Pty Ltd is the only registered training organisation with the scope to deliver this qualification in WA. The Commission has engaged and collaborated with PSTS to ensure that the training has been contextualized for this specialist qualification. The role of the registered training organisation in this cadetship is to deliver some off- the-job training and assess cadet’s on-the-job evidence in partnership with the cadet’s manager, supervisor or director. PSTS have extensive experience working with the WA public sector, delivering government investigations training through nationally accredited Vocational Education and Training (VET) programs.
DTWD’s Apprenticeship Office DTWD’s Apprenticeship Office (formerly ApprentiCentre) administers training contracts and regulates the apprenticeship system in Western Australia as prescribed in Part 7 of the Vocational Education and Training Act 1996 (the VET Act) and associated Regulations. DTWD’s Apprenticeship Office contact number is 13 19 54. Cadetship in Investigations Application form 2015
Please ensure every question is completed This application form must be submitted to [email protected] by COB 8 September 2015 If you work in a PSGOGA Level 5 to 9 or equivalent and conduct and coordinate administrative investigations in your job role the Commission encourages you to apply. Applications will be reviewed and applicants will be notified if they have been successful by 16 September 2015 Successful applicants will be invited to attend an induction and presentation on 30 September 2015. You will meet all other participants on the day. The Commission will arrange for you to sign your training contract and commence the first pilot cadetship program in Government Investigations for Western Australia.
Applicants name Applicants job title – please attach JDF to application Applicants PSGOGA Salary Level or equivalent, (e.g. level 5 to 9)? Name of agency/department you are employed Name of branch/division Please list completed prior qualifications if applicable – if not enough room please attach on separate page. Duration of experience in investigations and or compliance in months/years Phone Mobile Email Location - Yes Regional (where) Yes Metropolitan Name of applicants workplace manager, supervisor or director and their job title Managers phone Managers email Is applicant permanent or in a Permanent Fixed term 24 month contract minimum minimum of a 24 month fixed term If you are part-time, do you complete a Yes No minimum of 20 hours of work each week? Do you have approval and support to Yes No participant in this pilot from your agency manager, supervisor or director? Please confirm that training fees have been discussed with you, your agency manager or Yes No director and that both parties have agreed on an arrangement for the fees to be paid? If successful, please acknowledge that you and your agency will enter into a National Training Contract under the Australian Apprenticeships system. This contract acknowledges that both the employer and employee are entering into an Australian apprenticeship which enables the training to be completed and supported on the job with the agency and registered training organisation (RTO), as well as minimal off the job training with RTO . Yes No
If you, your manager or director require any further information regarding information on the cadetship, please contact Kerry Collins at the Commission on 6552 8813 or [email protected]
Please note: Cadetship will not affect your salary conditions.
Applicant name Signature
Manager or director name Signature
Date Please attach a copy of your Job Description Form (JDF), when sending in your application Cadetship in Investigations expression of interest
If you do not fit the criteria set in the guide and are interested in participating in this program now or possibly in the future, then the Commission would also like to hear from you.
Ensure that this expression of interest form is submitted to [email protected] by 8 September 2015
Name Job title Name of Department Division/branch or agency you are employed Phone Mobile Location - Metropolitan Yes Regional (where) Yes Email Workplace manager or director name and job title. Manager phone Managers email What employment level are you employed in Are you Level: Yes No within a public sector? permanent?
If you are in a fixed-term, do you If fixed-term contract, is have a Yes No it over a 24 month Yes No substantive period? position if so where and what level? Please list If you are part-time do completed prior you complete a qualifications. Yes No minimum of 20 hours Please attach to of work each week? EOI, if you require more room. Are you interested in participating in this initiative now or potentially into future? Yes No
Applicants Name
Signature Date
Do you have approval and support to participant in this pilot Yes No from your agency manager, supervisor or director? Please confirm that training fees have been discussed with Yes No you and your agency manager or director and that both parties have agreed on an arrangement for the fees to be paid?
Managers name
Signature Date
Please attach a copy of your current job description form (JDF) when submitting expression of interest.
If you, your manager or director requires further information regarding any aspect of the cadetship, please contact Kerry Collins at the Commission on 6552 8813 or [email protected]