Lytchett Minster & Upton Town Council
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A MEETING of the ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE was held in the Council Chamber, 1 Moorland Parade, Moorland Way on TUESDAY the 22 SEPTEMBER 2015 and commenced at 7:30pm.
PRESENT: Councillor R Griffin (in the Chair) Councillor M Chase Councillor Mrs M Pryor Councillor P F Johns Councillor R Burns Councillor P Rusling Councillor M Dodds Councillor Mrs J M Richards (Mayor of Council) Councillor J C Small (Deputy Mayor of Council) Youth Advisor LM School Ben Howard
Also in attendance: Mrs Karen Wright, Town Clerk Mrs B Lake (Office Manager)
516/15 APOLOGIES: Councillor F Rickard (holiday) Mr B Cooper (Tree Warden)
518/15 CLERK’S REPORT: a) Minute 108/12 and Minute 219/12 Proposed Cycle way along Poole Road Options for improved entrance signs to the town. No further information. Issues with parking outside the garage are ongoing.
b) Minute 104/14 Heritage Signposting for Lytchett Bay View. This will be deferred until the Autumn. Information from Dorset Wildlife Trust and PDC is awaited.
c) Minute 252/14 Jurassic Coast Champion. No further information.
d) Minute 255/14 Pedestrian Refuge in Dorchester Road. The request has been sent to DCC.
e) Minute 481/14 Yellow lines Dorchester Road, near Oakley Gardens. No information regarding the timescale has been received from DCC to-date.
f) Minute 484/14 Request to Borough of Poole for improved signage from Port to divert away from Blandford Road South. A response was received and will be forwarded to the resident concerned
g) Minute 485/14 To investigate obtaining Local Nature Reserve/SSSI Status for Lytchett Bay View. A management plan has been commenced as the first step in this process (see Agenda item).
h) Minute 486/14 Bylaws relating to PDC Grass Verges. See item j Minute 28/15
i) Minute 487/14 Creation of Wildflower Meadow. See Town Council minute 512/15. It was suggested the grass areas either side of the entrance to Factory Road could become wildflower meadows and sponsorship sought from the businesses there.
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518/15 CLERK’S REPORT:(Cont) j) Minute 28/15 Parking on Highway Verges. An updated leaflet has been produced for distribution along with a letter. Cllr Chase will deliver to offenders in Dorchester Road, Cllr Burns to Moorland Way, Cllr Griffin to Poole Road and Cllr Mrs Richards to Redwood Road. Any complaints received will be recorded. The new DCC Highways Officer will undertake a walkabout in Upton around Mid-October to advise the best way forward.
k) Minute 127/15 Interpretation Board for Lytchett Bay View. This has been completed and installed.
l) Minute 124/15 Single worker placement for grounds maintenance team to be supplied by community payback. No information has been received back from the Probation Service.
519/15 CORRESPONDENCE: a) Letters were received from two residents expressing concern about traffic issues in Sandy Lane. It was reported that DCC have previously ruled out the option of traffic calming and after discussion it was agreed to send a request to DCC for the provision of double yellow lines on the south side of Sandy Lane between Moorland Way and Blandford Road South. Funding is being sought to obtain a supply of 30 mph stickers that can be displayed on wheelie bins in roads which will be prioritised by the amount of traffic using them. Additional stickers may be available to purchase for other roads. The PACT speedwatch team have monitored Sandy Lane and reported a number of speeding drivers to the Police who in turn operated radar guns. It was also suggested that a request be sent to DCC for a 20 mph speed limit along Sandy Lane and a representative from DCC will be invited to meet with the Town Council to discuss possible solutions if the above mentioned suggestions are not feasible. One of the letters from the residents was sent anonymously, however the other resident will be advised of these actions.
b) An email was received from a resident expressing concern about difficulty in accessing the footpath along Dorchester Road with a rollator due to vehicles from a building on Marsh Lane parking there. A letter will be sent to the developers requesting that they ask their contractors not to park there and that any damage to the grass verge is reinstated when the site is completed. The resident will be advised of this and that vehicles parking inconsiderately are being leafleted. It was agreed that a letter should be sent to Bridget Downton, PDC suggesting a code of conduct for developers on submission of planning applications.
521/15 TO CONSIDER THE DRAFT MANAGEMENT REPORT FOR LYTCHETT BAY VIEW: This was perused by members and some amendments will be made. A mission statement will be compiled.
522/15 TO CONSIDER DESIGN FOR VIEWING PLATFORM AT LYTCHETT BAY VIEW: Two designs were considered and it was proposed, seconded and RECOMMENDED on a vote of 8 for and 1 against that the mound was the preferred option. It was noted that the Youth Advisor’s preferred option was also the mound. Three quotations will now be sought for this design.
523/15 TO DISCUSS WATERY LANE FLOODING ISSUES: Concern was expressed about the condition of the right of way around Slough Lane/Watery Lane which floods in winter. DCC will be asked whether improvements can be made.
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524/15 TO CONSIDER A TREE MANAGEMENT SURVEY: This item will be left in abeyance until the next Environment meeting in October. In the interim a register of Town Council owned trees will be compiled, showing which are subject to Tree Preservations Orders.
525/15 TO CONSIDER A NEW BENCH AT THE TOP OF MOORLAND WAY: A verbal request was received from a resident for the provision of a new bench at the top of Moorland Way. A response will be sent to the resident advising that possible sites for a seat are being considered.
526/15 TO CONSIDER AND RESPOND TO THE BEACON HILL PETITION: A letter and petition sent to DCC from residents expressing concern about the junction of Beacon Hill Lane and Old Wareham Road was forwarded to the Town Council for consideration. Members felt that the signage in place is adequate but agreed to write to Corfe Mullen Parish Council to ask if they could arrange for the hedges to be cut back as requested in the letter. The resident will be informed.
527/15 REPORTS ON AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY FROM CHAMPIONS: Roads and Pavements Cllr P Rusling The pavement on Moorland Way, near the junction with Guest Road, is once again sinking.
Waste and Recycling Report - District Cllr W T Pipe Cllr Johns reported that as from August 2016 there are proposals to charge for non- household items at household recycling centres. A new recycling centre has opened in the Bridport area and the whole of Dorset is now covered by the same scheme.
Street Furniture - Cllr Mrs M Pryor None.
Open Spaces Lytchett Bay View None.
Jubilee Garden Cllr J Small Complaints have been received from a resident about the union flag being a banner style rather than a traditional style, however the Town Council will retain the existing flag.
St. Martins Park Cllr J C Small None.
Meadows Garden Cllr Mrs J M Richards The area requires attention and this will be referred to the groundstaff.
Open Access Issues Cllr Mrs J M Richards It was reported that the shopkeepers feel the owner should provide a dropped kerb access to the Triangle and a letter will be sent to the Agent. The Agent’s attention will also be drawn to the fact that some of the paving needs repairing.
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527/15 REPORTS ON AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY FROM CHAMPIONS: Overgrowing vegetation Cllr F Rickard There is a large tree overhanging Blandford Road between the Clocktower site and the Triangle and a letter has been sent to the property concerned.
Flood Warden Cllr P F Johns None.
528/15 HIGHWAY MATTERS: Dorset Wildlife Trust are meeting with the Director of Environment, DCC to discuss Footpath 12 at 11 am on Thursday 22 October. Cllrs Rusling and Small expressed an interest in attending. Cllr Griffin will attend if Cllr Rusling is unable to.
529/15 TO RECEIVE AND REVIEW THE LATEST FINANCIAL UPDATE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE: The committee financial update was received, reviewed and agreed.
530/15 RIGHTS OF WAY OFFICER’S REPORT: The footpath that runs from Post Green to Foxhills Road, Lytchett Matravers is being cleared following storm damage in 2013. DCC and Dorset Wildlife Trust are progressing with proposals to make the Trailway North a right of way.
531/15 TREE WARDEN’S REPORT: See attached list.
532/15 ITEMS OF REPORT AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE AGENDAS: a) Concern was expressed that there is no sign showing the boundary between Upton and Poole on Blandford Road South. This will be left in abeyance until all the cycleway work has finished. b) Funding of £1900 for the provision of a defibrillator has been acquired. c) The Mayor and the Clerk attended a Clerk’s Conference at Kingston Maurward and reported that a photo taken at the Lytchett Bay View opening has been chosen for the front cover of the Annual Report. d) The Remembrance Day Parade will take place on Sunday 8 November 2015 and posters requesting volunteer marshalls will be displayed around the town. e) The Mayor and Cllr Mrs Pryor attended a Civic Day in West Dorset that included a tour of TS Pelican. Correspondence has since been received from Adventure Under Sail asking whether any schools in the area with students aged 15+ might like to benefit from a sail training voyage on TS Pelican and Cllr Mrs Richards will contact Lytchett Minster School. f) Lytchett Minster School are in the process of appointing youth adviors to the Town Council. Youth Advisor Ben Howard will continue to serve.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.20 pm
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