Political Campaign Ads Analysis Name: ______Date: ______Block: ______Directions After watching the following political ads answering the following questions. Please write on your own sheet of paper. The vocabulary listed below is provided to assist you in analyzing the ads of your choice. 1. Camera Shots A camera shot is a continuous view taken by a camera, from the time it starts recording to the time it stops. To convey positive feelings, a political ad might use shots that show the candidate shaking hands with supporters, or shots that show the American flag.

Emotional Appeal A persuasive technique used in advertising. A political ad that uses this technique is intended to make viewers feel certain emotions, such as happiness, nostalgia, or excitement. If viewers feel good about the ad, they may transfer that feeling to the candidate.

Framing The positioning of objects and people within a television frame to convey certain meanings or to achieve effects. For example, a candidate might be framed close up and from a low angle to make him or her seem more important.

Lighting Different styles of lighting may be used in political ads to achieve particular effects. For example, strobing lights and the use of black and white can help make a candidate's opponent seem threatening or unpleasant.

Music Music is used to help create a mood for a political ad. For example, a positive ad might feature patriotic music, while a negative ad might use music that creates an ominous or unpleasant mood.

Persuasive Techniques The techniques used in advertisements to convince consumers or voters to buy a product or elect a candidate.

Product Comparison A persuasive technique used in advertising. The political ad features a comparison between the featured candidate and his or her opponent. It depicts the opponent as inferior. The intended effect is to make viewers question the values or motives of the opponent. Security A persuasive technique used in advertising. The ad draws on voters' fears by telling them that their jobs, families, or their lives will be in jeopardy—unless they vote for the featured candidate.

Slogan A memorable phrase used in a political campaign, or a series of political ads. Viewers remember the slogan and associate its message with the candidate.

Sound Effects The sound effects employed in political ads can also help to create a mood. For example, sound effects, such as a loud "boom" or a repeated pounding, might be featured in a negative ad to help create a threatening mood.

Target Audience The group of people advertisers and politicians aim their pitch at. The members of a target audience often share certain characteristics, such as age, gender, ethnicity, values, or lifestyle.

Questions: 1. Which candidate is this political ad promoting? Can you tell from the ad who the candidate's opponent is? 2. Can you determine the stance(s) of the candidate who has paid for the ad? -If so, what are they? 3. Is this a positive or negative political ad? How can you tell? 4. What visuals are shown in the ad? How do these visuals affect the viewer(s)? 5. Describe the narration, music, and sound effects. 6. What persuasive techniques are used? Examples of persuasive techniques include emotional appeal, product comparison, slogan, and security. Who is the target audience? 7. In your opinion, is this political ad effective? Why or why not?