Family Engagement In Case Planning And Case Management

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Family Engagement In Case Planning And Case Management

Child Maltreatment Identification Part 1: Neglect, Emotional Abuse and Physical Abuse


NOTE: This curriculum does not include training on the subject of sexual abuse. It is referred to as appropriate to the discussion of Physical Abuse and Neglect. It is strongly recommended that a class on Sexual Abuse be offered as part of the Core Training of social workers in Child Welfare. Not including sexual abuse in this curriculum outline does not mean to minimize or detract from the importance of or impact of sexual abuse. It is meant to indicate that sexual abuse is to be given its own curriculum and emphasis.

Segment Learning Methodology Objective Day 1, Segment 1 Activity 1A: 15 min Introduction of course 9:00 – 9:15 am goals and objectives, review agenda Welcome, Overview, Introductions PowerPoint Slides: 1-2

Child Maltreatment Activity 1B: Statistics Exercise: Review Child Maltreatment Statistics

PowerPoint Slides: 3-4

Day 1, Segment 2 K4. The trainee will be able to Activity 2A 30 min understand the legal basis of Exercise: What is child 9:15 – 9:45 am identifying abuse and neglect abuse and neglect? in California, and understands What is Child Abuse and the associated sections of the  Overview of W&I What is Child Neglect? Welfare & Institutions Code Code, Section 300 (A- Section 300 (A-J). J) Prevalence V2. The trainee will make  Overview of Penal decisions consistent with the Code, Sections 11164 legal definition as described and 11165 in the Penal Code and the W&I Code Section 300 (A-J).  Health & Safety Code

Common Core | Child Maltreatment Identification, Part 1 Trainer's Guide | Version 1.25, January 2009 1 Segment Learning Methodology Objective Section 1255.7

 Review Guide (Cheat Sheet) to CA W&I Code and Penal Code

PowerPoint Slide: 5 - 6

Day 1, Segment 3 K5. The trainee will be able Activity 3A: 35 min to identify strength-based  Lecture and discussion 9:45 – 10:20 am information gathering strategies (that include  Exercise: Refer to W&I Child Maltreatment in a exploration of family code Section 300 and Cultural Context strengths, resources, and risk list areas that have and safety factors) necessary potential for cultural Child Rearing Standards for working with children, issues. in a Cultural Context families, and others in the context of making a child  Refer back to Code of Environmental Factors maltreatment determination. Ethics re: culture and Influencing Child bias Maltreatment K6. The trainee will be able to identify physical, emotional, PowerPoint Slides: 7 - 8 Collaboration: Who’s on and behavioral characteristics Your Team? of children who have been maltreated while attending to the cultural and ethnic context of the children.

V3. The trainee will value the benefit of acquiring and utilizing up-to-date information about cultural differences to identify child maltreatment.

10:20 – 10:30 am 10 min BREAK

Common Core | Child Maltreatment Identification, Part 1 Trainer's Guide | Version 1.25, January 2009 2 Segment Learning Methodology Objective Day 1, Segment 4 K2. The trainee will be able to Activity 4A: 40 min identify indicators of neglect.  Discussion re: Intro to 10:30 am – 11:10 am Neglect K4. The trainee will Introduction to Neglect understand the legal basis of PowerPoint Slides: 9 - 24 identifying abuse and neglect Poverty & Neglect in California, and understand Activity 4B: the associated section of the  Discussion re: poverty Indicators of Child W&I Code 300 (A-J). and neglect Neglect V2. The trainee will make PowerPoint Slides: 25 - 26 decisions consistent with the legal definition as described Activity 4C: in the Penal Code and W&I  Lecture and facilitated Code Section 300 (A-J). discussion re: Indicators of Child Neglect

 Additional factors added by trainer

 Possible manifestations of neglect

PowerPoint Slides: 27 – 31

Day 1, Segment 5 V1. The trainee will be aware Activity 5A: 15 min of their personal values  Share info from Rose 11:10 am – 11:25 am related to abuse and neglect & Meezan study as they relate to the legal Challenges & Dilemmas definition as described in the  Facilitate discussion of Neglect Penal Code and the W&I Code 300 (A-J). PowerPoint Slides: 32 - 34

Common Core | Child Maltreatment Identification, Part 1 Trainer's Guide | Version 1.25, January 2009 3 Segment Learning Methodology Objective Day 1, Segment 6 K3. The trainee will be able to Activity 6A: 25 min identify indicators of  Brief lecture, 11:25 am – 11:50 am emotional abuse. discussion, case examples Challenges in Identifying K6. The trainee will be able to Emotional Abuse identify the physical,  Review of indicators emotional and behavioral of emotional abuse characteristics of children who have been maltreated  Review applicable while attending to the W&I Code cultural and ethnic context of the children.  Review applicable Penal Code briefly V1. The trainee will be aware of their personal values PowerPoint Slides: 35 - 39 related to abuse and neglect as they relate to the legal definition as described in the Penal Code and the W&I Code 300 (A-J)

V2. The trainee will make decisions consistent with the legal definition as described in the Penal Code and the Welfare and Institutions Code Section 300 (A-J).

11:50 – 12:50 pm 60 min LUNCH Day 1, Segment 7 V1. The trainee will be aware Activity 7A: 40 min of their personal values  Brief lecture 12:50 – 1:30 pm related to abuse and neglect as they relate to  Discussion re: Introduction to Physical the legal definition as culturally specific Abuse described in the Penal examples of practices Code and the W&I Code that could be Physical Abuse in a Section 300 (A-J) misinterpreted as cultural context abusive V2. The trainee will make

Common Core | Child Maltreatment Identification, Part 1 Trainer's Guide | Version 1.25, January 2009 4 Segment Learning Methodology Objective Culture and Bias: decisions consistent with the Activity 7B:  Discipline legal definition as described  Values Exercise  LGBTQ in the Penal Code and the  Age W&I Code Section 300 (A-J). PowerPoint Slides: 40 - 42  Religion  Gender V3. The trainee will value the  Sexual abuse benefit of acquiring and  Severe injuries utilizing up-to-date  Language information about cultural  Poverty differences to identify child maltreatment.

Day 1, Segment 8 K1. The trainee will be able to Activity 8A: 30 min identify indicators of physical  Age/Injury Exercise 1:30 – 2:00 pm abuse  Review applicable Information Gathering K5. The trainee will be able content and Physical Abuse to identify strength-based information gathering PowerPoint Slides: 43 – 48 strategies (that include exploration of family strengths, resources, and risk and safety factors) necessary for working with children, families, and others in the context of making a child maltreatment determination.

K6. The trainee will be able to identify the physical, emotional and behavioral characteristics of children who have been maltreated while attending to the cultural and ethnic context of the children.

V4. The trainee will value the importance of working with families and communities utilizing a strength-based

Common Core | Child Maltreatment Identification, Part 1 Trainer's Guide | Version 1.25, January 2009 5 Segment Learning Methodology Objective model of practice.

Day 1, Segment 9 K1. The trainee will be able to Activity 9A: 30 min identify indicators of physical  Lecture on self 2:00 – 2:30 pm abuse. awareness and care to prepare for slides Introduction to K6. The trainee will be able to Types of Injuries identify the physical,  Part 1 of Slide show: (Part 1): emotional and behavioral Lecture in conjunction characteristics of children with slide show, use Bruises, Bites and who have been maltreated of trainer’s case Cultural Practices that while attending to the examples during may be construed as cultural and ethnic context of discussion of slides abuse the children. PowerPoint Slides: 49 - 63

2:30 – 2:40 pm 10 min BREAK Day 1, Segment 10 Activity 10A: 30 min  Empathy Exercise 2:40 – 3:10 pm PowerPoint Slide: 64 Empathy exercise

Day 1, Segment 11 K1. The trainee will be able to Cover as much of Parts 2- 35 min identify indicators of physical 5 as time permits, 3:10 – 3:45 pm abuse. concluding on day 2

Introduction to K6. The trainee will be able to Activity 11A: Types of Injuries identify the physical, . Discuss slides (Parts 2 &3): emotional and behavioral characteristics of children . Use examples from Fractures & Burns who have been maltreated trainer’s experience while attending to the Injuries to Face, Ears, cultural and ethnic context of Power Point Slides: 65-75 Mouth and Neck the children. (Fractures) Power Point Slides: 76-103 (Burns)

Activity 11B:

Common Core | Child Maltreatment Identification, Part 1 Trainer's Guide | Version 1.25, January 2009 6 Segment Learning Methodology Objective . Discuss slides

. Use examples from trainer’s experience

Power Point Slides: 104- 109 (Face, ears, mouth, and neck)

Day 1, Segment 12 K1. The trainee will be able to Activity 12A: 15 min identify indicators of physical . Answer questions 3:45 – 4:00 pm abuse. . Discuss self care Preparation for tomorrow Closure K6. The trainee will be able to identify the physical, emotional and behavioral characteristics of children who have been maltreated while attending to the cultural and ethnic context of the children.

Child Maltreatment Identification

Common Core | Child Maltreatment Identification, Part 1 Trainer's Guide | Version 1.25, January 2009 7 Part 1: Neglect, Emotional Abuse and Physical Abuse


Segment Learning Methodology Objective Day 2, Segment 13 Activity 13A: 15 min . Review learning from 9:00 – 9:15 am Day 1 . Process questions Welcome Back . Review Day 2 agenda . Remind re: self care

Power Point Slides: 110 Day 2, Segment 14 K1. The trainee will be able to Activity 14A: 45 min identify indicators of physical . Finish up from day 9:15 – 10:00 am abuse. one

Continue K7. The trainee will be able to . Discuss slides Introduction to Types of identify three cultural Injuries (Parts 4 & 5): practices that may be . Use examples from mistaken for child trainer’s experience Abusive Head Trauma maltreatment. Power Point Slides: 111-118 Chest Injuries & Abusive (Abusive head trauma) Abdominal Trauma Activity 14B: . Finish up from day one

. Discuss slides

. Use examples from trainer’s experience

PowerPoint Slides: 119-125 (Chest injuries and abdominal trauma)

10:00 – 10:15 am 15 min

Common Core | Child Maltreatment Identification, Part 1 Trainer's Guide | Version 1.25, January 2009 8 Segment Learning Methodology Objective BREAK Day 2, Segment 15 S1. Given a case scenario, the Activity 15A: 90 min trainee can identify child  Trainees complete 10:15 am – 11:45 am maltreatment. test on physical abuse

Skill Practice/ Embedded S2. Given a case scenario, the  Trainer processes Evaluation trainee will be able to trainee answers and distinguish child discusses with maltreatment from benign trainees cultural factors. PowerPoint Slide: 126

Day 2, Segment 16 Activity 16A: 15 min  Wrap Up 11:45 am – 12:00 pm PowerPoint Slides: 127-128 Closure, Wrap-Up

Common Core | Child Maltreatment Identification, Part 1 Trainer's Guide | Version 1.25, January 2009 9

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