WJ IV Cognitive Fine Points of Administration
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WJ IV Cognitive Fine Points of Administration
Global Test CLUSTER/Test Measure
GEN AUDITORY 1 Oral Vocabulary INTELLEC COMP-KNOWLEDGE (Gc) PROCESS QUANTITATIVE REASONING TUAL ABIL (Ga) Oral Phonologica 2 Number Series 1 Oral Vocabulary 5 2 Number Series 1 Vocabulary l Processing Number Nonword 3 Verbal Attention 8 General Information 12 15 Analysis-Synthesis 2 Series Repetition Verbal 4 Letter-Pattern Matching 3 Attention Letter- L-TERM 5 Phonological Processing 4 Pattern FLUID REASONING (Gf) - (3) RETRIEVAL NUMBER FACILITY Matching (Glr) Phonologic 6 Story Recall 5 al 2 Number Series 6 Story Recall 10 Numbers Reversed Processing Visual- Story 7 Visualization 9 Concept Formation 13 Auditory 11 Number-Pattern Matching 6 Recall Learning Visualizati 8 General Information 15 Analysis-Synthesis (3) 7 on 9 Concept Formation Gf-Gc VISUAL 10 Numbers Reversed COMPOSIT S-TERM WORK MEM (Gwm) - (3) PROCESSIN PERCEPTUAL SPEED E G (Gv) Oral 11 Number-Pattern Matching* 3 Verbal Attention 7 Visualization 4 Letter-Pattern Matching 1 Vocabulary Number Picture 12 Nonword Repetition 10 Numbers Reversed 14 11 Number-Pattern Matching 2 Series Recognition General 13 Visual-Auditory Learning 8 Informatio 16 Object-Number Sequencing (3) n Concept 14 Picture Recognition COG EFFICIENCY - (Ext) 9 Formation 15 Analysis-Synthesis COG PROCESS SPEED (Gs) 3 Verbal Attention 16 Object-Number Sequencing 4 Letter-Pattern Matching 4 Letter-Pattern Matching 17 Pair Cancellation 17 Pair Cancellation 10 Numbers Reversed 18 Memory for Words* 11 Number-Pattern Matching (EXT)
* Number Pattern Matching and Memory for Words do not contribute to any of the Core Gf-Gc clusters.
Dumont Willis 2014 WJ IV Cognitive Fine Points of Administration
NOTE: Most Gf-Gc clusters are formed by combining one test from tests 1 through 7 with one test from 8 through 14. For example, Gc is the combination of tests 1 and 8. The exception to these pairing is the Cognitive Processing Speed (Gs) composite that is made by combining tests 4 and 17.
Dumont Willis 2014 WJ IV Cognitive Fine Points of Administration
Global Test CLUSTER/Test Measure
GEN AUDITORY 1 Oral Vocabulary INTELLEC COMP-KNOWLEDGE (Gc) PROCESS QUANTITATIVE REASONING TUAL ABIL (Ga) Oral Phonologica 2 Number Series 1 Oral Vocabulary 5 2 Number Series 1 Vocabulary l Processing Number Nonword 3 Verbal Attention 8 General Information 12 15 Analysis-Synthesis 2 Series Repetition Verbal 4 Letter-Pattern Matching 3 Attention Letter- L-TERM 5 Phonological Processing 4 Pattern FLUID REASONING (Gf) - (3) RETRIEVAL NUMBER FACILITY Matching (Glr) Phonologic 6 Story Recall 5 al 2 Number Series 6 Story Recall 10 Numbers Reversed Processing Visual- Story 7 Visualization 9 Concept Formation 13 Auditory 11 Number-Pattern Matching 6 Recall Learning Visualizati 8 General Information 15 Analysis-Synthesis (3) 7 on 9 Concept Formation Gf-Gc VISUAL 10 Numbers Reversed COMPOSIT S-TERM WORK MEM (Gwm) - (3) PROCESSIN PERCEPTUAL SPEED E G (Gv) Oral 11 Number-Pattern Matching* 3 Verbal Attention 7 Visualization 4 Letter-Pattern Matching 1 Vocabulary Number Picture 12 Nonword Repetition 10 Numbers Reversed 14 11 Number-Pattern Matching 2 Series Recognition General 13 Visual-Auditory Learning 8 Informatio 16 Object-Number Sequencing (3) n Concept 14 Picture Recognition COG EFFICIENCY - (Ext) 9 Formation 15 Analysis-Synthesis COG PROCESS SPEED (Gs) 3 Verbal Attention 16 Object-Number Sequencing 4 Letter-Pattern Matching 4 Letter-Pattern Matching 17 Pair Cancellation 17 Pair Cancellation 10 Numbers Reversed 18 Memory for Words* 11 Number-Pattern Matching (EXT)
* Number Pattern Matching and Memory for Words do not contribute to any of the Core Gf-Gc clusters.
Dumont Willis 2014 WJ IV Cognitive Fine Points of Administration
NOTE: Most Gf-Gc clusters are formed by combining one test from tests 1 through 7 with one test from 8 through 14. For example, Gc is the combination of tests 1 and 8. The exception to these pairing is the Cognitive Processing Speed (Gs) composite that is made by combining tests 4 and 17.
Dumont Willis 2014 WJ IV Cognitive Fine Points of Administration Oral Vocabulary: Test by complete group (note marking on record form) Write down what the person says if different from the record form or if incorrect. Do not penalize for mispronunciation. Synonyms: There are 3 possible starting items depending on grade. Accept only one-word responses as correct. Antonyms: There are 4 possible starting items depending on grade. Accept only one-word responses as correct. There are 4 possible starting items depending on grade.
Number Series: Provide corrective feedback ONLY for Samples A and B Test by complete group (note marking on record form) Use paper or hand to show items one at a time if needed Provide paper and pencil at item ii or if needed 1 minute time limit UNLESS subject is actively working toward solution There are 2 possible starting items depending on grade.
Verbal Attention: Uses audio recording Typically ONLY Samples A is provided orally – all other samples and items use audio recording If necessary, you may present the items orally – see easel for directions Do not repeat any item You may pause or stop the audio recording if needed Do not penalize for mispronunciation. There are 2 possible starting items depending on grade. Accept only one-word responses as correct.
Letter-Pattern Matching: Provide error correction only for Samples A and B and the Practice exercise 3-minute time limit Use a stopwatch Everyone starts with Samples A and B and the Practice exercise
Phonological Processing: Test 5A: Word Access Uses audio recording Responses must be in English Accept only one-word responses as correct. You may repeat any item if needed Samples and items 1 through 3 are presented orally. All others use the audio recording. You may pause or stop the audio recording if needed Do not penalize for mispronunciation. There are 3 possible starting items depending on grade.
Test 5B: Word Fluency Responses must be in English You may repeat any item if needed Each item has a 1-minute time limit Administer both items to all subjects Do not count repeated words or words used as examples. All start with item 1 Test 5C: Substitution Uses audio recording Responses must be in English You may repeat any item if needed Samples and items 1 and 2 are presented orally. All others use the audio recording. If necessary, you may present the items orally – see easel for directions You may pause or stop the audio recording if needed Do not penalize for mispronunciation. Start point is determined by raw score earned on 5A.
Dumont Willis 2014 page 5 WJ IV Cognitive Fine Points of Administration Story Recall: Uses audio recording Pause or stop the audio recording after each story If necessary, you may present the items orally – see easel for directions Scoring is based on key words in elements There are 4 possible starting items depending on grade.
Visualization: 7A: Spatial Relations Use paper or hand to show items one at a time if needed Test by complete group (note marking on record form) All start with Introduction
7B: Block Rotation: Use paper or hand to show items one at a time if needed Test by complete group (note marking on record form) Use a stopwatch Provide corrective as directed There are 2 possible starting items depending on grade.
General Information: Know exact pronunciation of words Responses must be in English Do not penalize for mispronunciation If a subject responds to a What question with a Where response, give reminder (this is allowed only once) For both the Where and What questions, there are 3 possible starting items depending on grade.
Concept Formation: You may cover up lines of items if it appears that the multiple lines confuse the person. Acknowledge correct responses for all items through item 35. On all but the last 5 items, if the subject makes an error, they are told the correct answer. Cutoff scores are based on the running total of errors. Items 1 through 26 have no time limits. Items 27 through 40 have a 1-minute time limit. Answers that are synonyms are allowed There are 2 possible starting items depending on grade.
Numbers Reversed: Uses audio recording Samples A, B, and C and Items 1 through 10 are given orally If necessary, you may present the other items orally – see easel for directions Do not repeat any item You may pause audiotape if necessary If presented orally, items are presented at a rate of one digit per second There are 3 possible starting items depending on grade.
Number-Pattern Matching: Provide error correction only for Samples A and B and the Practice exercise 3-minute time limit Use a stopwatch Everyone starts with Samples A and B and the Practice exercise
Nonword Repetition: Uses audio recording Samples A and B and Items 1 through 7 are given orally If necessary, you may present the other items orally – see easel for directions Do not repeat any item You may pause audiotape if necessary Words must be pronounced smoothly to receive credit There are 2 possible starting items depending on grade.
Dumont Willis 2014 page 6 WJ IV Cognitive Fine Points of Administration Visual-Auditory Learning: This is a controlled learning task. On all errors or no response, point to the symbol and say the correct word. There is a 5 second response time for each symbol. You may cover up lines of symbols if it appears that the multiple lines confuse the person. Do not accept synonyms as correct responses Cutoff scores are based on the running total of errors. All start with Introduction 1
Picture Recognition: Exactly 5 second exposure One point if the subject correctly identifies the correct picture(s) For items with multiple pictures, the subject must name all the pictures Order of response is not important Both pointing to the picture(s) or naming the letter(s) associated with the picture(s) are acceptable There are 2 possible starting items depending on grade.
Analysis-Synthesis: Acknowledge correct responses on Items A through 28 Correct errors on Items A through 28 On all but the last 7 items, if the subject makes an error, they are told the correct answer. Cutoff scores are based on the running total of errors. Items 1 through 28 have no time limits. Items 29 through 35 have a 1-minute time limit. All subjects start with the color pretest
Object-Number Sequencing: Uses audio recording Sample A is given orally, all others should use the audio recording If necessary, you may present the other items orally – see easel for directions Do not repeat any item You may pause audiotape if necessary If presented orally, items are presented at a rate of one digit per second Responses that rhymes with or sounds like to the test word is scored as correct To score as correct, the words must be repeated in correct order followed by the numbers in correct order Do not penalize for mispronounciation All subjects start with Sample A after which there are 2 possible starting items depending on grade
Pair Cancellation: Three minute time limit Record exact time Do not cover lines Use pencil with eraser To be correct, the pair must be a ball followed by a dog in the same row. All subjects start with Sample A and the practice exercise
Memory for Words: Uses audio recording You may pause audiotape if necessary Sample A is given orally, all others should use the audio recording If necessary, you may present the other items orally – see easel for directions Do not repeat any item You may pause audiotape if necessary If presented orally, items are presented at a rate of one word per second Words must be repeated in correct order Score as correct words that rhyme with or sound like the test word Do not penalize for mispronunciation All subjects start with Sample A after which there are 2 possible starting items depending on grade
Dumont Willis 2014 page 7 WJ IV Cognitive Fine Points of Administration
Dumont Willis 2014 page 8 WJ IV Cognitive Fine Points of Administration WJ IV Cognitive Tests Decision Points Test Decision Point Oral Vocabulary (VL, LD) 6 lowest correct & 6 highest incorrect - Page rule (test by complete page) Number Series (RQ, I) 5 lowest correct & 5 highest incorrect - Page rule (test by complete page) Verbal Attention ( WM, AL ) Cutoff for items 1-8,or 6 lowest correct & 6 highest incorrect Letter-Pattern Matching ( P ) Time Phonological Processing ( PC, LA ) 5A and 5C: 6 lowest correct & 6 highest incorrect, 5B: 1 minute each item Story Recall ( MM, LS ) Cut-off Visualization (VZ, SR) 5 lowest correct & 5 highest incorrect General Information (K0) 4 lowest correct & 4 highest incorrect Concept Formation (I) Cut-off – Controlled learning Numbers Reversed (MW) 5 lowest correct & 5 highest incorrect Number-Pattern Matching (P) Time Nonword Repetition (UM) 6 lowest correct & 6 highest incorrect Visual-Auditory Learning (MA) Cut-off Picture Recognition (MV) Cutoff for items 1-5,or 6 lowest correct & 6 highest incorrect Analysis-Synthesis (RG) Cut-off – Controlled learning Object-Number Sequencing (MW) 5 lowest correct & 5 highest incorrect Pair Cancellation (P, AC) Time Memory for Words (MS) 4 lowest correct & 4 highest incorrect
Dumont Willis 2014 page 9