Shepherdswell with Coldred Parish Council
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Minutes of a Parish Council Meeting held at Barham Village Hall on Thursday 6th March 2008 at 7.30 p.m.
PRESENT: Chairman L. Davies, Vice Chairman E. Mullett and Cllrs J. Brown, J. Callan, Mrs M. Jenkins, M. Simpson, Mrs V. Steer and D. Tamsitt.
041/2008 Public Speaking: None
042/2008 Apologies:
Cllr Mrs H. Pechey was not able to attend as she was on holiday.
043/2008 Minutes:
Proposed by Cllr Mrs M. Jenkins and seconded by Cllr Mrs V. Steer.
044/2008 Matters Arising: None
045/2008 Finance:
(a) Balances as at 29 February 2008 Current Account…………………………………….. £ 2,270.80 Capital Reserve Account……….…………………… £23,139.91 Includes Social Fund Balance of………..…………… £ 4,599.95 Includes Grant from Kent County Council………….. £ 3,888.00 (b) To pay any Accounts received prior to the meeting: (i) Mrs L. Davies re expenses for Pensioners Luncheon - £81.86; (ii) Canterbury City Council re Youth Sessions for 01/10 to 31/12/2007 - £631.68; (iii) Folkestone & Dover Water Services Limited for period 01/01 to 31/03/2008 - £10.53; (iv) Pay any other Accounts received prior to the meeting: (1) Village Hall re Youth Club for period July 2007 to January 2008 - £152.00; (2) Village Hall re Parish Council for period July 2007 to January 2008 - £82.00; (c) Any other financial matters: (i) The Clerk advised that a quotation for the Norwich Union Insurance Scheme will be provided by the end of March 2008; (ii) Refund of £28.00 from Mowll & Mowll in respect of monies paid on account for Land Registry Title Entries.
1 046/2008 Town and Country Planning Matters:
(a) CA/07/01711/BAR – Unit 4, 5, 6, 7 Breach Farm, Valley Road, Barham – Conversion and alterations to create four office units and associated parking – Planning Application Granted - Noted; (b) Copy of letter from Canterbury City Council dated 21/08/2008 re Location Land South of Old Coach House, Dover Road, Barham with all Councillors - Noted; (c) Notice of Proposed Work to Trees in a Conservation Area – 1 The Shrubbery, Valley Road, Barham – Fell 3 to 4 Ash trees out of approximately 14 from the top of the garden to allow more sunlight into the garden – No objections; (d) CA/08/00172/BAR – Marshall Ney, Valley Road, Barham – First-floor extension to rear of dwelling (revised scheme) – No objections; (e) CA/08/00183/BAR – Hillview, Railway Hill, Barham – Alteration to roof to include dormer window – The Chairman and Cllr J. Callan made a site visit and conveyed their fndings to the Parish Council. The Parish Council objected to the application on various grounds and it was agreed that Cllr J. Callan will forward a reply to Canterbury City Council regarding this matter; (f) CA/08/00244/BAR – Bella Vista, Mill Lane, Barham – Erection of detached bungalow and detached garage (outline application) – The Parish Council object to this application as from the plan of the proposed development, the rear garden of ‘Bella Vista’ is at the very edge of the village, and is on the boarder with farm land. The proposal would effectively place a dwelling on a promontory, surrounded on three sides by farm land, thereby extending the village, and this could be taken up by neighbours should they wish to consider like developments. The Parish Council see this as a creeping development into agricultural land which it is keen to prevent; (g) Any other Planning Applications received prior to the meeting; (i) CA/08/00254/BAR – Greenhills Farm, Greenhills, Barham – Conversion of farm shop, stables and garage/workshop to 3 holiday lets and erection of stable block – The Parish Council object to this application as the conversion proposed would change the use to a dwelling based commercial enterprise (holiday lets) with a livery. The Parish Council views this proposal as a stealth development and the fear is that permanent dwellings will be proposed in time to come. On the basis of the present proposal, the Parish Council is aware that sewage disposal has in the past been a problem, as all sewage has to flow down a very steep hill and blockages have been common. With reference to the stable block, first the Parish Council requires much more information on this proposal, as the road leading to the premises is narrow, steep and almost always muddy. This would mean that the use of horse boxes, tow vehicles and generally increased traffic would have great difficulty negotiating the slippery gradient, with the added problem of a primary school at the bottom of the hill. The idea of ‘holiday lets’ in a conservation area cannot be considered in keeping with the rural character of the village. This proposal is both out of character and a possible danger to the local school children; (ii) Notice of Proposed Work to Trees in a Conservation Area – Wheatfields, Railway Hill, Barham – Lift crown of mature Yew over road to highway clearance and balance over parking area. Clean out crown to BS 3998: 1991, ensure clearance form house opposite and overhead wires. Fell one middle aged
2 and one small (leaning) Sycamore growing up through crown of Yew. Re- pollard Sycamore growing adjacent to Yew – No objections;
(iii) Notice of Proposed Work to Trees in a Conservation Area – Heasewood, Railway Hill, Barham – Clean out and thin crown by 20% and remove low limb growing to the east of mature Sycamore in northern corner of garden – No objections.
047/2008 Roads and Footpaths:
(a) The Clerk is to report the following: (i) Brickfield Road joining onto Valley Road is again breaking up. This is the second time it has been repaired and broken up shortly afterwards, as the job has not been done properly. The whole road is appalling and needs dire attention; (ii) In Valley Road by old 30mph build outs, were the electricity had been laid, there is a very deep trench where the road has sunk. This was reported last month and has not yet been attended to. (b) Councillors had no comments to make regarding the Kent County Council Draft Permit Scheme; (c) Copy of letter from Kent Highway Services re PIPKIN and Understanding Speed Management in Kent with all Councillors;
048/2008 Parish Maintenance:
(a) Streetlights – Cllr Mrs M. Jenkins reports any faults; (b) The Clerk is to report the following: (i) Street nameplate “Out Elmstead Lane” at the junction with the A2 has been knocked over and needs re-instating; (ii) Street nameplate “Rabbit Hole” opposite ‘Brickfield Lane’ has been painted over and needs replacing; (iii) Road sign at the farm end of ‘South Barham Road’ has been peppered with shot. (c) The Clerk reported that she had been advised on the 12/02/2008 that the report on the Beech tree on Valley Road had been logged on 12/01/2008 and would be responded to in order of the date received and priority status. It was envisaged that an inspection will take place within eight weeks, at which point removal will be considered; (d) It was arranged that the Chairman and Cllrs D. Tamsitt, J. Callan and E. Mullett would attend a site inspection at the Village Green on 08/03/2008 at 10h30 with regards to deciding as to what maintenance is required; (e) Due to the problems the pub is having with regards a directional sign to the pub, the Clerk is to ascertain whether an additional fingerboard can be added to the fingerpost on Valley Road giving directions to the Church to include directions to the pub. Cllr M. Simpson to advise the Clerk on the exact wording.
049/2008 Social:
The Chairman reported that the Pensioners Luncheon had been very successful. She had received a record number of letters and telephone calls saying thank you. There
3 had been a piece in the Kentish Gazette, together with a photograph regarding the Pensioners Luncheon.
050/2008 Village Hall:
(a) Roger Allin gave a report on the Village Hall. Will be putting a new sign on the front of the Village Hall. Part of the proceeds from the New Years Eve Dance were going to the purchase of a hand dryer for the Gents toilets. Advised that there had been fires in the clothing and paper banks, which the owners of the banks had been notified of and who will replace them. Sub- committee looked at extending Village Hall. They will be asking the users of the hall as to what they would like to see in an extension. (b) The Clerk reported that Michael Heath of Kent Highway Services had advised that due to an administration error the fingerpost for the Village Hall and Bowls Club had already been erected. Roger Allin advised that the fingerpost is a great asset to both the Village Hall and the Bowls Club as it made it a lot easier for people to locate both facilities.
051/2008 Safety First Report: Nothing to report.
052/2008 Youth Club:
The Chairman reported that Robin Townsend and the Youth Group have been discussing ways of putting something back into the village. It has been decided to do litter picking, a date to still be arranged. A sign will be put up with the dates of Youth Club meetings.
053/2008 Open Areas:
(a) The Chairman advised that the placement of new trees will be discussed at the site meeting at the Village Green on 08/03/2008; (b) The Clerk reported that it had been arranged for a Alan Dennington to attend a meeting on 05/06/2008 to explain what Community Scheme Solutions Charlton Athletic are doing as a program and what could be done in Barham; (c) The Chairman advised that the removal of the dead tree will be discussed at the site meeting at the Village Green on 08/03/2008; (d) Photocopies of works notification on the new culvert with all Councillors. After some discussion it was decided that the Clerk must advise Kent Highway Services that the Parish Council wish to be consulted in advance, on a regular basis, regarding the procedures to take place; (e) The Gas Governor is no longer being relocated but removed completely with the supply being rerouted underground between ‘The Grove’ and ‘Old Valley Road’; (f) Clerk to order a litter bin for the Recreation Ground; (g) Clerk to arrange for Derringstone Green to be designated a Village Green; (h) The Recreation Ground boundary fence is in a terrible state. One quotation has been received for the re-instatement of the fence and the Chairman will obtain a further quote. It was agreed to go ahead with the re-instatement of the fence.
4 054/2008 Village Plan:
Cllr M. Simpson reported that they are still looking for more funds but that matters are progressing.
055/2008 Website - The Clerk continues to maintain and keep the website updated.
056/2008 KAPC/ ARCK /CPRE:
(a) CPRE – E-mail dated 06/02/2008 with all Councillors; (b) ACRK – Rural News No. 86 February 2008 with all Councillors; (c) KAPC – Newsletter Issue No. 330 dated 28/01/2008 with Representatives; (d) Stour View Canterbury & Wantsum Issue 39 Spring 2008 for circulation with Councillors; (e) CPRE – Newsletter dated 05/03/2008 with all Councillors.
057/2008 Police Matters:
058/2008 Post Office: Remove from next Agenda.
059/2008 Correspondence/General:
(a) Copy of letter from Kent County Council dated 14/02/2008 with all Councillors; (b) E-Newsletter Issue 5 for 21/02/2008 for circulation with Councillors; (c) LCR Volume 59, No. 6 March 2008 for circulation with Councillors; (d) Out There Newsletter from Canterbury City Council re Housing and Community Development Service Issue 5 2008 for cirulation with Councillors;
060/2008 Date of Next Meeting:
(a) Parish Council Meeting at Barham Village Hall on Thursday 3rd April 2008 at 7.30 p.m.; (b) Annual Parish Meeting at Barham Village Hall on Thursday 10th April 2008 at 7.30p.m.; (c) A Planning Meeting only will be held on the 1st May 2008 due to the Clerk being away on annual leave.
Meeting ended at 9.25 p.m.