Semester 1, 2016-2017 School Year

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Semester 1, 2016-2017 School Year

4/22/2018, 4:29:49 PM

AGENDA (Lesson Plans) Semester 1, 2016-2017 school year Daniel R. Barnes


(Spend periods A, B, C w/schedule distributees until lunch)

Passing Period: Collect schedules in wire basket @ door [][][][][] Circulate Flyers [][][][][] HW: none [][][][][] WUP: Take reading notes in 1.1 [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Stamp: none [][][][][] Go over wup: [first day ppt] [][][][][] General announcements: [first day ppt][][][][][] Walk through first day power point [][][][][]

Page 1 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:49 PM Thursday 8/18/2016: First normal day of classes

Passing Period: sign in new kids [][][][][] Circulate Flyers [][][][][] HW: 1.1 notes, sxn assmt; 1.2 notes, sxn assmt [][][][][] (explain slide) WUP: Continue 1.1, 1.2 bookwork [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Stamp: none [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: I have pink schedule change forms [][][][][] Bathroom visits: one at a time, never during 1st/last 10 min/sign up on clipboard [][][][][] Tomorrow, tonight’s hw will be stamped. [][][][][] Stamps are only for work shown ON TIME (or late w/documented excuse) [][][][][] Tour [][][][][] Demo student vault re: section assessment answers [][][][][] Remember: You are expected to self-correct all your bookwork. [][][][][] Use the media center computers if you need to [][][][][]; share answers [][][][][] Remember the password: teach a man to fish . . . [][][][][] Happy faces / corrections, preferably in a diff color, are required [][][][][]

Think-pair-share: First Day power point: bouncing ball animation: what do you notice? [][][][][]

Scientific Method power point 1 up to 1st swbat only . . . 3 up to biology slide . . . 4 up to 2nd swbat . . . 5 ALMOST started . . . 6 just put up the 2nd swbat . . .

Page 2 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:49 PM Friday 8/19/2016: STAFF PICTURE/NORTH ITALIA! (pkng lot @ 3:45 pm)

Passing Period: early stamps (non-bonus) 1.1 notes, sxn assmt, 1.2 notes, sxn assmt[][][][][] Circulate Flyers [][][][][] HW: 1.3 reading notes[][][][][] WUP: How have chemists helped tomato farmers fight pinworms? [][][][][] WHENVER you’re done w/Wup early, do hw! [][][][][] Pass seating chart around p6 xxxx[] Roll: [][][][][] IEP conferences, if any [][][][][] Stamp: 1.1 notes, sxn assmt, 1.2 notes, sxn assmt [][][][][] I will stamp today’s hw tomorrow as well, just this once. [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] Correct/complete your wup as we go over it, every day! [][][][][] General announcements: per 6 only: put up chairs when bell rings @ 2:58. Let’s practice! Xxxx[] No food, no drinks, no gum. Only and and water. [][][][][] Did somebody forget their glasses? [][][][][] Textbook shortage? . . . NO, says Hilda. 25 left. Other sites can donate. [][][][][] Did anyone successfully log in to the online textbook last night? []What are the steps? [] I HAVE THE STEPS for online textbook log-in! It’s on my home page x[][][][]

Demonstrate homework e-mail feed subscription [][][][][]

Scientific Method power point 1 up to 1st swbat only  started “problem” 3 up to biology slide  baby lets go of mickey balloon (experiment slide) 4 up to 2nd swbat  baby drops things all over the house (experiment slide) 5 start  finished golden calf slide 6 just put up the 2nd swbat  just started hypothesis slide

Page 3 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:49 PM Monday 8/22/2016 COLLAB SHORT PERIODS:

Passing Period: Please pick up timeline! [][][][][] Circulate Flyers [][][][][] HW: 1.3 section assessment [][][][][] WUP: If you feed different foods to different rats to see how they affect body weight, what do you call the kind of food and what do you call the resulting body weight? [][][][][] * Pass blank seating charts around (except p6) [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Stamp: 1.1 notes/sxn assmt; 1.2 notes/sxn assmt; 1.3 reading notes only [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: P1: I have textbook log-in pdf on my home page []xxxxx Molly Nellman has some troubleshooting suggestions for online textbooks (email) [][][][][] Pink timeline handout (get one if not already) is approximate – subject to D [][][][][]

Scientific Method power point 1 started “problem”  started “experiment” – need baby dropping things story 3 baby lets go of mickey balloon (experiment slide)  Einstein says space bends (Ein/Newt slide) 4 baby drops things all over the house (experiment slide)  ½ tps share creatine & rats 5 finished golden calf slide checkerboard cylinder illusion done ;) … 6 just started hypothesis slide  hypothesis must be testable (all dogs go to heaven example)

Tuesday 8/23/2016: DOYERS!

Passing Period: early stamps 1.3 section assessment[][][][][] Circulate Flyers [][][][][] HW: Study 1.1, 1.2, esp 1.3 for quiz I intend to give tomorrow [][][][][] WUP: How did Antoine Lavoisier die? Why? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Check absent-Fridays & Absent-Mondays for presence on seating chart [][][][][] Stamp: 1.3 section assessment [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: No book yet? I’m in here lunch & after school for quiet work/testing [][][][][] Textbook lady says extra chem books en route eta: after school x[][][][] Anyone lose these glasses? [][][][][]

Scientific Method power point 1 started “experiment” – need baby dropping things story  beginning solar eclipse 3 Einstein says space bends (Ein/Newt slide)  publishing, worldwide replication of procedure 4 ½ tps share creatine & rats  theory & law both well supported (flowchart) 5 checkerboard cylinder illusion done ;) …  talking about teflon 6 hypothesis must be testable (all dogs go to heaven example)  done w/trump #16 slide

Page 4 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:49 PM Wednesday 8/24/2016:

Passing Period: nothing to stamp [][][][][] Circulate Flyers [][][][][] HW: gather ch 1 bw, lect notes for packet [][][][][] WUP: What makes a hypothesis a good hypothesis? [][][][][] * Set timer for tf – 35 min [][][][][] (BEFORE roll!) Roll: [][][][][] Stamp: none (test today) [][][][][] Go over wup: QUICKLY! [][][][][] General announcements:

Go through testing slide in HUD [][][][][] Take out a piece of paper when the test begins, but don’t write on it unless you finish early [][][][][] This will be your scratch paper; no math, so just screen questions and mag xcr [][][][][] Set timer for tf – 35 min [][][][][] Ok, now, until the buzzer rings . . . Scientific Method Power Point slide #39  time runs out [][][][][]

TESTING SUBROUTINE: Ch 01 test: Turn all devices off and place them in backpacks, NOT pants pockets [][][][][] Don’t use your phone/device for ANYTHING during the test, not even to look at the time. [][][][][] Get out two writing utensils and at LEAST one piece of paper as scr [][][][][] No going into backpacks for any reason at any time during tests in here [][][][][] Answer doc title = “Chem 01” [][][][][] scr title = “SCR 01” [][][][][] Do NOT write on question packet - write on scr instead [][][][][] Security sweep [][][][][] test #/form#/id# sweep [][][][][] Screen questions on screen [][][][][] Go over priority list [][][][][] Timer = tf – 2 min [][][][][] @ buzzer “guess” [][][][][] three neat stacks on table tip [][][][][]

Make digital seating charts in corel draw [][][][][]

Page 5 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:49 PM Thursday 8/25/2016:

Passing Period: nothing, really [.][][][][] Circulate Flyers [.][][][][]. HW: Get parent to sign safety contract [.][][][][] WUP: What is the most important lab safety rule?[.][][][][] Roll: [.][][][][] Stamp: nothing – ch 01 packet is due today, instead [.][][][][] Go over wup. [.][][][][] General announcements: Remember, packet is c. 5% of grade; Tests are 70% [.][][][][] WUps not turned in until end of 5th week [.][][][][] Due to braindrool on my part, per 1 didn’t get enough time  they finish today  mc part of test isn’t graded  probs tomorrow [x][][][][] Scratch paper takes me forever to grade. Typically one or two weeks. [x][][][][]

Period 1 gets 30 more minutes on the test. Yesterday was a HOT MESS! [.][][][][] Check id# & form# period 1 as they continue the test [.][][][][]

Turn in packet (display HUD slide) [.][][][][] “May take a week to grade & hand back. We’ll see” [x][][][][]

Pass computer-printed seating chart around. Okay? Put a check mark. [.][][][][] Problem? Circle your name and make corrections [.][][][][]

DO NOT WRITE ON SAFETY CONTRACT UNTIL I GIVE INSTRUCTIONS! [.][][][][] If you don’t have safety contract already, get one now! [.][][][][] Anyone need espanol version? [.][][][][] Be careful of color blind question [.][][][][] Display and discuss safety contract instructions slide in HUD [.][][][][]

Distribute Safety Quiz [NO!][][][][] Display and discuss safety quiz instructions slide in HUD [NO!][][][][]

Allow kids 15 minutes to work on quiz [no][][][][]

What are you going to do as we go over this safety quiz? [no][][][][] Discuss quiz [no][][][][] Use Safety ppt & ask kids to make a “Safety Lecture Notes” sheet [][][][][] When you get to room layout slide, have kids copy diagram into notes [][][][][]

Page 6 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:49 PM Friday 8/26/2016: B-DAY #50

Passing Period: nada [][][][][] Circulate Flyers [][][][][] HW: get safety contract signed if not already so [][][][][] WUP: How do you clean up broken glass? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Stamp: none [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: Signed safety contracts may be put in in basket as early as today Or as late as next Friday [][][][][] Recycling containers: cans and bottles only (CBI collects them) [][][][][]

Pass out mc 01 answer docs [][][][][] Mc 01: x+8/33 normal; x+5/33 honors [][][][][] explain offset [][][][][] “Get out phone and calculate % for red fraction & black fraction. Which do you like better? [][][][][] Explain re-take policy: use ppt slide from hud [][][][][] Re-collect mc 01 answer docs [][][][][]

Period 1 needs safety quiz. . . . DO NOT WRITE until instructions []xxxx; Pass out quiz []xxxx; instructions slide from yest HUD on screen []xxxx; discuss instructions []xxxx

Continue discussing safety quiz: What do you write with? [][][][][]; What if you’re wrong? [][][][][];

Page 7 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:49 PM Monday 8/29/2016: COLLAB

Passing Period: Pass back pack 01, remediate safe con needing amendments [][][][][] Circulate Flyers [][][][][] HW: 2.1 reading notes [][][][][] WUP: How is mercury different from other metals? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Live body count [][][][][] Stamp: none [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: Soon, I want to spend a half hour or so with you guys soon going over the ch 1 test [][][][][] Maybe when I pass back the scr . . . soon! [][][][][]

Pack 01 grading discussion. X hud slide [][][][][]

What are you supposed to be doing as we go over the safety quiz? [][][][][] [Make sure everyone has the quiz out and is ready to modify/fill in answers during discussion][][][][][] Continue going over safety quiz [][][][][]

Finished early? (probably not, but . . . ) Room layout x safety ppt [][][][][]

Page 8 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:49 PM Tuesday 8/30/16:

Passing Period: early stamp 2.1 reading notes; remediate faulty safety contracts; pass back mail [][][][][] Circulate Flyers [][][][][] HW: 2.1 section assessment [][][][][] WUP: Give an example of an extensive property and an intensive property of a balloon. [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Finish passing back mail [][][][][] Stamp: 2.1 reading notes [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements:

SCR 01 is x+13/21 normal, x+11/21 honors. Top score = 15 = c. 130% norm, 120% hon [][][][][] Any questions about red marks? [][][][][] (Build hud slide based on questions?)

Finish Safety Quiz [][][][][] Collect quizzes when done going over them [][][][][]

Remaining time: phc 01 only quiz show on screen [][][][][] P1: 4 q’s (only one 1.3 q!) P3: not many q’s P4: 6 q’s P6: 2 q

Page 9 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:49 PM Wednesday 8/31/2016:

Passing Period: pass out papers (remediate faulty lab docs) [][][][][] Circulate Flyers [][][][][] HW: 2.2 reading notes [][][][][] WUP: What are the three common states of matter? Is there a fourth? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Finish passing out papers [][][][][] Stamp: 2.1 section assessment [][][][][]

Go over wup: [][][][][]

General announcements: I have to get a TB test, so I’m out of here at 3 pm, re-takers [][][][][]

Grease fire YouTube x link on HUD slide [][][][][]

Tests will be weightedly cumulative (2/3 new, 1/3 old) [][][][][] Please take out scr 01/self-standing quiz show notes & write stuff [][][][][] Scientific Method Quiz Show (10 q’s) [][][][][]

Mystery of Matter, episode one (incl Priestly and Lavoisier) Take out a blank piece of paper, title = “Mystery of Matter, Episode One” [][][][][] Take notes, of course – write most important facts, not just everything you hear [][][][][] [Teacher, work on safety quizzes and contracts] [][][][][] 1 start  7:30 min in (Joseph Priestly has invented carbonated water) 3 start  8:18 min in (Magellan something or other) 4 start  5:19 min in (intro Priestly, inspired forager, acid-dropper) 5 start  DIDN’T EVEN START! 6 start  DIDN’T EVEN START!

Page 10 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:49 PM Thursday 9/1/2016:

Passing Period: remediate faulty lab docs [][][][][] Circulate Flyers [][][][][] HW: 2.2 practice problems (show kids where they are & where answers are) [][][][][] WUP: Name two methods that can be used to separate substances that are mixed together. [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Stamp: 2.2 reading notes [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: Here til 4 pm today, gone @ 3 pm tomorrow [][][][][]

Center desks are available to sit in whenever you need to see the board/screen better [][][][][] Except during roll call [][][][][]

Continue watching Mystery of Matter, episode 1 [insert here starting points for each period] 1 7:30 min  44:24 min 2 8:18 min  43:37 min 4 5:19 min  ?? min (oops) 5 start  just started humphry davy 6 start  30 min in (what other elements could be hiding in the ores & calxes of the world)

Page 11 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:49 PM Friday 9/2/2016:

Passing Period: remediate faulty lab docs [][][][][] Circulate Flyers [][][][][] HW: 2.2 section assessment [][][][][] WUP: What would you do to separate a mixture of chalk dust and small rocks? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Stamp: 2.2 practice Problems (#9 & #10) [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: I have to leave at 3 pm today, so no after-school stuff [][][][][] Today is the hard deadline for the safety documents. Penalties now are possible for lateness [][][][][] Q#17 from tonight’s homework is the basis of the lab I WANTED to work on last night . . . [][][][][]

Period 4 only: LEAPS lesson xx[]xx We do ACHIEVEMENT in science classes

Mystery of Matter: Episode I worksheet to kids [][][][][] To the periods that saw it: I don’t want you to think I’m advocating Experimental or recreational use of nitrous oxide. Lack of oxygen kills brain [][][][][] Dive straight into it. NO point wasting time. Humphry Davy segment not needed. [][][][][]

Page 12 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:49 PM Tuesday 9/6/2016 (no school yesterday due to Labor Day):

Passing Period: remediate faulty lab docs, pass back mail [][][][][] Circulate Flyers [][][][][] HW: 2.3 reading notes, prpr [][][][][] WUP: You put sugar, motor oil, and water in a bottle. You shake it and let it sit for an hour. What is in the bottle? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Stamp: 2.2 section assessment [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: If you transferred into this class from another class or otherwise entered late in the semester, You have zeros until you either make up the work/tests or get transfer credit [][][][][] Check powerschool, and see me during lunch/after school if you have zeros! [][][][][]

Harass lab document delinquents [][][][][]

Continue going over mystery of matter (priestley/Lavoisier) worksheet [][][][][]

Extra time? Triple Beam balance power point [][][][][]

Page 13 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:49 PM Wednesday 9/7/16 BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT TONIGHT!

Passing Period: remediate faulty lab docs [][][][][] Circulate Flyers [][][][][] HW: 2.3 section assessment [][][][][] WUP: What element is “Hg” the symbol for? How could it be the symbol for that element? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Pass out remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 2.3 reading notes, practice problems (#’s 18, 19) [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: BTSN tonight. NOT a conference night. General info only. I don’t give xcr. [][][][][] Hang on to the video worksheet. Will be part of next packet. No more time for it. [][][][][]

Harass lab docs [][][][][]

Triple beam balance ppt – TAKE NOTES! [][][][][] 1: just began to show zeroing process 3: 2 practice reads from conscripts 4: notches on the rails 5: reading the little slider up close 6: finished slide # 12 (close up on little mass)

Extra time? Elements quiz. Study w/partner (names/symbols) [][][][][] ppt quiz [][][][][]

Page 14 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:49 PM Thursday 9/8/2016:

Passing Period: remediate faulty lab docs, pass out mail [][][][][] Circulate Flyers [][][][][] HW: 2.4 reading notes [][][][][] WUP: Is ocean water an element, a compound, or a mixture? Why? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 2.3 section assmt (#’s 20-27) [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: How many of you don’t have access to the textbook? (“online counts – if it works, of course” make sure kids know this) [][][][][] Graph paper needed for this class. Get a pad. 1st time is coming up fast . . . [][][][][]

Harrass lab docs [][][][][]

Continue Triple beam balance ppt – TAKE NOTES! [][][][][] 1: just began to show zeroing process  several final practice reads 3: 2 practice reads from conscripts  many person A’s have massed a wallet/phone 4: notches on the rails  done w/tips & rules slide 5: reading the little slider up close  ½ tbb tips slide – ½ revealed 6: finished slide # 12 (close up on little mass)  done reading three-slider results on screen

Extra time: elements quiz ppt

Page 15 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:49 PM Friday 9/9/2016:

Passing Period: “Show me hw in planner for cpp” (resp new square/resp unsat/oral unsat) [][][][][] Circulate Flyers [][][][][] HW: 2.4 section assessment [][][][][] WUP: A 100-gram lump of charcoal burns, leaving behind a 13-gram pile of ashes. Does this violate the law of conservation of matter? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 2.4 reading notes [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: Hope you’re writing good stuff as we go over the warm-up [][][][][] Did you notice the xcr opportunity on the HUD slide this morning? PLANNERS! [][][][][] Ch 2 test probably Tuesday (2 days late!) [][][][][]

Harrass lab docs [][][][][]

Pass out CST Reference Sheet [][][][][] “You can take notes on your pink copy, but . . .” [][][][][] “. . . you use an unmarked white copy during tests.” [][][][][]

TPS, 2 min: Is salt an element, a compound, or a mixture? (use slide in e/c/m ppt) [][][][][] Continue with e/c/m id slides [][][][][] 1:  pretty deep in (bronze, I’m pretty sure) 3:  is n2o an e/c/m? 4:  n2o slide just begun (still think it’s air!) 5:  just identified h2 as an element 6:  air is a mixture

Continue w/tbb ppt 1: several final practice reads 3: many person A’s have massed a wallet/phone 4: done w/tips & rules slide 5: ½ tbb tips slide – ½ revealed 6: done reading three-slider results on screen

Extra time? Element symbol/name id quiz [][][][][]

Page 16 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:49 PM Monday 9/12/2016: SHORT PERIODS (COLLABORATION)

Passing Period: planner hw xcr [][][][][] Circulate Flyers [][][][][] HW: Study for ch 2 test. Will be 2/3 ch2, 1/3 ch 1 [][][][][] WUP: [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 2.4 section assessment [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: It’s going to be slow, but I’m trying to convert all my ppts to 97-2003 format To increase mobile device browsability [][][][][] email me if you need one converted from pptx to ppt [][][][][] 5-week progress report grades are due 3 pm Thurs. I’ll turn mine in Wed night. [][][][][] Look @ powerschool and fix anything broken before going home Wed. [][][][][] Especially if you’re a late entry student [][][][][] (Makeups/transfer credit!) [][][][][]

Harass lab docs [][][][][]

Finish e/c/m ppt [][][][][] 1: pretty deep in (bronze, I’m pretty sure)  done 3: is n2o an e/c/m?  done 4: n2o slide just begun (still think it’s air!)  done with bronze . . . 5: just identified h2 as an element  what is nitrous oxide? . . . . 6: air is a mixture  salt is a compound

Finish tbb ppt [][][][][] Continue w/tbb ppt 1: several final practice reads  ½ way through rules/tips spewback slide 3: many person A’s have massed a wallet/phone  NO TIME 4: done w/tips & rules slide  5: ½ tbb tips slide – ½ revealed  6: done reading three-slider results on screen 

Extra time? Periodic table elements quiz ppt 1: NO TIME 3: NO TIME 4: 5: 6:

Page 17 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:49 PM Tuesday 9/13/2016:

Passing Period: students prepare for test; deliver mail [][][][][] Circulate Flyers [][][][][] HW: chapter 2 packet due tomorrow: bookwork, lecture notes, video notes, worksheets [][][][][] WUP: prepare test documents (see HUD screen) [][][][][] General announcements: I’m out of the room at 3:40 pm today. [][][][][]

Instead of/in addition to screen questions, you may explain your mc answer choices. [][][][][] Complete sentences that properly-linked, complete science facts [][][][][]

Ch 02 test: Turn all devices off and place them in backpacks, NOT pants pockets [][][][][] Don’t use your phone/device for ANYTHING during the test, not even to look at the time. [][][][][] Get out two writing utensils and 1+ pieces paper as scr [][][][][] ½ used scr bin [][][][][] No going into backpacks for any reason at any time til bell [][][][][] On ground! [][][][][] Scr title = [on screen] [][][][][] Answer doc title = [on screen] [][][][][] Show hud slide w/form # vs test # [][][][][] Fill out personal info on ans doc [][][][][] Do NOT write on question packet - write on scr instead [][][][][] tell me if vandalized! [][][][][] Take roll [][][][][] Security sweep [][][][][] test #/form#/id# sweep [][][][][] Screen questions on screen [][][][][] Go over priority list [][][][][] Need p/o? [][][][][] Timer = tf – 2 min [][][][][] @ buzzer “guess” [][][][][] three neat stacks on table tip [][][][][]

Page 18 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:49 PM Wednesday 9/14/2016:

Passing Period: remediate lab docs, pass back mail [][][][][] Circulate Flyers [][][][][] HW: 13.1 notes, prpr (TRY!) [][][][][] WUP: assemble pack 02 (see below) [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: none today [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: Table rags & 409 are now available, at your disposal, if table is filthy. [][][][][][]

Harrass lab docs [][][][][]

Pack 02: * bw 02, in order * element/compound/mixture notes * mystery of matter video notes * mystery of matter video worksheet * anything I forgot?

Quiet bookwork 13.1 (& beyond) [][][][][] Explain blinders on HUD slide X[][][][] Headphones okay, but zero talking [][][][][] Teacher has tons of work to do. Can’t be distracted by misbehavior [][][][][]

Page 19 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:49 PM Thursday 9/15/2016:

Passing Period: pass back pack 02 [][][][][] Circulate Flyers [][][][][] HW: 13.1 prpr (if not done yet), sxn assmt [][][][][] WUP: How fast does an average oxygen molecule fly in km/h? How about in mi/h? (2 mi = 3 km, roughly) [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 13.1 notes, prpr #’s 1 & 2 [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] include intro to p units on back of pink per table [][][][][] Collect 5-week Warm-Up Packet [][][][][] If you are a late entry, at the top of your front sheet, put “I was in x’s period y” [][][][][]

General announcements: My tutoring availability is limited to 1or 2 quick questions only, lunch/after school [][][][][]

Harrass lab docs [][][][][]

Display definitive Pack 02 List on Screen [][][][][] packet due date is soft. Stamps are hard [][][][][]

Pass out bubble sheets [][][][][] x/26 normal, x-3/26 honors. [][][][][] Scr should take 2 weeks to grade – answer key reflection in groups then [][][][][] . . . Confront your accuser lunch/after school [][][][][] re-takes during lunch/after school [][][][][] re-collect bubble sheets [][][][][] phc 02 only quiz show on screen [][][][][] Chapter 02 quiz show notes [6q][6q][][][] extra time? Element/symbol quiz ppt [nope][][][][]

Page 20 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:49 PM Friday 9/16/16:

Passing Period: pass back mail, remediate lab docs [][][][][] Circulate Flyers [][][][][] HW: 13.1 undone math problems, if any [][][][][] WUP: If the absolute air pressure in a car tire is 45 lb/in2, what is it in mm Hg? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 13.1 section assessment (#’s 3-7, soft deadline due to math) [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: “On time” means physically in your assigned seat when tardy bell rings [][][][][] If I call your name (during roll call), respond! [][][][][] Show grading system [pie graph] x HUD slides [][][][][] Packets may be only 5% of grade, but 59.99% still gets an “F” [][][][][] 60.01% still gets a “D” [][][][][] I submitted “5-week” grades yesterday during 2nd period. [][][][][] Teachers aren’t allowed to make changes after p/o submission until “capture” [][][][][] Hold on to your ch 02 quiz show notes sheet. You will add to it soon . . . [][][][][]

Harrass lab docs [][][][][]

Finish triple beam balance ppt!!! FINISH IT! Finish! w/tbb ppt 1: several final practice reads  ½ way through rules/tips spewback slide 3: many person A’s have massed a wallet/phone  NO TIME 4: done w/tips & rules slide  5: ½ tbb tips slide – ½ revealed  6: done reading three-slider results on screen 

Period six, if all classes are done w/ppt, [please return scales to cart] . . . . All sliders to maximum [][][][][] Carry with both hands [][][][][] Head-to-tail [][][][][]

Give me tbb notes & paperclips on your way out the door. If not p6 leave tbb on taqble [][][][][]

Page 21 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:49 PM Monday 9/19/2016: COLLAB -- SHORT PERIODS

Passing Period: pass out 5-week warm-up packets [][][][][] Circulate Flyers [][][][][] HW: [][][][][] NORMAL: read & take notes 13.2 – rest of ch 13 is extra credit HONORS: answering questions in ch 13 is optional WUP: How many kPa is 12 atm? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Explain warm-up grading problems [][][][][] Warm-ups should be sl d q a repeat [][][][][] npd  no points that sheet  add & resub [][][][][] Stamp: 13.1 math not yet done + reading notes rest of chapter [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] Your warm-up sheet should be called “10-week Warm-Up Packet” [][][][][] Prior to go-over: 14.7 psi square on forearm speechlet [][][][][] General announcements: I flamed out. Didn’t notice ch 13 was to end last Friday. ACCELERATED FINSH! [][][][][]

Harrass lab docs [][][][][]

States of Matter ppt 1: flowchart almost done; just need freezing 3: flowchart condensation but not freezing 4: didn’t really get started  5: brief glimpse of diagram 6:


Page 22 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:49 PM Tuesday 9/20/2016: KAISER PERMANNETE AIDS(?)

Passing Period: return mail; remediate faulty lab docs [][][][][] Circulate Flyers [][][][][] HW: 4.1 reading notes [][][][][] WUP: At the top of a mountain, the mercury column in an old barometer is only 450 mm tall. What is the pressure there in lb/in2? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: any unstamped ch 13 except 13.1 notes [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] Refer to pg 386: barometer pictures [][][][][] Show pet waterer & gravity-defying water column in grad cyl [][][][][] Include showing of unit conversion steps x hud slide [][][][][] General announcements: Today is our last day of ch 13, but we’re not taking a separate test for it. [][][][][] Ch 4 test will include full dose of ch 13 [][][][][] Tomorrow is last day to turn in 5-week Wup pack w/out -10% penalty [][][][][]

Harrass lab docs [][][][][]

States of Matter ppt – MAKE SURE TO SHOW ANIMATIONS! 1: flowchart almost done; just need freezing  saw frost forming, heating curve animations 3: flowchart condensation but not freezing saw animations (? – it was just B. Campos!) 4: didn’t really get started   all the way to animations of phases as/after bell ringing/rang 5: brief glimpse of diagram  6: brief glimpse of diagram 

Time permitting, Syringe demonstration @ tables [yes][no][][][] Moral of the story: It’s not just T that makes l  g, it’s also p [1/2][no][][][]

Page 23 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:49 PM Wednesday 9/21/2016:

Passing Period: pass back papers, remediate lab docs [][][][][] Circulate Flyers YES! [][][][][] HW: 4.1 section assessment [][][][][] WUP: What does the word “atom” mean in Greek? [][][][][] (also, yesterday’s for p3!) x[]xxx Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 4.1 reading notes [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] (also yesterday’s for p3!) x[]xxx General announcements: Triple Beam Balance = x/10 mini-lab (others will be x/100) [][][][][] Title, notes, measurements bare minimum for 10/10 [][][][][] Today is the last day to turn in 5-week Wup w/out -10% late fee [][][][][]

Harrass lab docs [][][][][]

Syringe demo (again?) . . . for those periods that didn’t get to do it/didn’t do it justice [][][][][] In your notes, make sure you’ve written WHAT happened & WHY [][][][][]

Chapter 13 Packet List on screen (x HUD slide) – pack 13 due! [][][][][]

Please feel free to play with blue water /grad cyl “barometer” setup @ beg/end of period [][][][][]

Atomic Structure ppt 1: start  subatomic particle start 3: ALMOST started but time ran out thanks to assembly-related catch-up NEVER STARTED! 4:  how big is an amu? (just massed the proton) 5: start  matter has mass and volume 6:

Page 24 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:49 PM Thursday 9/22/2016: KAWAHARA 4 PM!

Passing Period: pass back pack 13, etc. [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: not today [][][][][] HW: 4.2 reading notes[][][][][] WUP: Why are solids so solid? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 4.1 section assessment [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: Wup 5wk is now -10% [][][][][] Today is last day to turn in/re-submit TBB notes w/out -10% penalty [][][][][] Needs title, notes, measurements for 10/10 [][][][][] I have dentist appt today so I’m out the door at 3 pm [][][][][] Period 5, club grub is tomorrow. Lines suck, so food okay in here p5 xxx[]x Detailed pack 13 list on screen (HUD slide) [][][][][]

Harrass lab docs [][][][][]

Static Electricity Lab – distribute worksheet [][][][][] As much as possible, grade pack 13 while kids do lab [][][][][] Record points [][][][][] Pass back packets [][][][][]

Page 25 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:49 PM Friday 9/23/16:

Passing Period: the usual [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: tutoring matrix, cartoon club [][][][][] HW: 4.2 section assessment [][][][][] WUP: What was the first subatomic particle ever discovered? Any idea why we discovered that one first? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 4.2 reading notes [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: Food okay p5 today due to club grub xxx[]x I gave HERO safety pts to lab doc completers yesterday [][][][][] Period 5, sorry, I forgot general announcements yesterday. Dunno why. Xxx[]x TBB notes is now -10% [forgot!][][][][]

Harrass lab docs [][][][][]

Period 4 only: re-write one of the two scenarios on the back of the matrix w/NPD  stamps xx[]xx Sign/parent sign back of scenario sheet & return for HERO points xx[]xx

Discuss Static Electricity Lab [][][][][] using ppt! [][][][][]

Static Electricity Lab due now [][][][][]

Continue (re-start?) Atomic Structure ppt 1 restart  kid with staticky hair 3 start  1 amu = 10-24 g 4 start  electron mass 5 didn’t even start (yesterday’s problems carried over into today + dry ice shenanigans) 6 start  swbat only just popped on screen

Page 26 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:49 PM Monday 9/26/16: COLLAB – SHORT PERIODS

Passing Period: [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: [][][][][] HW: Finish static electricity lab [][][][][] WUP: Compare and contrast gravity and the electrostatic force [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 4.2 section assessment [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: Static Electricity Lab submitable today & tomorrow w/out late fees  [][][][][] P1, did you get any robo-calls? 7 or more tardies got one []xxxx P4, did you get that pbis thing signed? Give it to me so I can give it to McClaren  hero pts xx[]xx

Harrass lab docs [][][][][]

Continue Atomic Structure ppt 1 restart  kid with staticky hair  plum pudding slide 3 start  1 amu = 10^-24 g  magnet deflects cathode rays 4 start  electron mass  proton and neutron are the heaviest two 5 no start  start  Thomson had help discovering the e- 6 start  swbat only just popped on screen  just switched to kid w/electricky hair

Page 27 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:49 PM Tuesday 9/27/16:

Passing Period: pass back static electricity lab if available [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: fsu 101 (ethnic studies) [][][][][] HW: none – but double soon! [][][][][] WUP: What are the masses, charges, and locations of the three main subatomic particles? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: nothing assigned last night (debate #1) [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] P1 only: show C&C grav vs. electrostatic F x HUD slide on screen []xxxx General announcements:

Harrass lab docs [][][][][]

Continue Atomic Structure ppt 1 plum pudding slide  cartoon e- orbit (circular. Ha!) 3 start  1 amu = 10^-24 g  magnet deflects cathode rays  cartoon e- orbit/real orbit mentioned 4 proton and neutron are the heaviest two  discussed fuzzy e- orbit positional probability 5 Thomson had help discovering the e-  about to talk about e- probabilistic location fuzz 6 just switched to kid w/electricky hair  got graph paper?

Page 28 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:49 PM Wednesday 9/27/2016:

Passing Period: pass back papers [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: none [][][][][] HW: 4.3 reading notes, prpr [][][][][] WUP: What happened in the gold foil experiment? What did Rutherford conclude as a result? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: nothing today . . . [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: Static electricity lab is in power school now. Check your grades [][][][][] Is anything broken in there? Get it fixed asap! [][][][][] Static lab can be turned in original or re-sub w/out penalty until next lab is due [][][][][]

Harrass lab docs [][][][][]

Atom rules determination activity [][][][][]

Page 29 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:49 PM Thursday 9/29/2016:

Passing Period: pass back papers [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: engr parent info night, latino college expo [][][][][] HW: 4.3 section assessment, Atom Rules Determination Activity [][][][][] WUP: Why are the atomic masses on the periodic table almost never whole numbers? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 4.3 reading notes, practice problems #’s 15-24 [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: P4 only: if you returned your PBIS contract, you got a leaping star in HERO xx[]xx Scr 02 is finally graded. Will be handed back tomorrow for reflection activity [][][][][]

Harrass lab docs [][][][][]

Continue Atom Rules Determination Activity (p6 is far far behind) [][][][][] Directions slide on screen [][][][][] Pass out atoms in sheet protectors, in reverse order [][][][][] Set timer for t-10 min [][][][][] Check for data table format (& content) [][][][][]  cpp until col 2 filled [][][][][] Give cpp for volunteer code cracks w/justification [][][][][] Activity getting old? Go over worksheet [y][][][][] @ buzzer or just prior to discussion: hand out spoonfed pre-filled data table [n][][][][] “This is graded as a lab. Staple your data table to your worksheet & turn in tomorrow” [][][][][]

Page 30 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:49 PM Friday 9/30/2016:

Passing Period: pass back scr 02, etc. [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: none today [][][][][] HW: Atom Chart Worksheet [][][][][] WUP: What can you tell me about an atom that has five protons, six neutrons, and seven electrons? [][][][] [] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 4.3 section assessment #’s 25-33 [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: We meet in the media center computer lab Tuesday 10/4 [][][][][]

Atom Rules Determination Activity is due @ end of period (soft due date). [][][][][] Static Electricity lab is -10% now [][][][][] You don’t need all 18 atoms and they don’t need to be in order. [][][][][]

Read 4.3 to get info to fill in worksheet if you can’t tell from data [][][][][]

Chapter 02 Test Reflection Activity: Scr 02 is x+25/42 normal, x+20/41 honors. Check my math, please [][][][][] Remember, re-takes are untimed, so you have all the time you need for scr [][][][][] If you did a lunchtime/after school ch 02 test reflection, attach that to your scr 02 [][][][][] Please also attach your ch 02 quiz show notes to your scr 02 [][][][][] Quiz show notes & reflection can add up to a 2nd re-take ticket. (1st is always bw) [][][][][]

Take your scr 02 and, in a different color ink from what you wrote your scr in, Draw a horizontal line after your last bit of writing [][][][][] Write “CH 02 Reflection” under the line as the new subtitle

YOu’re about to get together with people who had the same test version as you. [][][][][] The highest-scoring person is version leader. They will tell you the answers [][][][][] Underneath your reflection subtitle, write down the #’s of all the ones you got wrong & What the right answer was For each question you got wrong, you need to explain why your answer was wrong [][][][][] And why the correct answer was right [][][][][]

Finished early? Work on the hw.

Page 31 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:49 PM Monday 10/3/2016:

Passing Period: pass out mail [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: none [][][][][] HW: study for ch 13 / ch 04 test; come to media center computer lab tomorrow [][][][][] WUP: What should a oxygen-15 atom with a 2- charge be made of? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: nothing today (worksheets don’t get stamps) [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] Slide in hud.ppt [][][][][] General announcements: I have to leave at 3 pm today. Washing machine repairman. [no][][][][] If you’re putting happy faces on math problem answers that you didn’t figure out correctly on your own, you’re doing it wrong. (I can tell lots of people are doing that because they’re not showing work.) Happy faces are for when you do it right on your own. If you are simply copying the answer because you don’t know how to do the problem, put a question mark, not a happy face [no][][][][] Who are you cheating when you do this? Yourself. You’re stealing pennies and dropping dollars. [no][][][][] We meet in the computer lab in the media center tomorrow! [][][][][]

Harrass lab docs [][][][][]

Show answers to atom rules determination activity [][][][][]

Pass out ch 02 testing materials for more reflection [][][][][] Please do not take question packets out of the room Periods 1 & 3 sucked, so for p4, 5, 6, I’m giving the kids a tps head start on atom id.

Atom Identification ppt xx[][][]

Page 32 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:49 PM Tuesday 10/4/2016: MEDIA CENTER COMPUTER LAB

Passing Period: pass back papers [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: none today [][][][][] HW: study for tomorrow’s 04/13 test [][][][][] WUP: click through atom identification ppt [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: only old math [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: Test tomorrow. 2/3 new stuff (04, 13). 1/3 old stuff (1.3, 2.all)

Set timer for tf – 35 min [][][][][] Give kids a chance to click through atom identification ppt . . . [][][][][] @ buzzer, switch to quiz show [][][][][]

Page 33 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:49 PM Wednesday 10/5/2016:

Passing Period: prepare answer docs / scr [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: not on a test day! [][][][][] HW: Gather all ch 04 bookwork, etc., together. Packet due tomorrow. [][][][][] WUP: Prepare answer docs & scr [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: last chance math ch 04 [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements:

Ch 04 test: Turn all devices off and place them in backpacks, NOT pants pockets [][][][][] Don’t use your phone/device for ANYTHING during the test, not even to look at the time. [][][][][] Get out two writing utensils and 1+ pieces paper as scr [][][][][] ½ used scr bin [][][][][] No going into backpacks for any reason at any time til bell [][][][][] On ground! [][][][][] Scr title = [on screen] [][][][][] Answer doc title = [on screen] [][][][][] Show hud slide w/form # vs test # [][][][][] Fill out personal info on ans doc [][][][][] Do NOT write on question packet - write on scr instead [][][][][] tell me if vandalized! [][][][][] Take roll [][][][][] Security sweep [][][][][] test #/form#/id# sweep [][][][][] Screen questions on screen [][][][][] Go over priority list [][][][][] Need p/o? [][][][][] Timer = tf – 2 min [][][][][] SPECIAL TODAY ONLY:+/O/[] in resp column [][][][][]

Work on to-do list items from in-box [][][][][]

@ buzzer “guess” [][][][][] three neat stacks on table tip [][][][][]

Page 34 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:49 PM Thursday 10/6/2016:

Passing Period: [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: class of 2017 hall of fame (yellow) [][][][][] HW: 25.1 notes, sxn assmt, due Monday 10/10 [][][][][] WUP: gather ch 04 stuff for packet submission (packet list to follow . . . ) [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: only late 4.3 prpr & sxn assmt (math mercy) [][][][][] Go over wup: n/a [][][][][] General announcements:

Ch 04 packet is due now. See list on screen. Anything I forgot? [][][][][]

Ch 04 reflection in version groups [][][][][]

Update seating charts and roll sheets based on PSchool gradebook notifications [][][][][] done 

@bell: Group leaders, re-clip your test packets & answer keys; return to origins [][][][][] Everybody, put your answer docs in the tray by the door [][][][][]

Page 35 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:49 PM Friday 10/7/2016: ACE CLEARWATER FIELD TRIP (Sub per’s 1-5. I take 6th)

Passing Period: [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: [][][][][] HW: given previous day, 25.1 reading notes, section assessment, both due Monday [][][][][] WUP: none [][][][][] Roll: by sub [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail (n/a) [][][][][] Stamp: [sub] [][][][][] Go over wup: n/a [][][][][] General announcements: 25.1 reading guide due at end of period, even if not completed

Harrass lab docs [][][][][]

25.1 Reading guide (yellow) distributed & worked on. Collected @ end of period [][][][][]

Page 36 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:49 PM Monday 10/10/2016: COLAB – SHORT PERIODS

Passing Period: LOTS of mail to pass back. Holy cow. Packets, sub ws, misc . . . [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: none [][][][][] HW: 25.2 reading notes, practice problems. [][][][][] WUP: Compare & contrast alpha, beta, & gamma radiation [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] – special: per 3 only: pack 04 list on screen x hud slide x[]xxx Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 25.1 reading notes, section assessment (#’s 1-6) [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements:

Harrass lab docs [][][][][]

Chem cfa phc 04 hhs [][][][][] Please put npd on bubble sheet [][][][][] Do not bubble a response for q#1 (the table), but please do fill in the table on the q-sheet [][][][][] PT okay. Use your pinkie [][][][][] This is for “how are we doing” purposes, so cheating won’t help you, only hurt you [][][][][] Grade is participation grade, not test score. Effort is being rewarded, not performance. [][][][][]

Erase green ink from wup on board [][][][][]

Wmet flyers (blue) anybody in engineering? Of you, who’s female? [][][][][]

@ end of period, two neat stacks on tip of table: q-sheets, bubble sheets [][][][][]

Go over 25.1 reading guide [][][][][]

Page 37 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:49 PM Tuesday 10/11/2016:

Passing Period: [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: WMET handouts (blue) [][][][][] HW: 25.2 sxn assmt [][][][][] WUP: What is special about uranium? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 25.2 reading notes, prpr #’s 7 & 8 [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements:

Harrass lab docs [][][][][]

Who didn’t finish the cfa yesterday? [][][][][] Re-distribute, regardless [][][][][] “Put npd in urhc on bubble sheet if not there already” [][][][][] More time to finish if necessary [5][][][][] Be honest as you self-correct. Your points are from effort/participation, not correct answers [][][][][] Self-correct question #1 (HUD slide on screen) and bubble in points out of nine [][][][][] As we go over # 2-9, write notes on your q-sheet re your incorrect answers; you keep sheet [][][][][] Collect bubble sheets / students keep question sheets [][][][][]

Allow a little time to work on yellow sheets [nope][nope][?][nope][] Go over answers via ppt [nope][nope][finished #3][nope][]

Page 38 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Wednesday 10/12/16:

Passing Period: [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: passable wmet flyer [][][][][] HW: none [][][][][] WUP: Is there anything GOOD that radioactive atoms do? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] SPECIAL: resp cpp check: 1/3 of kids – are they on-task? (+/O/[]) [][][][][] Stamp: 25.2 section assessment #’s 9-14 [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements:

Harrass lab docs [][][][][]

Does period need to finish going over cfa? Do so! [][][][][]

Allow a little time to work on yellow sheets [nope][nope][?][nope][] Go over answers via ppt [up to #8.][up to 5c.][in the middle of #18][done w/#7.][#3 done.]

Page 39 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Thursday 10/12/2016:

Passing Period: [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: blood drive, etc. [][][][][] HW: nothing new – not done w/25.2 yet [][][][][] WUP: What happens to a radioactive atom when one half-life of time goes by? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Check other half of class for on-task during warm-up [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: Anybody need a stamp? (Nothing new – just old math) [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: I’m staying late-ish tonight to finish q1 grades. [][][][][] If you need to fix your grade, do it before I go home tonight. [][][][][] I’ll be here for sure from 3 pm to 4 pm. After that, it’s iffy [][][][][]

Harrass lab docs [][][][][]

Go over 25.1 reading guide (yellow paper) answers via ppt 1: done. Next ppt started just barely  3: up to #18 beta decay equation finished ;) 4: [in the middle of #18  done 5: done w/#7  just BARELY finished 6: #3 done  done w/#18 barely

Nuclear Chemistry ppt, time permitting 1 start  evolution cartoon 3 not started 4 up to slide 12 (two swbats) 5 not started yet 6 not started yet

Page 40 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Friday 10/13/2016:

Passing Period: [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: MBK [][][][][] HW: none – but don’t get used to it. [][][][][] WUP: What does alpha decay do to a nucleus? What does beta decay do to a nucleus? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: only 25.2 math [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements:

Okay, now that we’ve gone over the warm-up, turn in your 10-week Wup packet [][][][][] Date range = 9/16 – 10/14/16 [][][][][]

Go over 25.1 reading guide (yellow paper) answers via ppt 1: done. Next ppt started just barely  3: up to #18 beta decay equation finished ;)  done friday 4: [in the middle of #18  done 5: done w/#7  just BARELY finished 6: #3 done  done w/#18 barely

Nuclear Chemistry ppt, time permitting 1 start  evolution cartoon  alpha decay animation friday 3 not started  start  Geiger counter video friday 4 up to slide 12 (two swbats) just starting nuclear fission 5 not started yet  slide 12 (two swbats down) friday 6 not started yet  slide 12 just fnished alpha friday

Harrass lab docs [][][][][]

Page 41 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Monday 10/17/2016: COLLAB SHORT PERIODS

Passing Period: pass back lingering mail – but NOT wup 10! [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: should you send that picture? [][][][][] HW: Radioactive Decay Series Worksheet [][][][][] WUP: NEW WUP PACKET!!! 15-WEEK PACKET STARTS TODAY!!! How can an atom bomb hurt people? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Did group leaders distr the ws? [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: nothing today [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: I have to leave early due to a washing machine delivery [][][][][]

Harrass lab docs [][][][][]

Radioactive Decay Series Worksheet: model the first two [][][][][] TPS the next three [][][][][] “The rest is for hw!” [][][][][]

Nuclear Chemistry ppt, time permitting 1 alpha decay animation Friday  ½ beta decay animation Mon 3 Geiger counter video friday  ½ C & C abg page (sl #12) monday 4 up to slide 12 (two swbats) just starting nuclear fission  nothing monday 5 slide 13(?) (two swbats down) Friday  finished alpha decay animation Mon 6 not started yet  slide 12 just fnished alpha friday

Page 42 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Tuesday 10/18/2016:

Passing Period: pass back wup 10 wk [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: none [][][][][] HW: finish radioactive decay simulation lab [][][][][] WUP: A sulfur-35 atom mysteriously turns into a chlorine-35 atom. How could that happen? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: old 25.2 only [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: Book #8, p5 was in the SINK! RESPETA LOS LIBROS! One stack, white stripe [][][][][]

Harrass lab docs [][][][][]

Radioactive Decay Simulation Lab – pass out ws [][][][][] Get people started flipping coins. [][][][][]

P6 only: Set timer for tf – 2 min xxxx[]

Work on wup 10wk packets for future periods. Grade & record. [][][][][]

@ buzzer p6 only: stand by exit door w/clipboard & order students to put chairs on tables xxxx[] Order students to remain @ assigned seats. Ask random students cpp questions xxxx[]

Check tables for books stacked, white stripe on right [][][][][]  cpp resp +/O/[] Check p6 also for chairs on table xxxx[]

Page 43 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Wednesday 10/19/2016: PSAT -- WEIRD SCHEDULE:

Passing Period: pass back mail – report cards p4! [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: [][][][][] HW: 25.3 reading notes, section assessment [][][][][] WUP: [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: Please note general format of two graphs for lab (on board) [][][][][] Table inspections w/pt gain/loss still necessary due to book (& chair p6) non-compliance [][][][][] P1 only: 12th graders go to cafeteria. Here are your passes, you two []xxxx

Harrass lab docs [][][][][]

P1 only: PSAT []xxxx

P3 only: The theoretical yield (even if declared “extra credit” on your ws) is required for honors. X[]xxx Your lab will be x/120 instead of x/100. X[]xxx

All but p1: You have about 20 minutes to continue working on the lab OR do hw x[][][][]

Page 44 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Thursday 10/20/2016: EQ/EVAC DRILL p2!

Passing Period: pass back scr 04, old mail [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: dance, csu thingie [][][][][] HW: 24.4 reading notes (all), section assessment (honors) [][][][][] WUP: How does one calculate an average? What is the average of 23, 47, 19, 5, 0, and 7? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 25.3 reading notes, section assessment (#’s 15-20) [][][][][] Go over wup: (slide in hud) [][][][][] General announcements: scr 04: x+45/75 normal, x+35/72 honors [][][][][] questions about red marks? [][][][][] Test Friday: csa 04 / 25 p1 only: Get % vs time data for tables 7 & 8 []xxxx display to whole class for copying []xxxx Graphing expectation in Barnes’ class: HUD slide [][][][][]

Show spreadsheet graph for various periods [][][][][] (to show variety in one-table data & [][][][][] relative conformity of period ave to theoretical % vs time curve) [][][][][]

Show animation of half-life [][][][][] Show animation of nuclear fission chain reaction [][][][][] Show animation of nuclear fusion [][][][][]

Page 45 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Friday 10/21/2016:

Passing Period: old mail [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: none [][][][][] HW: gather pack 25 mats together: bw, ws, lect notes [][][][][] WUP: Get csa answer doc, put npd, id# [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] General announcements: nada

Conduct CSA 1 – unit 2 Do NOT write on question packet. Must be re-used other periods [][][][][] Answers to be written in white space outside of bubble box [][][][][] Brief answers (one word, even) as much as possible [][][][][] CS/CSF required for some but not all q’s on this test [][][][][] Do not peek at rubric until you’re done with the test [][][][][] No point cheating on this test – your grade depends on effort/sincere participation, not correct answers [][][][][] There are a few questions asking about things we didn’t discuss in class, but try your hardest anyway. You may have read something in the book that helps [][][][][] Attach extra paper if you run out of white space on bubble sheet [][][][][] Self-grade using rubric & bubble sheet & PENCIL when youre done [][][][][] Scoring bubbles must be done in PENCIL in case you decide diff. on Monday [][][][][] Be honest [][][][][] Read rubric & go with your gut for # of points [][][][][] no notes, books, phones, earphones, etc. pink pt is okay [][][][][]

Okay, get started [][][][][]

Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 25.4 notes, sxn assmt (#’s 21-24) [oops][yes][][][] cpp column d8 +/O/[] for participation in csa today [][][][][]

[teacher constructs ppt for going over answers on Monday][][][][][] and prepares lessons for the next unit [][][][][]

Please leave three neat piles on the tip of your table: q-pack, rubric, answer docs [][][][][]

Page 46 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Monday 10/24/2016: COLLAB SHORT PERIODS

Passing Period: pass out csa-1 answer docs [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: key club skid row greenie [][][][][] HW: 5.1 reading notes, section assessment [][][][][] WUP: [][][][][] Get out a pencil. [][][][][] Get out your Nuclear Chemistry Notes [][][][][] Draw a thick horizontal line right after the end of your notes. [][][][][] Skip a line. Write “CSA 1 Reflection” and put a box around it. [][][][][] Get ready to take some good notes in your reflection . . . [][][][][] “Please begin scoring yourself on your bubble roster using the rubric” [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Check back-on-track e-mail to see if anyone needs to be sent [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 25.4 notes, section assessment (p1) [][][][][] General announcements: Period one, I forgot to stamp your 25.4 Friday, so I’ll do it today [][][][][]

Go over CSA [][][][][] Be honest, but also trust your gut on how many pts to give yourself [][][][][] If you already scored an item and you change your mind, erase and re-bubble [][][][][] LEARN from your mistakes [][][][][] I apologize that we didn’t go over all of this in class [][][][][] NOTE TO DAN: Some of the rubric instructions may be faulty! Sean saw one! [][][][][] Progress through rubric: 1: ½ # 20 3: done  4: ½ # 17 5: ½ # 18 ½ drawing . . . 6: just starting # 15 3 neat stacks on tip of table: question packets, rubric sheets, answer documents [][][][][]

When done going over CSA, packet list on board. [][][][][] * 25.1 reading notes * 25.1 section assessment * 25.2 reading notes * 25.2 practice problems (last day for stamps = today!) * 25.2 section assessment (last day for stamps = today!) * 25.3 reading notes * 25.3 section assessment * 25.4 reading notes (stampable today!  ) * 25.4 section assessment (stampable today!  ) * 25.1 reading guide (yellow) * Radioactive Decay Series Worksheet * Nuclear Chemistry Notes * CSA-1 Reflection

Pack 25 in wire basket before you leave – no late penalties for packet submission, though. [][][][][]

Page 47 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Tuesday 10/25/2016:

Passing Period: pass out csa bubble sheets (except p3) [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: dance celebration, flyer #1 [][][][][] HW: 5.2 reading notes, practice problems [][][][][] WUP: Who was the first scientist to propose that electrons orbit the nucleus of an atom? [][][][][] “If you haven’t bubbled in all the bubbles, finish scoring yourself IN PENCIL” [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 5.1 reading notes, section assessment [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][]

Finish going over CSA (excedpt p3) []x[][][] Progress through rubric: 1: ½ # 20 3: done  4: ½ # 17 5: ½ # 18 ½ drawing . . . 6: just starting # 15

Put pack 25 list on board once straggler periods finish CSA scoring/reflection [][][][][]

Electron Configurations ppt 1 discussed fraunhoffer lines & how Rutherford model didn’t explain them tue 10/25 3 talked about e = hv, bohr absorption/emission, showed plasma discharge tubes, prisms 10/25 4 fh lines & star colors not expl x ruth model; just beginning to talk about the bohr model 10/25 5 just started bohr’s model of the atom 10/25 6

Page 48 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Wednesday 10/26/16:

Passing Period: pass back pack 25; He plasma discharge tube on & buzzing [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: none [][][][][] HW: none – until we develop e-config better [][][][][] WUP: compare & contrast Rutherford & Bohr models of atom [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 5.2 reading notes, practice problems [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: nuthin

Electron configurations ppt 1  speeding ticket ½ on 10/26 3  speeding ticket ½ on 10/26 4  starting speeding ticket 10/26 5  mostly done w/speeding ticket 10/26 6  done w/speeding ticket 10/26

Page 49 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Thursday 10/27/16:

Passing Period: hydrogen in plasma discharge clips (hot pink!), pass back old mail [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: engineering Halloween potluck [][][][][] HW: none – again [][][][][] WUP: Why does the hydrogen tube glow a different color than the helium did? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: straggler stuff, incl late ok 5.2 pr pr [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: I’m getting picked up at 3:30 pm today [][][][][]

Continue electron configurations ppt 1  speeding ticket ½ on 10/26  slide 41 pretty color orbitals: s, p, d, f on 10/27 3  speeding ticket ½ on 10/26  slide 41 pretty candies s pdf 10/27 4  starting speeding ticket 10/26  about to start diagonal rule 10/27 5  mostly done w/speeding ticket 10/26  ½ spdf “candy” slide (SL 41) 10/27 6  done w/speeding ticket 10/26  neon atom’s e-config 10/27

Page 50 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Friday 10/28/2016:

Passing Period: prism, neon tube, misc. mail [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: none [][][][][] HW: 5.2 section assessment. HONORS: 5.3 all as well [][][][][] WUP: What is the Heisenberg uncertainty principle? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 5.2 prpr (straggler – late ok math mercy) [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: Read off names of csa incompletes [][][][][] I’m getting picked up at 4 pm [][][][][] Turn in your radioactive decay (penny-flipping) lab! [][][][][] Don’t copy conclusion question answers on labs. It’s plagiarism. -10 this time . . . [][][][][] I don’t accept late work/no re-takes during the last week of s1 or last 2 wk of s2 [][][][][]

P4 only: PBIS lesson xx[]xx

During the ppt, make sure you turn the lights on a second and refer to the organizational hierarchy for the e- cloud on the board to the right of the proj screen [][][][][] Continue electron configurations ppt 1 slide 41 pretty color orbitals: s, p, d, f on 10/27  carbon e-config/orb diag + Hund’s rule 10/28 3 slide 41 pretty candies s pdf 10/27  ½ carbon’s e-config (1s22s22p2 – cut off by bell) 10/28 4 about to start diagonal rule 10/27  just barely did econfig for carbon 10/28 5 ½ spdf “candy” slide (SL 41) 10/27  about to do e-config for argon 10/28 6 neon atom’s e-config 10/27  just barely finished e-config for carbon on 10/28

Page 51 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Monday 10/31/2016: COLLAB SHORT PERIODS/HALLOWEEEEEEEN!

Passing Period: pass back bits of old mail [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: engineering haloween potluck, maze, dance [][][][][] HW: Chapter 5 assessment questions #’s 30-39 [][][][][] Answers are in student vault, but in the pdf’s toward the top of the page (red & white) [][][][][] WUP: How many electrons can fit in an orbital? Under what circumstances? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 5.2 section assessment. HONORS: 5.3 all as well [][][][][] [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: I’m leaving the room at 3:15 today. Gotta set up the house for Halloween [][][][][] I intend to make the ch 05 & 25 test tomorrow night and give it Wednesday [][][][][] 1/3 ch 05, 1/3 ch 25, 1/3 old stuff (01.3, 02, 13, 04)

Continue electron config ppt 1 carbon e-config/orb diag + Hund’s rule 10/28  ½ orb diagram argon 10/31 3 ½ carbon’s e-config (1s22s22p2 – cut off by bell) 10/28 just started Ar orb diag 10/31 4 just barely did econfig for carbon 10/28  ready to start orb diag for ar 10/31 5 about to do e-config for argon 10/28  ½ orbital diagram arg 10/31 6 just barely finished e-config for carbon on 10/28  finshed e-config arg 10/31

Page 52 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Tuesday 11/1/2016:

Passing Period: bits of mail [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: fsu 201 [][][][][] HW: study for test [][][][][] WUP: How many electrons can fit into an “s” sublevel? A “p” sublevel? “d”? “f”? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 05 assessment #’s 30-39 [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: Tomorrow’s test is 1/3 05, 1/3 25, 1/3 old stuff (see hud slide) [][][][][] Back to normal air/water oral intake restrictions [][][][][]

Continue electron config ppt 1 ½ orb diagram argon 10/31  chromium e-config just barely done 11/1 3 just started Ar orb diag 10/31  JUST finished, saw owl, rearranged c = Lnn 11/1 4 ready to start orb diag for ar 10/31  JUST finished orb diag for cr 11/1 5 ½ orbital diagram arg 10/31  finished & saw the owl 11/1 6 finshed e-config arg 10/31 

Time for independent practice w/ch 05 assmt

Page 53 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Wednesday 11/2/16:

Passing Period: prepare for test [][][][][] HW: gather ch 05 packet materials [][][][][] WUP: prepare test documents [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Erase the board []xxxx

Ch 05/25 test: Never write on a question packet. Where do you write? (“scr!”) [][][][][] tell if vandalized [][][][][] Turn all devices off and place them in backpacks, NOT pants pockets [][][][][] Don’t use your phone/device for ANYTHING during the test, not even to look at the time. [][][][][] Get out two writing utensils and 1+ pieces paper as scr [][][][][] ½ used scr bin [][][][][] No going into backpacks for any reason at any time til bell [][][][][] On ground! [][][][][] Scr title = [on screen] [][][][][] Answer doc title = [on screen] [][][][][] Show hud slide w/form # vs test # [][][][][] Fill out personal info on ans doc [][][][][] Take roll [][][][][] Security sweep [][][][][] test #/form#/id# sweep [][][][][] Screen questions on screen [][][][][] Go over priority list [][][][][] Need p/o? [][][][][] Timer = tf – 2 min [][][][][] Order more answer documents [] @ buzzer “guess” [][][][][] three neat stacks on table tip [][][][][]

During test: answer keys transfer files to new laptop cpp for csa-1 

Page 54 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Thursday 11/3/2016:

Passing Period: pass back mc 05 answer docs; hero app flyer to p4; old mail [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: none today (seating disrupted) [][][][][] HW: 6.1 reading notes [][][][][] WUP: What is weird about the electron configuration 1s22s22p43s1? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: anything 05 that’s mathy [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: mc 05 is x+5/31 normal, x+2/31 honors [][][][][]

Pack 05 due (list on screen) [][][][][] mc 05 reflection activity, as usual [][][][][] done w/reflection? get your book & start the hw out in the red “island” desks

Page 55 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Friday 11/4/2016:

Passing Period: [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: various (mecha, college/career) [][][][][] HW: 6.1 section assessment [][][][][] WUP: Who made the first periodic table and how did he arrange the elements on it? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 6.1 reading notes [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: For future tests, Bookwork AND reflections (w/at least three quality treatments) required for RT’s. People aren’t even trying on reflection days. BAD. [][][][][] The following people have CSA’s to finish taking &/or scoring: [][][][][] I’ll be putting them in cold storage if you don’t take care of them in three days. [][][][][]

Addendum: e- can get excited by photon of proper e but also by heat, electricity . . . ? [][][][][]

Periodic Table Introduction ppt 1 start  who’s at that address, 2nd q in 11//4 3 start  found lanthanum (who’s at that address) 11/4 4 start  just located manganese (whos’ at that address) 11/4 5 start  groups = families (BEHIND!) 11/4 6 start  groups = families done 11/4

Page 56 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Monday 11/7/2016: NORMAL SCHEDULE (No collab this week due to Friday off = vet’s day)

Passing Period: bits of mail [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: [][][][][] HW: 6.2 reading notes, practice problems 8 & 9 [][][][][] WUP: What do all metals have in common? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 6.1 section assessment #’s 1-7 [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: I’ll be here today til 4 pm, but tomorrow I’m heading home to vote @ 3:15 [][][][][] Ms. Ancayan (Ramirez?) is trying to bring AP Enviro Sci back. flyer pending [][][][][]

Resume Periodic Table Introduction ppt 1 start  who’s at that address, 2nd q in 11//4 3 start  found lanthanum (who’s at that address) 11/4 4 start  just located manganese (whos’ at that address) 11/4 5 start  groups = families (BEHIND!) 11/4 6 start  groups = families done 11/4

Periodic Table Regions ppt 1 start  1st run of alkali metal video 11/7 3 4 5 start  started 2nd run of alkali metal video 11/7 6 start  showed alk metals once 11/7

Page 57 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Tuesday 11/8/2016: ELECTION DAY

Passing Period: pass back pack 05, etc. [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: APES [][][][][] HW: 6.2 section assessment [][][][][] WUP: What do all alkali metals have in common? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 6.2 reading notes, practice problems [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: No after school stuff today. I’m leaving at 3:15 to vote [][][][][]

Colored pencils are for coloring in blank pt (gp leaders please get one) [][][][][]

Periodic Table Regions ppt, cont 1 alkali metal frame-by-frame  just barely started halogens video 11/8 3 need 1st alkali metal run  watching calcium bubble 11/8 4 alkali metal f x f  discussed transition metals 11/8 5 alkali recap  transition metals well-treated 11/8 6

Page 58 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Wednesday 11/9/2016:

Passing Period: old mail [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: APES [][][][][] HW: nothing tonight [][][][][] WUP: What is true of the electron configurations of all noble gases? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 6.2 section assessment [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: I’m leaving at 3:15 pm today [][][][][]

Periodic Table Regions ppt, cont 1 halogens video (one pass, narrated)  neodymium magnets & crt tv 3 re-watch alk/alk earth video  just barely FINISHEDthe noble gas video 4 halogens  li na k rb cs fr (inner trannies done) 5 halogens  saw nd magnets just fine – crt tomorrow 6 halogens  noble gases video done

Page 59 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Thursday 11/9/16:

Passing Period: old mail [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: [][][][][] HW: 6.3 reading notes [][][][][] WUP: Based on the videos, what are the two most extreme elements; where are they on the PT? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: none [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] Now that we’re done with today’s wup gather all 15-wk wups (10/15-11/10) & submit [][][][][] General announcements 1st apes mtg @ lunch today c101 [][][][][] I’ll be here til 4 pm today after all. Rt/mup okay [][][][][]

Periodic Table Regions ppt, cont 1 halogens video (one pass, narrated)  neodymium magnets & crt tv  dygi q#9 3 re-watch alk/alk earth video  just barely FINISHEDthe noble gas video  As the metalloid 4 halogens  li na k rb cs fr (inner trannies done)  about to answer dygi q# 12 (halogen colors) 5 halogens  saw nd magnets just fine – crt tomorrow  answered dygi q#1 6 halogens  noble gases video done

Page 60 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Monday 11/14/2016:

Passing Period: [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: [][][][][] HW: 6.3 section assessment [][][][][] WUP: What happens to a neutral atom when it loses an electron? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 6.3 reading notes [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: Be nice to the hall pass. [][][][][] No late work/resubmissions/retakes during last week 1st semester [][][][][] (or last 2 weeks 2nd semester) Until I receive the “grades captured” e-mail, I can’t input data into PSchool [][][][][] Whose books are these? (table 9) [][][][][]

Begin periodic trends ppt 1 start  about to graph point for H 11/14 3 start  in the middle of plotting the point for H 11/14 4 start  about to plot helium 11/14 5 start  just plotted h & he dots 11/14 6 start  plenty of well-#’d axes 11/14

Page 61 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Tuesday 11/14/2016:

Passing Period: nothing special [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: APES [][][][][] HW: finish the atomic radius graph using [][][][][] WUP: What is the radius of an atom? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 6.3 section assessment #’s 16-23 [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: What did you do while we were going over the warm-up? [][][][][] Last chance for books. I have someone who wants to adopt them [][][][][] P4 only: progress reports & other flyer [][][][][]

Begin periodic trends ppt 1 start  about to graph point for H 11/14  faster kids have plotted up through nitrogen 11/15 3 start  plotting the point for H 11/14  delivered data up to 21 graphs good 11/15 4 start  about to plot helium 11/14  delivered data up to 21 most graphs good 11/15 5 start  just plotted h & he dots 11/14  delivered data through 21 11/15 6 start  plenty of well-#’d axes 11/14 

Page 62 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Wednesday 11/16/2017:

Passing Period: pass back 15-week warm-up packet [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: misc [][][][][] HW: Continue / finish / re-try the atomic radius graph. Due tomorrow [][][][][] WUP: What does the atomic radius graph do? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: nothing [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] Use hud slide to show general shape of graph [][][][][] General announcements: Ch 06 exam Friday – short periods but exam anyway. BE THERE. [][][][][]

Show class what looks like [][][][][]

“Put symbols next to dots, but only for alkali metals and noble gases” (the extremes) [][][][][] No data? Gap in the line. (Do not “connect through” these gaps) x[][][][]

Resume periodic trends ppt, skipping to slide 32, just before shielding effect 1 slide 32  skipped radius dygi q’s & got ½ thru slide #52 on 11/16 3 slide 32  about to steal electron from Frenchie on 11/6 4 slide 32  in the middle slide 55 on 11/16 5 slide 32  Frenchie just peed his pants on 11/16 6 slide 32  about to guess ie for alk met grey rectangles 11/16

Page 63 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Thursday 11/17/2016:

Passing Period: old mail [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: [][][][][] HW: study for tomorrow’s ch 06 test [][][][][] WUP: How is cesium different from helium? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: none – maybe old stuff – maybe . . . .[][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: Atomic Radius Graph is officially due today, but due date is soft . . . [][][][][] Graph on top, data table after x[][][][] Radio decay (coin flip) lab is now -10% [][][][][]

Continue periodic trends from yesterday’s leave-off point 1 skipped radius dygi q’s & got ½ thru slide #52 on 11/16  F highest skyscraper 11/17 3 slide 32  about to steal electron from Frenchie on 11/6  explained jump in ion size graph 11/17 4 slide 32  in the middle slide 55 on 11/16  Explained jumps in ion size. Saw a few preferred charges 11/17 5 slide 32  Frenchie just peed his pants on 11/16  B3+ ion radius on 11/17 6 slide 32  about to guess ie for alk met grey rectangles 11/16  Electronegativity graph discussion 11/17

Page 64 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Friday 11/18/2016: MINIMUM DAY prior to Thanksgiving week

Passing Period: pass back scr 05 [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: [][][][][] HW: get caught up [][][][][] WUP: [get started on test] [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: old stuff only w/abs excuse [][][][][] General announcements:

Ch 06 test: Never write on a question packet. Where do you write? (“scr!”) [][][][][] tell if vandalized [][][][][] Turn all devices off and place them in backpacks, NOT pants pockets [][][][][] Don’t use your phone/device for ANYTHING during the test, not even to look at the time. [][][][][] Get out two writing utensils and 1+ pieces paper as scr [][][][][] ½ used scr bin [][][][][] No going into backpacks for any reason at any time til bell [][][][][] On ground! [][][][][] Scr title = [on screen] [][][][][] Answer doc title = [on screen] [][][][][] Show hud slide w/form # vs test # [][][][][] Fill out personal info on ans doc [][][][][] Do NOT write on question packet - write on scr instead [][][][][] tell me if vandalized! [][][][][] Take roll [][][][][] Security sweep [][][][][] test #/form#/id# sweep [][][][][] Screen questions on screen [][][][][] Go over priority list [][][][][] Need p/o? [][][][][] Timer = tf – 2 min [][][][][] Order more answer documents [] @ buzzer “guess” [][][][][] three neat stacks on table tip [][][][][]

Page 65 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Monday 11/28/2016: COLLAB PLO/DEPT

Passing Period: pass back mc 06 answer docs [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: [][][][][] HW: 7.1 reading notes, practice problems – also, gather ch 06 bw [][][][][] WUP: What family of elements never forms bonds? Why not? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: none, but perhaps the legitimate late [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: Do not work on my stuff in other classes [][][][][] Do not work for other courses in here [][][][][] Remember all test security rules at all times [][][][][] Only two weeks left for late work/re-takes [][][][][] Make-up tests can still happen last week of semester [][][][][]

Mc 06 reflection [][][][][] Get in version groups. Highest score is version leader. Leader recites answer key [][][][][] Students mark answer docs, circling correct answers for q’s they missed [][][][][] Each version group picks one deadly question & tells barnes [][][][][] Barnes remediates requested question on screen [][][][][]

Page 66 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Tuesday 11/29/16:

Passing Period: pass back radius graphs [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: none [][][][][] HW: 7.1 section assessment [][][][][] WUP: Draw the dot structure for a nitrogen atom and for a nitrogen ion. Why did you draw them that way? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 7.1 reading notes, practice problems [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: Give me back answer docs – esp per 1! [][][][][] Also, give back mc 06 question packets! [][][][][] Honors students will be required to turn in ch 09 work / know ch 09 content @ end of ch 08 [][][][][]

Collect chapter 06 packet (list on board) [][][][][] * 6.1 reading notes, * 6.1 section assessment * 6.2 reading notes * 6.2 practice problems * 6.2 section assessment * 6.3 reading notes * 6.3 section assessment * blank periodic table (color coded & labeled) * periodic table introduction lecture notes * periodic table regions lecture notes * periodic trends lecture notes * anything I missed?

Build salt crystal model w/ppt support [][][][][] 1  putting two formula units together 3  just barely assembled the big cube 4  just got the big cube together 5  each table made a cube? 6  didn’t quite discuss joining formula units right

End of period? Erase critical parts of warm-up notes on board [][][][][]

Page 67 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM

Wednesday 11/30/2016:

Passing Period: [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: [][][][][] HW: 7.2 reading notes, practice problems [][][][][] WUP: Draw the dot structure for a magnesium atom and for a magnesium ion. Why did you draw them that way? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 7.1 section assessment [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][]

Make sure to look at the evapo-crystallization bins Perhaps while folks are assembling the salt crystal model [][][][][]

Finish making salt crystal model w/ ppt 1  putting two formula units together 3  just barely assembled the big cube 4  just got the big cube together 5  each table made a cube? 6  didn’t quite discuss joining formula units right

Ionic compound formulas ppt 1  top of slide 6 on 11/30 3  were just about to start be cl 2 on 11/30 4  just determined na+ in sodium chloride 11/30 5  just about to cut to the pt to show group #’s w/A’s ind. Val e- 11/30 6 not even started?

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Thursday 12/1/2016:

Passing Period: [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: [][][][][] HW: 7.2 section assessment [][][][][] WUP: What did the big balls and the little balls represent in our salt crystal model? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 7.2 reading notes, practice problems [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements:

Continue ionic compound formulas presentation (Distribute worksheet at appropriate moment) 1 top of slide 6 on 11/30  just started going over ws #3 3 were just about to start be cl 2  discussed roman numerals pretty well 12/1 4 just determined na+ in sodium chloride started working on #4 . . . 5 just about to cut to the pt to show group #’s w/A’s ind. Val e-  finished #4 6 not even started?  just started #3

Page 69 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Friday 12/2/2016:

Passing Period: pass back pack 06, etc [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: college/career ctr bulletin [][][][][] HW: 7.3 reading notes, section assessment HONORS: 9.1 all, 9.2 all [][][][][] WUP: What is the octet rule? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 7.2 section assessment #’s 14-21 [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: If you go on vacation early and miss a final, you get an incomplete. [][][][][]

Show new dead sea slides / youtube video in salt crystal ppt [oops][][][][] Finish Ionic compound Formulas ppt/ws 1 just started going over ws #3  discussed (III) in q#5 on 12/2 3 discussed roman numerals pretty well  finished #8 orally after criss-cross & #7 4 started working on #4  started discussing #6 5 finished #4  did #4 again, #5, & started #6 on 12/2 6 just started #3  ½ #4 – SLOW progress (poor focus)

Page 70 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Monday 12/5/2016 COLLAB 90 min dept:

Passing Period: pass back mail [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: [][][][][] HW: ALL STUDENTS: 8.1 reading notes, section assessment HONORS: 9.3 all [][][][][] WUP: Compare and contrast brass and bronze [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 7.3 reading notes, section assessment [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: This is the last week to turn in late work/re-take tests [][][][][] Remember next week ends the semester – s2 starts when we get back! [][][][][]

Bond type comparison ppt 1 start  aluminum animation just begun 12/5 3 start  aluminum slide 12/5 4 start  brittle salt animation 12/5 5 start  finshed discussing Al animation 12/5 6 start  just finished conductivity demonstration 12/5

Page 71 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Tuesday 12/5/16:

Passing Period: pass back scr 06, etc, [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: [][][][][] HW: 8.2 notes, prpr HON: 9.4 all also [][][][][] WUP: What is a covalent bond and who forms them? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 8.1 reading notes, section assessment HONORS: 9.3 all [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: Scr 06 x+30/49 normal; x + 25/49 honors Rattle off names of in-progress rt’s – finish by Friday! []][[][][] 20 week warm-up packet due Monday next week [][][][][] Ch 07(?)/08/09 packet due on day of final [][][][][] Ch 07 may be due sooner [][][][][]

Continue bond type comparison ppt 1 aluminum animation just begun 12/5  ½ through slide 20 (basis of cov bond) 12/6 3 aluminum slide 12/5  was JUST about to start covalent bonds 12/6 4 brittle salt animation 12/5  finished covalent bond slide 5 finshed discussing Al animation 12/5  covalent bad conductors 12/6 6 just finished conductivity demonstration 12/5  1st bullet in covalent bondslide 12/6

Page 72 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Wednesday 12/7/2016:

Passing Period: nibbles of mail [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: nah [][][][][] HW: ALL STUDENTS: 8.2 sxn assmt, HONORS: 9.5 all [][][][][] WUP: What is an atom trying to accomplish when it makes a covalent bond? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 8.2 notes, prpr #’s 7-12, any unstampd ch 09 [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: Please click through bond type comparison ppt on your own x[][][][] Period six, I forgot to record your scratch paper. Please return briefly. Xxxx[]

Ball & Stick activity 1 start  1.c (dots only for h2) on 12/7 3 start  1.d. (dots & dashes h2) on 12/7 4 start  2.b. all groups on 12/7 5 start  1.f. almost done . . . 12/7 6 start  1.c. some done 12/7 BAD DAY

Page 73 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Thursday 12/8/2016:

Passing Period: misc mail [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: nuthin [][][][][] HW: none for normal, 8.3 all for honors [][][][][] WUP: Who doesn’t form covalent bonds? Why not? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 8.2 section assessment (#’s 13 – 22), any unstamped ch 09 [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: Please click through bond type comparison ppt []xxxx Fix your grades. Tomorrow is last day for re-takes & late work! [][][][][] The following peole have tests in motion that STOP @ 3:29 tomorrow [][][][][]

Continue ball & stick activity 1 start  1.c (dots only for h2) on 12/7  waiting for fast groups to make 3d model n2 on 12/8 3 start  1.d. (dots & dashes h2) on 12/7  modifying 3d methane . . . 12/8 4 start  2.b. all groups on 12/7  caltrop 12/8 5 start  1.f. almost done . . . 12/7 6 start  1.c. some done 12/7 BAD DAY  finished n2 on 12/8

Page 74 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Friday 12/9/2016:

Passing Period: pass back misc mail [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: none [][][][][] HW: 8.4 reading notes, practice problems [][][][][] WUP: What does a straight line in a dot structure represent? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 8.3 reading notes, section assessment (#’s 23-29), any unstamped ch 09 work [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: Today at 3:29 pm, all re-takes stop and no more late work/re-submits are allowed [][][][][]

P4 only: take the handout home ( both sheets). Read it and, a piece of notebook paper, write down the most important UC/CSU things you learned from it.

Continue ball & stick activity 1 waiting for fast groups to make 3d model n2 on 12/8  finished methane 12/9 3 modifying 3d methane . . . 12/8  finished h20 12/9 4 caltrop 12/8  fnished h2o & at own pace now 12/9 5 methane step c on 12/8  groups @ various stages of h2o 12/9 6 finished n2 on 12/8  finshed ammonia 12/9

Page 75 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Monday 12/12/2016:

Passing Period: misc mail [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: none [][][][][] HW: 8.4 section assessment [][][][][] WUP: What’s the difference between a polar covalent bond and a nonpolar covalent bond? [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 8.4 reading notes, prpr (#’s 30, 31) [][][][][] P4 only: bonus stamp for pbis uc/csu summary essay xx[]xx Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: P1, 8.4 is required, not honors-only. I’ll stamp it tomorrow for you guys []xxxxx No more re-takes, late work, or re-submissions Ball & stick lab will be due Wednesday

Collect 20 week warm-up packet (

Continue ball & stick (last day) 1 finished methane 12/9  some groups finished water on 12/12 3 modifying 3d methane . . . 12/8  finished h20 12/9  co2, formaldehyde 12/12 4 fnished h2o & at own pace now 12/9  ethane, even propane some groups 12/12 5 methane step c on 12/8  groups @ various stages of h2o 12/9 6 finished n2 on 12/8  finshed ammonia 12/9  water, carbon dioxide (some SLOW) 12/12

Page 76 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Tuesday 12/13/16:

Passing Period: pass back wup-20 [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: [][][][][] HW: Ball & Stick Molecule Lab. HARD DUE DATE!!! No late labs graded! [][][][][] WUP: put personal info on csa #2 answer document, scr [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: 8.4, 09.any [][][][][] Go over wup: n/a – csa in progress! [][][][][] General announcements: You need to pre-staple your ch 07 packet, your ch 08 packet, and your ch 09 packet [][][][][] Do NOT staple them together as a single packet, even though they’re one for grading purposes [][][][][] WUp-20 is -10% today, -50% tomorrow, -100% on day of final [][][][][] No work of any kind accepted under any circumstances after 1:30 PM Friday [][][][][] I’m leaving at 1:30 pm on Thursday, right after the bell rings [][][][][] I’ll be here longer on Friday, but I’ll go out to lunch, first. [][][][][]

CSA #2 (s1) [][][][][] Your score on this test does not count toward your grade, so cheating doesn’t help [][][][][] Honest wrong answers help us know what subjects need better teaching [][][][][] Scratch paper will be basis of grade for this activity [][][][][] Write your answers on scratch paper. Do NOT write on the question packets [][][][][] @ end of period, ask for the usual four neat piles [][][][][]

TEACHER@DESK: Grade scr csa02 from previous period [][][][][] Attendance verification form [] Record wup-20’s into paper rosters if not done already [] Enter data into power school [] Grade remaining scr for retakes & makeups []; enter on paper & ps when done [] Prepare ppt for going over csa tomorrow []

Page 77 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Wednesday 12/14/2016:

Passing Period: pass back csa #2 mc & scr, also misc mail [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: nuthin’ [][][][][] HW: ch 07, 08, & 09 packets due tomorrow as three separate packets [][][][][] WUP: gather 07, 08, 09 papers & organize [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Replace stapler – confirm instructions [][][][][]

Please get your ch 07, ch 08, and ch 09 packets in order. [][][][][] Form three separate packets, each stapled separately [][][][][] Although they are being stapled as three separate packets, they will be graded as a single, 20-point packet with 10 xcr for ch 09 [][][][][] YOU MUST STAPLE NOW! (or zero points. No stapler available on test day) [][][][][] Staple them now, thank you, but do not turn them in until the moment before your final [][][][][]

Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: ch 09 [][][][][] 5 minutes until we start going over csa! [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements: P5 & p6 only: bring your lunch to the final. 20 min is too short! [][][][][] Ball & stick lab due NOW. NO exceptions. Hard due date. 4 pm I’m gone/no points [][][][][]

Go over CSA #2 [][][][][] Everyone, please bubble form 1 on answer doc [][][][][] Please make sure npd is on both answer doc & scr [][][][][] For your own benefit, write good, studiable science facts on your scr [][][][][] As we go over the questions, score your answers honestly for #’s 1-16. [][][][][] Don’t change your mc answers. If you guessed wrong, leave it wrong [][][][][]

Hide the stapler before the next period comes in. [][][][][]

Page 78 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM Thursday 12/15/16: Odd final exams (Same Friday 12/16 except office hours)

Passing Period: pass back ball & stick lab, etc. [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: [][][][][] “Ch 07, 08, and 09 packets are due before you start your test.” [][][][][] HW: n/a [][][][][] WUP: prepare test docs [][][][][] Go over wup: explain all stuff on screen and corollaries [][][][][] Stamp: ch 09 only [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] General announcements: I leave at 1:30 pm today (12/15). Tomorrow (12/16), I leave at 1:30, but I come back 2:30-3-ish [][][][][]

Semester 1 final: Never write on a question packet. Where do you write? (“scr!”) [][][][][] tell if vandalized [][][][][] Turn all devices off and place them in backpacks, NOT pants pockets [][][][][] Don’t use your phone/device for ANYTHING during the test, not even to look at the time, not even if you think you’re “done”. [][][][][] Get out two writing utensils and 1+ pieces paper as scr [][][][][] ½ used scr bin [][][][][] No going into backpacks for any reason at any time til bell [][][][][] On ground! [][][][][] Scr title = [on screen] [][][][][] Answer doc title = [on screen] [][][][][] Show hud slide w/form # vs test # [][][][][] Fill out personal info on ans doc [][][][][] Do NOT write on question packet - write on scr instead [][][][][] tell me if vandalized! [][][][][] Take roll [][][][][] Security sweep [][][][][] test #/form#/id# sweep [][][][][] SCR today: will count, but will not be graded as usual. Put forth usual effort. [][][][][] [put final exam scratch paper slide on screen] [][][][][] Screen questions on screen [][][][][] Go over priority list [][][][][] Need p/o? [][][][][] Timer = tf – 2 min [][][][][] Order more answer documents [] @ buzzer “guess” [][][][][] three neat stacks on table tip [][][][][]

Grade & record ball & stick lab [][][][][] Grade & record pack 070809 [][][][][] Cpp scr s1 column r1 [][][][][] Review cit & comments [][][][][]

Determine grading scale for test [] Scan & record test [][][][][] Total cpp [][][][][]. Determine offset & record in rosters/pschool [][][][][]

Last attendance summary report (negative attendance Friday even periods) []

Printouts for data proc & for records [] []

Shut down personal fridge – lay out rags to absorb defrost water []

Page 79 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM

Page 80 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM BLANK ??/??/??:

Passing Period: [][][][][] Circulate Flyers: [][][][][] HW: [][][][][] WUP: [][][][][] Roll: [][][][][] Deliver remaining mail [][][][][] Stamp: [][][][][] Go over wup: [][][][][] General announcements:

Harrass lab docs [][][][][]

TESTING SUBROUTINE: Ch ??? test: Never write on a question packet. Where do you write? (“scr!”) [][][][][] tell if vandalized [][][][][] Turn all devices off and place them in backpacks, NOT pants pockets [][][][][] Don’t use your phone/device for ANYTHING during the test, not even to look at the time. [][][][][] Get out two writing utensils and 1+ pieces paper as scr [][][][][] ½ used scr bin [][][][][] No going into backpacks for any reason at any time til bell [][][][][] On ground! [][][][][] Scr title = [on screen] [][][][][] Answer doc title = [on screen] [][][][][] Show hud slide w/form # vs test # [][][][][] Fill out personal info on ans doc [][][][][] Do NOT write on question packet - write on scr instead [][][][][] tell me if vandalized! [][][][][] Take roll [][][][][] Security sweep [][][][][] test #/form#/id# sweep [][][][][] Screen questions on screen [][][][][] Go over priority list [][][][][] Need p/o? [][][][][] Timer = tf – 2 min [][][][][] Order more answer documents [] @ buzzer “guess” [][][][][] three neat stacks on table tip [][][][][]


* Renew Discover, Science News, and National Geographic subscriptions (recurring) * Develop a conductivity tester design activity proposal for Lucas so he can get mats * Check out TedEd videos – some are good * Check out ChemSketch (rec x Patrick Uchenna Chikwe) * Molecular Workbench by Concord Consortium – recommended by John from UCLA (NGSS @ D.O.) * Moles in a googol (student idea) * Fire extinguisher video (student suggestion) * Give DHrxn0 & all but one DHf0; solve for missing DHf0 * Mol x mol/g = mol2/g <> g! (base question on this principle) * : LeChatelier ws ppt w/thought steps * Re-order nuclear chemistry ppt to reflect order in phc Page 81 of 82 4/22/2018, 4:29:50 PM * More e-config and orbital diagram mcq’s

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