Beta Alpha Chapter, Northern Arizona University

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Beta Alpha Chapter, Northern Arizona University

Beta Alpha Chapter, Northern Arizona University Executive Committee Meeting October 6th, 2014, 4:00pm

Attendees: Reilly Boyd – President Dr. Kolodinsky - Faculty Advisor Dr. Bull - Faculty Advisor Robert DiCarlo - Web Master Erin Hanks – Secretary/ Treasurer Alani Ramino - previous CSI President Lawrence Hammer - Student Affairs Representative Dr. Surmitis - Distance Liaison, via phone Sunday Rogers - Distance Liaison, via phone Lisa Forbes - NAU Phoenix Professor of counseling, CSI North Valley Faculty Representative, via phone Fred Dael – Guest, student at NAU

Not in Attendance: Garrison Garcia – Counseling Representative

Agenda and Discussions:

Distance Liaisons –  Introductions of Dr. Surmitis and Sunday Rogers were conducted, both discusses their histories with the CSI administration  Members and Distance Liaisons discussed a desire to work on, and the importance for reaching outside of Northern Arizona University’s campus in Flagstaff, Arizona, and making it possible for students on extended campuses to attend the trainings

CSI “Doc Talk” Review –  Committee discussed the outcome of the recent “Doc Talk” that took place on Monday, September 29th, 2014. The total amount used from the CSI treasury for the “Doc Talk” was $145.72; the chapter was able to receive a 35% discount on the food for the event, provided by Papa John’s.  Members stated that students had discussed how it was helpful and assisted the students, the number of students who attended  There was discussion of how this meeting with faculty members was helpful for most students, however, student affairs had a bit less information presented to them.  Suggestions were made to better understand the outcomes of these discussions or trainings that the committee supply a feedback form, in order to determine other aspects that may need changing  Discussion of conducting the same type of “Doc Talk” for those individuals just entering the graduate level was completed and recommended in the future Wellness Journal –  The committee discussed the possible continuation of the Wellness Journal that was conducted in the past by Dr. Richards and Dr. Martin  There were discussions of the amount of work and commitment by members to continue the journal, Dr. Kolodinsky, Dr. Surmitis, and Dr. Forbes volunteered to work on the aspect of heading the journal project and possibly assisting in editing. Until further notice, Dr. Kolodinksy, Dr. Surmitis, and Dr. Forbes will continue to be in contact with regards to distribution ideas and methods for conducting the required work load  Requests were made by Dr. Surmitis and Dr. Forbes for more information regarding the requirements and time commitments, President Reilly Boyd volunteered to send the information via e-mail regarding this  The committee decided that it was beneficial to maintain the journal, to allow opportunities for students and faculty to publish  Dr. Kolodinsky volunteered to contact a librarian in order to establish avenues for distribution and also mentioned the possibility of the CSI committee discuss making connections with the ACA or APA to establish links to the journal on their websites  The committee agreed that there would be a first call for paper submissions on October 31st, 2014 with February 1st being the deadline; these are tentative dates for the moment. For calling for papers, it was decided to keep the information on NAU campus currently, and then extend outside of campus for a call for papers at a later time

Trainings and Workshops –  Dr. Bull further discussed his recommendation of holding a substance abuse workshop. The workshop would tentatively be run by Mark Zuch, a Substance Abuse Counselor that currently works at Coconino Community College  Committee made the decision to hold this substance abuse training if possible, with a tentative date of November 7th, 2014. Dr Bull agreed to follow up with Mark Zuch in order to determine if such a date was possible for Mark Zuch  Provided that the training is able to be conducted, Lawrence Hammer will create the flier for the training and find resources for food contribution for the time of the training.  Discussion was held about using a needs assessment at the end of the substance abuse training in order to establish if the requests for trainings from the students had changed from the last assessment  Further discussion was opened for future trainings to make it accessible to students who were on extended campuses. Suggestions were made such as googlehangouts, skype, podcasts, and video recordings. Robert DiCarlo offered to research the best methods to make these trainings accessible to extended campus students  It was also discussed that committee members make their contact information available to students on extended campuses, specifically in the areas of the Distance Liaisons. Erin Hanks will be putting together this information in order to send to Dr. Surmitis and Sunday Rogers

Finances –  Graduate School Government funding application has been completed and will be followed up on by Reilly Boyd and Alani Ramino

President and Treasurer Required Meetings –  Requested by NAU in order for CSI to continue to be considered an active group on campus. These trainings need to be completed by November 1st, 2014  Erin Hanks will be attending the Treasurer training on October 20th, 2014  Reilly will be attending as soon as possible, prior to November 1st, 2014

Next Meeting Time –  Committee agreed on the next meeting time of October 27th, 2014 at 4:00pm  Distance Liaisons will also be present via phone, committee members will inform the Distance Liaisons if there are changes to conference call numbers

Other Items of Discussion –  Erin Hanks will complete an e-mail listing for the new members of CSI  Lawrence Hammer is a confirmed member of CSI  Fred Dael is currently considering joining CSI

Meeting Adjourned at 5:00pm

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