Combined Heat and Power Request for Offers s1

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Combined Heat and Power Request for Offers s1

Project Description: Appendix B Combined Heat and Power Request for Offers

Project Name:

PG&E reserves the right to request additional documentation listed but not already provided in the Offer package.

Please provide the following project information in the order requested.


Provide the system description of the Combined Heat and Power Facility. a. Describe the type of business/facility that will utilize the electric and thermal energy to be supplied by the CHP system. Include a description of the host’s electric and thermal load, and the electric and thermal energy to be produced by the bidder’s CHP System (e.g., hourly, daily, seasonal, annual load and production profiles).. Describe the systems currently supplying electric and thermal energy to the host facility, and the impacts the CHP facility will have on their operations (e.g., energy consumption and production, emissions, operations staff, etc.). Please describe how the proposed CHP system may allow the shutdown of any major operating equipment (e.g., heating, cooling, or electric power). b. Briefly describe the thermal host’s thermal and electrical needs over the term of the contract. If any expected changes in thermal use are expected, please so indicate and describe how such a change affects the structure of the sellers offer. c. If the CHP bidder currently has a contract with a thermal host, please provide a brief description of the important provisions of the thermal host agreement. What are the effective dates of the agreement? d. Describe any systems that return fluid flows from the thermal host to the CHP facility. e. Describe where steam enters (or exits) the power facility steam cycle (HRSG, steam turbine extraction, etc.). f. Describe the system(s) that will back up thermal energy delivery during a power facility curtailment or outage. g. If the steam host will be terminated, describe the proposed plan for HRSG operation and use of steam. h. Provide an overview of the process to determine the size of the CHP Facility and how to best match the host’s thermal needs. On an annual basis, what fraction of the thermal energy produced by the CHP system will be utilized by the thermal host? Will the CHP system be operating at base load power, or will it be cycling to match the host’s thermal load? Will the pre-CHP thermal production equipment (e.g., boilers) continue to operate to meet the needs of the host facility that cannot be provided by

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the CHP system? What is the estimated thermal efficiency of the pre-CHP thermal production system on an annual basis before and after the CHP system is in use? On an annual basis what is the Fuel Chargeable to Power1 for the CHP system? i. Describe the technologies and configurations being proposed, e.g. Gas Turbine(s), heat recovery steam generators, duct firing units, steam turbines, absorptions chillers, cooling towers, Renewable generation (specify fuel type/source), Reciprocating engine(s), Conventional Fossil (boiler/steam turbine) etc. j. High level Mass and Energy Balance Diagrams for all systems. Include the flows (lb/hr), temperatures (°F), pressures (psia), and enthalpy (BTU/hr) for all water, steam, combustion air, and fuel streams entering and exiting the boundaries of the generating unit and of each major equipment component. k. Describe the type of combustion inlet air cooling. l. Describe any power augmentation system(s) proposed (e.g., steam injection). m. Describe any steam augmentation system(s) proposed; e.g. – duct burners, etc n. Describe any redundant (backup) systems in place. o. Describe the primary fuel, its source and delivery method, and any existing/potential fuel procurement agreements. p. Describe all air emission control systems, e.g., low NOx burners, steam or water injection systems, catalytic combustors, catalytic oxidizers, selective catalytic reduction systems,

2. EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Provide a complete equipment description for all major components including: Combustion Turbine Generator, Steam Turbine Generator, HRSG, plant control system, air emissions control equipment, cooling system, major pumps, water treatment system, fuel storage facilities, etc. a. Equipment manufacturer/model/date of manufacture/date of last major overhaul. b. Equipment source, e.g. existing owned inventory, new manufacturer order, resale market purchase. c. For all major equipment to be procured, list the manufacturer lead time, and describe how order queue position has been secured.

1 Fuel Chargeable to Power (BTU/MWH, Annual Basis) = Total fuel consumption by CHP system (BTU/year) minus fuel savings in existing thermal production systems as a result of thermal energy provided by CHP system (BTU/year) divided by electric energy produced (MWH per year).

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d. State whether any proposed equipment has been previously operated. If so, list equivalent and actual operating hours as defined by manufacturers. e. Terms and expiration of warranties/guarantees.

3. OPERATING PARAMETERS To give PG&E an understanding and confidence that proposed operation is achievable, provide the following information: a. Describe specific design considerations and provide, where appropriate, significant design detail to confirm that the unit has been designed to accommodate planned operations and/or cycling. Components that should be specifically addressed include: combustion and steam turbine systems, HRSGs and water chemistry control systems. Comments should emphasize minimizing maintenance down time, thermal fatigue effects and associated wear and tear. b. List known or expected operating characteristics of the facility including but not limited to min and max power outputs, full load heat rate (HHV), ramp rate, and start-up times (cold, warm, hot). c. What is the design-basis maximum and minimum ambient dry bulb operating temperature range for all equipment? d. Describe plant design to meet water chemistry requirements. e. Provide historic emissions data for the specific technology to demonstrate ability to meet permit limits. f. If applicable, list capacity factor, availability factor, and average annual heat rate (HHV) for last several years. Please specify the source of the data. g. If applicable, list historic reliability data for the proposed or existing technology to demonstrate restart capability from a hot-start. h. Please describe any operating constraints to the project including but not limited to minimum operating time limits, start or run hour limitations, and forbidden operating regions associated with environmental permits, fuel supply, fuel transportation, steam requirements or other factors.

4. SITE DESCRIPTION Describe the proposed site: a. Include map showing site location and key project facilities. b. Provide at least one of the following sets of information for GIS mapping in one of the following formats, listed in order of preference:

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i. Google kml/kmz, ESRI shape or other GIS data file of the project boundary. Specify projection information for GIS files; ii. A digital map (.pdf, .jpg, tiff, etc.) of the project boundary, access roadways and the rights-of-way for all interconnecting utilities on aerial street or USGS topo background; or iii. County Assessor’s parcel number for the proposed site c. Provide a site plan including: i. Showing thermal host facilities in relation to generating facility, including thermal distribution lines to and from host. ii. Show the existing and/or new fuel interconnection point on the site plan and the meter location. iii. Show the planned electrical interconnect point on the site plan in addition to the proposed meter location(s). iv. Show the main water supply connection to the facility (Thermal Host facility as well as to the CHP Facility, if a separate connection). v. Show all effluent discharge points from the facility on the site plan. vi. Show the location of any cooling towers, if applicable. vii. Show surrounding residential, commercial and/or industrial facilities and estimated distances from the CHP facility as required for applicable Air Pollution Control District.

5. SITE CONTROL AND CONDITIONS Describe the current status of the site conditions. a. Describe site control through the term of the PPA and provide documentation to demonstrate site control (e.g., ownership, leasehold interest, site option). The following questions apply to New and Expanded Facilities: b. Is the site located on a brownfield (i.e., previously disturbed area) or greenfield (i.e., previously undisturbed area)? c. Is the site located on designated agricultural land? If so, please indicate the category (e.g., Prime Farmland, Farmland of Statewide Importance, Unique Farmland, Farmland of Local Importance, or Grazing Land). d. Is the site enrolled in a Williamson Act contract? e. List and describe all environmental studies undertaken on site and summarize results (e.g., biological studies, cultural studies, groundwater studies/monitoring, etc).

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f. Has a Phase I or Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (Hazardous Materials) been conducted for the property? If so, please provide.

6. PERMITTING PLAN Describe permit plan for the project/facility. a. List all environmental permits, discretionary approvals, and ministerial permits required from local, state, federal, and/or tribal authorities; status of approvals, and schedule to complete permits. Examples of permits and approvals requested include, but are not limited to, California Energy Commission Application for Certification (AFC), National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit, Authority to Construct (ACT) / Permit to Operate from Air Pollution Control District, grading permits, building permits, encroachment permits, dust control permits, storm water permits, water discharge permits, etc. Bids should demonstrate firm understanding of permitting requirements. b. If the project has applied for but not yet received its permit, describe the permit approval status, and forecasted completion dates; i. Permit Application date ii. Date application deemed data adequate iii. Date Preliminary environmental assessment issued for public comment iv. Date Final environmental assessment received v. Date permit(s) issued c. If the project is already permitted, list the following; i. Permit source and expiration date. If permit expires during the contract term, provide defined permit renewal plan. ii. Operating hours iii. Emission limitations iv. Start/stop limitations d. Is the project consistent with local land use zoning ordinances, including General Plans, stack height restrictions, etc.? If the project requires zoning changes or variances, describe the plan to obtain approval of the zoning changes and how this will be coordinated with CEC review.

7. AIR EMISSIONS Provide the requested, as follows, related to air quality and greenhouse gas. a. How does/will the project meet Best Available Control Technology standards? b. Does the project require Emission Reduction Credits (ERC)?

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i. If so, do you own or control sufficient ERC’s? ii. If so, and you do not own or control sufficient, where/how will you get them? c. How does/will the project meet new or proposed greenhouse gas (GHG) limits issued by the Air Resources Board under AB32?

8. WATER SUPPLY AND USE Provide the requested, as follows, related to water supply and use. a. Provide the facility’s anticipated annual water use (freshwater, saltwater and/or reclaimed) in gallons per MWh generated during the contract period. b. Does the facility have firm water rights for the life of the project? c. Indicate if facility will use freshwater, saltwater, reclaimed or recycled water. Describe source. If proposing to use fresh water or salt water, describe how either reclaimed water or dry cooling is economically infeasible or environmentally unsound. d. Identify all wastewater discharges from the facility. Describe water quality strategies and approaches to handling waste water (response should reference any applicable permits listed in 6a of Appendix B). Specify whether water discharges are to water bodies (e.g., ocean, lake, river, creek, etc.), land, holding ponds, sewer systems, or any combination thereof.

9. FUEL SUPPLY PLAN a. Describe the current fuel supply and transportation arrangements for the facility, including the transportation rate provisions and fuel supply indices used. b. Do you expect any changes in fuel supply requirements/strategy based on the structure of the proposal submitted?

10. COMMUNITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL LEADERSHIP Provide the requested, as follows, related to community outreach, environmental justice and environmental leadership. a. Are there other emitting sources within one mile of the facility including both stationary (limit response to regulated industrial facilities) and mobile (limit response to major highways and railroads) sources? If so, please list them. b. Describe the facility’s community outreach strategy. How does/will the applicant address community concerns related to the facility’s safe operation and potential environmental and public health impacts?

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c. Describe the facility’s relationship with the fence line community (limit response to 1 mile radius of facility). Include any feedback received from community members in the last year about the facility. d. Does the facility demonstrate any advanced environmental technology or operational practice to reduce environmental impact? Please describe technology, operational practice and projected benefits.

11. HAZARDOUS MATERIAL AND HAZARDOUS WASTE Provide the requested information, as follows, related to the facility’s hazardous material and hazardous waste management programs, including waste minimization efforts.

a. Does the facility generate hazardous waste? b. If the facility generates hazardous waste, does the facility have a program to reduce the volume of hazardous waste generated? Please describe the program or the practices for managing potential risk associated with hazardous waste.

12. PLANT RETIREMENT PLAN a. Please describe plans for end of life retirement, including disposal or recycle of the plant equipment.

13. ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE HISTORY Provide an environmental compliance history of the facility. a. Indicate any notices of violation or citations associated with the facility that have occurred within the past 5 years. b. Are there any regulatory agency clean-up orders related to on-site contamination, or other agency actions associated with the site? c. Is there active litigation against the project or facility? If so, please describe.

The Remaining Sections Apply to New, Expanded and Repowered Facilities: 12. DEVELOPMENT AND COMMISSIONING SCHEDULE a. If project has started construction, describe completion status, EPC contract status. b. For New or Expanded CHP Facilities, submit a development and commissioning schedule consistent with your proposal. The schedule must provide a Guaranteed Commercial Availability Date that is consistent with the Eligibility Requirements listed in Section III of the RFO. The schedule should provide major project milestones, monthly estimates if possible.

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13. PROJECT ORGANIZATION AND EXPERIENCE a. Provide a project organization chart(s) that describes the Owner, Developer, Construction Management, Operator and other Participant staff and subcontractors for the major project scope. b. For each of the organizations shown on the project organization chart, provide examples of completed projects and the specific scope performed by the Participant or subcontractor relevant to their associated scopes for this project. c. Indicate whether Participant has or will be entering into Project Labor Agreements (“PLA”) or Maintenance Labor Agreements (“MLA”) in California for the proposed project and specify when and where. d. As appropriate, address the following items: - Capital budget with cost breakout for major components. - Proposed spare parts inventory. - Plant O&M staffing plan with budget.

14. RISK AND RISK MITIGATION PLAN Provide a risk matrix that identifies the major risks for project execution and associated contingency and/or mitigation plans.

15. PRELIMINARY DESIGN Provide the following preliminary design information used as the basis for the facility design and associated performance guarantees. a. General Arrangements b. Plot Plan c. Single-Line Diagrams d. Heat Balance Diagram, for each fuel type used, for the Load Cases listed in paragraph (j) below: (Note for PPAs: please provide a detailed explanation if the heat balances supplied as part of this appendix do not equal the heat rate guarantees found in the associated PPA.) Heat balances for each fuel to be permitted shall include the mass flow (lb/hr), temperature (°F), pressure (psia), and enthalpy (BTU/hr) for all water, steam, combustion air, and fuel streams entering and exiting the boundaries of the generating unit and of each major equipment component. The heat balances shall be provided for each fuel that will be permitted for use at the facility. The fuel constituents and heating value shall be provided for each of the fuels. e. Piping & Instrument Diagrams (P&ID)

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The Piping and Instrument Diagrams (“P&ID’s”) should include line sizes, instrumentation, and valves for all major systems that will be provided by Seller, including main steam, reheat steam, low pressure steam, feed water, condensate, cooling water, and fuel. The Seller shall also provide a list of all system P&ID’s that will be prepared during the design phase of the project. f. Water Balance Diagram for Base Load Operation g. Provide emission calculations used to fill out Offer Form. Emission calculations shall include cases for each fuel to be permitted. The calculations shall be based on the same fuel constituents used for the heat balances. The emission calculations shall provide all criteria pollutants for combustion turbine emissions, duct burner emissions, post- SCR emissions, and stack emissions, temperature, and velocity. The calculations shall also list ammonia slip and PM10 (back half and front half). j. Heat Balances, Water Balances and Emission Calculations shall be provided for several ambient conditions including: ISO conditions (59°F, 60% RH) at Site Elevation and Peak July Conditions at Site Elevation. Heat Balances shall be provided for Average Monthly Conditions at Site Elevation. Water balance and heat balance data shall be labeled on block diagrams or provided in tabular form with values corresponding to stream numbers labeled on the block diagram. The stream values shall be expressed in gallons per minute for all sources and uses of water. The water quality analyses used as the basis for the water balances shall be provided, as well as the resulting water quality for all wastewater streams.

16. Electrical Interconnection If applicable, provide a description of the existing/proposed electrical interconnection including but not limited to a description of the interconnecting utility, interconnection application status, delivery point, interconnection facilities, etc. 17. Gas Interconnection If applicable, provide a description of the existing/proposed gas interconnection including but not limited to a description of the interconnecting utility, gas application status, gas agreement dates, etc.

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