List of Items for the Implementation of the WLTP Into the EU Legislation

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List of Items for the Implementation of the WLTP Into the EU Legislation

List of items for the implementation of the WLTP into the EU legislation.

AdminWG-03. Draft version 8. 19-03-2014

Original document prepared by André Rijnders 14-02-2014. Additional text provided by UTAC and Alain Petit 24-02-2014. The UTAC text in the table is shown in Times New Roman Italics.

The WLTP gtr will be introduced as a new Annex XXI into the Commission Regulation 692/2008 and drafted in a format as if it is an annex of the new UNECE Regulation on emissions and fuel consumption.

This activity will affect several legislations. The effective EU and UNECE legislations are:

EU:  Framework Directive 2007/46

 Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 (no change expected)

 Commission Regulation (EC) No 692/2008

 Amending Commission Regulation (EC) No. 566/2011, 459/2012, 630/2012, 143/2013, 195/2013, 136/2014 (latest Euro 6 comitology).

 Regulation (EC) 443/2009 and 510/2011

 Commission Regulation (EU) 582/2011 (HDV regulation which allows the extension below 2610 kg if FC and CO2 are measured according to Annex XII to Commission Regulation (EC) No 692/2008)

 [Commission Regulation (EU) 65/2012 Gear Shift Indicators]


 R.83 Proposal for the 07 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 83 (emissions of M1 and N1 vehicles) ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2014/2 (Euro 6)

 R.101 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 101 including sup. 1, 2, 3 and the proposal for sup. 4. (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2014/5)

 R.103 Replacement pollution control devices

 R.49 HDV emission regulation

In this overview the starting point is the affected administrative provisions in Regulation 692/2008.

At the moment the Commission Regulation 692/2008 is for the technical requirements referring in a lot of locations to UNECE R.83 and specifically for the Type 1 test (NEDC) to Annex 4a. There are also exemptions of the technical requirements and there are additional requirements such as RMI.

1 AdminWG-03 v8 Actions which can be done in parallel: 1. Drafting of a new UNECE regulation for the WLTP including all (amended) administrative provisions of R.83 and R.101

2. Amending 692/2008 with all the new or amended administrative provisions necessary to introduce Annex XXI with the WLTP (DHC and DTP) technical provisions.

The following table provides a list of the expected new or amended administrative provisions for the Regulation (EU) 692/2008 to introduce the WLTP into a new Annex XXI.

2 AdminWG-03 v8 Administrative issues in Regulation 692/2008 for implementing WLTP in Annex XXI

TRL Update 13th March 2014

Article Item Remarks Outcome from discussions at AdminWG 24-02, 25-02 & 26-02-14 + 13-03-14 1 Scope/Subject WLTP max mass 3,500 kg (N and M); reference mass The Scope can’t be changed (there is no legal basis), but matter not used. the details of the scope could in theory be changed, i.e. it EU now reference mass 2610 plus extension to 2840 would be possible to replace “reference mass” with “mass kg. in running order” as long as the related mass figures were UTAC Proposal EU (potpourri) will be changed to max mass 5,000 also changed. - Replace kg. There was some preference to continue to use reference “reference UTAC Proposal mass to distinguish light and heavy duty vehicles. mass “ by Regulation EC 715/2007: At AdminWG on 26-02-14 it was agreed to leave the “mass in Article 2, Scope scope unchanged. Any change may eventually come via running order” 1. This Regulation shall apply to motor vehicles of the potpourri. categories M1, M2, N1 and N2 as defined in Annex II of Directive 2007/46/EC with a mass in running order not exceeding 2585 kg 2. At the manufacturer's request, type approval granted under this Regulation may be extended from vehicles covered by paragraph 1 to M1, M2, N1 and N2 vehicles as defined in Annex II to Directive 2007/46/EC with a mass in running order not exceeding 2 815 kg and which meet the conditions laid down in this Regulation and its implementing measures. 2 Definitions New definitions from WLTP WLTP IWG will be discussing definitions for Phase 1b. This will feed into our work. Waiting for feedback from legal services as to whether ‘competing’ definitions can be within the regulation (with one confined to Annex XXI). Preferred approach is to have minimal change to Article 2 and most of work confined to Annex XXI. If this approach is not possible more work will need to be

3 AdminWG-03 v8 done on Article 2 definitions. Possibility that WLTP will become a second implementing regulation cross-referencing 692/2008 and not an Annex to 692/2008. That would make introduction of new definitions more straightforward. Approach is being checked with legal services. 3 Requirements Annex III should be Annex XXI Agreed, but the two will need to live side by side for a for TA period of time. Annex III will remain the starting point for Type 1 test. It will signpost to new Annex XXI for WLTP. 4 Requirements Declaration by the manufacturer of the minimum Agreed, but the two will need to live side by side for a for TA percentage of misfires in type 1 test  WLTC test? period of time. regarding OBD 6 Adm. provisions The text “shall be deemed to be met if” : R.83 [07] Agreed as R.83 and R.101 don’t cover WLTP, but the two and RMI and 101 [01] should be deleted will need to live side by side for a period of time. This only covers Euro 5. 17 Entry into force ? New dates will be needed

Annex I Administrative provisions for EC type-approval Article Item Remarks 1 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR GRANTING OF EC TYPE-APPROVAL General discussion on how we should refer to the WLTP Type 1 test. Proposal from Commission representative was to name the old test ”Type 1 / NEDC” and the new WLTP test “Type 1” so that the latter will not need to be changed when NEDC is phased out. New terms will need to be defined in Article 2. 1.1 mono fuel gas Introduce annex 12 of R.83? Need to confirm whether the 80% remains correct for vehicles and bi Type 1 test mentioned  WLTC WLTC. fuel gas Bi-fuel: gas 80% energy in type 1 test  change? André Rijnders to take to GFV for confirmation that this vehicles (WLTC), figure remains appropriate. Flexi fuel H2NG out? Removal of flex fuel H2NG – based on proposal by OICA (at Jan14 GRPE) to remove from R.83. Flexi fuel H2NG will remain in 692/2008 1.2 flex fuel ? ? vehicles

4 AdminWG-03 v8 2 ADDITIONAL TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS AND TESTS 2.4 application of Type 1 test  annex III refer to new annex XXI Both Annex III and Annex XII will remain relevant for a tests Flexi fuel H2NG out? period of time. Annex III will remain the starting point for Type 1 test. It will signpost to new Annex XXI for WLTP. Removal of flex fuel H2NG – based on proposal by OICA (at Jan14 GRPE) to remove from R.83? Flexi fuel H2NG will remain in 692/2008. 3 EXTENSIONS TO TYPE-APPROVALS 3.1 tailpipe Type 1 test  WLTC annex XXI Proposal from UTAC to merge Type 1, Type 2 and Type 6 emissions (type Review needed for the extensions with stepless and tests was agreed to be used as a ‘working assumption’ for 1, type 2 and combined approach. No reference mass any more the time being but will need to be reviewed. type 6 tests) but test mass! A decision on the final way forward would be sought UTAC comment Different reference masses: from the RDE group. Klaus Steininger to coordinate. CO2 emissions a) The type-approval shall be extended only to Combined approach doesn’t match with extension and fuel vehicles with a reference mass requiring the criteria. There is a need to come up with a holistic way consumption use of the next two higher equivalent forward that covers COP, ISC, best case, worst case, family [The extension inertia or any lower equivalent inertia. concept etc. rules must be b) For category N vehicles, the approval shall Bill Coleman to discuss with ACEA/emissions group and the same for be extended only to vehicles with a lower come up with some basic principles and suggestions for emissions and a way forward. These would then be discussed in the fuel reference mass, if the emissions of the wider group in order to agree an approach. consumption] vehicle already approved are within the limits prescribed for the vehicle for which All vehicles in a family must fulfill their criteria pollutant extension of the approval is requested. emissions requirements. UTAC Proposal Also require input from RDE on the lower masses. Klaus Change to : Steininger to coordinate. a) If the interpolation method is used : the type approval is valid for all vehicles include between the mass in running order of vehicle L and the mass in running order of vehicle H . For category N vehicles , emissions must comply with the limits of the class concerned (for example limits C1 for L vehicle and limits C2 for H vehicle) b) If the interpolation method is not used, the type- approval shall be extended only to vehicles with

5 AdminWG-03 v8 a lower mass in running order that the tested vehicle. For category N vehicles, the approval shall be extended only to vehicles with a lower mass in running order, if the emissions of the vehicle already approved are within the limits prescribed for the vehicle for which extension of the approval is requested

UTAC comment Different transmissions: If CO2 and emissions are combined then 8% is not WLTP: § Review needed for extension on transmission: applicable. The shortest gear is the worst case for of emissions. Annex 6 … André Rijnders to check the 8% and 13% values with vehicle shall be TNO. for each transmission ratio, E ≤ 8 %, the extension tested with the Input also needed from industry on these figures. shall be granted without repeating the type shortest final In addition, a constraint on the number of gear shift 1 and type 6 test. ???? transmission… ratios is required. Requested that industry provide this So it not E ≤ 13 %, the type 1 and type 6 tests shall be by the end of March. possible to repeated. The tests may be performed in a Text amendment needed to make it clear that E cannot be extend the laboratory chosen by the manufacturer??? transmission to a negative number (which the equation allows in theory). shorter Proposal to amend to the following: E >0 but ≤ 8 %. transmission May need to reconsider the description of the shortest ratios, range. transmission ratios shall be extended only to longer ones up to [+ 8%] or [+ 13% ] with test. UTAC comment UTAC proposal included (shown as different font - Agreed. New UTAC text is OK for new situation, but will Replace xxx ) need old text to remain for NEDC. “reference periodically regenerating systems Leave old terms in place, otherwise it will be very mass “ by Use of Ki factors for vehicles with different reference confusing for those used to seeing/using the term “mass in masses mass in running order “reference mass”. running order” Ki factor may be used for other vehicles with Will need to include the + 220kg – which corresponds to + 220 kg reference mass mass in running order up to + 220 two inertias steps in the current regulations. (equivalent to 2 kg within the next two higher equivalent inertia

6 AdminWG-03 v8 inertia ranges) classes or any lower equivalent inertia mass in running order

3.3 Extensions for The load setting of the type 1 test  WLTP load Needs to be clear that NEDC based durability test remains durability of settings? valid. pollution Need WLTP load settings for new durability test. control devices Need transitional arrangements as some vehicles will (type 5 test) already have been durability tested. Durability annex (Annex VII) needs to be updated to include WLTP. Will need a clause to say that previously determined deterioration factors (derived using the NEDC) will remain valid if the after treatment has not been changed. Will not need a transitional period as the old after treatment systems will be naturally phased out.

3.5 Extensions for CO2 emissions and fuel consumption It was agreed with the UTAC recommendation to

UTAC comment integrate Extensions for CO2 emissions and fuel Not needed, include in § 3.1 consumption into 3.1. Need confirmation from Type Approval experts and from Industry. The type- For extensions within the limit of 4 % (M1) and 6% See above

approval shall be (N1) of the CO2 approved value the same CO2 value The extensions methodology doesn’t fit with the extended to is used. combined approach. vehicles differing Review needed There is a need to reduce the 4% figure for initial type with regard to Reference mass  test mass. approvals. There is therefore a need to reduce the 4% for the following Technically permissible maximum laden mass  part extensions – perhaps having no margin at all. characteristics, if of combined approach. This is a fundamental issue and not one that is just related

the CO2 Accessories  optional equipment (WLTP) shall to the WLTP transposition. Any reductions would go hand-

emissions change the CO2 value!! in-hand with any changes to the tolerances allowed for measured by the initial type approval. technical service do not exceed the type- approval value by more than 4 % for vehicles of category M and 6 % for vehicles of

7 AdminWG-03 v8 category N: —reference mass, —technically permissible maximum laden mass, —type of bodywork as defined in Section C of Annex II of Directive 2007/46/EC, —overall gear ratios, —engine equipment and accessories. The type- Review needed See above approval shall be extended to vehicles, differing with regard to the characteristics given in Section above, but not exceeding the family characteristics of UN/ECE Regulation No 101 (1), Annex

10, if the CO2

8 AdminWG-03 v8 emissions measured by the technical service do not exceed the type approved value by more than 4 % for vehicles of category M and 6 % for vehicles of category N, and where the same Ki factor is applicable. The type- Review needed See above approval shall be extended to vehicles with a different Ki factor, if the

CO2 emissions measured by the technical service do not exceed the type approved value by more than 4 % for vehicles of category M and 6 % for vehicles of category N. 3.5.3 Vehicles powered by an electric power train only Extensions shall Criteria needed?? See above be granted

9 AdminWG-03 v8 after agreement with the technical service responsible for conducting the tests. 3.5.4 Vehicles powered by a hybrid electric power train The type- Review needed See above approval shall Hybrids are more complex. be extended to Need to discuss with European WLTP EV experts. vehicles The scope of this section is too limited and needs to also differing with cover other parameters such as electric ranges. It is not regard to the just a case of updating the percentages (4% & 6%).This following allows a lot of flexibility. Needs to be more clearly characteristics, defined.

if the CO2 Current extension rules do not work for the combined emissions and approach. the electric energy Also needs to be discussed with the EV group. consumption measured by the technical service do not exceed the type approved value by more than 4 % for vehicles of category M and 6 % for vehicles of category N: —reference mass, —technically permissible

10 AdminWG-03 v8 maximum laden mass, —Type of bodywork as defined in Section C of Annex II of Directive 2007/46/EC, —With respect to a change in any other characteristic extensions may be granted after agreement with the technical service responsible for conducting the tests. 3.5.5 Extension of type-approval of vehicles of category N within a family For vehicles of Review needed See above category N that Multi-stage vehicles introduce a lot of complexity for are approved as “family’s fuel consumption” in WLTP ? dealing with extensions of type approval for category N members of a vehicles. vehicle family “extension up to 110 kg heavier than the family Need to review how this fits into the combined approach. using the member tested, provided that they are within 220 kg For the combined approach the actual mass of the multi- procedure in of the lightest member of the family.”  Do not fit stage vehicle needs to be used. Section 3.6.2, into the combined approach of WLTP!! The methods to deal with optional equipment could be the type- extended to deal with different bodywork. approval shall André Rijnders to draft a first proposal. be extended to vehicles from within the same

11 AdminWG-03 v8 family only if the technical service estimates that the fuel consumption of the new vehicle does not exceed the fuel consumption of the vehicle on which the family’s fuel consumption is based. Type-approvals may also be extended to vehicles which are up to 110 kg heavier than the family member tested, provided that they are within 220 kg of the lightest member of the family, —have a lower overall transmission ratio than the family member tested due solely to a

12 AdminWG-03 v8 change in tyre sizes, and, —conform with the family in all other respects For vehicles of Review needed See above category N that are type- approved as members of a vehicle family using the procedure in point 3.6.3, the type-approval can be extended to vehicles from within the same family without additional testing only if the technical service estimates that the fuel consumption of the new vehicle falls within the limits made up of those two vehicles in the family that have the lowest and the highest fuel consumption,

13 AdminWG-03 v8 respectively. 3.6 type-approval of vehicles of category n within a family for fuel It was agreed with the UTAC recommendation to include

consumption and CO2 emissions type-approval of vehicles of category n within a family for

UTAC comment fuel consumption and CO2 emissions into paragraph 3.1. Not needed, include in § 3.1 The tests are being merged and it is therefore logical to

have the same family definitions for both CO2 emissions and criteria pollutants. Need confirmation from Type Approval experts and from Industry. Vehicles of category N shall be type-approved within a family as defined in point 3.6.1 using one of the two alter- native methods described in points 3.6.2 and 3.6.3 3.6.1. N vehicles may Family definition should be reviewed or deleted See above be grouped together into a family for the purposes of measurement of fuel consumption

and CO2 emissions if the following parameters are identical or within the specified limits Identical More parameters in WLTP!! Do not correspond See above parameters with the combined approach! shall be the following: —manufacturer and type as defined in section I of Appendix 4, —engine

14 AdminWG-03 v8 capacity, —emission control system type, —fuel system type as defined in point 1.10.2 of Appendix 4 The following Review needed See above parameters shall be within the following limits: —transmission overall ratios (no more than 8 % higher than the lowest) as defined in point 1.13.3 of Appendix 4, —reference mass (no more than 220 kg lighter than the heaviest), —frontal area (no more than 15 % smaller than the largest), —engine power (no more than 10 % less than the highest value)

15 AdminWG-03 v8 3.6.2 A vehicle Not in line with the combined approach!!! See above family, as defined in point Review needed (deletion?) 3.6.1, may be approved with

CO2 emission and fuel consumption data that are common to all members of the family. The technical service shall select for testing the member of the family which the service considers to have the

highest CO2 emission. The measurements shall be performed as described in Annex XII, and the results according to the method described in section 5.5 of UN/ECE Regulation No 101 shall be used as type-

16 AdminWG-03 v8 approval values that are common to all members of the family. 3.6.3 Vehicles that Review needed (deletion?) See above are grouped in a family as defined in point 3.6.1 may be approved with

individual CO2 emission and fuel consumption data for each of the family members. The technical service shall select for testing the two vehicles, which the service considers to have the highest and the

lowest CO2 emissions respectively. The measurements shall be performed as described in Annex XII. If the manufacturer’s

17 AdminWG-03 v8 data for these two vehicles falls within the tolerance limits described in section 5.5 of UN/ECE Regulation No

101, the CO2 emissions declared by the manufacturer for all members of the vehicle family can be used as type- approval values. If the manufacturer’s data do not fall within the tolerance limits, the results according to the method described in section 5.5 of UN/ECE Regulation No 101 shall be used as type- approval values and the technical service shall select an appropriate

18 AdminWG-03 v8 number of other family members for additional tests. 4 CONFORMITY OF PRODUCTION 4.2 Checking the conformity of the vehicle for a type 1 test 4.2.1 The type 1 test In WLTP (combined approach) every vehicle can be Need to be clear what the COP acceptance/failure criteria shall be carried used! are. out on a vehicle Review paragraph Germany and Ford UK work to VDA guidelines (VDA of the same UTAC proposal guideline 9) for COP testing. specification as Change to : RDW are also looking into the harmonization of COP described in the If the interpolation method have been used for type testing at the manufacturers. type-approval approval: the exhaust emission test according to André Rijnders has discussed with RDW and is awaiting a certificate. Annex XXI are carried out on test conditions of response. When a type 1 vehicle L and of vehicle H. It would be good if the official legislation could provide test is to be If the interpolation method have not been used: the links to an agreed set of guidelines, in order for a carried out for a exhaust emission test according to Annex XXI are consistent approach to be taken. carried out on the same test conditions used for type vehicle type- Bill Coleman has asked VDA whether they will approval. approval that coordinate the discussion on COP. Their next meeting has one or isn’t until the summer and so another route needs to be several found. extensions, the type 1 tests shall be carried out either on the vehicle described in the initial information package or on the vehicle described in the information package relating to the relevant

19 AdminWG-03 v8 extension. Three vehicles Review ??? shall be selected at random in the series and tested as described in Annex III to this Regulation. The deterioration factors shall be used in the same way. The limit values are set out in Tables 1 and 2 of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 If the approval Review A decision to retain both Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 was authority is The production standard deviation seldom given  made, as they are both used by manufacturers. satisfied with so this appendix 1 seldom used!! NB: It may be that at a future date the tests in Appendix 1 the production and Appendix 2 will be simplified and combined. standard Decision can go up to 32 vehicles – statistic See comments in the Appendix 1 and 2 rows below. deviation given qualification still up to date??? by the manufacturer in accordance with Annex X to Directive 2007/46/EC, the tests shall be carried out according to Appendix 1 of this Annex.

20 AdminWG-03 v8 If the approval Review A decision to retain both Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 was authority is not There are no criteria who many audits the TA should made. satisfied with conduct and there are no criteria for “not satisfied”. NB: It may be that at a future date the tests in Appendix 1 the production Annex X will in practice not often (never) be used by and Appendix 2 will be simplified and combined. standard the TA. See comments in the Appendix 1 and 2 rows below. deviation given Appendix 2 by the Decision can go up to 32 vehicles – statistic manufacturer in qualification still up to date??? accordance with Annex X to Directive 2007/46/EC, the tests shall be carried out according to Appendix 2 of this Annex. The production Up to date?? ??? of a series shall be deemed to conform or not to conform on the basis of a sampling test of the vehicles once a pass decision is reached for all the pollutants or a fail decision is reached for one pollutant, according to the test criteria applied in the appropriate

21 AdminWG-03 v8 appendix. 4.2.3 Notwithstandin Annex III is NEDC  Annex XXI (WLTP) OK g the requirements of Annex III, the tests shall be carried out on vehicles coming straight off the production line. However, at the WLTP run in for COP???? The German Federal Highways Institute are currently request of the running a study to look at emissions from new cars up to manufacturer, Should we review this? Is a distinction between PI 15,000 km – approx. 40 cars. Due to report later this year. the tests may be and CI needed? Lot of flexibilities. This will provide evidence to determine whether the 8% carried out on evolution coefficient remains appropriate. It is possible vehicles which UTAC comment that the study may also provide information on how many have Yes the rules must be the same for PI and CI miles are needed for run-in and the difference between PI completed: and CI vehicles. (a) A maximum It was agreed to wait for the output from the study before of 3 000 km for taking a decision. vehicles Discussions on the amount of flexibilities currently equipped with a allowed. positive ignition Any change that results would simply be to the run-in engine; distances specified for the test vehicles. (b) A maximum of 15 000 km for vehicles equipped with a compression ignition engine. The running-in procedure shall be conducted by the manufacturer, who shall undertake not

22 AdminWG-03 v8 to make any adjustments to these vehicles. If the Is a review needed? See above manufacturer wishes to run in the vehicles, (‘x’ km, where x 3 000 km for vehicles equipped with a positive ignition engine and x 15 000 km for vehicles equipped with a compression ignition engine), the procedure shall be the following:….

4.3 Checking the conformity of the vehicle for CO2 emissions 4.3.1 If a vehicle type Review needed. TBD has had one or Every vehicle from the line can (should) be used with Undertaking tests to determine road load could take several the combined approach (WLTP) vehicles out of selling loop – although it could be on a extensions, the UTAC comment very small sample. tests shall be Yes Surveillance issue for the future carried out on Also RLD checks needed “feedback approach” see the vehicle(s) WLTP-DTP-LabProcICE-040. described in the information package which accompanied the first type- approval

23 AdminWG-03 v8 application, or on the vehicle described in the information package that accompanied the relevant extension. 4.3.2. If the approval Is a review needed? See above authority is not There are no criteria for how many audits the TA satisfied with should conduct and there are no criteria for “not the auditing satisfied”. Annex X will in practice not often (never) procedure of be used by the TA. the manufacturer, points 3.3 and 3,4 of Annex X to Directive 2007/46/EC shall apply. 4.3.3 For the purpose See above of this section and Appendices 1 and 2, the term ‘pollutant’ shall include the regulated pollutants (given in Tables 1 and 2 of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 715/2007) and the emission of


24 AdminWG-03 v8 4.3.4 The conformity Statistic approach up to 32 vehicles see above See above of the vehicle

for CO2 emissions shall be determined in accordance with the procedure described in point 4.2.2. with the following exceptions Three vehicles See above shall be randomly taken in the series and tested as described in Annex XII. However, at the See above request of the manufacturer, the tests may be carried out on vehicles which have completed a maximum of 15 000 km. In this case, the running-in procedure shall be conducted by the manufacturer, who shall undertake not

25 AdminWG-03 v8 to make any adjustments to these vehicles If the See above manufacturer wishes to run in the vehicles, (‘x’ km, where x 15 000 km), the procedure shall be the following:…… When checking Review needed!! See above the conformity UTAC comment of vehicle for Yes, because the manufacturer use the same coast

CO2 emissions, down as for type approval (run in vehicle) as an Is this alternative procedure with an evolution factor alternative to of 0,92 necessary?? the procedure A COP check of zero km vehicle with a 8% evolution mentioned in coefficient is 8 g/km CO2 for a vehicle with a 100 Section, g/km CO2 as type approval value!!!! This is only the vehicle chassis dyno and still without a check at zero km for manufacturer RLD (feedback approach). may use a fixed evolution coefficient EC of 0,92 and multiply all values of CO2 measured at zero km by this factor 4.4 vehicles powered by an electric power train only Measures to ensure the conformity of production with regard to TBD electric energy consumption shall be checked on the basis of the Require input from EV group. description in the type-approval certificate set out in Appendix 4 to this

26 AdminWG-03 v8 Annex Make sure that OK? See above for each type of vehicle tests referred to in Annex XII to this Regulation are carried out; notwithstandin g the requirements of paragraph of Annex 7 of UN/ECE Regulation No 101, at the request of the manufacturer, the tests shall be carried out on vehicles which have not travelled any distance 4.4.2 The approval OK? See above authorities may verify at any time the methods applied in each production unit. 4.5 vehicles powered by a hybrid electric power train TBD Require input from EV group. 4.5.1. Measures to Review See above

27 AdminWG-03 v8 ensure the Combined approach check description as on COC! conformity of production with

regard to CO2 emissions and electric energy consumption from hybrid electric vehicles shall be checked on the basis of the description in the type- approval certificate conforming to the model in Appendix 4. 4.5.2 The control of OK? See above production conformity shall be based on an assessment made by the approval authority of the manufacturer’s auditing procedure in order to ensure conformity of the vehicle type with respect to the emission of

CO2 and the electric energy

28 AdminWG-03 v8 consumption. 4.5.3 If the approval There are no criteria for how many audits the TA See above authority is not should conduct and there are no criteria for “not satisfied with satisfied”. Annex X will in practice not often (never) the standard of be used by the TA. the manufacturer’s auditing procedure, it shall require that verification tests be carried out on vehicles in production. 4.5.4 Conformity for Review needed. See above See above

CO2 emissions shall be checked using the statistical procedures described in Section 4.3 and Appendices 1 and 2. Vehicles shall be tested according to the procedure referred to in Annex XII. 4.8 checking the conformity of the vehicle for on-board diagnostics (OBD) When the From NEDC to WLTC  OK? Desire is to keep any update as straightforward as approval possible. authority Input needed from manufacturers as to what they would determines that like to see. the quality of NEDC to stay for time being. WLTC to be used as new production models come along.

29 AdminWG-03 v8 seems Bill Coleman to discuss with ACEA to see if they want to unsatisfactory, prepare a proposal. a vehicle shall To discuss at the next OBD Working Group be randomly taken from the series and subjected to the tests described in Appendix 1 to Annex XI.

Appendix 1 –Verification of conformity of production – First statistical method 1 The first statistical method shall be used to verify the production It was confirmed that both statistical methods are used by conformity for the type 1 test when the manufacturer’s production manufacturers and therefore both Appendix 1 and standard deviation is satisfactory. The applicable statistical method is Appendix 2 will need to be retained. set out in Appendix 1 to UN/ECE Regulation No 83. The exceptions to There is the possibility that the two methods for the these procedures are the following verification of conformity of production could be redesigned to provide a single, simpler approach (along the lines of the approach used for heavy-duty vehicles) that would use fewer vehicles in the test. This shouldn’t delay WLTP implementation, but if it could be available in time that would be beneficial. André Rijnders to identify someone to take this forward. Norbert Ligterink at TNO was mentioned as a possible person to take this task forward. Need to determine whether road load checking procedure should be included together with pass/fail criteria. 1.1 In paragraph 3, Decision can go up to 32 vehicles – statistic See above the reference qualification still up to date??? to paragraph shall be understood as reference to the applicable table of Annex I

30 AdminWG-03 v8 to Regulation (EC) No 715/2007. 1.2 In paragraph 3, See above the reference to Figure 2 shall be understood as reference to Figure I.4.2 of Regulation (EC) No 692/2008

Appendix 2 –Verification of conformity of production – Second statistical method 1 The second statistical method shall be used to verify the production It was confirmed that both statistical methods are used by conformity requirements for the type 1 test when the manufacturer’s manufacturers and therefore both Appendix 1 and evidence of production standard deviation is either unsatisfactory or Appendix 2 will need to be retained. unavailable. The applicable statistical method is set out in Appendix 2 There is the possibility that the two methods for the to UN/ECE Regulation No 83, The exceptions to these procedures are verification of conformity of production could be the following redesigned to provide a single, simpler approach (along the lines of the approach used for heavy-duty vehicles) that would use fewer vehicles in the test. This shouldn’t delay WLTP implementation, but if it could be available in time that would be beneficial. André Rijnders to identify someone to take this forward. Norbert Ligterink at TNO was mentioned as a possible person to take this task forward. Need to determine whether road load checking procedure should be included together with pass/fail criteria. 1.1 In paragraph 3, Decision can go up to 32 vehicles – statistic See above the reference qualification still up to date??? to paragraph shall be understood as reference to the applicable table of Annex I

31 AdminWG-03 v8 to Regulation (EC) No 715/2007

Appendix 3 Model INFORMATION DOCUMENT 0 GENERAL 2 MASSES AND DIMENSIONS (c) (in kg and mm) 2.6 Mass of the Review needed Agreed that review is needed. vehicle with UTAC comment Changes will need to be reflected in a simultaneous bodywork and, Yes update to the Framework Directive. in the case of TBD the towing Additional information needed: vehicle of a -Mass of option equipment etc. category other than M1 with coupling device, if fitted by the manufacturer, in running order, or mass of the chassis or chassis with cab, without bodywork and/or coupling device if the manufacturer does not fit the bodywork and/or coupling device (including liquids, tools,

32 AdminWG-03 v8 spare wheel, if fitted, and driver and, for buses and coaches, a crew member if there is a crew seat in the vehicle (a) (maximum and minimum for each variant): 2.8 Technically See above permissible maximum laden mass stated by the manufacturer (b) (*) Heat shield: Heat recovery information should be added See above yes/no (1) Regeneration See above systems/metho d of exhaust after-treatment systems, description: The number of From type 1 (NEDC) to WLTC See above Type 1 operating cycles, or equivalent engine test bench cycles, between two cycles where

33 AdminWG-03 v8 regenerative phases occur under the conditions equivalent to Type 1 test (Distance ‘D’ in figure 1 in Annex 13 to UN/ECE Regulation 83): Description of In annex 13 of R.83 the type 1 test cycles are used. See above method used to Change into WLTC cycles? load system in the test procedure described in paragraph 3.1., Annex 13 to UN/ECE Regulation 83: The number of Particulate trap change to WLTC? See above Type 1 operating cycles, or equivalent engine test bench cycle, between two cycles where regeneration phases occur under the conditions equivalent to Type 1 test (Distance ‘D’ in

34 AdminWG-03 v8 figure 1 in Annex 13 to UN/ECE Regulation 83): Description of Change to WLTC ? See above method used to load system in the test procedure described in paragraph 3.1., Annex 13 to UN/ECE Regulation 83: 3.4.8. Vehicle electric See above range km (according to Annex 9 to UN/ECE Regulation No 101):

3.5. CO2 No CO2 value anymore!!! in combined approach!!!! Agreed that concept is OK.

emissions/fuel formula or do we also give min. CO2 and max. CO2 in Need to decide what factors should be used (e.g. frontal consumption the combined approach. area) (a) Current agreement proposal from EU-WLTP is that 4

(manufacturer’s UTAC comment values for CO2 emissions need to be provided (Low, declared value) Need information concerning the aerodynamic drag Medium, High and Extra High). This has been requested coef and frontal area in the application document by some Member States. Discussions are required as to whether this should be changed to a single value. Unless there is a change from that EU-WLTP the AdminWG work will take forward the existing EU-WLTP agreement.

3.5.1 CO2 mass Do we give information for low, medium, high and Need to check the labelling Directive. (NB: this makes emissions ex high in best case and in worst case situation in reference to a document that is now obsolete). (urban, extra- combined approach. HEVs could potentially have up to 13 different range

35 AdminWG-03 v8 urban, values. combined): UTAC comment Don’t need the declared value when using the combined g/km Combined value only approach. Need to get away from the 4% margin. Removing flexibilities could also be a benefit to industry. TBD 3.5.2 Fuel See above also for fuel consumption? ??? consumption (urban, extra- urban, combined) l/100 km or m3/100 km 3.5.6 Vehicle fitted with an eco-innovation within the meaning of Article 12 ??? of Regulation (EC) No 443/2009 and Implementing Regulation (EU) No 725/2011: yes/no (*) CO2 Not needed anymore Agreed – for WLTP. emissions of the baseline vehicle under type 1 test-cycle ( 3 ) 3.6.1. Cooling More information needed e.g. heat recovery Agreed that an additional sentence was needed. system 4. TRANSMISSION 4.5.1. Type UTAC comment Agreed that this addition is needed manual/automa Multi-mode switch: Eco / sport …? tic/CVT (continuously variable transmission)) 4.6. Gear ratios Multi-mode CVT? TBD whether more information is needed for the Information Document

36 AdminWG-03 v8 6. SUSPENSION 6.6. Tyres and wheels 6.6.1 Tyre/wheel Change ISO to Directive Need to check whether this has already been done in combination(s) latest comitology. : for all tyre Tyre manufacturers only provide a band for rolling options resistance not an actual value. Suggestion to use the indicate, size rolling resistance class in the Info Doc. designation, Also a suggestion to add the weight of the wheel/tyre load-capacity combination. index, speed category symbol, rolling resistance to ISO 28580 (where applicable) 6.6.2. Upper and ??? lower limits of rolling radii: Axle 1 and Axle 2: Appendix to Information Document 4 Dynamometer load setting information (repeat information for each dynamometer test) 4.3. Fixed load Delete Agreed curve dynamometer setting information (if used) 4.4 Adjustable load Check if it is still correct (Combined approach) TBD curve dynamometer setting information (if

37 AdminWG-03 v8 used)

Appendix 4 - MODEL OF EC TYPE-APPROVAL CERTIFICATE 1 Additional information 1.Mass of the TML and TMH TBD vehicle in Reference mass not needed running order More info needed? 2.Maximum mass 3.Reference mass 2 Test results Total Review Keep in Eco-Innovations

No CO2 value anymore!!! in combined approach !!!! TBD

formula or do we also give min. CO2 and max. CO2 in the combined approach. Do we give information for low, medium, high and ex high in best case and in worst case situation in combined approach. Delete ECO innovations M1 and new N1?

Appendix 6 - EC Type –Approval Certification Numbering System Table 1 Characters, Extension needed TBD Implementation dates

Annex II IN-SERVICE CONFORMITY 1.1 This Annex sets out the tailpipe emissions and OBD (inclusive IUPRM ) in-service conformity requirements for vehicles type approved to this Regulation 2.1 The audit of in- Review needed, now or at a later stage. A review is required. service Member State surveillance testing may shall It was proposed that the provisions from Euro VI HD conformity by complement the in-service monitoring reports (which have recently been updated) should be used as a the approval supplied by the manufacturer. starting point for developing new provisions for light-duty authority shall RLD results should also be checked also in ISC by MS vehicles. be conducted surveillance testing Need to confirm whether these provisions just relate to

38 AdminWG-03 v8 on the basis of Criteria pass/ fail needed. surveillance as surveillance issues are for a later date. any relevant TBD information that the manufacturer has, under the same procedures as those for the conformity of production defined in Article 12(1) and (2) of Directive 2007/46/EC and in points 1 and 2 of Annex X to that Directive. Information from approval authority and Member State surveillance testing may complement the in-service monitoring reports supplied by the manufacturer. 2.2 The figure Add RLD check test ??? referred to in point 9 of Appendix 2 to this Annex and

39 AdminWG-03 v8 Figure 4/2 of Appendix 4 to UN/ECE Regulation No 83 (for tailpipe emissions only) illustrates the procedure for in-service conformity checking. The process for in- service conformity is described in Appendix 3 to this Annex. 2.4 Parameters defining the tailpipe emissions in-service family The in-service family may be defined by basic design parameters which Need to confirm whether the 11 parameters still apply for shall be common to vehicles within the family. Accordingly, vehicle the WLTP vehicle families.

types may be considered as belonging to the same in-service family if Wait for CO2 ISC before making any changes? they have in common, or within the stated tolerances, the following Bill Coleman proposed that a separate Working Group parameters;… should be set up to discuss how all elements of family definitions link with WLTP. 1-11 11 parameters Review, family still correct in WLTP??? 2.5 ISC Information requirements TBD An audit of in- Review service More ISC information may be needed with the conformity will combined approach be conducted by the approval authority on the basis of information supplied by the manufacturer.

40 AdminWG-03 v8 Such information shall include in particular, the following: 3 SELECTION OF VEHICLES FOR IN-SERVICE CONFORMITY 3.5 Sample size OK? Needs checking TBD 4 On the basis of OK? the audit referred to in Section 2 the approval authority shall adopt one of the following decisions and actions

Appendix 1 In-service conformity check 4.1 When a check Review Annex III in NEDC  WLTC Annex XXI Ok? TBD on vehicles is Refer to 5.3 annex 4 R83  Annex XXI WLTP deemed necessary, emission tests in accordance with Annex III are performed on pre- conditioned vehicles selected in accordance with the requirements of Sections 2 and

41 AdminWG-03 v8 3 of this Appendix. Pre- conditioning cycles additional to those specified in points 5.3 of Annex 4 to UN/ECE Regulation No 83 will only be allowed if they are representative of normal driving.

Appendix 2 Statistical procedure for tailpipe emissions in-service conformity testing 1 This procedure shall be used to verify the in-service conformity TBD requirements for the type 1 test. The applicable statistical method set out in Appendix 4 to UN/ECE Regulation No 83 shall apply, with the exceptions described in the Sections 2 to 9 of this Appendix. Review (later?): TBD Statistical method up to 20 vehicles should be reduced.

Appendix 3 Responsibilities for in-service conformity 1 The process of Still OK? TBD checking in- service conformity check is illustrated in Figure 1. 2 The Review. TBD

42 AdminWG-03 v8 manufacturer The approval authority may shall also take shall compile all information from surveillance programmes the information needed to comply with the requirements of this Annex. The approval authority may also take information from surveillance programmes into consideration.

Annex III VERIFYING AVERAGE EXHAUST EMISSIONS AT AMBIENT CONDITIONS 1 This Annex describes the procedure for the type 1 test verifying the Annex needs an explanatory paragraph to explain that average exhaust emissions at ambient conditions. R.83 is applicable up to a certain date, after which Annex XXI will be applicable. 2.1 The general Par. 5.3.1. is the type 1 (NEDC) test  Annex XXI TBD requirements WLTP shall be those set out in paragraph 5.3.1 of UN/ECE Regulation 83, with the exceptions described in sections 2.2 to 2.5. 3 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 3.1 The technical Annex 4 are the technical requirements of the type 1 Update regulation to make reference to Annex 4a instead

43 AdminWG-03 v8 requirements test (NEDC) Annex XXI (WLTP) of Annex 4? shall be those set out in Annex 4 to UN/ECE Regulation No 83 with the exceptions set out in points 3.2 to 3.12. As from the dates set out in the second sentence of Article 10(6) of Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 the mass of particulate matter (PM) and the number of particles (P) shall be determined according the emission test procedure set out in Section 6 of Annex 4a to UN/ECE Regulation No 83, series of amendments 05, supplement 07, using the test equipment described in

44 AdminWG-03 v8 points 4.4 and 4.5 thereof, respectively. 3.13 Technical requirements for a vehicle equipped with a periodically regenerating system The technical Section 3 refers to the type 1 cycle (NEDC)  WLTP TBD requirements Annex XXI (annex 6 appendix 1)? shall be those set out in section 3 of Annex 13 to UN/ECE Regulation No 83, with the exceptions described in sections 3.13.2 to 3.13.4. 3.14 As from the Should DRL be mentioned in the annex XXI? Add DRL to Annex XXI or leave just in 3.14? dates laid down TBD in Article 2 of Commission Directive 2008/89/EC (*) the daytime running lamps of the vehicle as defined in Section 2 of UN/ECE Regulation No 48 (**) shall be switched on during the test cycle. The vehicle tested

45 AdminWG-03 v8 shall be equipped with the daytime running lamp system that has the highest electrical energy consumption among the daytime running lamp systems, which are fitted by the manufacturer to vehicles in the group represented by the type- approved vehicle. The manufacturer shall supply appropriate technical documentation to the type- approval authorities in this respect

ANNEX V - VERIFYING EMISSIONS OF CRANKCASE GASES 2.1 The general Section 2 of Annex 6 refer to the type 1 test OK requirements (NEDC) WLTP? for conducting the type 3 test

46 AdminWG-03 v8 shall be those set out in section 2 of Annex 6 to UN/ECE Regulation No 83. 3.1 The technical Section 3 to 6 of Annex 6 refer to the type 1 test OK requirements (NEDC) WLTP ? shall be those set out in section 3 to 6 of Annex 6 to UN/ECE Regulation No 83

ANNEX VI - DETERMINATION OF EVAPORATIVE EMISSIONS 2.1 The technical Test preparation on type 1 test (NEDC)  WLTP? Should the evaporative emissions test change to align requirements Point 4.1 in Annex 7 set dynamometer requirement with WLTC? and of type 1 (NEDC)  WLTP dynamometer Keep the NEDC for now and have a transitional period to specifications requirements? switch to the WLTC (i.e. a similar approach to OBD). shall be those Need to consult with Evaporative Emissions Group and set out in industry. sections 2 to 7 and Appendices 1 and 2 to Annex 7 to UN/ECE Regulation No 83, with the exceptions set out in sections 2.2 and 2.3


47 AdminWG-03 v8 DEVICES 1.5 At the request Change type 1 test into WLTP? Makes sense for test to be the same as that used for Type of the Approval. manufacturer, Need to make sure that existing durability tests remain the technical valid. service may TBD carry out the type 1 test before the whole vehicle or bench ageing durability test has been completed using the assigned deterioration factors in the table above. On completion of the whole vehicle or bench ageing durability test, the technical service may then amend the type- approval results recorded in Appendix 4 to Annex I by replacing the assigned deterioration factors in the above table

48 AdminWG-03 v8 with those measured in the whole vehicle or bench ageing durability test 2.1 The technical Annex 9; Type 1 test used, change into See above requirements WLTP? and specifications shall be those set out in section 2 to 6 of Annex 9 to UN/ECE Regulation No 83, with the exceptions set out in subsections 2.1.1 to 2.1.4.

ANNEX VIII - VERIFYING THE AVERAGE EMISSIONS AT LOW AMBIENT TEMPERATURES 3.1 The technical 2.1.1 Annex 8; Type 1 test (NEDC) used, change into Logical to change to WLTP. requirements WLTP? TBD and specifications are those set out in section 2 to 6 of Annex 8 to UN/ECE Regulation No 83 with the exceptions described in the

49 AdminWG-03 v8 following sections.

ANNEX X - EMISSIONS TEST PROCEDURE FOR HYBRID ELECTRIC VEHICLES (HEV) 2.1 The technical Refer to annex XXI ; (new annex 8 WLTP) OK requirements and specifications shall be those set out in Annex 14 to UN/ECE Regulation No 83 with the exceptions described in the following section


3.5 the identified engine misfire refer to type 1 (NEDC) test OK order of cycle.  WLTC? deficiencies, deficiencies relating to sections, and of Annex 11 of UN/ECE Regulation 83 Appendix 1 FUNCTIONAL ASPECTS OF ON-BOARD DIAGNOSTIC (OBD) SYSTEMS 2.1 The technical OBD Test over the type 1 test cycle (NEDC) Long lead time needed for components. requirements - change to WLTC ? Need to discuss with OBD group.

50 AdminWG-03 v8 and TBD specifications shall be those set out in Appendix 1 to Annex 11 to UN/ECE Regulation No 83 with the exceptions and additional requirements as described in the following sections

ANNEX XII - DETERMINATION OF CO2 EMISSIONS, FUEL CONSUMPTION, ELECTRIC ENERGY CONSUMPTION AND ELECTRIC RANGE 2.1 The general Review Annex needs an explanatory paragraph to explain that specifications R.101 is applicable up to a certain date, after which Annex for conducting Refer to new Annex XXI XXI will be applicable. the tests and interpreting the results shall be those set out in Section 5 of UN/ECE Regulation 101 with the exceptions specified below. 3.1 The technical Total review TBD requirements and

51 AdminWG-03 v8 specifications for the measurement

of CO2 emissions, fuel consumption, electric energy consumption and electric range shall be those set out in Annexes 6 to 10 to UN/ECE Regulation 101 with the exceptions specified below 3.2 In Annex 6, Review TBD section 1.3.5 of UN/ECE Regulation 101 the tyres used shall meet the same selection criteria as those specified for the type 1 emissions test, set out in Annex III section 3.5 of this Regulation 4 TYPE-APPROVAL OF VEHICLES FITTED WITH ECO-INNOVATIONS

Implementing Review or delete New CO2 regulations have just been agreed in Parliament. Regulation (EU) Vote on Eco-Innovation for N1 vans in April and then DG- No 725/2011 Enterprise will be preparing amendment to 692/2008.

52 AdminWG-03 v8 (and new This will require a change to the CoC and the Information amendment Document. 510/2011) TBD 5 DETERMINATION OF CO2 EMISSIONS AND FUEL CONSUMPTION FROM Group to come up with new proposals. N1 VEHICLES SUBMITTED TO MULTI-STAGE TYPE-APPROVAL André Rijnders will be taking this forward by preparing a draft proposal (see comment for Annex I, point 5.1 the base Review See above vehicle, as Whole temporary procedure with the base vehicle defined in and Default Added Mass (DAM) do not fit with the Article 3(18) of combined approach. Whole paragraph 5 should be that Directive, changed. shall be tested in accordance with points 2 and 3 of this Annex 5.2 The reference Review See above mass to be used The add mass of the bodywork can be seen as for the testing optional equipment for incomplete vehicles shall be the one resulting from the following formula: RM = RM Base_Vehicle + DAM 5.6 The Review See above

manufacturer Information on the COC concerning CO2 value of the (WLTP) shall be correct for the completed vehicle completed (multi stage) and in line with a complete vehicle’s vehicle shall (combined approach). include, in the certificate of conformity, the information concerning the

53 AdminWG-03 v8 base vehicle, in accordance with Annex IX to Directive 2007/46/EC 5.7 individual Review See above approval Information on base vehicle and Mass in Running certificate shall Order (MRO) is not needed any more include the following information a to f

ANNEX XIII - EC TYPE-APPROVAL OF REPLACEMENT POLLUTION CONTROL DEVICES AS SEPARATE TECHNICAL UNIT The emissions Type 1 (NEDC) test used. Change to WLTC? OK performance of this system shall be determined following the test procedure set out in section 3 of Annex 13 of UN/ECE Regulation 83.

COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 582/2011 : HDV Emission Regulations Appendix 1 Provisions on To be reviewed TBD

CO2 emissions and fuel consumption for extension of an EC type- approval for a

54 AdminWG-03 v8 vehicle type approved under Regulation (EC) No 595/2009 and this Regulation with a reference mass exceeding 2 380 kg but not exceeding 2 610 kg 2. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 2.1. In order to Reference to Annex XII of 692/2008 to be changed Wait until co-decision is finalised. receive an extension of an EC type- approval for a vehicle in respect of its engine type approved under this Regulation to a vehicle with a reference mass exceeding 2 380 kg but not exceeding 2 610 kg the manufacturer shall meet the requirements of Annex XII to Commission Regulation (EC) No 692/2008 ( 1 ) with the exceptions

55 AdminWG-03 v8 specified below.

COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 65/2012 : Gear Shift Indicator 4.2 4.2. Standard To be reviewed? No action required at this gear shift points The footnote (1) refers to Annex 4a of UNECE stage V n std shall Regulation No 83, 05 series of amendments denote the speed at which a typical driver is assumed to shift up from gear n into gear n + 1 without GSI recommendatio n. Based on the gear shift points defined in the type 1 emission test ( 1 ) the following standard gear shift speeds are defined: Appendix 1 Description To be reviewed or keep the tolerances of R83 No action required at this of vehicle stage speed profile referred to in point 4.1 … The tolerances for deviation from this speed profile

56 AdminWG-03 v8 are defined in point of Annex 4a of UNECE Regulation No 83, 05 series of amendments .

Framework Directive 2007/46/EC Amendments needed. André Rijnders and Bill Coleman to prepare a list of items that need to be amended – but not to level of detail of To concepts such as “type variant version” and to details the Information Document paragraphs – that will follow the work on 692/2008. (e.g. information document)

EU No. 443/2009 and 510/201 Amendments TBD

DG-CLIMA Will need to change CO2 reporting requirements

57 AdminWG-03 v8

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