Russian Language Practical Classes (Year 2, Three-Year Course)
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Russian Language and Literature (Years 2 and 3, One-year Course, curriculum: Foreign Languages and Literature; Years 2 and 3, Semester Course, curricula: Language Expert for Management and Tourism; Languages, Communicatione and Media) PROFESSOR SERENA VITALE
SEMESTER ONE The course will get to know the work of Russia’s greatest poet by reading and commenting on the original-language texts. SEMESTER TWO Introduce the student to the work (and plays) of one of Russia’s most famous writers.
SEMESTER ONE “La lirica di Osip Mandel’štam. Anni Trenta”.
SEMESTER TWO “L’opera di A. P. Čechov”.
READING LIST The lecturer will provide information on the reading list at the start of the courses.
NOTES Students should get the reading list for the General Part of the course by consulting the course programme held at the Foreign Languages and Literature Department in Via Necchi 9. Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at, or on the Faculty notice board.
COURSE AIMS The course sets out to equip the student with solid intermediate-level abilities in spoken and written Russian.
COURSE CONTENT 1. Verbs and verb forms 1.1. The verbal aspect in different tenses and moods. Verbal aspects in constructions: «можно-нельзя-нужно». Verbal aspects of the infinitive: verbs that require the compulsory choice of the aspect. 1.2. Reflexive verbs. 1.3. Verbs of motion. 1.3.1 Verbs of motion (unidirectional and multidirectional) without prefixes. 1.3.2 Verbs of motion with prefixes (general considerations). 1.4. Participles: formation and declension. Participial constructs. Present and past tenses of active and passive participles. Short form of passive participles. Transformation of the subordinate proposition with «который» in a participial construct. 1.5. Gerund. 1.6. Imperative. 2. Pronouns, adjectives and adverbs 2.1. Negative pronouns and adjectives (никто-ничто-никакой). 2.2. Indeterminate pronouns (кто-то, кто-нибудь, etc.). 2.3. Comparative degrees of adjectives and adverbs. 2.4. Short adjective forms. 2.5. Possessive adjective «свой». 3. Cardinal and ordinary numbers to tell the date (only in the form в каком году?) and the time. 4. Syntax 4.1. The simple phrase: temporal and causal complements (use of the prepositions из-за, благодаря, за, etc.). 4.2. The complex phrase (subordinate object clause, relative, final, concessive, temporal, causal, etc.). The conditional period. Indirect discourse. The impersonal phrase: analysis and exercises based on Russian texts, also to prepare for translation. 5. Names and place names 5.1. Transliteration of names and last names. 5.2. Declension of proper nouns and Russian and foreign place names. 6. Lexical issues: use of the verbs надевать-одеть, ставить-класть, учить- учиться, etc.
ITALIAN-RUSSIAN TRANSLATION AND THE SPOKEN LANGUAGE 1. Translation of topical articles into Russian. 2. Getting started with the bilingual dictionary. 3. Listening and comprehension exercises. 4. Russian speech exercises.
READING LIST Dispensa di Lingua russa II – Grammatica (Dr. Freda Piredda, Reprographics Department). Dispensa di Lingua russa II – Lessico (Dr. Natalia Nikitina, Reprographics Department). Dispensa di Dattilografia russa (Dr. Natalia Nikitina, Reprographics Department) N. NIKITINA, Esercizi di lingua russa. Morfologia: livello avanzato con soluzioni, Hoepli, Milan, 2013. C. CEVESE-J. DOBROVOLSKAJA-E. MAGNANINI, Grammatica russa. Morfologia: teoria ed esercizi, Hoepli, Milan, 2000.
TEACHING METHOD Lectures and practical classes.
ASSESSMENT METHOD Students completing the Russian Language Practical Classes will sit final exams to assess their knowledge of written and spoken Russian. Final grades will take account of the student’s attendance rate and the learning benefits gained from participating in the class activities and from their home study and assignments, which will be assessed throughout the year with intermediate tests. The final exams are in two parts: Written exam – The candidate will write a summary of a text read out loud by the lecturer; – answer a second-level test on vocabulary and grammar (quiz on transforming participles and gerunds, on verbal aspect selection, on verbs of motion, on the grammar subjects dealt with in the course year, and on Russian vocabulary); – short translation from Russian into Italian to test the student’s comprehension of an original text and the quality of the Italian translation; – short translation from Italian to Russian to test the student’s grammar knowledge. The student may bring a bilingual dictionary only for the translation part of the exam. Oral exam The oral exam will test the student’s ability to read, translate and summarise the home reading (an original-language text of around 60 pages set by the lecturer during the course) and to hold a conversation on the topics dealt with in class. The student must also know how to read and translate on-sight the second-level Russian text given to them at the exam and to converse in Russian on its content.
NOTES The students must carefully check the timetable and attend exclusively those classes assigned to their group and curriculum. Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at, or on the Faculty notice board.
COURSE AIMS The course plans to develop the student’s abilities in spoken and written Russian to the advanced level (corresponding to the TRKI B2 level). The course is split into two parts: Italian translation course (Dr. Elena Freda Piredda; Dr. Sara Mazzucchelli; Dr. Viola Sanvito) – Use of syntactic constructions for translating Russian into Italian. – Analysis of the structure and lexicon of articles on current topics, culture and politics. – Use of dictionaries for translating from Russian into Italian. Russian translation course and exam preparation (Dr. Anna Krasnikova; Dr. Natalia Nikitina) – Exercises on translating articles on current affairs from Italian to Russian. – Grammar with oral and written exercises. – Introduction to the interpreter’s profession based on oral exercises, enriching the professional vocabulary and the listening comprehension of texts. – Preparation for written output and spoken communication. COURSE CONTENT
GRAMMAR 1. Declension of names and geographical names 1.1 Declension of names, last names, and Russian patronymic names, foreign names. 1.2 Declension of geographic names. 2. Numerals 2.1 Declension of cardinal and ordinal numerals, including compound numbers; collective numerals; use and declension of «оба-обе», «полтора»; doing arithmetic; fractions and decimals; percentages. 3. Expressing time 3.1 Dates (5 мая 1980 года, в январе 2011, в 2000 году). 3.2 By way of abstract dates (век, эпоха, период). 3.3 Use of the preposition «на» (вышел на час). 3.4 Use of the preposition «за» (прочитал за час). 3.5 Use of the prepositions “к” and «до» (к среде, до обеда). 3.6 Indication of time in iterative actions (каждый, ежедневно, по ночам). 3.7 Use of the prepositions c-по and с-до (с января по октябрь / с утра до вечера). 3.8 The instrumental case to define time with «утро, весна». 3.9 Use of the prepositions «после», «через», «спустя». 3.10 Indication of the time that separates two events («через год»). 3.11 Use of the prepositions «перед» and «до». 3.12 How to indicate how much time lapses before an action («за час до приезда»). 3.13 Action that takes place at irregular intervals («через день, раз в день»). 4. Pronouns 4.1 The pronouns «сам, сама, само, сами». 4.2 The pronouns and adjectives «такой же, тот же самый». 4.3 The interrogative pronouns «чей, чья, чьё, чьи». 4.4 The negative pronouns and adjectives «никто, ничто, никакой, ничей». 4.5 The negative pronouns «нéкого, нéчего». 5. Verbs 5.1 I Reflexive verbs – enrichment of the usage vocabulary. 5.2 Verbal aspects: 5.2.1 Aspect of the verb in the future tense with negation: не буду читать – не прочитаю. 5.2.2 Expression of need + НСВ оr СВ: должен / не должен, нужно / не нужно, нельзя, следует, придётся, обязан etc. 5.2.3 Aspects of the verb in the infinitive: verbs that always take СВ and НСВ. 5.3 Passive form. 5.4 Verbs of motion with prefixes. 5.5 Imperative of verbs of motion. 6. Participles 6.1 In-depth study of the use of active and passive participles. 6.2 Consonantal alternants in participles. 6.3 Use of inversion in participial constructs. 7. Gerund 7.1 In-depth study of the use of the gerund. 8. Lexical issues
SYNTAX 1. Use of БЫ- ЧТО- ЧТОБЫ in complex and subordinate propositions supported by the conjunctive будто. 2. Temporal propositions: expression of anteriority, posterity, contemporaneity (перед тем, как; после того, как; до того, как; пока не…). 3. Causal propositions (так как; поскольку…). 4. Concessive propositions (хотя; несмотря на то, что). 5. Use of the constructions: то, что / тот, кто.
N. NIKITINA, Manuale di lingua russa per il 3 anno, EDUCatt, Milan, 2014. N. NIKITINA, Esercizi di lingua russa. Morfologia: livello avanzato con soluzioni, Hoepli, Milan, 2013. Dispensa per la traduzione in italiano (Course pack of Professor Freda Piredda, Reprographics Shop). C. CEVESE-JU. DOBROVOLSKAJA-E. MAGNANINI, Grammatica russa. Morfologia: teoria ed esercizi, Hoepli, Milan, 2004. C. CEVESE-JU. DOBROVOLSKAJA, Sintassi russa: teoria ed esercizi, Hoepli, Milan, 2004.
ASSESSMENT METHOD Students completing the Russian Language Practical Classes will sit final exams to assess their knowledge of written and spoken Russian. Final grades will take account of the student’s attendance rate and the learning benefits gained from participating in the class activities and from their home study, which will be assessed throughout the year with intermediate tests. The final exams are in two parts: Written exam – Lexicon and grammar test – Summarise a Russian text read out loud by the lecturer – Short Italian-into-Russian translation (current affairs article) – Short Russian-into-Italian translation (current affairs article) Students may use both a monolingual and a bilingual dictionary exclusively for the translation parts. Oral exam The oral exam will test the student’s ability to read, translate and summarise the home reading (around 100 pages of original-language texts set by the lecturer during the course) and to hold a conversation on the texts read. In addition, the student must know how to read and translate on-sight the advanced-level Russian text given to them at the exam and to converse in Russian on its content.
NOTES The students must carefully check the timetable and attend only those classes marked for their group and curriculum. Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at, or on the Faculty notice board.
Russian Language Practical Classes (Year 2, Two-year Course) DR. ANNA ESTEROVICH
COURSE AIMS This course is for students who want to develop a good level of basic skills in written and spoken Russian.
COURSE CONTENT – Complex morphology: declension of numerals, indefinite and negative pronouns. – Verbal morphology: use of verbal aspects in the indicative, imperative and infinitive moods. – Meaning and use of prefixes in verbs of motion. – Diathesis: reflexive verbs and passive construction. – Syntax: subordinate direct object. Notions on the gerund and the participle.
READING LIST The lecturer will provide information on the reading list at the start of the course. TEACHING METHOD Lectures.
ASSESSMENT METHOD Final oral exam in Russian that will test the student’s ability to read, translate and converse in the language.
NOTES Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at, or on the Faculty notice board.