FLACS Lesson Plan
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FLACS ESL Lesson Plan Date: 3/19/12 Grade/Class/Subject: 2nd grade
Classroom Unit/Theme: NYSESLAT Test Prep / Reading Standards: x ESL 1- Language for Information and Understanding 1.1 Identify and use reading strategies to make text comprehensible and meaningful. ___ESL 2- Language for Literary Response and Expression x ESL 3- Language for Critical Analysis and Evaluation 3.4 Interpret and demonstrate knowledge of nonverbal and oral communication features, and understand the contexts in which they are used appropriately. 3.9 Apply learning strategies to examine, interpret, and evaluate a variety of materials. x ESL 4- Language for Social Interaction 4.4 Listen attentively when engaged in pair, group, or full class discussions on personal, social, and academic topics.
4.7 Follow oral directions to participate in classroom and social activities. ___ESL 5- Language for Cross-Cultural Knowledge and Understanding
Lesson Objective(s): Students will be able to use cartoons to distinguish between main ideas, fact/details, and inferences in reading and interpreting a cartoon.
Language Objective(s): Students will be able to interpret and demonstrate knowledge of nonverbal and oral communication features, and understand the contexts in which they are used appropriately.
Aim(s): How can we use cartoon comic strips to identify main idea, facts and details and make inferences?
Key Vocabulary Supplementary Materials cartoon Supplementarycomic strips, chart Materialspaper, markers, cartoon sequence main idea envelopes (one for each group), sentence strip fact /detail inference Sheltered Instruction Features Preparation Scaffolding Grouping Options X Adaptation of Content x Modeling __ Whole class X Links to Background x Guided practice x Small groups X Links to Past Learning x Independent practice __ Partners __ Strategies incorporated __ Comprehensible input Independent Integration of Processes Application Assessment X Reading x Hands-on x Individual __ Writing x Meaningful __ Group X Speaking x Linked to objectives __ Written X Listening x Promotes engagement x Oral Lesson Sequence Overall: 1. Motivation: Good morning. Today we will be practicing for the NYSESLAT in a different way. We will be working on a reading activity where we will discuss cartoon comic strips. I have some pictures of a cartoon comic strip. I would like for you all to look at them carefully and help me put them in the correct order. We will then discuss the comic strip. I have a chart here that is divided into three sections. One section says main idea, the other says fact/detail and the last one says inference. I want you to watch how I complete the chart. You will do this with your group later so listen carefully. Complete chart and tell students that now they are going to do the same. Tell them there is an envelope in each table with a different comic strip and a sentence strip that has three questions.
2. Connection: Today you are going to work together in tables on the same activity.
Skill/Strategy: predicting, sequence, think – pair – share, main idea, fact/detail, inferencing
4. Practice/Applications (activity):
a. Tell students that they will be looking at a cartoon. Students will then read and discuss it together. b. Use the prepared chart to guide and help students to distinguish between a main idea, a fact/detail, and an inference. You may want to discuss the following related to each category: a main idea will be related to what the cartoon is about a fact/detail is information that can be found in the cartoon an inference makes a conclusion based on the main idea, facts and details c. Ask a student to provide examples from the cartoon for each skill and write them in the chart. d. Remind students to make sure they refer back to the cartoon to confirm that the answers are correct for each question. e. Share: Have each table share their cartoon and questions to the group.
Tell students that today they were able to use cartoon comic strips to find main idea, fact/detail and inference. While it was a fun activity, the important part of the lesson was to help them work on these skills in a different way. Follow Up: Based on anecdotal records. Assessment: Students will be assessed with the use of an assessment sheet provided in the NYSESLAT and BEYOND book. Homework: N/A Reflections: