Community Jobs Scotland
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Employer Registration Guidance Notes
The key purpose of Community Jobs Scotland (CJS) is to support young people into sustainable employment. Employers who apply to create jobs must be able to demonstrate a commitment to provide a high quality job. This includes provision of Induction, on-the job training, support and supervision and jobsearch support.
Community Jobs Scotland will create 2,000 vacancies within a wide range of third sector organisations, accessible to young people from August 2011 to March 2012. The monthly profile for vacancy submissions throughout Scotland are as follows;
Aug-11 Sep-11 Oct-11 Nov-11 Dec-11 Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 Totals 321 266 266 266 266 266 266 80 2,000
The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) and the Scottish Social Enterprise Coalition (SSEC) will use the Employer Registration to assess whether the proposed employing organisation and their vacancies meet the Community Jobs Scotland programme criteria and demonstrate the commitment to providing high quality jobs and to supporting young people into sustainable employment.
Although a vacancy may be approved it subsequently may not be allocated on the Community Jobs Scotland programme as geographic splits and target group needs have to be considered.
Factors that need to be considered when allocating vacancies include;
Local labour market demand Unemployment levels of target groups in each Local Authority Area Vacancy location needs within the Local Authority Area
The following guidance notes will help to ensure the appropriate required details are submitted. Please ensure you complete all sections
Page 1 of 7 Doc Cat 2. Emp Reg Guidance NotesSCVO v1.4 May 11 Section 1: Tell us about your organisation This section will be used by SCVO and SSEC to assess whether the employing organisation meets the criteria for the Community Jobs Scotland programme.
1.1 Full name of employing organisation including any trading names and the name of the senior contact responsible for signing The Memorandum of Understanding. Also include the organisational website address. Also provide the contact details for the individual who will have day to day responsibility for CJS programme.
1.2 Provide a brief outline on your organisation’s aims and core activities. Provide information on the status of your organisation including charity number, if applicable. CJS vacancies will only be available through third sector employers.
1.3 Indicate the total number of paid staff employed within your organisation including part time and sessional staff. Indicate whether your payroll is an established internal or contracted out system and meets all HMRC requirements or if it needs to be developed.
1.4 a-h Every employer has certain practical and legal responsibilities for their staff. All CJS employees will be employed subject to your own organisational employment and staffing policies and procedures. Please indicate which policies you have in place and supply additional information where requested. h. Please forward a copy of the contract of employment to be used for CJS employees.
1.5 Where an employer has had any previous involvement with the Future Jobs Fund programme, i.e. as part of SCVO’s third sector consortium, with another lead contractor or as LAB in own right, pleases complete the additional information requested.
The following sections will be used by SCVO and SSEC to assess whether the job(s) could be funded. Section 2: Tell us about your CJS vacancies
2.1 Give job title(s) and a brief outline of the duties on the job(s) you want to create for CJS.
2.2 The recruitment period for Community Jobs Scotland vacancies from “going live to start date” should be a maximum of 6 weeks. ( i.e when the vacancy goes onto the Jobcentre Plus labour market system and or Goodmoves website to receiving applications etc, shortlisting, interviewing to appointing and starting the CJS employee.) Provide details on the process you will implement for recruiting CJS employees. Any vacancies that do not perform to this timescale can be withdrawn.
Page 2 of 7 Doc Cat 2. Emp Reg Guidance NotesSCVO v1.4 May 11 A good practice guide on referral and recruitment can be accessed at
2.3 It is expected that most CJS jobs will be located with the registered employer but where the registered employer is intending to act as an intermediary for other third sector organisations we will require further details on the proposed partnerships, organisations involved and financial arrangements.
2.4 One of the high level principles for Community Jobs Scotland is that all vacancies created will be new and additional and not exist without the Community Jobs Scotland investment. They must also be additional to any public or private sector contract obligations.
Questions to Consider:
Has your organisation recently made staff redundant? If so, you need to be sure that this CJS job is not a direct replacement for any of the redundant jobs. Was this job agreed prior to your registration for CJS, or is it similar to existing vacancies? If so you need to be sure that the job is not a core vacancy required to meet statutory, contractual or delivery obligations. Is the Job Description for this job substantially the same as that of staff recently made redundant or existing staff paid at a higher rate? If so it is likely that this is not an additional job. If appropriate, have you engaged with any relevant Trade Union(s)? You may have an arrangement in place regarding the agreement of any new jobs with a Trade Union.
2.5 Community Benefit is another high level principle of Community Jobs Scotland, it is expected that CJS jobs will deliver a wide range of benefits for Scotland’s communities.
All CJS jobs must clearly create or significantly contribute to tangible and lasting benefits to their community or for particular groups and or individuals within the community. The benefits to the community must be over and above the benefits of employment to the individuals.
Benefits are likely in the following areas: Environment Community Regeneration Social Economic Health-related
The following are examples on how CJS jobs could deliver community benefit. This list is not exhaustive.
Environmental Benefit Raising awareness and improving energy efficiency through provision of advice
Page 3 of 7 Doc Cat 2. Emp Reg Guidance NotesSCVO v1.4 May 11 Increasing recycling of domestic waste, furniture and white goods thus reducing the volume going to landfill Conservation activities
Community Regeneration Tackling poverty through the provision of financial advice and the creation of employment opportunities Supporting the most disadvantaged communities through a range of interventions, such as providing recycled furniture packs and re- conditioned white goods Provision of advocacy and advice Supporting people experiencing difficulties entering the labour market, including black and ethnic minority people, people with disabilities and mental health issues, and lone parents to engage welfare to work programmes Strengthening communities through involvement in community-based activity offered by the sector, encouraging community action and volunteering, and by extending the range of services the sector provides
Social Benefit Improvements in quality of life in local communities through environmental improvements, increasing availability of services for disadvantaged people and through providing employment opportunities Reduction in anti social behaviour through supporting the “More Choices, More Chances” group to access employment and training will result in less crime, substance misuse and vandalism Community capacity to become involved in organisations, campaigning on local issues and in local decision making Awareness of, and engagement with, particular groups of people – e.g. people with mental health issues, minority groups with services specifically designed for them
Economic Benefit Improved childcare services allowing parents to take up training and work Capacity to lever in additional funding e.g. European Structural Funds, SRDP, Landfill Tax
Health Benefit Improvements in the physical and mental health of the community through local food growing projects, promoting healthy eating Support to people with physical disabilities and mental health issues through increasing the provision of advocacy, advice and peer support etc
Please note all Community Benefit should be additional to already existing services. However, if increasing output of existing services please explain; giving examples and or expected growth.
2.6 Where 5 or more employees are intended to be recruited at the one time, please justify the need for this number of staff; detailing the work they will carry out, the expected outcomes of this work and how the project will be funded.
Page 4 of 7 Doc Cat 2. Emp Reg Guidance NotesSCVO v1.4 May 11 Also explain how you will provide the supervision and support for this increased staffing level.
2.7 To help identify where there may be a need for some flexibility with the 6 week recruitment period, provide the detail on your policy re employment start dates where a disclosure and or Protecting Vulnerable Group scheme membership is required.
2.8 Support and training are key elements of Community Jobs Scotland. Detail the induction, training and ongoing support that will be delivered to CJS employees as standard via your organisation. This should include mandatory training required to carry out the duties of the job(s).
2.9 Another key element of Community Jobs Scotland is jobsearch support. Provide information on your jobsearch support and activity available or details on the external organisation you will be working with and their support package.
2.10 Supporting Scotland’s young people into sustainable employment is the key purpose of CJS, detail how your job(s) will contribute towards this aim. How will you support your CJS employee(s) into sustainable employment after there subsidised job ends.
Section 3: Vacancy Proforma
3.1 Insert the name of the employing organisation offering the vacancies.
3.2 Select from the drop down menu the choice which best represents the sector which the vacancy falls into.
3.3 Select from one of the two drop down menus the Local Authority Area (LAA) in which the vacancy will be located. If you wish to offer the same vacancy in more than one LAA please insert additional entries.
3.4 Insert the Job Title of the vacancy you wish to offer. Please ensure that the Job Title used here is the same as that included in the job description template in Section 4.
3.5 Select from the drop down menu the month in which you would like the job to start. If you wish to offer the same vacancy in more that one month please insert additional entries.
3.6 Indicate here the number of vacancies that you would like to offer for this vacancy.
3.7 Choose from the drop down menu the age group you would like to offer this vacancy to. If you wish to offer to same job to a different age group please insert additional entries.
Page 5 of 7 Doc Cat 2. Emp Reg Guidance NotesSCVO v1.4 May 11 Section 4: Job Description Please submit a separate template for each type of job you wish to offer.
N.B The CJS programme will be predominantly for 18 to 24 year olds, although there will be some allowance for 16 to 17year olds, and for 25+ year olds in areas of high unemployment as specified by the Scottish Government. (using unemployment rates) Areas of high unemployment: East Ayrshire Edinburgh City Fife Glasgow City North Ayrshire North Lanarkshire Renfrewshire South Ayrshire South Lanarkshire West Dunbartonshire
Age Group: - (very top of form) tick one box only indicating which age group you wish to offer this vacancy to. (A separate job description must be completed if you wish to offer the same vacancy to more than one age group)
4.1 This section contains details of the CJS Contract Holder and has been completed by SCVO. Please do not amend or alter any of the information contained here.
4.2 Insert the contact details for the staff member who will have day to day responsibility for CJS programme.
4.3. a Enter the Job Title as shown on the Vacancy Proforma. b This is the number of people you wish to take on in this job role, as shown on the Vacancy Proforma. c Provide detailed information on the hours and days to be worked. Please indicate if shift working will be required and what the times, days and shift patterns will be. Please indicate if evening or weekend working will be required and specify times and days. d. Enter the month you would like the CJS employee to start in. This should match the start month indicated on the Vacancy Proforma. e. Wage Details: Enter either “Min Wage” or the hourly rate you intend to pay e.g £7.10.
f. Enter 26 weeks if this vacancy is to be offered to 18 years+ or enter 39 weeks if this vacancy is to be offered to 16 to 17 yr olds, as indicated on the Vacancy Proforma. g. Provide the full address for the location where the CJS employee will be based.
Page 6 of 7 Doc Cat 2. Emp Reg Guidance NotesSCVO v1.4 May 11 h. Enter the name and contact details of the person who will be supervising the CJS employee. i. Indicate the referral arrangement you wish to use if different than that stated on the Job Description template. The preferred options are either Jobcentre Plus (JCP) or Skills Development Scotland (SDS) advisor to ring employer to set up interview or JCP/SDS application form to be forwarded to employer. If giving a named person as point of contact for telephone referrals, ensure that this person has the availability to handle referrals and queries.
A good practice guide on referral and recruitment can be accessed at j. Provide specific details on the main duties required to carry out this role. This section is limited to 50 words so bullet points are advised. This is the section that will sell your job to any potential employees, so please be as descriptive as possible in the limited space available. Please also forward a full job description to SCVO. k. Add any additional requirements and person specification. Enter if a PVG/Disclosure check is required. This section is limited to 30 words. l. Indicate the number of references you would require from the applicant. Please bear in mind that it may not always be possible for this particular client group to obtain references due to lack of work history etc. m. Explain what training and jobsearch will be provided with this job. This should include training required to enable the young person to do the job and any other training necessary, as well as any other training you will provide. Detail the specific jobsearch support you will provide for this job including detail on activity and resources. If the vacancy is for 16-17 yr olds, also detail specific support levels in place. n. Describe the community benefit delivered through the job, if the job itself doesn’t create direct community benefit show how it could help the creation of community benefit within a wider project or activity. The benefits to the community must be over and above the benefits of employment to the individual(s). (Refer back to notes at section 2.5) o. Use this space to add any additional information you may wish to add in relation to this job. p. Forward a copy of your full job description for the job to SCVO, along with the completed Job Description template.
Completed forms to be returned to [email protected] by 12 noon on Friday 8 July 2011.
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