Curriculum Vitae - Beamer
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Jennifer Beamer (Morgan)
Oregon State University School of Biological and Population Health Sciences 207A Women’s Building Corvallis, OR 97331-6802
(541) 737-5925 [email protected]
Doctor of Philosophy, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 2013 Major: Exercise and Sport Sciences: Movement Studies in Disability Minor: Sport Pedagogy (Physical Education and Teacher Education)
Master of Arts, California State University Chico, Chico, CA 2008 Major: Kinesiology Emphasis: Adapted Physical Education
Bachelor of Arts, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA 2001 Major: Journalism and Mass Communication Emphasis: Public Relations Minor: Dance Studies Teaching license: California Teaching Credential, Physical Education
Instructor, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR Summer 2013- Exercise & Sport Science Program current
EXSS 353-355: Physical Education Teacher Education Practicum EXSS 360-362: Sport Skills Analysis I,II, & III EXSS 371: Measurement & Data Analysis in Exercise Science EXSS 381: Analysis of Critical Issues in Exercise & Sport Science – Writing Intensive Course EXSS 420: Physical Activity for Children EXSS 421: Physical Activity for Adolescents EXSS 444: Introduction to Adapted Physical Activity (Hybrid course 50% online 50% in class lecture) EXSS 512: Applied Motor Learning
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 2008-2013 Exercise & Sport Science Program Curriculum Vitae - Beamer
HHS 231: Lifetime Fitness for Health 2013 Teaching assistant responsible for approximately 100 students in a large baccalaureate core course. EXSS 547: Inclusion in Physical Activity (Hybrid 50% on-line 50% in class) Winter 2013 Aided in development and implementation of online learning modules. EXSS 353-355: Physical Education Teacher Education Practicum 2011-2013
EXSS 444 Adapted Physical Activity 2009-2011 EXSS 510: Professional Internship 2010-2011 Developed and coordinated adapted physical education internships as well as advised and assessed students' progress PAC 126: Cardio Kickboxing 2008-2012
PAC 100: Adapted Physical Activity: Aquatics Fall 2012
FSF: Faculty Staff Fitness: Cardio Weights 2009-2011
Instructor, Linn-Benton Community College, Albany, OR 2012-Present Health & Human Performance Department
PE 185: Body Conditioning
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Kinesiology, California State 2007-2008 University, Chico, CA KINE 116 Beginning Aerobic Dance KINE 601 Statistical Methods in Kinesiology
Guest Lecturer 2010-2012 HDFS 432: Children and Youth with Special Needs EXSS 420: Physical Activity for Children EXSS 313: Lifespan Motor Development
Graduate Research Assistant, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 2008-2013 Exercise & Sport Science Program
Funded in part by the US Office of Special Education Programs, US Department of Education: Preparation of leadership personnel in Adapted Physical Education
Research Projects: “Promotion of Age Appropriate Physical Activity for Children with Curriculum Vitae - Beamer
Disabilities” (PI: Dr. JoonKoo Yun) “Movement Interventions for Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder” (PI: Dr. Megan MacDonald) Dissertation Project: “Examining Physical Education Teachers’ Intentions and Behaviors for Including Students with Autism” (PI: Dr. Heidi Wegis)
Program Co-Director September IMPACT (Individualized Movement and Physical Activity for Children Today) 2013-present College of Public Health and Human Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR IMPACT serves more than 90 children, youth and young adults with disabilities. Participants engage in planned physical activities working with University student volunteers one-on-one
Masters of Science Project Advisor, Exercise & Sport Science. Advised: 2013-2014 Daniel Roberson
Undergraduate Research Advisor, Exercise & Sport Science. Advised: 2013-2014 Ryan Willoughby Program Coordinator IMPACT (Individualized Movement and Physical Activity for Children Today) 2010-2012 College of Public Health and Human Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR As program coordinator, I managed and coordinated all aspects of the program under the supervision of faculty directors.
IMPACT for Life 2008-2010 Physical activity program for young adults with disabilities. Focus on community access to recreation and physical activity opportunities. Participants are paired with University student volunteers. Helped develop and build program and managed all aspects
Adapted Physical Education Specialist 2012-2013 Lebanon School District, Lebanon, OR. Provide adapted physical education instruction and consultation for students with disabilities Teacher 2006-2007 High School Physical Education Teacher, Lindhurst High School, Marysville, CA.
Adapted Physical Education Specialist 2006 Curriculum Vitae - Beamer
Extended School Year Program (June-July), Sutter County Schools, Yuba City, CA
Todd, T., & Beamer, J., Goodreau, J. (Autumn, 2014). Bridging the gap: Teacher-parent partnerships for students with autism spectrum disorder. LEARNing Landscapes: Teacher Education: Learning From Experiences 8(1), 287-304.
Beamer, J. & Yun, J.K. (October, 2014). Physical educators’ beliefs and self-reported behaviors toward including students with autism spectrum disorder. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 31(4), 362-376.
Crespo-Ruiz, B., Del-Ama, A.J., Jiménez-Diaz, F.J., Morgan, J., de la Peña-Gonzålez, A., & Gil- Agudo, A. (2012) Physical activity and transcutaneous oxygen pressure in men with spinal cord injury. Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development, 49(6), 913-924.
Wilson, W., & Beamer, J. (In preparation). Teaching physical education in a self-contained setting. Anticipated for submission to Strategies: A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators, April, 2015.
Beamer, J. & Yun, J.K. (In preparation). An integrative framework to examine physical educators’ inclusion behaviors. Anticipated for submission to the Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, Summer, 2015.
Beamer, J., Yun, J.K. (July 2014). Factors affecting physical educators’ inclusion of students with autism. Poster presented at the Office of Special Education Program Directors’ Annual Conference, Washington D.C. Beamer, J., Yun, J.K., & Wegis, H. (April 2014). A proposed integrative framework to examine physical educators’ inclusion behaviors. Poster presented at the Research Consortium for the 128th American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance Convention & Exposition, St. Louis, MO.
Morgan, J. Moon, D., Jin, J., Cheng Cheng, J., Yun, J. (April 2013). Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity: A Quality Indicator? Poster presented at the Research Consortium for the 127th American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance Convention & Exposition, Charlotte, NC.
Morgan, J. (October 2012) Factors Influencing Physical Education Teachers’ Behaviors for Including Students with Autism. Presentation at North American Federation of Adapted Physical Activity Symposium, Birmingham, AL. Curriculum Vitae - Beamer
Morgan, J. & MacDonald, M. (October 2012) The Role of Motor Skills in the Physical Activity Behaviors of Children with Autism. Poster presented at North American Federation of Adapted Physical Activity Symposium, Birmingham, AL.
Morgan, J., Jin, J, Moon, D., & Taylor, J. (March 2012) Assessing meaningful participation in a structured physical activity program. Poster accepted for presentation at the 126th American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance Convention & Exposition, Boston, MA. (Conference was cancelled due to fire).
McCubbin, J.A., Yun J., Johnson, M., Morgan, J. (June 2011) Preparing faculty in adapted physical education: The need persists. Paper presented at the International Association of Physical Education in Higher Education AIESEP International Conference, Limerick, Ireland
Lee, M., McCubbin, J.A., Yun, J.K., Dixon-Ibarra, A.M., Jin, J., Moon. D., & Morgan, J. (March 2011). Physical activity assessment in persons with intellectual disabilities. Paper presented at the 125th American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance Convention & Exposition, San Diego, CA.
Pitchford, E.A., Morgan, J., Taylor, J., Ohart, A., & Yun, J. (March, 2010). Accuracy of pedometers for individuals with and without Down Syndrome. Poster presentation at the 125th American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, & Dance National Conference & Exposition, Indianapolis, Indiana. Abstract published in Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 81, A93.
Morgan, J. & Todd, T. (June, 2009). Learning from collage: Individuals with intellectual disabilities and collage artwork after a dance aerobics program. Poster session presented at the International Symposium of Adapted Physical Activity, Gavle, Sweden.
Morgan, J. & Todd, T. (September, 2008). Measuring enjoyment of physical activity in individuals with intellectual disabilities. Poster session presented at the North American Federation of Adapted Physical Activity Symposium, Indianapolis, IN.
Lytle, R. & Morgan, J. (April, 2008). Team leadership and collaboration for children with low- incidence disabilities and their families. Poster session presented at the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance 123rd National Convention & Exposition, Fort Worth, TX.
Guest Contributor, Oregon SHAPE Montly e-newsletter. May 2014 Discussion of the use of paraprofessionals in Physical Education
Reviewer, Text book review for Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 2014 Books and Media Section, anticipated publication October, 2014 Curriculum Vitae - Beamer
Major Professor, Master of Science, Exercise & Sport Science. 2013-2014 Student: Daniel Roberson
Graduate Committee Member, Master of Science, Physical Education 2013-2014 Teacher Education Colin Brooksby & Paige Niemi
Graduate Committee Member, Master of Science, Exercise & Sport 2013-2014 Science Katelyn Stone Nathan Kelley
Co-Presenter, 2013 Oregon SHAPE (OAHPERD) conference. Albany, OR October, 2013 How Physical Education Teachers can Utilize Paraprofessionals in an Inclusive Setting
Journal Reviewer, Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly 2012-present
Student Evaluation Committee Member, Oregon State University Faculty 2012-2013 application for promotion and tenure.
Journal Reviewer, Graduate Student Review Committee, Palaestra 2012-2013
Co-Presenter, 32nd Annual Northwest Conference on Children’s Physical Education. Beaverton, OR. Incorporating Disability Sport in Physical Education Modifying for All Abilities
Presenter, Oregon Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, & October, 2011 Dance, Salem, OR. Poster Presentation: Using the Theory of Planned Behavior and Self- Efficacy Theory to Explain General Physical Education Teachers’ Intentions and Behaviors in Inclusion.
Co-Presenter, Peer Wellness Coach Training, Benton County Health June, 2011 Services, Corvallis, OR. Developed and presented an informational seminar to potential peer wellness coaches regarding physical activity education, access and opportunities.
Graduate Student Representative, Graduate Curriculum Committee, 2010-2011 Oregon State University.
Co-Presenter, Oregon Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, October, 2009 & Dance, Salem, OR. Curriculum Vitae - Beamer
Presentation: Strategies to Effectively Utilize Paraprofessionals in the Physical Education Setting.
International Student Volunteer, International Symposium of Adapted June, 2009 Physical Activity, Gavle, Sweden
Reviewer, Textbook review for Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, Books 2008 and Media section (published April 2008).
Head Counselor, Ability First Sports Camp, Chico, CA 2007 & 2008
Activity Leader, BeWell Program, Chico State University, Chico, CA 2006-2008
Clinician, Sensory Motor Learning Gym, Autism Clinic, Chico State 2006-2008 University, Chico, CA
Volunteer, KidsPlay Program, Chico State University, Chico, CA 2006-2008
Volunteer, Lose the Training Wheels Bike Camp, Chico State University, July, 2006 Chico, CA
Steve Skaggs Award Recipient, Presented by the Movement Studies in 2012 Disability Faculty at Oregon State University
Bill Winkler Instructor Excellence Award Recipient, Presented by the 2011 Oregon State University Faculty Staff Fitness Program
National Consortium for Physical Education for Individuals with Disabilities (NCPEID)
American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD)
International Federation of Adapted Physical Activity (IFAPA)
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society Member (elected 2008)