Middle School Extended Standards

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Middle School Extended Standards

Middle School Extended Standards

Social Studies

Unit: World History

Year: 2

Quarter: 1 and 2

Standards :

World History

6.A.W.1.4 Students are able to identify a characteristic of a Middle Eastern civilization (Egypt) 6.A.W.1.5 Students are able to identify a characteristic of an African empire 6.A.W.2.4 Students are able to identify one cultural contribution of a middle Eastern civilization (Egypt) 6.A.W.2.5 Students are able to identify one cultural contribution of an African Empire


7.A.C.2.1 Students are able to idenitfy one social or political issue


7.A.E.1.1 Students are able to select a resource that provides for human activity 7.A.E.1.2 Students are to identify an econmic activity that affects the standard of living 7.A.E.1.3 Students are able to identify an advantage of international trade


7.A.G.1.1 Students area able to locate information when given the appropriate resources, data services and geographic tools 7.A.G.1.2 Students are able to identify a location on a map 7.A.G.1.3 Students are able to identify a characteristic of a given location 7.A.G.1.4 Students are able to identify a reason for variation in a population distribution

Essential Questions:

What are the locations and charactaristics of Middle Eastern (Egypt) and African Civilizations? What are some cultural contributions of Middle Eastern (Egypt) and African Civilizations? What are reasons for variations in population distribution? How do social/political issues affect Middle Eastern and African Civilizations? What are some of the rights and responsibilities of the Middle Eastern (Egypt) and African people?  How does economic activity affects the standard of living? How does international trade help Middle Eastern (Egypt) and African Empires?

Target Skills:

World History

Identify a characteristic of a Middle Eastern civilization Identify a characteristic of an African Empire Identify a characteristic of a Mesoamerican/Andean Empires civilization Identify a cultural contribution of the Middle Eastern civilization Identify two changes two cultural contributions of the African Empire Identify a cultural contribution of the Mesoamerican/Andean Empire


Locate information when given the appropriate resource Identify a location on a map Identify a characteristic of a given location Identify a reason for variation in population distribution


Identify a right and a responsibility Identify an example of a citizen impacting social and/or political issues


Select a resource that provides for human activity Identify an economic activity that affects the standard of living Identify an advantage of international trade

Key Vocabulary: map, plains, flood, soil irrigation, crops, temples, wool, headdress, jewelry, language,

sewers, wheel, plow, sailboat

Unit: World History

Year: 2

Quarter: 1 and 2

Units Materials Assessments

Middle Eastern(Egypt) Evan-Moor: Ancient Level 1 Assessment Civilization--Mesopotamia Civilizations Point/Circle a characteristic of Middle Ancient Mesopotamia p. 18-31 Eastern (Egypt) Civilization-- Mesopotamia

Ancient Egypt p.32-43 Point/Circle a change or cultural contribution

Point/Circle population distribution

Point/Circle a social/political issue Evan-Moor: Ancient Egypt Point/Circle a right/responsibility (entire book) Point/Circle an economic activity that affects standard of living (trade)

Point/Circle Middle Eastern (Egypt) Civilization--Mesopotamia on a map Benchmark: Early River Civilizations Posters 1, 2, 3 (Mesopotamia/Egypt) Level 2 Assessment

Write/Circle/Draw characteristic of the Middle Eastern (Egypt) Civilization-- Mesopotamia

Write/Circle/Draw a cultural contribution or event

Write/Circle/Draw population distribution

Write/Circle/Draw a social/political issue

Write/Circle/Draw a right/responsibility

Write/Circle/Draw an economic activity that affects standard of living (trade)

Identify/Match/Locate Middle Eastern (Egypt)--Mesopotamia on on a map

African Empire Civilization Evan Moor: Africa Level 1 Assessment

(entire book)

Introducing Africa Point/Circle a characteristic of the Water and Landforms African Empire. Geographic Regions Political Divisions Point/Circle a change or cultural Africa's resources contribution African Animals The People Point/Circle population distribution

Point/Circle a social/political issue

Point/Circle a right/responsibility

Point/Circle an economic activity that affects standard of living (trade)

Point/Circle African Empire on a map

Level 2 Assessment

Write/Circle/Draw characteristic of the African Empire

Write/Circle/Draw a cultural contribution or event

Write/Circle/Draw population distribution

Write/Circle/Draw a social/political issue

Write/Circle/Draw a right/responsibility

Write/Circle/Draw an economic activity that affects standard of living (trade)

Identify/Match/Locate the African Empire on a map

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