FACES Playing Time Philosophy
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FACES Code of Conduct for Participants in Interscholastic Athletics
All student athletes and his/her parent(s)/guardian(s) will be required to read and understand the code of conduct. Each student athlete and his/her parent(s)/guardian(s) will be required to sign a code of conduct acknowledgement form, acknowledging that the student athlete will abide by this code of conduct.
Playing Time Philosophy When fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth graders are involved in same grade level competition, each team member will have equal playing time in each contest. While it is the spirit of the guideline that each student athlete will have equal playing time, some circumstances may not make that possible (i.e., physical limitations, illness, school limits, structure of the game, or coaches’ decisions based upon training violations). (FACES Policy #6147, 5/31/06; Archdiocese Regulation R6145.2 #10)
Code of Conduct for Participants in Interscholastic Athletics The following code is enacted by the Fond du Lac Area Catholic Education System (FACES), under the auspices of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, in compliance with the state athletic governing body (WIAA), that all member schools maintain a code of conduct for students participating in athletics. The code covers student athletes, managers, and pep squad members hereinafter referred to as “student athletes.” The following rules are in addition to the general student rules published in the parent/student handbook:
Article I – Regulations A. All training regulations will be in effect from the time a student athlete first goes out for a sport including the summer months until he/she graduates. B. It is recognized that it is within an individual coach’s right to make “reasonable” rules and penalties for things he/she feels need attention but are not specifically stated in the code of conduct, e.g., missing practice, etc. Such coach’s rules and guidelines shall not supersede or overrule FACES rules, codes, or policies, or those of the Archdiocese or state governing body. C. During any suspension, a student athlete may not attend any practices or play in any games with his/her team. D. Academic and training violation suspensions are to be served consecutively, not concurrently.
Article II – Academic Standards A. Intermediate and Middle School 1. A student athlete receiving three or more “D’s” or any “U’s” or “I’s” for an achievement grade on a report card may be suspended from all athletic programs for a period of ten school days or until eligibility is regained. 2. A student athlete receiving three or more “D’s” or any “U’s” or “I’s” for an achievement grade on a progress report may be suspended from all athletic programs for a period of ten school days or until eligibility is regained. 3. Due Process for Academic Suspensions
1 A student athlete may regain eligibility in any of the following ways: a.The athletic director, student athlete, his/her parent(s)/guardian(s), and the teacher(s) involved shall meet to develop a plan to bring the grade(s) to a satisfactory level. Prior to reinstatement, all parties will agree to a plan of action for the student athlete to achieve passing academic grade(s). b. The student athlete may petition the principal for review after II.(A)(3)(a). 4. Suspensions go into effect the next school day after the report cards or progress reports are issued. The athletic director shall compile a list of student athletes who have unsatisfactory report cards or progress reports and shall notify the principal, students and coaches. 5. At the end of the suspension, the student athlete and his/her parent(s)/guardian(s) must present proof of improvement and written notification of improvement from the teacher(s) to the athletic director. The student athlete shall be reinstated on the next school day. If the student athlete fails to bring the grade(s) up to a satisfactory level, he/she will remain ineligible until the grades have improved.
Article III Conduct unbecoming of an athlete (participant) This article will include but is not limited to the following violations: A. Suspension from school (in or out of school) B. Disorderly conduct as defined by state law (in or out of school) C. Formal arrest D. Conduct which adversely affects the management of the school and its efficiency Violations: 1. First Violation: Restriction from athletic participation and competition for one contest. 2. Second Violation: Restriction from athletic participation and competition for three contests. Note: Restriction from contests carryover from sport to sport. (i.e. If an athlete is restricted a total of three contests at the end of the football season with one game remaining and wants to play in basketball, he or she would be restricted from the one last football and first two basketball contests.) 3. Third Violation: Permanent suspension from athletics. For reinstatement, see Article VI.
Article IV Use of alcohol, tobacco products, or any controlled substances Any student athlete using, possessing, or buying alcohol, tobacco products, any controlled substance, or in the presence of such use, possession, or purchase, shall be suspended from participation in interscholastic athletics. This rule is to be in effect and enforced all twelve months of the year.
A. First Violation: Restriction from athletic participation and competition for a period of two contests to be served immediately from the time of suspension.
2 B. Second Violation: Restriction from athletic participation and competition for a period of five contests to be served immediately from the time of suspension. Restriction from contests carryover between sports. For explanation see III.D.2b. C. Third Violation: Permanent suspension from athletics. For reinstatement see Article VI.
Article V Sale, delivery, or manufacture of alcohol, tobacco products, or any controlled substances For the sale, delivery, or manufacture of alcohol, tobacco products, or any controlled substances, or the showing of intent to do so, the student athlete will be permanently suspended from athletic participation. For reinstatement, see Article VI.
Article VI – Participation Reinstatement Any student athlete receiving a permanent suspension may apply for reinstatement after serving twelve months of that suspension. If the student athlete is reinstated, he/she will be at the final step in all violation categories. The reinstatement judgment will be based upon the conduct of the student athlete during the twelve months of suspension. Those wishing to appeal will follow the following steps: A. First step, the athletic director. 1. All appeals will be submitted in writing within three school days. 2. The athletic director will respond in writing with his or her decision within five days. 3. If denied, then an appeal can be submitted to the Appeals Committee. B. Second step, the Appeals Committee. 1. The Appeals Committee will be composed of two parents, two teachers, and an administrator, to be selected by the building principal. 2. If denied, then an appeal can be submitted to the building principal. C. Third step, the principal. "The principal has the ultimate responsibility for all extracurricular activities." (Archdiocese Policy P6145). The decision by the building principal is final.
Article VII – Attendance Requirements A. A student athlete is to be in school every school day, unless excused, and must be in a school and at practice three days out of the previous five school or practice days to be able to play in a game. B. A student athlete must be in school a full day on the day of a game to be able to play. The athletic director and principal may grant special exemptions to the above rules. C. A student athlete, who is excused from physical education class for any reason, will also be unable to participate in any practice/game of any school-related sports on the same day.
3 Article VIII – Athletic Requirements To Participate A. All student athletes must have the following requirements on file in the athletic office: 1. FACES Physical Form (every two years) 2. FACES Emergency and Medical Form (every year) 3. Participant’s Release Form for each sport (every year) 4. Athlete’s Code of Conduct Form (every year) 5. Payment of Sport Fee (every year) B. All student athletes must have the forms completed and fee paid before participating in any sport. (Archdiocese Regulation R6145.2 #17)
Article IX – Athletic Dress Code A. All student athletes must wear athletic or gym shorts, athletic socks, short sleeve tee shirt, and tennis shoes at all practices. B. Any clothing must be void of any information/pictures about alcohol, smoking, drugs, rock groups, vulgarity or suggestive writing is considered inappropriate for athletic practices and games. C. Basketball season: Tee shirts are to be worn under the basketball jerseys. The tee shirts must match the color of the basketball jersey (red if jersey is red and white if the jersey is white).
Article X - Dual Participation in Same Sport A. A student-athlete may compete for his/her school or parish in only ONE sport, on only ONE team in the same sport, and in only ONE league during the sport season. No dual participation in the same sport is permitted. For example: A student-athlete on a parish-based basketball team who attends a public school may not play on the parish basketball team and the public school basketball team concurrently. For another example, a student-athlete may not play on a school/parish volleyball team and another volleyball team such as a select, all- star, club, tournament, AAU or recreation league team at the same time during the season. B. Participation in sports not governed by the Archdiocese, such as swimming, gymnastics, hockey, etc., are not subject to this regulation. (Archdiocese Regulation R6145.2 #3) C. Consequences of offense: 1. 1st offense: Suspension of one game. Student-athlete must decide which one of the teams he or she will play the remainder of the sport season. 2. 2nd offense: Suspension for the rest of the sport season. 3. 3rd offense: Athletically ineligible for one full year.
Revised October 6, 2003 Revised June 10, 2005 Revised May 31, 2006