Newport Pagnell and Olney Lions Club s1
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Newport Pagnell and Olney Lions Club Minutes of the Business Meeting held on 9th January 2017 at the Two Brewers Present: Trevor Aldred (TA), John Ferris (JF), Russell de Ville (RdV), Tony Triggle (TT), Derek Seymour (DS), Tom Hart (TH), Bob Benbow (BB), Kim Smith (KS). Apologies: Dave Simmons (DSs), Tony Higgs (TH), Tina Byford (TB), Rod Wayland (RW), Karen Thorpe Morgan (KTM), Richard Pearson (RP). Minutes of the last meeting: The minutes were agreed. AP’s would be picked up during the meeting. Guests: Richard Hillier. Induction - Richard Hillier: The President outlined the history of Lions and talked about our individual and collective responsibilities as a Lion. Richard understood and accepted these responsibilities and was duly sworn in. Bob would act as Richard’s sponsor and Richard received his membership pack and badge, and was warmly welcomed as a full member of the Newport Pagnell & Olney Lions Club. Treasurer’s Report: Summary of Charity & Admin Accounts 5/12/16 – 9/1/17. Charity Account stands at £7307.68 with receivables of £567.62 including Calendar sponsorship of £300.00, Filmbank refundable deposit of £150.00, Calendar sales of £35.00 (est.) and Easy fundraising scheme £82.00. Payables: Library shelves £640.00, MS drop in group £146.25 & a Gift for electrician £10.00. Receipts – Total receipts were £2266.19 including Calendar sales: Olney retail outlets £595.00, Newport Pagnell retail outlets £330.00, Olney stalls (inc. Dickens) £422.00, Newport Pagnell stalls £606.00 (Oct – Dec), Sponsorships £200.00, Sold by JF £69.00, collecting tins £44.19. Payments – Dickens leaflet printing £44.00, Dickens table hire £84.48, Printing cards & calendars £2833.20, Whisky event prize £35.00, Extension Leads £56.94. Donations – A donation of £39.00 to MS support group and £210.00 to Cowper Newton museum via calendar sales. Admin Account – Stands at £362.64, with income of £674.00 including subs of £243.00, Xmas dinner receipts of £420.00 and Facebook training refreshment receipts of £11.00. Expenditure included Xmas dinner £315.00, International dues £352.33 and MD & D dues of £396.00. Receivables were £90.00 outstanding subs; Lions overpayment £-3.00 Facebook event food £12.00. Payables were £150.00 presidents honorarium & £100.00 friends of Lions evening. Service Committee: MS Group Gym Visit - Debbie Whitworth would like to arrange a visit to a specialist Gym in MK for members of the MS group. Investigations ongoing pending Debbie’s’ recovery. AP TA. Centennial Project – . Tree Planting – Martin had been approached and was happy to take on this aspect of the Centennial project. The project end date is July 2018. John would also make contact with the Woodland Trust to explore the possibility of working collaboratively with them. AP JF. . Town Signs & Libraries – It was agreed that the existing work supporting the library at Ousedale and the circular walk signs for Olney could both be considered as part of the Centennial Project activities. AP JF . Message in a wallet - This scheme was also thought worthy to include but Russell pointed out that if we went with the central purchasing idea, there would be a cost associated with this based on the volume and the message would not be in a NP & O Lions template form. Kim agreed to look at the feasibility of producing our own version of this. AP KS Brooklands Defibrillator – Donation made. Item discharged. School aid in Malawi – Nothing further to report on this project. Item discharged. 40’s Weekend – Richard is on the committee looking at this proposal for a 1940’s weekend being organized for June 17/18th, and has been asked to make a proposal regarding how the Club might be involved. AP RP. Christmas Gifts – Lists have been updated but Russell pointed out that numbers eligible are reducing, particularly in the smaller enclaves where we have no ‘local’ Lion. We need to keep a watch for any new people who could be potential recipients. - A/P ALL Proposal to schools – Bob had suggested putting together a formal document for Ousedale with details of volunteering opportunities we could make available to secondary school students to facilitate their involvement in the community e.g. to support their D of E or for those looking for experience. Bob and Trevor would get together next Tuesday to brainstorm some ideas. AP TA&BB NP Internet Radio – It was agreed to seek further information via Richard Pearson concerning this. AP JF
Fund Raising: Dickens – Carried forward awaiting Karen. Olney & Newport Calendars 2016 & Xmas cards Review – Trevor had produced and circulated a very clear visual analysis of sales and profit. 590 calendars were sold with a total profit of £1280.00. Profit from Xmas cards was £92.00. Given the effort put in to sell them it seems unlikely that we could have shifted many more calendars, and there was some debate concerning what to do with the remainder. John will take some along to the Zone meeting as freebies in the hope that we might interest other clubs and gain from volume. Bob will give some away to his sponsors by way of thanks. Trevor also thought it would be worth revisiting the decision regarding the number of calendars ordered vs price. It was agreed that this should be an agenda item for the next meeting so that we can establish our strategy for this year. AP JF. Easter Eggs – Orders required for delivery in March must be with Tony by 31st January. Lions who are contacting possible venues must let Tony T have numbers within a fortnight to make sure the order can be placed in time. AP ALL. NP Civil War DVD – Thanks to Tom for obtaining these two copies now out on circulation. Whisky tasting Evening – John plans to run another event after the Charter night has been held. JF OG. . Books – Some books are suffering from the damp conditions in the lock up. John has procured 8 boxes for storage and will need help packing the books. It is proposed to make inserts for each book advertising our activities and providing contact details. Social and other events: Greyhound Haversham - possible venue for a meal in the New Year when the manager has the staff to enable him to respond to our request. OG The Two Brewers – Trevor agreed to explore the possibility of holding a February social event at The Two Brewers. AP TA Facebook Event - Trevor will post a note on Olney’s Facebook page to gauge likely response to the idea of running an event. AP TA John Bunyan Jazz Cruise - the next Jazz Cruise will be in May 2017 on the John Bunion. Derek to get further details A/P DS OG Charter Night - the 40th Charter coincides with the Centenary of Lions. With the parents’ agreement, John is using the Charter as a fund raiser to support the charities of three local children, and is approaching ex-members, sponsors and local businesses to establish interest in attending. There will be a raffle or an auction. John hopes to be able to underwrite the cost of the parent’s tickets. The band has been booked and the max seating capacity for the Club is 100. John is aiming to keep ticket prices down to about £25. Any Sponsor details would be welcome. AP JF OG Membership: New Venue – We will review the situation at the next meeting now that the pool table has been removed from The Cabin. The bar is tight for seating capacity and space. Agenda for next meeting. Newport Pagnell Venue – Tom to supply Bob with the managers contact details with a view to exploring the suitability of using the downstairs of the Swan Revived. - AP TH/BB Tony Higgs – Tony was continuing to make a good recovery and the club looked forward to his return. Phonebox Article – John had produced the article for the last Phonebox thanking our sponsors and acknowledging their invaluable support. Discharged. Pop –up boards – Tom acquired the pop up boards used at the NP Civil War re-enactment to see if we could make use of them. Derek asked Daryl to look the cost of making changes. He said that changing the topography and replacing the innards would be at least £40 + VAT, and newer and better quality versions could be purchased for £80.00 + VAT, and would in the long run represent a more cost effective option. Thanks to Tom for taking the time and trouble to acquire the boards in the first place. Discharged. Brass plaque – We are still holding the brass plaque for the sensory garden at the church hall. Bob would ask Claire on Thursday about the position. AP BB Lions Business: District Convention 3/5 March 2017. MD 66th Convention 22/23 April. Correspondence: As distributed. AOB: Xmas cards – The money collected in lieu of sending Xmas cards to each other amounted to £100.00. It was agreed to donate this money to the ‘Charity Begins at Home’ project. AP TA Chairperson – Tony T would chair the next meeting and Tony H the subsequent meeting assuming he is well enough.
Next Meeting: 6th February 2017 – Venue: The Two Brewers.