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Sigma Kappa Zeta Member Resource Book Fall 2008

This Member Resource Book Belongs To:______

Zeta Number:______2

Table of Contents

Introduction 3

Fraternity Goals 4

Personal Goals/Goals for Office 4

Calendar Download Separately from

Contact Information 5-6

Committees and Members 7-8

Library Log 9-10

Grade Tracker 11

Faculty Advisor Information 12

Faculty Advisor Interview Sheet 13

ELC Visit 14

Payment Plan/Promisary Note 15

Dues Tracker 16

North American Food Drive 17-18

Election Ballots 19-20

Prospective Member Information 21-22

Resources 23-31

Officer Reporting Forms 32-48 3


Dear Brothers,

Several people including myself have worked very hard and have spent a lot of time on these books. It is my hope that we all have the best semester possible. With the information and resources that I have provided within this book there should be no excuse as to why our duties are not fulfilled. Please do not cheapen these books by not using them. I really hope that every brother gets out what they put in.

Within these pages you will find a calendar to write down important events, academic information, dues information, philanthropy information, and more. Some things need to be filled out and returned to certain people. Please take the next few moments to look through this book and see how you can use it to make Lambda Chi Alpha better.


Eric J. Hanby High Gamma Sigma Kappa #511 4

Fraternity Goals

 Rush 15 solid guys

 Chapter Cumulative Chapter GPA of 2.8 or better

 Prepare and conduct own ritual

 Big Philanthropies

 More Campus Involvement

 More efficient chapter meetings

Personal Goals/Goals for Office 5

Sigma Kappa Contact Information

Name Title Phone Email Mike McDade High Pi 734-320-4700 [email protected] Nick DiBartolo Alumni Association 734-320-7147 [email protected] President Faculty Advisor Noah Borton IFC President 734-487-3045 [email protected] Brad Cooley High Alpha 734-777-9546 [email protected] Matt Loney High Beta/Theta 248-756-6431 [email protected] Eric Hanby High Gamma 734-845-1723 [email protected] Chris Christensen High Tau 248-444-7253 [email protected] Adam Blatchford High Iota 248-974-3682 [email protected] Josh Barnett High Kappa 517-398-2568 [email protected] Teddy Drews High Delta 248-321-5211 [email protected] Joe Snyder High Phi 248-756-6624 [email protected] Zac Fruth High Sigma 248-471-6464 [email protected] Jeff Kliman High Epsilon 734-626-8228 [email protected] High Rho Craig Bentley Brother 937-286-2330 [email protected] Dominic Doyle Brother 734-358-1549 [email protected] Matt Williams Brother 734-216-4206 [email protected] Zac Ohs Brother 734-732-1441 [email protected] Scott Savoy Brother 517-414-0396 [email protected] Nick Demski Brother 248-635-5717 [email protected] Gordon Van Putten Brother 734-560-1943 [email protected] Chris Russell Brother 517-513-9064 [email protected] Nick Coram Brother 248-417-6464 [email protected] Matt Williams Brother 734-216-4206 [email protected] Dave Lewis Brother 248-701-7927 [email protected] Dan Rosenbaum Associate 248-535-7572 [email protected] Bryan Ulrich Associate 734-915-6753 [email protected] Matt Kelly Associate 248-421-0006 [email protected] Associate Associate Associate Associate Associate Associate Associate Associate Associate Associate Tarwhat Tarmoom Alumni Assoc. V.P. [email protected] 6

Dan Mania Alumni Assoc. Sec. [email protected] Blake Atler Alumni Assoc. Treasurer David Milner Alumni Assoc. Brother-at-Large Larry St. George Alumni Assoc. Brother-at-Large Dean Ditto Alumni Assoc. Brother-at-Large 7

Committees and Members

High Zeta: High Alpha – Brad Cooley High Beta – Matt Loney High Gamma – Eric Hanby High Tau – Dave Lewis High Iota – Adam Blatchford High Kappa – Josh Barnett High Delta – Teddy Drews High Phi – Joe Snyder High Sigma – Nick Coram High Epsilon – Jeff Kliman High Rho - High Pi – Mike McDade

Executive Board: Brad Cooley Matt Loney – Non-Voting Member Dave Lewis Eric Hanby – Alternate Ted Drews Joe Snyder Mike McDade

Beta Committee: Matt Loney Joe Snyder Dave Lewis

High Tau: Blake Atler – Alumni Advisor

High DeltaCommittee: Ted Drews – Committee Chair Zack Fruth Brad Cooley

High Phi Committee: Joe Snyder – Committee Chair Scott Wesenberg – Advisor Larry St. George – Advisor

Sigma Committee: 8

Zack Fruth Nick Coram Brad Cooley

NAFD Committee: Matt Loney - Chairman Eric Hanby and Brad Cooley – Grocery Bag Donations Ted Drews/Craig Bently – Sponsor Liason Zack Frtuh – Transportation Chair Greek Coordinator – Jeff Kliman Event Chairman – Josh Barnett Adam Blatchford – Risk Management

Sports Chair: Nick Coram

House Manager: Nick Coram

Chris Russell Stewart Ben/Ty’s Roommate 9

Library Log

Date Time In Time Out Initials 10

Note: The High Sigma or member of the Sigma committee will review your logs at the end of the semester and compare them to your grades 11

Grade Tracker

Class Points Possible Points Earned

Note: Keep all tests and assignments to find out the total points possible and earned. To figure your grade, divide the number of points earned by the number of points possible 12

Faculty Advisor

The Faculty Advisor is our link to the university professors and other staff. They are also the person on the university faculty who you should feel comfortable talking to especially if you are having academic problems. In the past we have not had a faculty advisor, at least not one that we’ve utilized. We will try to make sure that the faculty advisor attends at least one meeting a month. This has two purposes. 1.) To keep the faculty advisor in the loop about chapter operations and gain rapport with members. 2.) To get feedback from them and to see how the faculty and professors view us as a chapter (great way to improve campus image, which is what we’ve been preaching). If you are on academic probation or suspension you are required to meet with the faculty advisor to discuss ways that they can help you improve your grades. Everyone else should try to meet with them at least once a semester to discuss their academic progress.

Our Faculty Advisor:

Office and Department:

Office Hours:


Name Date Faculty Advisor’s Initials


Please return this form to the High Sigma 13

Interview Sheet For Faculty Advisor Meetings With Chapter Members

An interview with every chapter member should occur once each semester. This form should be completed and kept on file for the year.

Name: ______Zeta #: ______Date: ______

Class: Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior

Standing: Good Standing or Probation or Suspension

Major: ______Minor: ______

Classes: Class Name and Professor’s Expected Grade Comments Number Name

ELC Visit 14

The ELC will be in town starting on September 17th. When the ELC gets here he will want to meet with everyone in an opening meeting. In the days following the opening meeting he will want to meet with every officer individually. Below is a form to help you remember when the opening meeting is. If you are an officer it also includes a space for your meeting time as well as an area for the ELC to add comments and sign his initials.

Opening Meeting




Officer Meeting




Office: Comments:

ELC Initials:


Eastern Michigan University

I ,______, promise to pay the following moneys on or before the stated payment date to the Sigma Kappa Zeta of Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity at Eastern Michigan University. I acknowledge that this is a valid debt which I incurred while a member of the above mentioned Fraternity. if payment is 10 days late and <$fine> if payment is 30 days late.> I also understand that payment plans may not be signed without post- dated checks for the stated amounts and dates.

Starting Balance: $______

Payment Date Payment Amount Balance Remaining 10 Days 30 Days Late? Late? / / $ $ / / $ $ / / $ $ / / $ $ / / $ $

If this payment schedule is not adhered to and this promissory note is placed in the hands of an attorney for collection or turned over to a professional collection agency, I agree to pay reasonable attorney’s fees and/or collection costs, even though no suit or action is filed hereon; and if a suit or action is filed, I agree to pay the amount of such reasonable attorney’s fees and court costs as shall be fixed by the court in which suit or action takes place.

Social Security Number ______

Have all post-dated checks have been received and reviewed (if required)?


______print name print name print name Member on Payment Plan High Tau High Alpha or High Pi

E-mail: ______E-mail: ______E-mail: ______

Date:______Date:______Date:______cc: High Alpha High Tau High Pi Lambda Chi Alpha International Headquarters

Payment/Dues Tracker 16

Total Dues Owed:

Payment Date Payment Amount Balance Remaining / / $ $ / / $ $ / / $ $ / / $ $ / / $ $ / / $ $ / / $ $ / / $ $ / / $ $ / / $ $

The North American Food Drive 17

The North American Food Drive is the biggest philanthropy of the year. It is also probably the single best way to improve our campus image. If done properly we will be able to raise a significant amount of food as well as get some really good press. National has issued a list of tasks that should be accomplished by certain dates. If you are on the NAFD committee please make sure that these tasks are completed.


 Announce the event to the chapter and appoint a food drive chairman. Food drive chairman completes Chapter Data Card and returns it to Lambda Chi Alpha to confirm the chapter’s participation.

 Food drive chairman and committee members contact grocery stores to solicit bag donations.

 Chapter selects a food bank or similar charity to receive its donation of collected food.

 Risk Management Task Force reviews event and begins filling out the proper Event Planning Form to mail to Headquarters.

 List of potential neighborhoods in which to conduct the food drive is prepared.

 First news release sent to all local media.

 Food drive chairman reports each week to the chapter on the progress for the event.

 Chapter members solicit local businesses to sponsor the food drive.

 Send letter home to parents asking for their help in saving/buying cans of food.


 Event Planning Form mailed to the director of harm reduction.

 Chapter holds an event to raise awareness of the food drive among chapter members and the Greek system.

 Sorority is chosen to co-sponsor the food drive. (Optional)

 Meeting with sorority is held to inform them of the food drive and to utilize them in planning for the event. (Optional) 18

 Promotional fliers are developed and posted around the community. Chapter brothers solicit local businesses to sponsor the food drive. Chapter sends the second news release to the local media.

 DROP-OFF DAY — take empty bags with informational fliers attached and canvass selected neighborhoods.

 All local media is contacted to determine if they will cover the event

 List of neighborhoods to be solicited during the food drive is finalized.


 COLLECTION DAY — First Saturday in November is the day targeted for collecting the food. Organize your chapter into collection teams and drive (safely) through selected neighborhoods or visit collection centers and bring the food to a central location for collection and tallying

 Contact your participating charity and arrange for pickup.

 Allow time at the next chapter meeting to point out those brothers that did a great job and share stories of the day.

 Take down all posters.

 Follow-up news release sent to all local media informing them of how much food was raised and how many hours were worked. Attach a picture of the brothers with the food they collected.

 Thank-you letters are sent to all sponsors and participating organizations. Review the event with the chapter, and get feedback on how to improve the event next year.

Election Ballots

Office Brother Voted For 19

High Alpha

High Beta

High Theta

High Gamma

High Tau

High Iota

High Kappa

High Delta 20

High Phi

High Sigma

High Epsilon

High Rho

Prospective Member Tracking If you know someone that may be interested and you think would make a positive impact on Lambda Chi Alpha have them fill one of these out and return it to the High Delta 21


Prospective Member Name: Major/Minor: Address: Phone #: Email: GPA (term/cumulative): Extra-Curricular Involvement:


1 2 3 4 5


Prospective Member Name: Major/Minor: Address: Phone #: Email: GPA (term/cumulative): Extra-Curricular Involvement:


1 2 3 4 5

Prospective Member 22

Name: Major/Minor: Address: Phone #: Email: GPA (term/cumulative): Extra-Curricular Involvement:


1 2 3 4 5


Prospective Member Name: Major/Minor: Address: Phone #: Email: GPA (term/cumulative): Extra-Curricular Involvement:


1 2 3 4 5 23


Officer Resources: The National Lambda Chi Alpha website has a treasure trove of useful information as well as and officer resources and forms. Feel free to frequent it often.

Main Website:

Officer Resources: id=228&linkidentifier=id&itemid=228

Sigma Kappa Zeta: Sigma Kappa Zeta keeps it’s own website. Check it out to see the calendar, current undergraduates, and recent meeting minutes.

Sigma Kappa Zeta Alumni Scholarship: The Alumni of Sigma Kappa Zeta have established a scholarship fund to be awarded to one deserving undergraduate brother. If you are interested in the scholarship please contact Dan Mania ([email protected]) for scholarship criteria.

Sorority Contacts: From time to time events are held or contacts are needed with sororities. Below is a list of sorority contacts.

Name Sorority E-Mail Linda Clayton Tri-Sigma mizclayton@yahoo,com Amanda Kenger AZD [email protected] Sara Forster AST [email protected] Jamie Coakley DZ [email protected] Katherine Barnett Sigma Kappa [email protected] Sara Teplitzky Phi Sigma Sigma [email protected] Sarah Allen AGD [email protected] Megan Stratford SDT [email protected] 24

Fraternity Contacts: For the same reasons we should also have contact information for the other Fraternities on campus.

Name Fraternity E-Mail Steve LaChance DTD [email protected] Kaj Hansen A of H [email protected] Arthur Golden Sigma Nu [email protected] Camil Eid Phi Sigma Kappa [email protected] Brett DeVore Phi Sigma Phi [email protected] Chris Fust Alpha Kappa Lambda [email protected]

Note: This information was taken from the EMU Student Organization Website so it may not be entirely correct. At least it is a contact though

House Information

Our House is located at 411 Ballard Street directly behind Tom’s Party Store.

It’s not pictured in the Pedagogus so I put it right here. 25

Big Brother/Kappa Schedule

As per the request from our High Pi Mike McDade I included all the lessons and schedule from the Big Brother Handbook. For more details please see the actual Big Brother Handbooks themselves. Lesson One: Loyalty

The Value in Action The Executive Committee The High Alpha The Creed of Lambda Chi Alpha Creed in Action: Black Hawk Down Week 1 reading and assignments Loyalty Session in Review

Lesson Two: Duty

The Value in Action The High Beta The High Theta The High Gamma Week 2 Reading and Assignments Duty Session in Review 26

Lesson Three: Respect

The Value in Action The High Tau The High Iota The Greek Alphabet Week 3 Reading and Assignments Respect Session in Review

Lesson Four: Service and Stewardship

The Value in Action The High Kappa The High Delta Local History The Bridge Builder Week 4 Reading and Assignments Service and Stewardship in Review

Lesson Five: Honor

The Value in Action The High Sigma The High Epsilon Notable Lambda Chi Alpha Alumni Week 5 Reading and Assignments Honor Session in Review 27

Lesson Six: Integrity

The Value in Action The High Rho The High Pi Lambda Chi Alpha Positions on Lambda Chi Alpha Education, Pledgeship, and Hazing Mark Davis Editorial on Hazing Week 6 Reading and Assignments Integrity Session in Review

Lesson Seven: Personal Courage

The Value in Action The High Pi The Secret Thoughts of a Ritual Personal Courage Session in Review 28 Big Brother Training Curriculum

I. Who Should Be A Big Brother

A. Review of Requirements B. Review of Big Brother Contract C. Panel discussion by several experienced Big Brothers about how to be an effective Big Brother

Exercise: Each participant lists 10 adjectives to describe his Big Brother and then describes how each characteristic impacted him and their relationships. Share/discuss in pairs, and follow up with group discussion.

II. Roles and Responsibilities of a Big Brother

A. Review/discuss the characteristics of an ideal Big Brother B. Review/discuss the five areas of Big Brother responsibility C. Examine/discuss the “Sharing the Journey” form

Exercise: Break into small groups of three and practice effective communication skills by role playing three sample discussions. Rotate the roles of Big Brother, Little Brother, and Observer (who watches the discussion and provides feedback). Sample discussion topics:

 What are your personal goals?  What do you consider your greatest personal strength and weaknesses? 29

 Describe the worst thing that ever happened to you.  Why did you join Lambda Chi Alpha?  What does brotherhood mean to you?

Process this experience with the entire group, and discuss what builds a strong and lasting relationship.

Exercise: Trust Fall. Experience with several volunteer brothers. Discuss the role of trust in relationships and how it develops.

Exercise: Brothers for Life – Ask your High Pi or another alumnus to describe his Big Brother and their relationships with a focus on how it impacted him across the years. Describe any continuing contact. Ask any seniors to reflect on their Big Brothers and the course of that relationship across time. Discuss the implications of these reflections for the current group of Big Brothers. III. Review of True Brother Outer Circle Curriculum

A. Discuss the Learning Moderl: Experience- Reflect-Make Meaning-Debrief/Share B. Review the Seven Core Values C. Review the Four Roles of True Brotherhood D. Review Core Learning Goals for Each Week

Exercise: Role play in small groups processing the learning experience for one of the week’s curricula. Focus on one Core Value and one Role of Brotherhood per role play. Trade the roles of the Big Brother and Little Brother. Discuss in small groups and report experiences to the entire group. Develop a list of value-related experiences (events used to teach the week’s Core Value through experiential learning) for each of the Seven Core Values

**Panel discussion by the High Kappa, High Phi, High Pi: How do you facilitate personal growth and fraternal identity in your Little 30

Brother? IV. Transition to the Inner Circle

A. Review and discuss Pre-Initiation activities and how to de-brief them B. ZAX session with the High Phi/High Pi regarding ritualism and symbols C. Review the protocol to process the Initiation experience (2nd Degree) with Little Brothers

Exercise: Role play appropriate and effective processing of the ritual experience (2nd Degree), and discuss what comes next – How to help your Little Brother begin his Inner Circle Journey.

Closing Exercise: After a period of self-reflection, list the strengths and weaknesses, which you bring to your role as a Big Brother. Divide into pairs and discuss with your partner. Discuss how to compensate for weakness. Process this with the entire group. Close with a reading of “The Bridge Builder” and a candle pass focusing on your related thoughts and feelings and your goals as a Big Brother. 31

The Bridge Builder

An old man, going a lone highway, Came, at the evening, cold and gray, To a chasm, vast, deep, and wide, Through which was flowing a sullen tide.

The old man crossed in the twilight dim; The sullen stream had no fear for him; But he turned, when safe on the other side, And built a bridge to span the tide.

“Old man,” said a fellow pilgrim, near, “You’re wasting strength building here; Your journey will end with the ending day; You never again must pass this way; You have crossed the chasm, deep and wide- Why build you a bridge at the eventide?”

The builder lifted his old gray head: “Good friend, in the path I have come,” he said, “There followeth after me today, A youth, whose feet must pass this way.

This chasm, that has been naught to me, To that fair-haired youth may a pitfall be. He, too, must cross the twilight dim; Good friend, I am building the bridge for him.”

Author: Will Allen Dromgoole 32

Officer Report



Officer Name:______

Upcoming Event:______


What still needs to be accomplished?:______33

Officer Report



Officer Name:______

Upcoming Event:______


What still needs to be accomplished?:______34

Officer Report



Officer Name:______

Upcoming Event:______


What still needs to be accomplished?:______35

Officer Report



Officer Name:______

Upcoming Event:______


What still needs to be accomplished?:______36

Officer Report



Officer Name:______

Upcoming Event:______


What still needs to be accomplished?:______37

Officer Report



Officer Name:______

Upcoming Event:______


What still needs to be accomplished?:______38

Officer Report



Officer Name:______

Upcoming Event:______


What still needs to be accomplished?:______39

Officer Report



Officer Name:______

Upcoming Event:______


What still needs to be accomplished?:______40

Officer Report



Officer Name:______

Upcoming Event:______


What still needs to be accomplished?:______41

Officer Report



Officer Name:______

Upcoming Event:______


What still needs to be accomplished?:______42

Officer Report



Officer Name:______

Upcoming Event:______


What still needs to be accomplished?:______43

Officer Report



Officer Name:______

Upcoming Event:______


What still needs to be accomplished?:______44

Officer Report



Officer Name:______

Upcoming Event:______


What still needs to be accomplished?:______45

Officer Report



Officer Name:______

Upcoming Event:______


What still needs to be accomplished?:______46

Officer Report



Officer Name:______

Upcoming Event:______


What still needs to be accomplished?:______47

Notes 48


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