Word Scrambler Activity

1. Divide class into groups of 2 to 5 students.

2. Present each group with a stack of laminated scrambler

cards and a score sheet (number of cards depends on

group size).

3. One student shuffles the stack of cards and places it

up-side down on the desk.

4. Another student records the scores on the score


5. Students take turns and pick a card from the stack.

6. Students must identify the keyword, spell it correctly,

define or explain it.

7. Should students complete the task correctly they are

awarded 6 points, a reasonable effort is awarded

either 4 or 2 points (2 points for identification, 2

points for correct spelling and 2 points for

definition/explanation) 0 points for an incorrect

response. Ocomnice Rimapry Ocomnice Tiaciveits Ectaitvisi Conesadry Iertarty Ocomnice Ocomnice Ectaitvisi Ectaitvisi

Uatnral Eorursce Orecssp Namufractue Dropcut

Namufractuing Irnsduty Verscies

Enrewbale Onn-tenifi Esrource Esrource

Onn-ewerbalen Awtre Lecyc Esrource Tinief Ationevoapr Esrource

Locgialhdyro Awtre Vourap Lecyc

Densconation Recitatppiion

Fusrace Urn-fof Girriation

Eresrvori Mreattent Aplnt

Awter Urpiifed Conresavtion

Suconmer Eenwreabl Reenyg Onn-Enewreabl lissof Ulefs Reenyg Rolas Rgyeen Lidat Rgyeen

Dyrohlectriiecty Malthergeo Rgyeen

Timulnationla Rudec Iol Mocpanies

ETPRONAS Lehls Loi Opcorration Anycomp

Aedirs Obg Irg

Orribc Ags Efild Ketblna Obg

Eatp Usstainblae plotexiation Plotexiation

Orbd na Nóma Itdcher Regrad Raiwayl Strack

Llimer Arrowh

Digerr Eatp Orpducts

Tucaway vero-Hisfing Ogbs Vero-ploexitation Coaphing of ishf

Dopletien Feelt Tacfory Lawterr Siph

Ronas & Adarr Quipneemt Sohal Yerhisf Clusionex Onez Uotaq Tyssem Pniuts

Cessespor Tupouts

Airdy Feeb Framing Framing

Ageillt Ixmed Framing Framing

ourlab Talicap

Reameryc Oc-opativeer Stockvile

Traceyaibilt Arkmet

Score Sheet

Name 1st turn 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Total List of Keywords (Scrambler Activity)

 Economic Activities

 Primary Economic Activities

 Secondary Economic Activities

 Tertiary Economic Activities

 Natural Resource

 Process

 Manufacture  Product

 Manufacturing Industry

 Services

 Renewable Resource

 Non-finite Resource

 Non-renewable Resource

 Finite Resource

 Water Cycle

 Hydrological Cycle

 Evaporation

 Water Vapour

 Condensation

 Precipitation

 Surface Run-off

 Irrigation

 Reservoir

 Treatment Plant

 Purified

 Water Conservation

 Consumer

 Renewable Energy

 Non-renewable Energy

 Fossil Fuels

 Solar Energy

 Tidal Energy

 Geothermal Energy  Hydroelectricity

 Crude Oil

 Multinational Companies

 PETRONAS Oil Company

 Shell Corporation

 Corrib Gas Field

 Rig

 Raised Bog

 Blanket Bog

 Peat Exploitation

 Sustainable Exploitation

 Bord na Móna

 Ditcher

 Grader

 Railway Tracks

 Miller

 Harrow

 Ridger

 Cutaway Bog

 Peat Products

 Over-fishing

 Over-exploitation

 Poaching

 Depletion

 Fleet

 Trawler  Factory Ship

 Sonar & Radar Equipment

 Shoal

 Quota

 Fishery Exclusion Zone

 System

 Inputs

 Processes

 Outputs

 Dairy Farming

 Beef Farming

 Tillage Farming

 Mixed Farming

 Labour

 Livestock

 Capital

 Creamery Co-operative

 Traceability

 Market