Vision & Mission

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Vision & Mission



A. Vision and Mission 1

B. School Goals 2

C. Programme Plans

1. Programme Plan on developing teachers’ ability in using the self- 4 evaluation cycle, and form a complete and coherent framework for effective self-improvement, 2006-2007

2. Programme Plan on the streamlining of the administrative structure 10 and empowering middle managers to take up more responsibilities and monitoring roles, 2006-2007

3. Programme Plan on enhancing cross-curricular collaboration 15 and sharing, 2006-2007

4. Programme Plan on Strengthening Teaching and Learning 18 Through English for EMI Subjects and Developing Thinking Skills of Students in All Subjects, 2006-2007

5. Programme Plan on the strengthening the confidence in 28 speaking English through Drama, 2006-2007

6. Programme Plan on Cultivating Charity in Students through 32 Social Services SECTION A

VISION & MISSION School Vision

We are committed to the development of independent, critical and compassionate students who are capable of realizing their full potential and rising to the challenges of the future.

Mission Statement

It is our mission to guide our students in their moral, academic, physical, social and aesthetic growth by providing an environment which is conducive to learning and supportive of their needs so that they can develop into confident, responsible and considerate citizens who are capable of living up to their potential.



2 Goals

1. To develop the school campus as an environment which is conducive to learning and teaching.

2. To develop the students’ ability to think independently.

3. To provide a range of opportunities to enable the students to learn to communicate effectively.

4. To develop programmes which enable students to explore their creativity.

5. To nurture the physical capabilities of the students.

6. To provide (rewarding and appropriate) learning experiences outside the classroom which support the (academic) aspirations of the students.

7. To develop in students qualities of self-respect, self-discipline and consideration for others.

8. To establish a comprehensive reward system which acknowledges and encourages both progress and excellence in achievement.

9. To provide programmes to assist in the professional development of teachers.

10. To encourage staff participation in decision-making.

11. To provide means for efficient and regular communication between school and parents on matters of common interest.

12. To provide opportunities for parents and alumni to be involved in activities which support the school.



2006-2007 Be patriotic and serve the community

Develop English proficiency and critical thinking

心懷祖國 服務社羣 英語溝通 鍛鍊思維

3 Programme Plan on developing teachers’ ability in using the self-evaluation cycle, and form a complete and coherent framework for effective self-improvement , 2006-2007

I. Aim : To develop teachers’ ability in using the self-evaluation cycle, and form a complete and coherent framework for effective self-improvement.

II. Strengths : 1. The existing school self-evaluation (SSE) has been implemented for a number of years. 2. The 3-year school development plan (SDP) includes an analysis of strengths and areas for improvement to guide the direction of progress of the school. 3. We have a clear mechanism for annually formulating the school’s major concerns 4. The opinions of teachers and relevant data are taken into consideration in the planning .

III. Areas for improvement : 1. Most programme plans of the subjects/teams do not include success criteria. 2. The link between the planning and the evaluation of most subject/team programme plans is not rigorous enough to support self-improvement. 3. The evaluation reports of most subject programme plans place insufficient emphasis on student learning outcomes and are lacking in concrete recommendations.

IV. Objectives : 1. To develop the teachers’ ability in writing concrete programme plans which link the success criteria to objectives 2. To strengthen the self-evaluation mechanism of the SBM team 3. To strengthen the self-evaluation mechanism of subjects/teams

V. Implementation Plan 4 2006 Time 2007 Evaluation Staff Resources Objectives Success Criteria Tasks Implementation Process A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J Method Responsible p a u u u e c o e a e a p a u Required r y n l g p t v c n b r r y n 1 80% of the teachers can Survey from To brief and a.To brief the teachers Principal  New write concrete SBM team drill teachers about the school self- (i/c), programme programme plans which members on the skills evaluation plan format link the success criteria whether needed in mechanism to objectives teachers can planning and write concrete formulating b. Teachers practise using All teachers programme concrete the new programme plan plans which programme format link the plans success criteria c. To brief the teachers APL  Time to objectives about the skills in planning and formulation of concrete and well- focused success criteria.

d. All teachers are required All  to write a programme teachers plan on “How to cater for students’ learning differences” (See Notes 1)

Objectives Success Criteria Evaluation Tasks Implementation Process Staff 2006 Time 2007 Resources

5 S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N Method Responsible e c o e a e a p a u u u e c o Required p t v c n b r r y n l g p t v 2 Principal and 90% of Survey from the SBM team to a.To collect the APs  Time teachers agree that the Principal and coordinate programme plans of self-evaluation cycle of teachers on and monitor major concerns SBM team has been whether the self- the self- /subjects/teams strengthened evaluation cycle evaluation of SBM team has mechanism b.To review the See   been strengthened effectiveness of the Notes 2 & 3 programme plans.

c.To monitor the Program            implementation of the Team Leaders programme plans.

d.To coordinate the design APY i/c     of school-based LLC questionnaires YSC

e.To coordinate surveys APL i/c     for evaluation (including TKK APASO and MCM Stakeholders’ Survey) HSY

f. To collect the APs   evaluation reports

g.To review the See    evaluation reports Notes 2 & 3

h.To find out the strengths See   and areas of Notes 2 & 3 improvement

i. To give suggestions SBM team   about the school development plan and the major concerns for next year. Objectives Success Criteria Evaluation Tasks Implementation Process Staff 2006 Time 2007 Resources

6 A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J Required Method Responsible p a u u u e c o e a e a p a u r y n l g p t v c n b r r y n 3 90% of HODs and Survey from To develop a. HODs and Functional HODs and   School Functional Team Leaders SBM team HODs and Team Leaders are Functional development have submitted their members on Functional required to write annual Team plan programme plans and whether HODs Team Leaders programme plans Leaders evaluation reports with : and Functional ability to link according to : Guidelines a. Objectives of all Team Leaders planning with i. the areas of from SBM programme plans are submit their the evaluation improvement team formulated according programme of self- ii. the school to the school plans and improvement development plan development plan. evaluation iii the guidelines from reports meet the the SBM team b. Success criteria of all criteria programme plans can attain their objectives.

c. Strategies of the programme plans will lead to the improvement b. HODs and Functional  S in the students’ Team Leaders are e performance (academic required to submit p and non-academic ). evaluation reports to  SBM team d.Evaluation reports i. with emphasis on include student learning student learning outcomes : outcomes Results of CE/AL/ ii making concrete TSA/Value addedness/ recommendations External competitions/ All surveys; records of misbehavior of students; concrete recommendations for areas of improvement

Notes :

7 1.


2. Subject SBM Team Members Team SBM Team Members Responsible Responsible 1. Chinese Language Education APL (i/c), TKK, 1. Life Education APY (i/c), LLC, 2. English Language Education MCM, YSC 2. ECA HSY 3. Mathematics Education 3. Counselling & Guidance 4. Science Education 4. Discipline Committee & School Prefects 5. Personal, Social and Humanities 5. JUPAS & Careers 6. Technology Education 7. Arts Education 8. Physical Education

3. Major concerns Programme Team SBM Team Members Responsible Leaders 8 1 a APL TKK(i/c), HSY, YSC 1 b Pr 1 c APY 2 SHY APL(i/c), MCM 3 MKC APY(i/c), LLC

VI. Budget : NIL

VII. Programme Team : APL (i/c), APY (Deputy), TKK, LLC, MCM, HSY, YSC

9 Programme Plan on the streamlining of the administrative structure and empowering middle managers to take up more responsibilities and monitoring roles, 2006-2007

I. Aim : To streamline the administrative structure to strengthen the coordination and monitoring and empower middle managers to take up more responsibilities and a more prominent monitoring role

II. Strengths : 1. A guideline on the allocation of teaching and non-teaching duties is set and duly followed when assigning duties to staff taking into consideration their expertise, experience, professional training, preferences and panel/team leaders’ recommendations. 2. The school management and middle managers are able to foster cooperation among the staff at work. 3. There is an open and two-way exchange of information, views and suggestions between senior and middle managers and teachers. 4. The Principal or APs together with subject chairpersons conduct lesson observations annually. 5. Timely post-lesson observation and appraisal interviews are conducted to discuss the teachers’ strengths and areas of improvement. 6. The Principal displays a positive, open and supportive attitude towards staff management.

III. Areas for improvement : 1. The existing organizational structure comprises a large number of teams/committees directly under the supervision of the two APs but in some cases similar duties and functions are shared among various committees. 2. The Principal and APs take charge of many administrative committees and task groups, resulting in a heavy workload for the senior management. 3. Middle managers should be empowered to take up more responsibilities and a more prominent monitoring role. 4. The function of the KLA coordinators could be strengthened. 5. The APs need to strengthen their roles in the coordination and monitoring of work under their supervision.

IV. Objectives :

1. To review and streamline the administrative structure for organizational effectiveness. 2. To empower middle managers to take up more responsibilities to develop distributed leadership in the school and for further capacity building. 3. To empower middle managers to take up a more prominent monitoring role to enhance accountability. 4. To strengthen the function of KLA coordinators to facilitate cross-curricular coordination. 5. To strengthen APs’ roles in coordination and monitoring.

V. Implementation Plan

10 Time Staff Resources Objectives Success Criteria Evaluation Method Tasks Implementation Process A S O N D J F M AM J J responsible u e c o e a e a p a u u Required g p t v c n b r r y n l 1 80 % staff agree Survey from staff A) To revise the staff Principal streamlines the Principal  Duty list, 05- that the on whether the duty list and divide the administrative structure and 06 administrative administrative responsibilities clearly. divide the responsibilities structure has been structure has been clearly. streamlined and streamlined and B) To provide Clear instructions / requests All staff             Instruction, responsibilities responsibilities were effective should be given to the computers. were clearly clearly divided; communication action staff / supervisors, divided; Survey from staff channels for emails and soft copies to be on whether the organizational sent to all staff for 80% staff agree communication effectiveness and information / comments, that the channels were ensure that the jobs and hard copies to be sent communication effective; were completed before to the supervisor &/or channels were deadline. Principal for approval / effective; Comments from the signature before deadline. supervisors on All staff can whether the jobs complete their were completed jobs before before deadline. deadline. 2 100% middle Survey from the To revise the staff duty Principal changes some Principal  Duty list, 05- managers are Principal and APs list and assign new duties of APs to duties of 06 willing to take up on whether middle tasks to middle middle managers and more managers are managers whenever swaps some duties of responsibilities. willing to take up necessary. middle managers. Middle more managers were also responsibilities. assigned new tasks whenever necessary.

11 Time Staff Resources Objectives Success Criteria Evaluation Method Tasks Implementation Process A S O N D J F M AM J J responsible u e c o e a e a p a u u Required g p t v c n b r r y n l 3 100% middle Survey from the Middle managers (1) HODs / AOs give clear HODs /  Evaluation managers are able Principal and APs on strengthen their roles guidelines on teaching AOs of record forms to take up a more the monitoring role of in monitoring the work strategies & remedial Music, V.A. of lesson prominent middle managers by: of their departments measures to cater for & H.E. observation monitoring role. students’ learning needs, and Inspection of the type & quantity of inspection of guidelines, schemes homework, the setting & exercise of work, minutes & marking of assignments, books, mid- program plans; test & examination papers. (07-08) years review (2) HODs / AOs submit  forms & Random checking of guidelines, schemes of appraisal exercise books, test work, minutes, areas of (07-08) reports papers, examination improvement & program papers & records; plans to APs. (3) HODs / AOs supervise         Inspection of the collaborative evaluation record preparation of lessons, forms of lesson observe lessons, inspect (07-08) observations & exercise books, test papers inspection of exercise and examination papers of books; the panel members / appraisees. Collecting comments (4) HODs / AOs give from middle   comments on panel managers on their members’ / appraisees’ (07-08) appraisees’ performance in mid-year performance in the review & staff appraisal & mid-year review & give suggestions on staff appraisal and appraisees’ areas of suggestions on their improvement & appraisees’ areas of professional development. improvement & professional development.

12 Time Staff Resources Objectives Success Criteria Evaluation Method Tasks Implementation Process A S O N D J F M AM J J responsible u e c o e a e a p a u u Required g p t v c n b r r y n l 4 80% HODs & Surveys from HODs KLA coordinators take (1) Each KLA assigns at TKK (S4),            Max. APs agree that and APs on whether up their coordination least one cross-curricular YSC (S6), $15000 for the KLA the KLA duties and monitor the project (level shown in HSL (S3), each KLA coordinators have coordinators have progress. bracket), participates in / CYF (S1), completed the completed the organizes at least one cross- DPC (S2). assigned duties assigned duties and curricular competition each and the cross- the cross-curricular year. curricular activities have been (2) KLA coordinators  activities have well coordinated. submit coordination plans been well on curriculum, KLA coordinated. activities and enhancement programs together with the minutes to the APs. (3) Each KLA nominates at All 8 KLA             least 3 students each year coordinators for enhancement programs. (4) KLA coordinators   monitor the progress and submit reports to APs in Feb. & June. 5 80% of staff Survey from staff APs give clear (1) APY coordinates APs  Evaluation agree that the on APs’ instructions and functional team programs record forms coordination role coordination role. guidelines to their in class periods & of lesson of both APs has subordinates and assemblies; APL observation been Survey from the closely monitor their coordinates generic skills, and strengthened; Principal on APs’ performance. project work, remedial inspection of monitoring role by: measures & peer exercise The monitoring Inspection of observation; Guidelines and books, mid- role of both APs guidelines, coordination plans to be year review has been coordination plans, submitted to Principal. forms & strengthened. comments on (2) APs collect areas of  appraisal program plans & improvement, program reports. minutes; plans & minutes from the team i/c and HODs and submit comments to Principal.

13 Time Staff Resources Objectives Success Criteria Evaluation Method Tasks Implementation Process A S O N D J F M AM J J responsible u e c o e a e a p a u u Required g p t v c n b r r y n l Random checking (3) APs supervise the         of exercise books, remedial measures, observe test papers, lessons, inspect exercise examination papers books, test papers & & records; examination papers of middle managers. Inspection of (4) APs monitor the work   evaluation record of Teams i/c & HODs, forms of lesson report the areas of observation & improvement and reflect inspection of comments on their exercise books; performance in the mid- year review & the staff Collecting appraisal & give comments on their suggestions on appraisees’ appraisees’ areas of improvement & performance in mid- professional development. year review & staff appraisal and suggestions on their appraisees’ areas of improvement & professional development.

VI. Budget : $120000 for enhancement programs

VII. Programme Team Leader: Principal Members: All EOs and PAM

14 Programme Plan on enhancing cross-curricular collaboration and sharing, 2006-2007

I. Aim : To enhance cross-curricular collaboration and sharing

II. Strengths : 1) Teachers are experienced, conscientious and friendly, demonstrating a serious attitude towards teaching. 2) Most teachers have good subject knowledge.

III. Areas for improvement : 1) There is inadequate professional sharing and cross-curricular collaboration 2) More structured planning for peer lesson observation should be implemented.

IV. Objectives: 1) To enhance collaborative preparation of lessons and cross-curricular collaboration 2) To promote a culture of peer observation and sharing among teachers. 3) To enhance professional development outside school.

15 V. Implementation Plan

Time Evaluation Staff Resources Objectives Success Criteria Tasks Implementation Process S O N D J F M A M J J Method Responsible e c o e a e a p a u u Required p t v c n b r r y n l 1 80% of teachers Number of A) Collaborative Teachers use the new teaching HODs (i/c) &    Teaching are involved in teachers involved lesson planning & approaches (Task-based all Ts methods of collaborative in collaborative video taking of Approach and Inductive different lessons planning preparation of lessons Approach) in the collaborative teaching and video taking lessons. preparation of lessons. strategies of lessons. HODs select topics for the Record of lesson collaborative preparation of Each subject panel plans and videos lessons using the new teaching Video Camera, can provide two from approaches and submit lesson Timetable lesson plans and collaborative plans together with the videos of arrangement of video taking preparation teaching. collaborative applying the new preparation of teaching methods lessons of Task-based Approach and Inductive Approach.

95% of teachers Attendance B) Cross- Selected videos are shared with APY(i/c)    Timetable have attended the Record of the curricular teachers of other subjects. HODs arrangement, sharing session. sharing session. collaboration Teachers also learn how to give Evaluation 80% of teachers feedback to a lesson. forms of lesson have learnt how Evaluation of the observation. to give feedback lesson by to a lesson. teachers.

The quality of Quality of C) Support services Mathematics Department LCH (i/c)            EMB’s support materials & materials and on Mathematics participates in the support LKY resources resources services given by the school- LYK developed in the developed. based curriculum development YHW support services section. of Mathematics are satisfied by EMB, Principal & APs.

16 Time Evaluation Staff Resources Objectives Success Criteria Tasks Implementation Process S O N D J F M A M J J Method Responsible e c o e a e a p a u u Required p t v c n b r r y n l 2 All teachers have Peer observation Peer lesson Each teacher can pair up with one APL            Evaluation participated in the records;Report observations teacher (different from 04-05 & 05- (coordinate forms of peer lesson on strengths and 06) as a group for peer lesson the lesson observation. weaknesses of the observations on thinking skills. grouping), observations lessons observed Each teacher has to observe and be All teachers to APs & Pr. observed one lesson respectively of the peer and give feedback afterwards. 3 All teachers meet Records of A) Requirement Every teacher is required to spend a APs,            EMB the CPD teachers’ CPD of 30 hours in minimum of 6 hours on teaching All teachers Training requirement. Continuing and 6 hours on duties related Calendar, Professional courses/seminars out of the 30 CPD TPPG / TRG Development hours of staff development each year and submit records to APs in July.

80% of the Survey from B) Sharing A total of 2 sharing sessions among Staff   Timetable teachers agree that teachers after the sessions among teachers will be organized on Staff Development arrangement, the sharing sharing sessions teachers Development Days each year on Team (i/c) teaching sessions are on the (1) NSS Curriculum Planning APL (07-08) materials effective. effectiveness of (2) I.H. / L.S. WCK the sharing.

VI. Programme Team: YCS (Team Leader), AP(L), KLA coordinators, HODs

17 Programme Plan on Strengthening Teaching and Learning Through English for EMI Subjects and Developing Thinking Skills of Students in All Subjects, 2006-2007

I. Aim: 1. To strengthen teaching and learning through English 2. To develop thinking skills of students

II. Strengths: 1. Teachers are experienced and devoted. 2. The whole school is supportive. 3. Some teachers in different KLAs attended the DOLACEE in 2004-05 and are willing to share their experience with other KLA members. 4. Teachers are enthusiastic and are willing to try out new strategies with students. 5. There is good cooperation among teachers. 6. Students are generally well disciplined in class and receptive of new challenges.

III. Areas for improvement: 1. Teaching and learning through English has to be strengthened. 2. Students’ writing skills need to be improved. 3. Students do not take initiative to speak in English. 4. Students are not creative or flexible enough. They are weak in high-order thinking skills. 5. There is no systematic plan on developing students’ thinking skills through various subjects.

IV. Objectives: 1. To strengthen teaching and learning through English for EMI subjects 2. To raise the writing competency of students 3. To increase the confidence of students in speaking English and raise their oral competency 4. To develop analyzing (分析應用)(05-06), logical deduction (邏輯推理)(06-07), imaginary creative (想像推理)(07-08) and critical assessment (批判評 鑑)(07-08) skills of students 5. To enhance students’ thinking skills through various subjects

18 V. Implementation Plan:

Time Evaluation Staff Resources Objectives Success Criteria Tasks Implementation Process S O N D J F M A M J Method Responsible e c o e a e a p a u Required p t v c n b r r y n 1 80% of the new Survey to new A) Staff development: Each DOLACEE participant in EMI subject Teaching members find that the members on the Implementation of 04/05 and each teacher who HODs(i/c) materials of teaching effectiveness of DOLACEE plan- learned from DOLACEE & teachers, DOLACEE materials/experiences sharing of sharing of learning participants in 05/06 will share DOLACEE are effective. DOLACEE experience among their experience with new participants teaching materials other members members in their KLA. in 04/05 & All EMI subject / experiences HODs of EMI subjects will 05/06   HODs are satisfied supervise the sharing of with the EMI lessons Assessment made DOLACEE experience and conducted by the new by EMI subject include this in their respective members. HODs on the EMI programme plans. lessons conducted by the new members. Pr & APs agree that Program plans B) EMI subject HODs EMI subject HODs incorporate EMI subject Time the program plans from EMI subject incorporate measures (eg. group discussion & HODs(i/c) have incorporated HODs. measures to presentation during lessons) to & teachers measures to strengthen Surveys from Ss strengthen strengthen teaching & learning T&L through English. on the teaching & through English in their respective Over 95% of the Ss effectiveness of learning through programme plans.           understand the content teaching & English in their and have chances to learning through respective speak and write in English for EMI programme plans. English for all EMI subjects (including English) lessons. 10% of the essay Internal exam C) Including essay S1-4 EMI subjects include essay EMI subject / questions have been papers (essay questions in exams questions (10% of the total marks) HODs(i/c) & included in exams and questions) & of EMI subjects. in exams. teachers 80% of the Ss can get results Subjects include IS, Physics, (S1-4)   50% of the marks in Chemistry, Biology, IH, History, essay questions. Geography & Economics.

19 Time Evaluation Staff Resources Objectives Success Criteria Tasks Implementation Process S O N D J F MA M J Method Responsible e c o e a e a p a u Required p t v c n b r r y n 2 Better TSA writing TSA & CE Eng A) Reciting verb Recite verb forms and simple Eng Dept Teaching results than school subject writing forms and simple language patterns/ contextualised (i/c), S1-5 materials average 75%. results language patterns/ paragraphs. form co- Better results than contextualised Items to be added to dictation (4 ordinators &     2006 HKCEE results paragraphs times/year) ETs in English writing. Level of difficulty depending on the form of Ss. Better internal exam Improvement in B) Teaching of Teaching of composition topic Eng Dept Teaching compo passing % writing skill in composition topic analysis & organization of ideas (i/c), S1-5 materials when compared with internal exams. analysis & using mind-map in the 1st and 2nd form co- 2006. organization of compositions. The Ss are asked to ordinators & ideas using mind- practise the skill in the remaining ETs         map compositions & attach the mind- map in their composition homework. (At least 6 times) C) Teaching of Teach students to write topic Eng Dept Teaching elaboration skill sentences and elaborate with egs. (i/c), S1-5 materials (2 exercises to be included in GE form co-   in the 1st term) ordinators & ETs 6) D) Providing input Provide input in terms of ideas, Eng Dept Teaching more complicated sentence (i/c), S4/5 ETs materials patterns and more appropriate of good    vocabulary before writing for classes S4&5 good classes. (at least 3 times) 6) E) Essay writing S1-3 Ss have to do 9 compositions Eng Dept Time a year. (i/c), S1-3 form co-          ordinators & ETs

20 Time Evaluation Staff Resources Objectives Success Criteria Tasks Implementation Process S O N D J F MA M J Method Responsible e c o e a e a p a u Required p t v c n b r r y n At least 10% of the Ss No. of 6) F) Participation in Ss are also encouraged to NMC(i/c), Information in the relevant forms participants in external Writing participate in external writing ETs from external participate in the external writing Competitions competitions. (At least 2 times) organizations external writing competitions competitions Pending More prizes in No. of prizes external writing obtained in competition than in external writing 2005-2006. competitions.

3 Better TSA oral TSA oral results A) Oral lessons with 1.S1-2 oral lessons with focus on Eng Dept Worksheets, results than school focus on teaching discussion skill and practice, (i/c), NET in teaching average 75%. of individual Worksheets & topics to be S1&2 oral materials       presentation and/or designed by NET, based on lessons Better results than CE oral results discussion skill and TSA format. 2006 HKCEE results practice (At least 6 topics per year) in English oral. 2.Teach S3 Ss individual Eng Dept Teaching presentation and group (i/c), S3 form materials 85% Ss are able to Survey from EMI discussion skill & practice. At co-ordinators       discuss/ present subject Ts on least 6 times before the oral & ETs fluently in English whether Ss are assessment in mid-April, based during EMI lessons. able to on TSA format. discuss/present 3.Teach S4 Ss presentation & Eng Dept Timers, fluently in discussion skill & practice based (i/c), S4 form Teaching English. on SBA format & 2007 English co- ordinator      materials syllabus format.( At least 5 times & ETs a year.) 4.Drill the S5 Ss on presentation Eng Dept Timers, & discussion skills & 10 extra (i/c), S5 form Teaching oral papers for extra practice. co-ordinator      materials, oral (At least 5 times before March.) & ETs paper

21 Time Evaluation Staff Resources Objectives Success Criteria Tasks Implementation Process S O N D J F M A M J Method Responsible e c o e a e a p a u Required p t v c n b r r y n S6 ETs are satisfied Surprise B) Enhancing oral 1.English speaking at anytime in Eng Dept Time with the culture of inspection by S6 practice S6 classrooms every day. (i/c), form co- English Speaking in ETs. ordinator & classrooms. S6 ETs.       UE oral results better HKALE UE oral than 2006 HKALE results oral results.

At least 80% students Survey to Ss on 2. Speak English to all students on CSW (i/c), Time feel that all Eng Ts & how frequently English Speaking Days held on All staff EMI teachers speak English Ts and every Tuesday & Friday. English frequently to EMI Ts speak students on English English to them Speaking Days. on English Speaking Days       

85% of the Ts are Survey to Ts on satisfied with Ss’ Ss’ effectiveness confidence to speak & in oral skills fluency in English.

85% of the Ts are Survey to Ts on 3. English assembly speeches by LY (i/c), Speeches of satisfied with Ss’ Ss’ effectiveness selected S1-7 Ss on Moral & S1-7 ETs & Ss & NET confidence & fluency in English Civic Ed every Tuesday NET           to speak in English in speaking skills NET’s speeches on topics of public. interest to Ss once a month.

C) Drama programme Please see the attached programme LK to enhance plan. students’ confidence in speaking English

22 Time Evaluation Staff Resources Objectives Success Criteria Tasks Implementation Process S O N D J F M A M J Method Responsible e c o e a e a p a u Required p t v c n b r r y n More prizes from No. of prizes D) English debate English debate (Inter-house NET (i/c) & Time external English obtained from the English debate, external English Ts in debate debate competition external English debate competition with training team        than in 2005-2006. debate provided.) competition.

4 5% of questions of Assessment made A) Developing S1 and Give lessons on analyzing skills HODs (i/c) Teaching thinking skills have by HODs on the S3 students’ followed with assignments and & Subject Ts materials been set in the quantity of analyzing skills test/examination questions of HE, H, examination. questions of a) grouping and classifying – CH, IH, G & thinking skills in HE(S1), H(S3) C the examination.  85% students got No. of students passing marks in the passed in the questions of thinking questions of skills. thinking skills.

b) cause and effect-CH(S1,S3) c) relationship between parts and whole-IH(S1), G(S3) d) identifying key points-C(S1,S3) 5% of questions was set in exam, to test students’ analyzing skills.

23 Time Evaluation Staff Resources Objectives Success Criteria Tasks Implementation Process S O N D J F M A M J Method Responsible e c o e a e a p a u Required p t v c n b r r y n B) Developing S2 and 1. Prepare teaching materials for TSH  Teaching S3 students’ logical lessons on logical deduction (Coordinator): materials deduction. skills. a) LML b) LKH c) YHW, TSK d) LCK, FTC 2. Give Lessons on logical HODs(i/c) &  deduction skills followed with subject Ts of assignments and E, AD, M, IS test/examination questions for & P S2 and S3 students. a) induction and summarization-E b) organization and deduction-AD c) integration, organization and extrapolation-M. d) raising assumption, hypothesis and making deductions-IS(S2), P(S3) 3. Upload the teaching materials T.A.  onto school intranet for use by teachers and students 4. 5% questions are set in exam to HODs (i/c) &   test students’ logical deduction subject Ts of skills. E, AD, M, IS & P C) Developing S3 and To be prepared and taught in 07- S4 students’ 08. imaginary creative / / and critical assessment analyzing skills.

24 Time Evaluation Staff Resources Objectives Success Criteria Tasks Implementation Process S O N D J F M A M J Method Responsible e c o e a e a p a u Required p t v c n b r r y n 80% of students say Survey to Ss on D) Promotion of high 1. High Order Thinking Games HOT Room $3000 (new that HOT games can the effectiveness order thinking are bought and to be played by (i/c), A.A., HOT effectively develop of HOT games on through games students in the HOT Room clerk and all           games) their thinking skills. developing their when their subject teachers are teachers thinking skills. absent. Over 100 participants No. of students 2. Competitions on HOT games Chess Club Prize: join the HOT games participated in the will be held twice a year. $1000   competitions. competitions.

25 Time (07-08) Evaluation Staff Resources Objectives Success Criteria Tasks Implementation Process S O N D J F M A M J Method Responsible e c o e a e a p a u Required p t v c n b r r y n 5 85% Ts agree that the Feedback from Ts A) Staff 1. Workshop on teaching Staff $3000 workshops on on the workshops. Development techniques to develop students’ Development  (guest teaching techniques to HOT skills Team speakers) develop students’ Supervisors’ 2. Workshop on the design of AP(L) (i/c) Teaching  HOT skills & design comments on the HOT assignments. materials of HOT assignments lesson plans & 3. Collaborative preparation of HODs (i/c) & Timetable are helpful. teacher’s lessons and well-designed subject Ts arrangement assignments. assignments: each subject All teachers can should design at least 2 design lesson plans & Survey to Ts on teaching activities through assignments to HOT web-sites & collaborative preparation of   enhance students’ reference book list. lessons developing Ss’ HOT HOT skills. skills; each teacher should design at least 1 assignment 85% Ts agree that the that can enhance student’s HOT web-sites & reference skills. books ON HOT are 4. Provide HOT web-sites and Librarian Computers, useful. reference book list to all Information   teachers. from book stores Guidelines on Supervisors’ B) Involving HOT in 1. Guidelines on developing HOT HODs (i/c) Time developing HOT are comments on the lessons/activities in teaching, assignment and  clear & effective; all guidelines from exam will be set and given to teachers can involve HODs & lesson panel members. HOT in lessons. observation 2. Create thinking classroom: Subject Ts of           Guidelines for Ts (walk-in teachers enhance students’ HOT lessons from HODs lesson observation: skills by using: teacher to be a) Thinking-based questioning observed will be approach: let students take a notified in the more active part in thinking or morning of the b) Group Discussion: encourage observation day). class discussions or c) Collaborative learning: design learning activities to develop HOT skills, e.g. project learning, role play etc.

26 VI. Budget : 1. Timers for S4/5 practice. $30 x 11 timers for each S4 (5 classes) and S5 (5 classes). $330 x 10 classes = $3300

2. Prizes for English Speaking Days $3000 Prizes for HOT Games Competition $1000

3. Buying HOT Games $3000

Total: $10300

VII. Programme Team : Mrs Sin Tsang Hin-yan (team leader) Planning: YSC LWC CSW LML NMC MWY LY LWW YL AM JC ISC Implementation & Evaluation: All Staff

27 Programme Plan on the strengthening the confidence in speaking English through Drama, 2006-2007

I. Aim : To increase students’ confidence in speaking English through various drama related activities and competitions

II. Strengths :

1. The school has a strong tradition in drama. 2. Most students think positively toward drama activities. 3. The school drama team has excellent past records of awards in external competitions. 4. The school is an EMI school in which students have more opportunities to be exposed to English. 5. Teachers are devoted and committed in organizing extra-curricular activities.

III. Areas for improvement :

1. Students lack professional training in skills and knowledge related to public speaking. 2. Only a limited percentage of students with excellent English standard are involved in the drama video production each year. 3. Most students are shy and not confidence in speaking in public or acting in a video.

IV. Objectives :

1. To develop students’ public speaking and acting skills. 2. To provide chances for students to develop confidence and proficiency in speaking English publicly.

28 V. Implementation Plan

Time Objectives Success Evaluation Task Implementation Staff S O N D J F M A M J J Resources Criteria Method Process Responsible e c o e a e a p a u u Required p t v c n b r r y n l 1 90% of the Ts Survey to Ts A) Organize 1. Public Speaking skills LK i/c   Training concerned are on Ss’ training KSW materials on satisfied with performance workshops 2. Acting skills LK   public Ss’ in the role- 1&2 for speaking performance play practice students 3. Techniques on video TWL i/c   skills $500 on the role- video recommended and sound editing Tony play video by Team i/c of DV tapes practice action groups $200

Workshop 3 for Ss recommended by video & photographic club i/c

See Item 6 for member list of action groups B) Practice 1. Forming a group of 5 LK i/c   on skills 2. Completing a 2-3 KSW taught minutes role-play TWL through interview video as producing a group practice. group role- play practice video

29 Time Objectives Success Evaluation Task Implementation Staff S O N D J F M A M J J Resources Criteria Method Process Responsible e c o e a e a p a u u Required p t v c n b r r y n l 2 Ts and Survey to A) Production 1. Establishing 2 LK i/c  VCDs on adjudicators Ts on Ss’ of short-video production teams A & B TWL sound and review that performance clips from members of Video Tony video effects 90% of the in the role- & Photographic and $600 student play Drama Clubs. participants production has gained See Note 1 confidence in 2. Casting for actors and LK i/c  speaking Ts i/c of actresses by Team i/c of Action Groups English. the action groups.

See Note 2 3. Researching, drafting of YL i/c possible topics and script NET1 writing on the theme Ts i/c of promoted by individual Action Groups teams or departments of the academic year.

See Note 3.

(i) English Dept  (ii) Moral & Civic Ed  (iii) Commerce Dept  (iv) Discipline Team  4. Video shooting and editing by production team TWL i/c (i) Team A Tony   (ii)Team B LK  

See Note 4.

30 Time Objectives Success Evaluation Task Implementation Staff S O N D J F M A M J J Resources Criteria Method Process Responsible e c o e a e a p a u u Required p t v c n b r r y n l B) Video 5. Broadcasting on the last LK i/c     Prizes for production Tuesday each month for NET2 winning competition five months during Tony teams morning assembly. $200 6. Presentation of awards: KSW i/c  (i) My Favorite Video (ii) Best English Performing Team

See Note 5.

Note 1: The 2 production teams will each be responsible for shooting 2 videos in alternate month. Note 2: A total of 4 videos will be produced during the academic year of which each Team i/c of the action group will be responsible for casting actors and actresses for shooting one video with topics of their choice. Note 3: Team i/c of each action group shall provide guidelines on researching and drafting appropriate topic for their video and monitor the progress of script writing and NET1 shall proof-read and finalize each script. Note 4: Production Team will be responsible for fine-tuning the video produced. Note 5: Team i/c of each action group shall be adjudicators for all videos produced and select winning teams for the awards.

Budget : $500 for training materials on purchasing books / VCD related to public speaking. $600 for purchasing CDs on sound and video effects. $200 for purchasing DV tapes $200 for prizes

Total: $1,500

VI. Programme Team Team leader: LK Action Groups: English Department, Commerce Department, Moral & Civic Ed Team, Discipline Team, Video and Photographic Club and Drama Club.

31 Programme Plan on Cultivating Charity in Students through Social Services

I. Aim : This program plan aims at developing students’ kindness and sympathy towards other people by maximizing their exposure to the wide social context through encouraging involvement in social services.

II. Strengths : 1) The majority of the students belong to the higher ability group who can spare time to work for charity. 2) Members of the Social Services Group with impressive experiences can provide guidance for their fellow students. 3) The well-trained prefect teams can transfer their leadership skills to services outside the school context.

III. Areas for improvement : The eradication of the high achievers’ exam-oriented attitude to school life.

IV. Strategies: 1) The Social Services Group is responsible for liaising with the Action Groups in the implementation & evaluation of this Program Plan. 2) The Group provides the Action Groups of this Program Plan with expert advice upon request. 3) The respective Action Groups plan, promote and conduct activities in their areas of speciality or in collaboration with others to pool their efforts to serve society. 4) The Social Services Group, together with the Action Groups collect data and design an award system to recognize individual students’ contribution in the academic year 2006 – 2007.

V. Objectives: 1) To motivate students to participate in social service activities. 2) To develop students’ charity-related knowledge and skills through hands-on training and practice. 3) To provide students with opportunities to serve others in a rewarding way for both parties concerned.

32 VI. Implementation Plan

Time Evaluation Action Resources Objectives Success Criteria Tasks Implementation Process J S O N D J F M A M J J Method Group u e c o e a e a p a u u Required l p t v c n b r r y n l 1 More than 70% of Survey to Ss and A) Talk on social SS Gp invites a charity to SS Gp (i/c),   Mic, notebook the S.1-4&6 staff on whether services introduce social services to the Counselling computer, students agree that the promotion on students. Team projector, the promotion on social service is screen, souvenir. social service is effective. B) Advance Publicity SS Gp promotes the up- SS Gp (i/c),  2 display boards, effective. coming events through the all Action colour paper, The percentage of board display in the covered Gps of this stationery: $50, More than 70% of S1,2,3,4,6 playground. program parents’ letters, the S1-4&6 students students who C) Kick-off Ceremony SS Gp declares the SS Gp  entry forms, participate in tasks participated in commencement of the photographers, 2A – D, 3A –G. social services program. prizes: $100. (i.e. at least once D) Naming Contest The Counselling Team invites Counselling  a year per students to suggest a name for Team (i/c), student) the program to arouse their Chi, Eng awareness. Clubs Chi, Eng Clubs as adjudicators. The Counselling Team awards the best 3 entries. E) Stars of Social i) Implementation AYP (i/c),           Record book Services Award AYP designs the mechanism Maths Club, “義工服務記 Scheme for the scheme. SS Gp 錄冊”,clerical The Maths Club records the support, scores and publicizes the photographers, Seasonal Stars. development of a)count the no. of participation   film: $20, and no. of hours of social prizes: $450. services of each participant every half year (Jan 07, Jun 07) b)provide the data (who gets   the highest no. of participation and who attains the highest no. of hours in each group (S1, 2, 3, 4+5,6+7) in every half year and whole year)

33 Time Evaluation Action Resources Objectives Success Criteria Tasks Implementation Process S O N D J F M A M J J Method Group e c o e a e a p a u u Required p t v c n b r r y n l c)provide the data (who  reaches the minimum requirement, i.e. at least once a year)  ii)Prize-giving SS Gp arranges the presentation of awards at the end-of-term assembly (Special Assembly). F) PTA Service Award Nominate the winners of the SS Gp  Mark list Star of Social Services Award Scheme for the PTA Service Award of STMGSS G) Student Portfolio Ts i/c pass the checked data to ECA i/c ,   Record sheet, the ECA i/c for action. IT team IT Team clerical support. to print Student Portfolio for the Ss. 2 70% of the 2A)-D): No. of A) Discipline Prefects Initiate prefects to take part in Discipline  Record sheet, participants can participants; Get Involved in social services in response to Team colour papers acquire charity- Social Services SS Gp’s invitation. for decoration: related knowledge 2E)-F): Amount Scheme Prefects in senior forms to $100. & skills through of fund raised; take the lead in planning and social service recruit S3, 4 students to join activities. Surveys to in. participants. B) Housework Help Help the elderly or disabled Scouts (i/c),  Cleansing with household cleaning. Counselling agents, Team, PTA, protective SSW clothing. C) Beach Clean-up CYC arranges class-based CYC (i/c),  Name list, Day participation in response to the Counselling cleaning tools. organization demand. Team, Geog Geog Club provides maps to Club, S1 be attached to the parents’ Class letters. teachers Class teachers escort students to the site.

34 Time Evaluation Action Resources Objectives Success Criteria Tasks Implementation Process S O N D J F M A M J J Method Group e c o e a e a p a u u Required p t v c n b r r y n l D) Scarves Donation to 1. Pre-task activity HE Club  Record sheets, the Elderly PTA promotes the activity in (i/c), PTA paper for Thank the morning assembly and You cards, yarn, parents’ letters to raise needles and concern for the elderly. patterns, logistic HE Club and PTA collect    support. woolen yarn and teach students how to knit scarves. Computer Club designs and Computer  prints Thank You cards to the Club parents involved. 2. Scarves Donation PTA  Voluntary students distribute the finished scarves to the elderly during X’mas. E) Rice Dumplings Organise the activity in HE Club  Parents’ letters, Charity Program response to the Towngas HK record sheets, to raise fund for the donation forms, Community Chest. materials of rice dumplings. F) Greening for the Organise the activity to raise CYC     Parents’ letters, Chest – Clean for fund for the Community plastic bags, Charity Chest. gloves.

35 Time Evaluation Action Resources Objectives Success Criteria Tasks Implementation Process S O N D J F M A M J J Method Group e c o e a e a p a u u Required p t v c n b r r y n l 3 70% of the 2E)-F) & 3A)-D): A) Dress Casual Day Organize the activity in SS Gp  Record sheets, participants reflect The amount of fund response to the Community parents’ letters, their enjoyment and raised; Chest. logistic support, satisfaction from clerical support. serving others. 2A)-D) & 3E)-G): B) Flag Selling Days SS Gp monitors the form- SS Gp (i/c),            Record books, No. of Ss based participation in JPC, logistic support, participated; response to charity demand, S3 & S4 clerical support. promote and recruit students class Surveys to for particular events. teachers participants on their S3 & S4 class teachers issue enjoyment & parents’ letters and satisfaction gained distribute flags and fund through social raising bags. services; C) Donation to Yuk Invite staff, parents and SS Gp  Name list, Miu Programme students to donate money in parents’ letters, The no. of serving response to Mingpao and clerical support. hours of each EMB so as to help the poor student in the whole people in Guangdong school year. Province, China. D) Flower selling day Encourage staff, parents and Gardening  Record sheets, students to buy the potted Club (i/c), tables, seed plants displayed on the CYC donation forms. green tables, with labeled prices, to raise funds for the Community Chest (tentative). Both groups promote the activity via their own channels. CYC is to issue invitation letters to parents and take care of the finance management. The Gardening Club grows plants from seedlings.

36 Time Evaluation Action Resources Objectives Success Criteria Tasks Implementation Process S O N D J F M A M J J Method Group e c o e a e a p a u u Required p t v c n b r r y n l E) Visit to the Home Recruit a maximum of 20 SS Gp  Name list, for the Elderly students to visit the elderly. parents’ letters, Further details to be presents: $200, confirmed in due course. development of film: $20. F) Blood Donation Organise blood donation in SS Gp  Name list, the school hall parents’ letters, clerical support, photographers. G) Co-curricular Members of ECA ECA Team            Parents’ letter, Activities clubs/teams are encouraged (coordinator): clerical support. to organize or participate in Visual Arts, activities concerning social Music, Geog, services. Reading, Chinese, CYC, HE & Gardening Club, Social Service Gp, Envir Ed, Library. Content of the H) Photo-journal The Photography Club Photography  Entry forms, Photo-journals Writing Contest on designs the topic, writes up & Video display boards, Social Services the regulations and Club (i/c), prizes: $100 for promotes the events. Chi, Eng 3 awards. Chi, Eng Clubs collect and Clubs. judge the entries.  The Photography Club arranges the presentation of prizes and displays the winning entries.

37 VII. Budget: Stationery: $150 Prizes: $1050 Film: $40 $1240

VII. Porgramme Team: Miss MAK Kwan-chi (Team Leader) Miss YAN Tik-woon (Deputy Team Leader) Mrs. IP LIU Suk-ching (Secretary) AY(Y), LML, HSY KSW, LCK LKY, LLC, PCT, TCH, YHW, MLY, TWL, FTC, CTW, CCH, LYK, TSK, LSY, NMH, LY, TSH, LSK, CH, LCY, WYW

Implementation and evaluation: Social Services Group (coordinator) Chinese Club, Civic Ed., Community Youth Club, Counselling Team, Computer Club, Discipline Team, English Club, Geography Club, Junior Police Call, Mathematics Club, AYP, Parent-Teacher Association, Photography & Video Club, all Class Teachers, School Social Worker, Scouts Group


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