Susquehanna Brittany Club Spring 2011 Field Trial & Club Meeting

Hello to all of you. It has been a while since we last communicated with you. I want to take a few minutes to catch you up on events and what has been and will be happening.

First, we had to cancel the fall trial and meetings as we had entry and other problems that precluded us from having a trial. Trying to set meeting dates with the clubs group of people was a task that was just not possible with all of the busy schedules that we have. My apologies, to all of you, for not being able to figure out how to get together for an evening or daytime meeting until now. We will remedy this with our first meeting in several months on Friday evening, March 4, 2011. The meeting will take place at 6 p.m. Pizza and soda provided by the club at that time. The meeting will start by 6:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at York Pointer and Setter Club in the clubhouse.

We have our Spring Field Trial on March 5th and 6th, 2011 at York Pointer and Setter Club in Wellsville, Pa. Break away will be at 7:30 a.m. hopefully on Saturday morning. Marilyn Fenicle and Barb Youngs will gladly accept any and all contributions for lunches both days and happy hour on Saturday evening. Dennis will have some of his famous Corned Beef and Dan is going to steam up some shrimp for happy hour to go with the great stuff Marilyn, Barb and Joan prepare for happy hour.

We will be running a smaller trial this spring but still will need all of the help club members can supply. We will need folks to get dogs and owners to the line on time so that judges are not waiting in the cold, wet weather. We will need folks to fill the bird bags as well. Please contact Dan Rein ([email protected]) if you have time you can set up for helping.

Cindy Miller is heading up our Spring Show. She would appreciate a bit of the help if you have time to give her. Dan Rein and the Clorox Company has donated several “Green” products as part of the prizes and trophies for the show along with some of Cindy’s creativity. The show is in York Pa. at the York Fairgrounds. The show is being held on Friday March 18th, 2011. Cindy will have times when we get closer to the date as well as the ring numbers. Cindy said she does not need a lots of help but I am sure any help in handing out trophies and prizes would be greatly appreciated. She will have material at the meeting to put together for the show for the trophy bags. Maybe somebody can help put trophies together with Cindy this week at the meeting.

On a more personal note, Barb and I just returned from Memphis, Tennessee. We attended ceremonies at the National Bird Dog Museum and National Field Trial Hall of Fame. The American Brittany Club is working hard to raise money for a wing at the National Hall of Fame for a Brittany Wing to house our dogs inducted into the Bird Dog Hall of Fame.

Barb and I went to attend this years induction ceremonies of Warren Montgomery and one of our puppies, Home Acres AllSpice. We called her Sally as a baby and while we ran her as a young dog. Sally was inducted into the National Bird Dog Hall of Fame for her contributions to the sport of field trialing. Her biggest contribution was her production record and that of her puppies and their puppies. Sally makes our second dog inducted into the Hall of Fame. Flattwoods Tiger was bred and born at our home and is a Hall of Fame dog as well.

Sally produced 11 puppies that won hour championships and classics all over the United States and even today, more then 10 years after her death, her name still appears in so many of the winning championship and regional trial winner’s pedigrees. We felt very humble as we attended the ceremonies and very honored by the nomination and induction of her.

We are looking forward to seeing everybody at the club meeting as well as the field trial. We need members to help through out the entire weekend. Our club meeting will be important as we discuss the club’s event dates and options for the future success of the Susquehanna Brittany Club. A new Board Member, to replace the expired term of one of the Board will be named.

Dennis Green and his Marmalade just had a litter of four very healthy puppies. We hope he can make it to the trial this weekend to show us all pictures and tell stories.

Take care and arrive safely at the meeting and trial. Bob Youngs, President Susquehanna Brittany Club