Increasing Coverage/Engaging Shelters and Street Outreach

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Increasing Coverage/Engaging Shelters and Street Outreach

Meeting Minutes

Subject HMIS Policy Committee Date 8/03/2016 Scribe Joe Baker (MDHI) Time 9:00-11:00 Beverly Cisse (Lead Agency), Sue Gilman (Bayaud), Sharon Duwaik (City of Aurora), Carolyn Attendees Barr (Mental Health Center of Denver), Duncan Metcalfe (St. Francis Center), Bill Sweeney (Boulder Outreach for Homeless Overflow), Matt Richard (Volunteers of American)

Key Points Discussed No. Topic Highlights 1. APR (2013 vs. 2014) Beverly laid out some of the differences between the current APR (2013) and the APR that the CoC will be using in the fall (2014). The Lead Agency feels the code is more in line with HUD specifications. The LA will develop communications regarding the APR as the changeover gets closer. 2. Program Categorization In an effort to produce the system performance measures, the Lead Agency was forced to categorize some non-HUD funded pro- grams as “other.” The lack of data quality with these projects is reflected in their lack of exits. The CoC will continue to work with these projects to clean the data so they can be in- cluded in upcoming system performance measures. 3. Statement of Work The committee was given the 2015-2016 Statement of Work (which outlines the duties of the CoC and the Lead Agency) for review/comment. MDHI supplied the committee with its list of priorities and the committee added some others. 4. Increasing coverage/engaging shelters The Committee began exploring ways to bring more shelters into re- and street outreach porting in HMIS. A small subcommittee of Joe, Beverly, Bill and Duncan will start to bring the shelters together to talk about system performance and how their data can help the CoC and how the CoC can help them as well. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


No. Decision Owner Target Date 1. Begin subcommittee on shelter engagement MDHI Immediate 2. HMIS Priorities for 2016-2017:  System integration  Developing best practices (policy, procedures) for Outreach, Shelters and the Employment Commit- tee (3 people had this suggestion)  Vendor Change

10/20/2011 Page 1 Decisions/Recommendations

No. Decision Owner Target Date  Re-branding / Sales pitch for building utility in HMIS (a statement of 10 benefits) to change the perception of agency users  Refining currently Policies and Procedures  Ensuring compliance with HUD regulations

Action Plan

No. Action Item(s) Owner Target Date 1. Request report from Adsystech comparing dates of updating Lead Agency September information collection vs. program entry 2. 3. 4.

10/20/2011 Page 2

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