Accessing Originality reports 1. Click on Turnitin Assignment link in LEO unit

2. Click on the Submission Inbox tab

The submission inbox displays a list of students enrolled in the unit and a summary of the number of submissions

3. To view the originality reports associated with a student assignment click on the (+) icon next to the student name to expand and view student submision details.

4. The date and time of student submission are indicated under the submitted column. Late submissions will be colour coded red.

The colour of report icons indicates the Similarity Index of the student submission, based on the amount of matching or similar text. The percentage range is 0% to 100%  Blue – no matching text  Green – one word to 24% matching text  Yellow – 25 -49% matching text  Orange – 50-75% matching text  Red – 75-100% matching text 5. To access and view the Originality report click on the % icon located under the similarity column

Originality reports

The left side of the report shows the text in the student assignment. Matching text is highlighted and numbered to correspond with sources on the right side.

1 LTC © 2011 Assignment title, student id, similarity index and grade are displayed in the header of the originality report

Match Overview: The panel on the right side provides a list of all areas of the student submission that match information in the Turnitin repository. Matches are colour coded and numbered from highest to lowest percentage. Only the best matches are shown in the Match overview, to view a breakdown of sources change to All sources. All sources: allows the user to view matches between the student submission and a specific selected source in the Turnitin repositories. It contains a full list of all matches. Full Source View: Click on links listed in the Match Overview or All sources to highlight text matches in the student paper. To view the full source and compare an area of similarity side by side with a specific match from the Turnitin repository, click on the Full Source link.

2LTC © 2011