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University of South Florida s4

University of South Florida College of Nursing Syllabus Healthy Aging: Nursing Care of Older Adults NUR 4285 Click here to enter Semester.

Beginning Semester Start Date End Date: Semester End Date Date: Pre-requisites: None Credit 2 Hours:

Class Canvas Location:

Faculty Contact Information: Faculty Name: Click here to enter text. Office Click here to enter text. Location: Office Hours: [Include both virtual and Virtual Provide link to virtual office if face-to-face office hours. Office: applicable. Indicate if by appointment or walk-in.] Phone: Click here to enter text. T.A. Name: Click here to enter text. Fax: Click here to enter text. T.A. Email: Click here to enter text. Email Address: Click here to enter text. Preferred Identify preferred method of contact for instructor, i.e. email, blackboard Method of messaging, telephone, fax. Include instructions if applicable. Contact: Reply Indicate when students can expect a reply from the instructor. Suggest Monday Guidelines: thru Friday (24 hours). Technical For technical assistance, i.e. accessing course, course materials, links, video Problems: presentations, documents, assignment submission, email: Other: Click here to enter text.

Course Description/Objectives Course This course focuses on the development & mastery of gerontology core Description: competencies as identified as essential components of baccalaureate nursing ed necessary to provide holistic, evidence-based, & patient-centered care to the older adult population. University of South Florida College of Nursing Syllabus Objectives: Throughout this course we will: 1. Discuss the concept of global aging and varying cultural philosophies of aging. 2. Apply theoretical models on aging to the physical, cognitive, cultural, and functional health of older adults. 3. Identify attributes seen in promoting a healthy engagement in the aging process, providing for the optimal level of quality of life. 4. Discuss the concepts of healthy/preventative aging and management of chronic illnesses in older adults.

Student Learning Students will demonstrate the ability to: Outcomes: 1. Describe the complex nursing roles and responsibilities in caring for older adults. 2. Differentiate expected aging changes from abnormal aging changes seen in the older adult population. 3. Describe the key gerontological core competencies identified as essential, evidence-based practice benchmarks in providing care to the older adults. 4. Identify nursing implications related to health promotion and disease management seen in older adults. 5. Apply the nursing process to the holistic care of older adults. 6. Explain the components of wellness and preventative screening services recommended to maintain optimal health in older adults.

Topical 1. Module 1: Introduction to Gerontology Nursing and the Concept of Aging Outline: a. Introduction a.i. History a.ii. Definitions a.iii. Attitudes toward aging a.iv. Role of Nursing a.v. Gerontology core competencies framework b. An Aging Population b.i. Demographics University of South Florida College of Nursing Syllabus c. Theories of Aging c.i. Psychosocial c.ii. Biological 2. Module 2: Communication and Assessment in Older Adults a. Therapeutic Communication with Older Adults, Families and Caregivers b. Teaching Older Adults, Families and Caregivers c. Comprehensive Assessment of Older Adults c.i. Functional c.ii. Physical c.iii. Cognitive c.iv. Psychological c.v. Social Spiritual c.vii. Nutritional 3. Module 3: Health Promotion of Older Adults a. Promoting Healthy Aging a.i. Healthy People 2020 a.ii. Affordable Care Act/Medicare Wellness a.iii. Health Behavior Change/Health Promotion Model a.iv. Nutrition a.v. Mental Health Engagement in a Healthy Aging Lifestyle 4. Module 4: Wellness and Risk Reduction in Older Adults a. Preventing Common Risk Factors in Older Adults a.i. Wellness/Screening and Clinical Preventative Services a.ii. Physical Activity a.iii. Nutrition a.iv. Tobacco Use a.v. Safety Polypharmacy and Medication Use a.vii. Cognitive and Mental Health University of South Florida College of Nursing Syllabus a.viii. Sexuality and Intimacy 5. Module 5: Illness and Chronic Disease a. Management of Common Illnesses and Health Conditions of Older Adults a.i. Cardiovascular a.ii. Respiratory a.iii. Gastrointestinal/Genitourinary a.iv. Neurology/Musculoskeletal a.v. Sensory Integumentary a.vii. Endocrine/Metabolic b. Management of Dementia c. Transitions in Care d. End of Life/Palliative Care 6. Module 6: Geriatric Syndromes in Older Adults a. Polypharmacy b. Falls c. Delirium d. Anxiety/Depression e. Urinary Incontinence f. Sleep and Rest g. Malnutrition h. Pressure Ulcers 7. Module 7: Nursing Leadership and Role in Caring for Older Adults a. Professional responsibility b. Ethics and Values c. Effective Communication d. Nursing Leadership Roles in Caring for Older Adults 8. Module 8: Gerontological Care Issues a. Culture and Spirituality b. Sexuality c. Abuse and Mistreatment of Older Adults University of South Florida College of Nursing Syllabus d. Complementary and Alternative Health Modalities e. Caring Across the Continuum f. End-of-Life Care

Delivery / Materials Delivery Format: This is a web-based online course available on Canvas. It is necessary to have access to a computer that has software access to PowerPoint or PowerPoint Reader and that you have an established Health (HSC) email account. Microsoft Word is the word processing program required by the University and is the format required for all written assignments submitted for a grade in this course. Access to Adobe Reader may be necessary to view some course documents within the modules.

Please be advised the Canvas works best with Google Chrome Browser or Mozilla Firefox. If you need assistance please contact Health IT at 813-974-6288.

Required Materials: Mauk, K. L. (2014). Gerontological nursing: Competencies for care (3rd Ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington DC: Author.

Recommended Materials: Additional course materials and resources will be posted on Canvas, if applicable. Grading Criteria Grading Percentage as based upon a weighted total. Rounding for end of course grades System: will be based upon standard rounding rules. For example if your total grade is 93.5%, then your grade will be rounded to 94%.Conversely if your total grade is 93.4%, then your final grade would be 93%. There is no extra credit. University of South Florida College of Nursing Syllabus Types of There will be two exams (mid-term and cumulative final), two discussion board assessments: assignments, one core competency application paper, and one older patient/caregiver interview assignment. The final grade will be determined by the successful completion and submission of all assignments. Please see chart below.

Exam/Assignme Points Possible Weighted Total nt Mid-Term Exam 100 20% Cumulative Final Exam 100 30% Core Competency 100 20% Paper Discussion Board 100 10% Assignments Interview Assignment 100 20%

Instructor Guidelines Academic The USF College of Nursing expects students to maintain academic honesty in Integrity: all courses. By virtue of being registered in a nursing course, students agree to refrain from cheating. If cheating in any form (academic dishonesty) is detected, appropriate action will be taken. (Refer to USF Academic Dishonesty Policy).

College of 98-100=A+ 84-86=B 70-73=C- Nursing 94-97=A 80-83=B- 67-69=D+ Grading 90-93=A- 77-79=C+ 64-66=D Standards: 87-89=B+ 74-76=C 60-63=D- Below 60=F Grading Course materials will be graded on line and available to the student in “Grades”. Guidelines: Audio and/or video feedback will be available for most papers, and all papers will have written feedback. It is critical that students review all feedback provided to successfully revise their work. If you are a Masters student enrolled in our USF Nursing Program (Bridge-NBM or RN-MS), you must achieve a grade of “B” in order to pass this courseCourse materials will be graded on line and available to the student in “Grades”.

Make-up There are no opportunities for make-up or extra credit in this course without Guidelines: University of South Florida College of Nursing Syllabus prior communication.

Assignments are due on the posted due date. If there is any reason that an assignment cannot Late be posted by the due date the student must contact the faculty member in advance of the due Assignments/ date and a submission plan will be made. Please note that any assignment not submitted by Incorrect the due date without prior authorization of the faculty will receive an automatic 10% grade Method of reduction. Late assignments beyond 2 weeks without prior authorization will automatically be Submission: reduced by 50%. Any assignment not submitted by the end of the semester will receive a grade of zero and will be factored into the student's final course grade accordingly.

‘Incomplete’ Incomplete (I) Guidelines: Definition: An Incomplete grade (“I”) is exceptional and granted at the instructor’s discretion only when students are unable to complete course requirements due to illness or other circumstances beyond their control. This applies to all gradable courses, including pass/fail (S/U). Students may only be eligible for an “I” when: • majority of the student’s work for a course has been completed before the end of the semester • the work that has been completed must be qualitatively satisfactory • the student has requested consideration for an “I” grade as soon as possible but no later than the last day of finals week. Withdrawal Withdrawal Policy (approved by CON Faculty Council 12/15/06; revised Guidelines: 1/19/07): Withdrawals are limited to 1 per course, with a limit of 2 per undergraduate or graduate program. Withdrawals are defined as officially withdrawing from any class after the Drop/Add period and before the final Withdrawal date as outlined in the Academic Calendar. Any student withdrawing in excess of stated policy may be dismissed from the College of Nursing unless the College of Nursing has pre-approved a documented Medical and/or Emergency situation. Withdrawal Guidelines: Schedule Change Guidelines:

Any changes in the assignment schedule will be posted as an announcement. Student Expectations: Assignments are due on or before the posted due date. Please check the class schedule for specific information and deadline dates. If you are having difficulty keeping up with assignments University of South Florida College of Nursing Syllabus and the tight schedule, please discuss with your faculty immediately. There will be no assignments for extra credit. Mandatory Check-in Policy for Web-based Classes Students enrolled in web-based classes must check in by Friday at 5 pm in the first week of the semester. Failure to do so may result in the student being dropped from the class.

What to Expect of the Instructor: The faculty is available to meet with you on the Tampa campus, or by a pre-arranged phone appointment. The faculty uses established and tested rubrics to grade all student work, and will be expecting college-level writing and evidence of critical thinking. You can expect the faculty member to provide timely feedback on all assignments. Permission to use Lecture(s): The materials in this course may not be used outside this course. They are the property of USF, and such, subject to copyright law.

Institutional Guidelines: General Nursing Nursing Academic Policies and Procedures: Student USF Undergraduate Catalog: Information: catyr=1516&category=toc College of Nursing Undergraduate Student Handbook:

Student Rights Review USF Student Rights & Responsibilities at: & Responsibilities, and Code of Review USF Student Code of Conduct: Conduct:

Disruption of Disruption of the academic process and violations of the policies regarding Academic academic integrity will not be tolerated. Review USF policies on Disruption of the Process/Acade Academic Process and the Academic Integrity of Students at: mic Integrity of Students: University of South Florida College of Nursing Syllabus Academic Plagiarism will not be tolerated and is grounds for failure. Review USF Academic Dishonesty/ Dishonesty and Disruption of Academic Process Policy at: Plagiarism: Undergraduate:

The University of South Florida has an account with an automated plagiarism detection service (Turnitin) which allows instructors and students to submit student assignments to be checked for plagiarism. I (the instructor) reserve the right to 1) request that assignments be submitted as electronic files and 2) submit students’ assignments to Turnitin, or 3) request students to submit their assignments to Turnitin through myUSF. Assignments are compared automatically with a database of journal articles, web articles, the internet and previously submitted papers. The instructor receives a report showing exactly how a student’s paper was plagiarized. For more information about Plagiarism visit:

Plagiarism tutorial: Student Review USF Academic Grievance Policy at: Grievance Procedure: Review USF Academic Grievance Procedure at: Undergraduate: s.pdf Special Visit the Students with Disabilities Services (SDS) website at: Accommodation :

Campus Emergency Preparedness for Academic Continuity Closure Policy:

Holidays and Students who anticipate the necessity of missing any exam due to the observation of a major Religious religious observance should provide notice of the date(s) to the instructor, in writing, by Observan the second class meeting. ces: Review USF Attendance Policy for the Observance of Religious Days by Student at: 045.pdf

Resources for Students University of South Florida College of Nursing Syllabus The Center for The Center for Victim Advocacy and Violence Prevention at USF is a confidential Victim Advocacy resource where you can talk about such situations and receive assistance in and Violence confidence. Additional confidential resources on the Tampa campus are the Prevention: Counseling Center and Student Health Services. These confidential resources can help you without having to report your situation to either OSSR or DIEO, unless you request that they make a report. The centers can be reached at: Center for Victim Advocacy and Violence Prevention (813) 974-5757 Counseling Center (813) 974-2831 Student Health Services (813) 974-2331

Library Resources: USF Library Resources and Services: Shimberg Health Sciences Library: Shimberg Health Sciences Library Tutorials: or

Citing Sources USF Tampa Library APA citation references: (APA 6th Edition) Guides and Examples: The Owl at Purdue APA guidelines:

Sample paper: University of South Florida College of Nursing Syllabus Writing Resources and APA 6 th Edition References:

The Writing Center: **Writing assistance is available in person on the USF Tampa campus or by telephone appointments.

Proctorio All students must review the syllabus and the requirements including the online terms and video testing requirements to determine if they wish to remain in the course. Enrollment in the course is an agreement to abide by and accept all terms. Any student may elect to drop or withdraw from this course before the end of the drop/add period. Online exams and quizzes within this course may require online proctoring. Therefore, students will be required to have a webcam (USB or internal) with a microphone when taking an exam or quiz. Students understand that this remote recording device is purchased and controlled by the student and that recordings from any private residence must be done with the permission of any person residing in the residence. To avoid any concerns in this regard, students should select private spaces for the testing. The University library and other academic sites at the University offer secure private settings for recordings and students with concerns may discuss location of an appropriate space for the recordings with their instructor or advisor. Students must ensure that any recordings do not invade any third party privacy rights and accept all responsibility and liability for violations of any third party privacy concerns. Setup information will be provided prior to taking the proctored exam. For additional information about online proctoring you can visit the online proctoring student FAQ.

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