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Curriculum Area of Focus: Lessons 9 - 17 Self and Other
Grades: Grade 2 and 3
Developed by: Cecil du Toit Caren du Toit
Lesson 9: Basic Meta Stating Pattern Lesson 10: Accelerated Learning Lesson 11: Accelerated Learning Lesson 12: Power Zone Lesson 13: Power Zone Lesson 14: Meta Stating Self Lesson 15: Meta Stating Self Lesson 16: Meta Yes Lesson 17: Meta Yes / No
Lessons 9 – 17 Cover page 1 ISNS School Project ® 2012 Lesson Description Outcome / Concept How is this demonstrated in Lesson
9 Basic Meta Resourceful State Accessing and applying stating Application a resourceful state
10 Accelerated What is a resourceful Exploring resources Learning learning state that could enhance a learning state
11 Accelerated How to create a Following the Learning resourceful learning Accelerated Learning state pattern
12 Power Zone What is a power zone The theory behind the power zone
13 Power Zone Building your own Following the Power power zone Zone pattern
14 Meta stating Be your own best Facilitation of session Self friend
15 Meta stating Acceptance, Following the Meta- Self Appreciation and Awe stating Self pattern for self
16 Meta Yes Learn about meta-yes A new empowering belief is taken on with a meta-yes
17 Meta Yes / No Learn about meta-no A limiting belief is shaken off with a meta- no
Lessons 9 – 17 Cover page 2 ISNS School Project ® 2012 Lesson Number and Title: 9 - Basic Meta Stating Pattern
Concepts to be taught:
The area of focus of these lessons is for the student to learn and experience the Neuro-Semantic Principles, learn about themselves and their powers, and discover more about themselves as human beings. Knowing more about themselves helps them to understand themselves and others and helps them accept and appreciate how wonderfully we all are made and what makes us different.
There’s an abundance of personal resources, plenty for all A person has all the resources locked inside of him
Specific Objectives and Purpose of this Lesson: The specific outcomes and purpose of this lesson are listed below. Learners to understand the concept of applying a resource to a state Learners to understand the concept of applying a resourceful state to another less resourceful state Learners to practice state application.
By the end of this lesson: Outcome1: Learners will understand what a resource is Outcome 2: Learners will understand what a resourceful state is Outcome 3: Learners will practice applying a resourceful state
Brief Notes for Teacher: Structure of Presenting:
The teacher will put up the pictures, explain them and then take the children through the process
Lesson 9: Basic Meta Stating Pattern 3 ISNS School Project ® 2012 Content:
1st pattern Meta State pattern – They need to know about states and the mind- body structure of states.
Refer to the following Manuals: Accessing Personal Genius Manual Module 2 pages 17 – 23
Frames to set for the students about the lesson Here are some frames that will be useful and resourceful to set at the start of your lesson:
Today is about learning more about yourself. Today is learning about how to become a leader and the best leaders know how to lead them selves and how their mind works. Today we are going to learn about our brain and another piece of how we can run our own brain. We are going to spend an hour together having fun as we learn about how our brain works. Today we are going to learn more about the powers we have as human beings, the power to run our own brain. Today we are going to learn and become aware of how clever our mind is. Today we are going to learn another piece of how our mind and body work together so you can be the best you that you can be. Today we are going to learn strategies that help us to feel differently about ourselves so we can do more and achieve what we want to achieve. Today we are going to learn more about how our brain is our friend and how it can help us do what we want to do and reach our goals. There’s an abundance of personal resources, plenty for all
A person has all the resources locked inside of him
Lesson Plan (with step by step Procedures) The content of this lesson is based on the objectives identified and set at beginning of the lesson plan. At the beginning of this lesson, if required, check in if task from the last lesson was completed and how it went.
Place the picture of the plant on the blackboard. Plants need certain resources to grow and be happy, boom, bloom and blossom. What do you think could be resources to help the plant?
Lesson 9: Basic Meta Stating Pattern 4 ISNS School Project ® 2012 Add the sunlight – this is a resource, add the ground – another resource providing food to the plant, and add the storm clouds with rain. All of these are resources that a plant needs to grow well. Balancing these resources is what makes the plant thrive.
Just like a plant, a person needs resources to be happy and to thrive. We need food, water, sleep, exercise, a place where we feel safe, warmth. These are physical resources. A little secret – we have a bunch of resources inside of us too! We can choose when and how we want to use our secret resources. Examples of our internal resources are our thoughts, memories, imagination etc. With these resources we can make something fun or a game - like pretending that we are a very desperate Popeye when we have to eat our spinach. The spinach might not be as tasty as ice cream, but it might just have some healthy superpowers that make our muscles grow.
[1) Access a resource state: What resource state do you want to bring to bear on or apply to the primary state? A “resource” can be a thought, feeling, idea, belief, value, memory, imagination. ?? another example to be added, the “morning routine” example probably only a 60% fit.] For teacher We are now going to play a game.
Imagine you are in your bed, drifting on a cloud, warmly cuddled. The next moment your mom calls your name. “Wake up!” You jerk awake. Oh no, it’s morning! You have to get up for school but you’re still sleepy and it’s cold. You don’t want to get up now.
Is it easy for you to get up? Are you excited? No. You still want to sleep! But wait, what if you could use your secret resources to change all of this?
How would you like to feel? Full of energy? Well rested? Excited about the new day?
Have you ever felt excited about the day ahead? Or can you imagine how it would be to feel excited about the day?
[2) Amplify fully and anchor: Juice up the resource state and establish an anchor for it by touch, sight, sound, word, etc. Do you have a sufficiently strong enough state with which to work? ] For teacher What if it was Christmas, your birthday or the day you are going away on holiday? How easily would you then jump out of bed? Your heart is thumping, you have a huge smile on your face, and your eyes are sparkling as you think of all the awesome things that wait for you in this day.
Lesson 9: Basic Meta Stating Pattern 5 ISNS School Project ® 2012 What if this excitement was there on tap and you can open that tap with the words “NEW DAY” and the excitement, joy, energy rushes and flows and sprays over you like a shower? The words “NEW DAY” fill you with excitement and you feel like a bright pink bubble shining in the sun, drifting up, noiselessly.
[3) Apply to the primary state: Bring the resource to bear on the primary state (this creates meta-level anchoring), or embed the primary state inside a resource state. ] For teacher Now I want you to imagine you are waking up. I want you to hear the words “NEW DAY” ringing in your ears, you see the pink bubble; you feel the energy and excitement buzzing through you. You know you have so much to look forward to in this new day.
[4) Appropriate to your life, to specific contexts, or to the future (future pacing): Where do you want to experience this meta-state? Imagine having this layered consciousness in your mind as your frame as you move out into your future. ] For teacher Now close your eyes. .. Imagine its tomorrow morning... Imagine you are in your bed, drifting on a cloud, warmly cuddled, fast asleep. Maybe your mom wakes you up; maybe it’s the alarm clock going off. Hear the words “NEW DAY” ring in your ears. You feel the excitement in your body! It’s a great new day full of new things waiting for you!
[5) Analyze the quality, health, balance (ecology) of the system: Would it enhance your life to set this resource as your frame-of-reference for the primary state experience? ] For teacher How would that transform your mornings, your day?! How much easier would you get dressed, make up your bed, get ready for school, eat your breakfast?! You have so much to look forward to in this new day!
Required Materials/Tools/Diagrams The following diagrams are used and referenced in this lesson.
Pictures: Plant at different stages of development Sun Storm clouds with rain
Lesson 9: Basic Meta Stating Pattern 6 ISNS School Project ® 2012 Food Water A person sleeping A person exercising
Closure/Summary/Recap of what we learnt: In this section, we reflect on what the student has learnt about themselves and about others.
Reinforce the words “NEW DAY” to remind the children of the excitement, joy, buzz of energy, pink bubble.
Provide each of the children with a pink balloon with the words “NEW DAY” written on it.
Ask questions: What did you learn about yourself today? What did you learn about others? What resources do you need every day?
Application: In this section, we establish how the student will apply this in their environment / world. Ask the following application questions: How will you use what you have learnt today? What is one thing you will do? What will remind you, each day, of what you have learnt to do? How are you going to remember this? Put the balloon to hang right over your bed to remind you of “NEW DAY” every morning as you open your eyes. Feel the excitement and joy every morning. It’s a NEW DAY!!!
Assessment/Homework Based On Objectives:
Lesson 9: Basic Meta Stating Pattern 7 ISNS School Project ® 2012 For the learning to be embodied and integrated, it’s important to task the student with some activity that they can do in their own time between lessons. Give the children a list of 3 unresourceful states (bored learning, irritated conversation, impatient waiting). They have to come up with one idea / resource that could possibly change that state for them e.g. frustrated anger (unresourceful state) deep breath (resource) Ask the following questions: What 1 thing will you think, feel, say or do from now on because of what you now know? How will you remember that you have all the resources inside of you? So much so that you can transform your life?
Lesson 9: Basic Meta Stating Pattern 8 ISNS School Project ® 2012 Lesson Number and Title: 10 – Accelerated Learning Pattern
Concepts to be taught:
The area of focus of these lessons is for the student to learn and experience the Neuro-Semantic Principles, learn about themselves and their powers, and discover more about themselves as human beings. Knowing more about themselves helps them to understand themselves and others and helps them accept and appreciate how wonderfully we all are made and what makes us different.
There’s an abundance of personal resources, plenty for all A person has all the resources locked inside of him
The learner will learn about which states are necessary to build a good learning state in this lesson.
Specific Objectives and Purpose of this Lesson: The specific outcomes and purpose of this lesson are listed below.
Learners to learn about resources available to them. Learners to learn about applying resources to a state. Learners to understand the concept of building an accelerated learning state.
By the end of this lesson: Outcome1: Learners will know some of the resources available to them Outcome 2: Learners will know how to apply said resources to a state Outcome 3: Learners will see the application of resources on a learning state
Brief Notes for Teacher: Structure of Presenting: Tell the children the story
Lesson 10: Accelerated Learning 9 ISNS School Project ® 2012 The teacher needs to understand meta-states, resources and how resources can be applied to meta-states
Refer to the following Manuals: Accessing Personal Genius Manual Module 2 pages 17-23
Frames to set for the students about the lesson Here are some frames that will be useful and resourceful to set at the start of your lesson:
Today is about learning more about yourself. Today is learning about how to become a leader and the best leaders know how to lead them selves and how their mind works. Today we are going to learn about our brain and another piece of how we can run our own brain. We are going to spend an hour together having fun as we learn about how our brain works. Today we are going to learn more about the powers we have as human beings, the power to run our own brain. Today we are going to learn and become aware of how clever our mind is. Today we are going to learn another piece of how our mind and body work together so you can be the best you that you can be. Today we are going to learn strategies that help us to feel differently about ourselves so we can do more and achieve what we want to achieve. Today we are going to learn more about how our brain is our friend and how it can help us do what we want to do and reach our goals. The reason we are here in class is to learn. The way you watch, listen, sit, hold your head – it all affects the way you learn
Lesson Plan (with step by step Procedures) The content of this lesson is based on the objectives identified and set at beginning of the lesson plan. At the beginning of this lesson, if required, check in if task from the last lesson was completed and how it went.
The reason we are here in class is to learn. Your eyes are watching me, your ears hear my voice, and you are quiet, not saying a word. Your brain is taking the words I’m saying and changing it into messages that you can understand. All of this is what makes up what we call a “learning state”. Remember the 5 senses? The more our senses are tuned in on our focus point, the more information we accumulate about it, and the better we learn about it.
Lesson 10: Accelerated Learning 10 ISNS School Project ® 2012 Tell them the story about Dorah the Explorer helping her friend Benny build his learning state: Dorah the Explorer was excited about the new day. There was so much to learn today! Her brown eyes were wide-open and shiny. Her dark hair bounced as she walked over to her friend Benny. She took long strides, walking fast, excited to get to Benny to share her new book about insects with him.
But oh, when she got to Benny and showed him the new book, he nearly burst into tears! “Dorah, you KNOW how difficult learning to read is for me! I know all my letters, but sometimes my tongue just won’t say the words! Sometimes I just don’t know WHAT those letters put together mean! Sometimes they don’t sound anything like they look! I don’t like reading and I don’t like learning!”
“But Benny” Dorah says, “learning is not about getting it right first time! Learning is about being patient with yourself, trying, trying, trying, practicing, practicing, practicing… Learning is about being curious about everything around you, being curious about what is written in this book! It’s a huge adventure to learn something new! How exciting is that?! New things can open up for you! You accept that it is hard work at times, that you have to keep at it. Before you know it, you have learnt it, can do it well and it turns into a whole lot of fun!”
Dorah helped Benny read through the book, and boy, was he excited when he finished! He just learnt so many new things about insects today!!!
Required Materials/Tools/Diagrams The following diagrams are used and referenced in this lesson. Picture of Dorah the Explorer
Closure/Summary/Recap of what we learnt: In this section, we reflect on what the student has learnt about themselves and about others. Take the time to discuss the resources Dorah applied to learning (the highlighted words) – what the words mean, how they can change the way you look at learning…
Ask questions: What did you learn about yourself today? What did you learn about others? What other resources could we add to make learning more fun?
Lesson 10: Accelerated Learning 11 ISNS School Project ® 2012 Application: In this section, we establish how the student will apply this in their environment / world. Ask the following application questions: How will you use what you have learnt today? What is one thing you will do? What will remind you, each day, of what you have learnt to do? How are you going to remember this?
Assessment/Homework Based On Objectives: For the learning to be embodied and integrated, it’s important to task the student with some activity that they can do in their own time between lessons.
Draw a picture of Bennie reading his book – its fun, it’s an adventure, he has the patience to try and try again, he accepts that it might be hard at times, but he’s excited and curious!
Ask the following questions: What 1 thing will you think, feel, say or do from now on because of what you now know?
Lesson 10: Accelerated Learning 12 ISNS School Project ® 2012 Lesson Number and Title: 11 – Accelerated Learning
Concepts to be taught:
The area of focus of these lessons is for the student to learn and experience the Neuro-Semantic Principles, learn about themselves and their powers, and discover more about themselves as human beings. Knowing more about themselves helps them to understand themselves and others and helps them accept and appreciate how wonderfully we all are made and what makes us different.
There’s an abundance of personal resources, plenty for all A person has all the resources locked inside of him
The learner will learn about which states are necessary to build a good learning state in this lesson.
Specific Objectives and Purpose of this Lesson: The specific outcomes and purpose of this lesson are listed below.
Learners to learn about resources available to them. Learners to learn about applying resources to a state. Learners to understand the concept of building an accelerated learning state.
By the end of this lesson: Outcome1: Learners will know some of the resources available to them Outcome 2: Learners will know how to apply said resources to a state Outcome 3: Learners will see the application of resources on a learning state
Brief Notes for Teacher: Structure of Presenting: Follow the process
Lesson 11: Accelerated Learning 13 ISNS School Project ® 2012 The teacher needs to understand meta-states, resources and how resources can be applied to meta-states
Refer to the following Manuals: Accessing Personal Genius Manual Module 2 page 24
Frames to set for the students about the lesson Here are some frames that will be useful and resourceful to set at the start of your lesson:
Today is about learning more about yourself. Today is learning about how to become a leader and the best leaders know how to lead them selves and how their mind works. Today we are going to learn about our brain and another piece of how we can run our own brain. We are going to spend an hour together having fun as we learn about how our brain works. Today we are going to learn more about the powers we have as human beings, the power to run our own brain. Today we are going to learn and become aware of how clever our mind is. Today we are going to learn another piece of how our mind and body work together so you can be the best you that you can be. Today we are going to learn strategies that help us to feel differently about ourselves so we can do more and achieve what we want to achieve. Today we are going to learn more about how our brain is our friend and how it can help us do what we want to do and reach our goals. The reason we are here in class is to learn. The way you watch, listen, sit, hold your head – it all affects the way you learn
Lesson Plan (with step by step Procedures) The content of this lesson is based on the objectives identified and set at beginning of the lesson plan. At the beginning of this lesson, if required, check in if task from the last lesson was completed and how it went.
The reason we are here in class is to learn. Your eyes are watching me, your ears hear my voice, and you are quiet, not saying a word. Your brain is taking the words I’m saying and changing it into messages that you can understand. All of this is what makes up what we call a “learning state”. Remember the 5 senses? The more our senses are tuned in on our focus point, the more information we accumulate about it, and the better we learn about it.
Lesson 11: Accelerated Learning 14 ISNS School Project ® 2012 [1) Access a resource state: What resource state do you want to bring to bear on or apply to the primary state? A “resource” can be a thought, feeling, idea, belief, value, memory, imagination.] for the teacher What if you were Dorah the Explorer? You are an adventurous, curious, playful and experimenting Explorer of new information!
[2) Amplify fully and anchor: Juice up the resource state and establish an anchor for it by touch, sight, sound, word, etc. Do you have a sufficiently strong enough state with which to work? ] for the teacher Your Exploring eyes would be focused, excited about this new information. Your ears would be tuned in to hear every word. How would your breathing be? How would you hold your shoulders, your hands? Where would you put your feet if you didn’t want to miss a single word? See yourself turning into Dorah the Explorer!
[3) Apply to the primary state: Bring the resource to bear on the primary state (this creates meta-level anchoring), or embed the primary state inside a resource state. ] for the teacher Now, as you sit here in class, see yourself turn into Dorah the Explorer. You can’t wait for me to start the new lesson. You are so curious and excited about the new things you will learn, knowing that you will be smarter after this class than you were before.
[4) Appropriate to your life, to specific contexts, or to the future (future pacing): Where do you want to experience this meta-state? Imagine having this layered consciousness in your mind as your frame as you move out into your future. ] for the teacher Imagine entering every situation where you will learn something new as Dorah the Explorer? Whether it is cricket or karate, ballet or gymnastics, words or sums – you are eager, curious, excited about exploring a new world, you are in for the adventure of a lifetime!
[5) Analyze the quality, health, balance (ecology) of the system: Would it enhance your life to set this resource as your frame-of-reference for the primary state experience? ] for the teacher Knowing that you can turn yourself into Dorah the Explorer, see how much fun learning is!
Lesson 11: Accelerated Learning 15 ISNS School Project ® 2012 Required Materials/Tools/Diagrams The following diagrams are used and referenced in this lesson. A picture of Dorah the Explorer
Closure/Summary/Recap of what we learnt: In this section, we reflect on what the student has learnt about themselves and about others. Playfully reinforce the Dorah the Explorer metaphor.
Ask questions: What did you learn about yourself today? What did you learn about others? What other resources could we add to make learning more fun?
Application: In this section, we establish how the student will apply this in their environment / world. Ask the following application questions: How will you use what you have learnt today? What is one thing you will do? What will remind you, each day, of what you have learnt to do? How are you going to remember this? How are you going to remember Dorah the Explorer?
Assessment/Homework Based On Objectives: For the learning to be embodied and integrated, it’s important to task the student with some activity that they can do in their own time between lessons.
Pretend you are Dorah the Explorer. Go and explore a subject that interests you. Whether it is about dogs, or aeroplanes, or dancing, or mountains, anything. Bring 3 interesting facts to class of this subject.
Ask the following questions: What 1 thing will you think, feel, say or do from now on because of what you now know?
Lesson 11: Accelerated Learning 16 ISNS School Project ® 2012 Lesson Number and Title: 12 – Power Zone
Concepts to be taught:
The area of focus of these lessons is for the student to learn and experience the Neuro-Semantic Principles, learn about themselves and their powers, and discover more about themselves as human beings. Knowing more about themselves helps them to understand themselves and others and helps them accept and appreciate how wonderfully we all are made and what makes us different.
There’s an abundance of personal resources, plenty for all A person has all the resources locked inside of him Personal power and congruency comes from “applying to self” first. The sanity line is drawn between responsibility to and responsibility for.
Specific Objectives and Purpose of this Lesson: The specific outcomes and purpose of this lesson are listed below.
Learners to understand the concept of their power zone and build their own.
By the end of this lesson: Outcome1: Understand what a power zone is Outcome 2: Build their own power zone Outcome 3: Understand the difference in responsibility to and responsibility for
Brief Notes for Teacher: Structure of Presenting: Follow the process as set out
Understand the concepts of the power zone, what your powers are and responsibility for and to
Lesson 12: Power Zone 17 ISNS School Project ® 2012 Refer to the following Manuals: Accessing Personal Genius Manual Module 2 pages 25 - 27
Frames to set for the students about the lesson Here are some frames that will be useful and resourceful to set at the start of your lesson:
Today is about learning more about yourself. Today is learning about how to become a leader and the best leaders know how to lead them selves and how their mind works. Today we are going to learn about our brain and another piece of how we can run our own brain. We are going to spend an hour together having fun as we learn about how our brain works. Today we are going to learn more about the powers we have as human beings, the power to run our own brain. Today we are going to learn and become aware of how clever our mind is. Today we are going to learn another piece of how our mind and body work together so you can be the best you that you can be. Today we are going to learn strategies that help us to feel differently about ourselves so we can do more and achieve what we want to achieve. Today we are going to learn more about how our brain is our friend and how it can help us do what we want to do and reach our goals. You have a power zone You control your powers
Lesson Plan (with step by step Procedures) The content of this lesson is based on the objectives identified and set at beginning of the lesson plan. At the beginning of this lesson, if required, check in if task from the last lesson was completed and how it went. The superheroes we know have superpowers. What do you think is Spiderman’s powers? (show pic of Spiderman climbing a wall) What do you think is Superman’s powers? (show pic of Superman flying) What do you think is Ben Ten’s powers (show pic of Ben Ten transforming). Do you know that you also have powers? You have your own personal powers! You have two powers that you carry around inside of you and two powers that I can see and hear that you show to the world. Your private, internal powers are what you think and what you feel. Your external, public powers are what you say and do. Show picture of power bubble with private and public powers.
Lesson 12: Power Zone 18 ISNS School Project ® 2012 Why do we call these elements your powers? They are powers because you express yourself and show who you are by what you say and do. They are powers because nobody can make you think of feel anything that you don’t want to think and feel. Did you know this? Do you know that you have a choice about what you say, do, think or feel? You can call me stupid. I then have a choice – do I agree with you and feel stupid and act stupid? Or do I think “no way am I stupid!” and choose to ignore that statement of yours. I have choice! I don’t have to feel stupid at all! I don’t have to feel hurt or insulted! I have choice! I can think “you’re so grumpy, you must be needing a nap!”. I have no control over what you say or do, I can’t control what you think and feel. I only have my own powers, my own control, and my own choices. Some people don’t know that they have these powers and they give their powers away! Imagine Spiderman giving away his powers to climb walls to Superman. How silly would that be!!! And yet we sometimes do this.
Required Materials/Tools/Diagrams The following diagrams are used and referenced in this lesson. Picture of Spiderman climbing a wall Picture of Superman flying Picture of Ben Ten transforming Pictures of Power Bubbles (Mind bubble, Feeling/heart bubble, action bubble, talking bubble)
Closure/Summary/Recap of what we learnt: In this section, we reflect on what the student has learnt about themselves and about others.
Lesson 12: Power Zone 19 ISNS School Project ® 2012 In our next session we are going to build our own power bubble to teach you how to use your super powers!!!
Ask questions: What did you learn about yourself today? What did you learn about others? Do you remember what your personal powers are?
Application: In this section, we establish how the student will apply this in their environment / world. Ask the following application questions: How will you use what you have learnt today? What is one thing you will do? What will remind you, each day, of what you have learnt to do? How are you going to remember this? Application to happen in following lesson.
Assessment/Homework Based On Objectives: For the learning to be embodied and integrated, it’s important to task the student with some activity that they can do in their own time between lessons.
1. Give each child the power bubble pictures (4) to take home and colour in. 2. During this coming week go and think if you have also sometimes given your powers away? Did you also allow others to control your thoughts and your feelings? Do you want to continue to do that or do you want to own your powers and make your own choices?
Ask the following questions: What 1 thing will you think, feel, say or do from now on because of what you now know?
Lesson 12: Power Zone 20 ISNS School Project ® 2012 Lesson Number and Title: 13 – Power Zone
Concepts to be taught:
The area of focus of these lessons is for the student to learn and experience the Neuro-Semantic Principles, learn about themselves and their powers, and discover more about themselves as human beings. Knowing more about themselves helps them to understand themselves and others and helps them accept and appreciate how wonderfully we all are made and what makes us different.
There’s an abundance of personal resources, plenty for all A person has all the resources locked inside of him Personal power and congruency comes from “applying to self” first. The sanity line is drawn between responsibility to and responsibility for.
Specific Objectives and Purpose of this Lesson: The specific outcomes and purpose of this lesson are listed below.
Learners to understand the concept of their power zone and build their own.
By the end of this lesson: Outcome1: Understand what a power zone is Outcome 2: Build their own power zone Outcome 3: Understand the difference in responsibility to and responsibility for
Brief Notes for Teacher: Structure of Presenting: Follow the process as set out
Understand the concepts of the power zone, what your powers are and responsibility for and to
Lesson 13: Power Zone 21 ISNS School Project ® 2012 Refer to the following Manuals: Accessing Personal Genius Manual Module 2 pages 25 - 27
Frames to set for the students about the lesson Here are some frames that will be useful and resourceful to set at the start of your lesson:
Today is about learning more about yourself. Today is learning about how to become a leader and the best leaders know how to lead them selves and how their mind works. Today we are going to learn about our brain and another piece of how we can run our own brain. We are going to spend an hour together having fun as we learn about how our brain works. Today we are going to learn more about the powers we have as human beings, the power to run our own brain. Today we are going to learn and become aware of how clever our mind is. Today we are going to learn another piece of how our mind and body work together so you can be the best you that you can be. Today we are going to learn strategies that help us to feel differently about ourselves so we can do more and achieve what we want to achieve. Today we are going to learn more about how our brain is our friend and how it can help us do what we want to do and reach our goals. You have a power zone You control your powers
Lesson Plan (with step by step Procedures) The content of this lesson is based on the objectives identified and set at beginning of the lesson plan. At the beginning of this lesson, if required, check in if task from the last lesson was completed and how it went.
Do you remember we spoke of the powers you have? You have your own personal powers! You have two powers that you carry around inside of you and two powers that I can see and hear that you show to the world. Your private, internal powers are what you think and what you feel. Your external, public powers are what you say and do. Let the kids show their coloured-in pictures of the power bubbles. Elicitation Questions:
Lesson 13: Power Zone 22 ISNS School Project ® 2012 Would you like to learn how to fully own these powers? Would you like to learn how to use these powers?
We are now going to play a game. (If a hula hoop is available, give each child one to stand in, alternatively, just imagine the big bubble) Imagine you are in a big bubble. Your whole body fits into this bubble. You stand strong and tall, your arms outstretched but you can’t even touch the sides of this bubble. This bubble is just yours, it is so strong, nobody is allowed to enter it, not even their words can come in. What colour is your bubble? Is it a round bubble or an oval? What do you smell in your bubble? What sounds do you hear? Do you feel how safe and strong you are in your bubble? This bubble is just yours! This bubble is so strong, only you can decide what you allow into this bubble. If somebody throws an insult at you, you can change the colour of your bubble to block it out or blow it away! You can fly away in this bubble! Your bubble has a huge zip – you can open this zip to allow certain words in, you can close the zip to keep the hurtful words out. Your powers live inside this bubble. Your thoughts… your feelings…. Your words…. Your actions… They are yours! All yours! From inside your bubble you have a choice about how you act and what you say. You don’t just have to react; you can think your actions and words through and act in a way you would like others to act towards you. Now as you think about a time that somebody threw an insult at you, and you now know that from inside your power bubble you control how you feel and what you think… how much stronger do you feel?! You don’t even have to allow that insult into your power bubble. Block it out! Bounce it off! Blow it away! Close the zip tightly! See how powerless that insult becomes?
Required Materials/Tools/Diagrams The following diagrams are used and referenced in this lesson. Pictures of Power Bubbles (Mind bubble, Feeling/heart bubble, action bubble, talking bubble)
Closure/Summary/Recap of what we learnt: In this section, we reflect on what the student has learnt about themselves and about others.
Lesson 13: Power Zone 23 ISNS School Project ® 2012 As you now think of tomorrow – knowing that you live from inside your power bubble, that you can choose what you think and feel, you can choose what you say and how you act, how powerful do you feel now? How strong are you! You are indestructible, invincible! Ask questions: What did you learn about yourself today? What did you learn about others? Name the powers that you have.
Application: In this section, we establish how the student will apply this in their environment / world. Ask the following application questions: How will you use what you have learnt today? What is one thing you will do? What will remind you, each day, of what you have learnt to do? How are you going to remember this? When will you use your power bubble? With whom will you use your power bubble most?
Assessment/Homework Based On Objectives: For the learning to be embodied and integrated, it’s important to task the student with some activity that they can do in their own time between lessons. Draw a picture of what your power bubble looks like, what you smell, what you hear inside your bubble, how your thoughts, feelings, words and actions live inside this power bubble and show how strong you are as you live inside your power bubble.
Ask the following questions: What 1 thing will you think, feel, say or do from now on because of what you now know?
What are you going to do to remember that you have powers?
Lesson 13: Power Zone 24 ISNS School Project ® 2012 Lesson Number and Title: 14 – Meta Stating Self
Concepts to be taught:
The area of focus of these lessons is for the student to learn and experience the Neuro-Semantic Principles, learn about themselves and their powers, and discover more about themselves as human beings. Knowing more about themselves helps them to understand themselves and others and helps them accept and appreciate how wonderfully we all are made and what makes us different.
There’s an abundance of personal resources, plenty for all A person has all the resources locked inside of him Personal power and congruency comes from “applying to self” first.
Specific Objectives and Purpose of this Lesson: The specific outcomes and purpose of this lesson are listed below.
Establish a solid core for centering self, for setting a frame of high value and worth for self, and for operating with high self- esteem.
By the end of this lesson: Outcome1: Realise you have to be your own best friend Outcome 2: You have value and worth Outcome 3: High self-esteem is important
Brief Notes for Teacher: Structure of Presenting: Follow the process
Meta-stating Self pattern
Lesson 14: Meta Stating Self 25 ISNS School Project ® 2012 Refer to the following Manuals: Accessing Personal Genius Manual Module 2 pages 28 - 30
Frames to set for the students about the lesson Here are some frames that will be useful and resourceful to set at the start of your lesson:
Today is about learning more about yourself. Today is learning about how to become a leader and the best leaders know how to lead them selves and how their mind works. Today we are going to learn about our brain and another piece of how we can run our own brain. We are going to spend an hour together having fun as we learn about how our brain works. Today we are going to learn more about the powers we have as human beings, the power to run our own brain. Today we are going to learn and become aware of how clever our mind is. Today we are going to learn another piece of how our mind and body work together so you can be the best you that you can be. Today we are going to learn strategies that help us to feel differently about ourselves so we can do more and achieve what we want to achieve. Today we are going to learn more about how our brain is our friend and how it can help us do what we want to do and reach our goals. We are our own best friends We have worth and value
Lesson Plan (with step by step Procedures) The content of this lesson is based on the objectives identified and set at beginning of the lesson plan. At the beginning of this lesson, if required, check in if task from the last lesson was completed and how it went.
Today we are going to talk about friends: Who of you have friends that you play with during break time?
So what makes you play with those friends during break time?
If you had a friend that said nasty things to you and who do not want to share anything with you – would you still want to play with that friend during break time?
Lesson 14: Meta Stating Self 26 ISNS School Project ® 2012 (Get the class to tell you what they would do if they do not want to be friends with someone else anymore or if someone doesn’t want to be your friend anymore)
When someone tells you they do not want to be your friend anymore how does that make you feel?
(Get the class to talk and give examples of who ever felt bad and what exactly happened and what made them feel bad)
So what do you do when someone tells you they do not want to be your friend anymore? Do you go and play with someone else?
Can you go and play with someone else?
YES because you are not attached to the “nasty friend”
So who is attached to you? Anyone that you can think of? YOU are your own person and your own friend – you talk to yourself during the day don’t you?
So what are the things you say to yourself?
Are you being a good friend to yourself or do you sometimes say nasty things to yourself?
(Facilitate what do the kids sometime say to themselves – good or bad anything that comes up)
So when you say nasty things to yourself – can you leave yourself and go play with someone else? NO you can’t!
So what if we can learn today how to be a good friend, how to be your own best friend?
Would that be nice to know that no matter where you go, you always have your BEST friend with you (inside of you) all the time?
How will that change your life – can you think of a place where this can be helpful?
(Facilitate how this can be helpful and in what situation this can be resourceful to the learners)
Lesson 14: Meta Stating Self 27 ISNS School Project ® 2012 So let’s practice how to be our own best friend: Can you think about what good thing you did today? (give all the learners a chance to think about something they did good ) WOW that is amazing!!!!!
So now that you can think about something you did that was good – how does that make you feel? Do you feel special?
How amazing would it be if we can count all the good things we do every day and be proud of them?
So how would that make you feel? Would you feel good about yourself?
Required Materials/Tools/Diagrams The following diagrams are used and referenced in this lesson. Nothing for this session
Closure/Summary/Recap of what we learnt: In this section, we reflect on what the student has learnt about themselves and about others.
So now that you can think about something you did that was good – how does that make you feel? Do you feel special?
How amazing would it be if we can count all the good things we do every day and be proud of them?
So how would that make you feel? Would you feel good about yourself?
Ask questions: What did you learn about yourself today? What did you learn about others?
Application: In this section, we establish how the student will apply this in their environment / world. Ask the following application questions: How will you use what you have learnt today?
Lesson 14: Meta Stating Self 28 ISNS School Project ® 2012 What is one thing you will do? What will remind you, each day, of what you have learnt to do? How are you going to remember this?
Assessment/Homework Based On Objectives: For the learning to be embodied and integrated, it’s important to task the student with some activity that they can do in their own time between lessons.
Every child must bring a full-length photo of him/herself to class next time
Ask the following questions: What 1 thing will you think, feel, say or do from now on because of what you now know?
Lesson 14: Meta Stating Self 29 ISNS School Project ® 2012 Lesson Number and Title: 15 – Meta Stating Self
Concepts to be taught:
The area of focus of these lessons is for the student to learn and experience the Neuro-Semantic Principles, learn about themselves and their powers, and discover more about themselves as human beings. Knowing more about themselves helps them to understand themselves and others and helps them accept and appreciate how wonderfully we all are made and what makes us different.
There’s an abundance of personal resources, plenty for all A person has all the resources locked inside of him Personal power and congruency comes from “applying to self” first.
Specific Objectives and Purpose of this Lesson: The specific outcomes and purpose of this lesson are listed below.
Establish a solid core for centering self, for setting a frame of high value and worth for self, and for operating with high self- esteem.
By the end of this lesson: Outcome1: Realise you have to be your own best friend Outcome 2: You have value and worth Outcome 3: High self-esteem is important
Brief Notes for Teacher: Structure of Presenting: Follow the pattern
Understanding of the meta-stating Self pattern
Lesson 15: Meta Stating Self 30 ISNS School Project ® 2012 Refer to the following Manuals: Accessing Personal Genius Manual Module 2 pages 28 - 30
Frames to set for the students about the lesson Here are some frames that will be useful and resourceful to set at the start of your lesson:
Today is about learning more about yourself. Today is learning about how to become a leader and the best leaders know how to lead them selves and how their mind works. Today we are going to learn about our brain and another piece of how we can run our own brain. We are going to spend an hour together having fun as we learn about how our brain works. Today we are going to learn more about the powers we have as human beings, the power to run our own brain. Today we are going to learn and become aware of how clever our mind is. Today we are going to learn another piece of how our mind and body work together so you can be the best you that you can be. Today we are going to learn strategies that help us to feel differently about ourselves so we can do more and achieve what we want to achieve. Today we are going to learn more about how our brain is our friend and how it can help us do what we want to do and reach our goals. We are our own best friends We have worth and value
Lesson Plan (with step by step Procedures)
The content of this lesson is based on the objectives identified and set at beginning of the lesson plan. At the beginning of this lesson, if required, check in if task from the last lesson was completed and how it went.
So now let’s think about feeling good How do you know that you are feeling good? What happens in your body when you are feeling good?
(Hand out a picture of a child’s body or let them use their own photo – silhouette and ask the class to indicate in colored pencils where in their body do they feel good and what color is that feeling)
Lesson 15: Meta Stating Self 31 ISNS School Project ® 2012 What are the things you say to yourself when you are feeling good?
What are the things other people will see when you are feeling good about yourself?
Is that something that you want? Is that something that you want to accept? Is that something you want to take for yourself? ACCEPTANCE
Or is it something that you do not want? Is it something that you want to REJECT? Is it something you want to through away?
If it is something you want to keep – how does that make you feel? Do you feel lucky that you have it? Do you think that you are a “lucky fish” are you glad that you can have that thing? So that is what we call APPRECIATION!
So now we have an even bigger word for Appreciation and that word is called AWE. It is almost like WOW!!!!!!
You know in school you learn about degrees of comparison?
Who can give me an example of degrees of comparison? Big – Bigger --- Biggest Strong – Stronger – Strongest So the 3 words we learned about today are similar as the one is stronger than the other one
Acceptance – appreciation – awe
So let’s do something exciting with these 3 words and see how we can apply them to our daily lives. Accept = Marie Biscuit Lesson 15: Meta Stating Self 32 ISNS School Project ® 2012 Appreciation = Icing sugar
Awe = Sprinkles
(Hand out a Marie biscuit to all the learners. Have different stations in the class where you have bowls of icing sugar in one section and then sprinkles in another section) (Let the learners in the class take the Marie biscuit and then ice it with icing sugar and then dip it into the sprinkles)
Before you eat your biscuit what have you just made? You took 3 different things and you added it together and now you have this amazing decorated cookie that you not only made yourself but you can eat it also. WOW!
So put your cookie aside for now – somewhere where you can see it
Remember when we used our color pencils to indicate on the paper where in our body do we feel good?
Let’s do something else that you can use as your own “best friend secret power” to make you feel good.
Lesson 15: Meta Stating Self 33 ISNS School Project ® 2012 Hand out another outline of a child and let them follow your instructions:
Where in your body do you want to accept good things for yourself? So this is all the good things that happen – good things you say to yourself – good things you think – if it is big then draw it big and in the color that you like.
Where in your body do you want to appreciate things about yourself? Where in your body will you feel it when you think – I am a lucky fish? Draw it on your figure in the color that you like.
Where in your body do you want to draw AWE – on your picture draw the WOW – the feeling of something that is really, really great and amazing what is your secret magic that you have that is just absolutely amazing? Is it a crown – is it a sword is it a cloak what is it that makes you so special?
Now let’s take that first picture you drew and compare it to the second picture – tell me how did your picture change? Did your picture change at all? What stayed the same and what is different. What picture do you prefer?
So now let’s all sit back and think of a time that you can remember where you were mean to yourself Now look at your 2nd picture and let’s think about that time when you were mean to yourself. Do you still want to be mean to yourself when you look at your picture? What makes it different now? Do you want to be your own best friend? Can you invite yourself to be your own best friend? Will you accept the invitation to be your own best friend? Can you appreciate how great it would be to have yourself as your own best friend? Can you imagine what a lucky fish you are to have this amazing person as your own best friend? Lesson 15: Meta Stating Self 34 ISNS School Project ® 2012 So now think WOW I am really my own best friend and I am going to look after myself and my own best friend all the time. I am special and I am amazing.
Required Materials/Tools/Diagrams The following diagrams are used and referenced in this lesson. Biscuits, icing sugar, sprinkles Picture of a child / photo of themselves
Closure/Summary/Recap of what we learnt: In this section, we reflect on what the student has learnt about themselves and about others.
So now that you have yourself as your own best friend how will things change for you? So now when you start being mean to yourself what are you going to do?
Give them a few minutes to enjoy their “treat that they have just made”
Ask questions: What did you learn about yourself today? What did you learn about others?
Application: In this section, we establish how the student will apply this in their environment / world. Ask the following application questions: How will you use what you have learnt today? What is one thing you will do? What will remind you, each day, of what you have learnt to do? How are you going to remember this?
Assessment/Homework Based On Objectives: For the learning to be embodied and integrated, it’s important to task the student with some activity that they can do in their own time between lessons. Learn the poem:
Lesson 15: Meta Stating Self 35 ISNS School Project ® 2012 I am my friend, My very best friend, I’m one of a kind, With a fabulous mind, I accept myself fully Myself I will not bully, I am awesomely made, YES! I make the grade!
Ask the following questions: What 1 thing will you think, feel, say or do from now on because of what you now know? How will you remember that you are your own best friend?
Lesson 15: Meta Stating Self 36 ISNS School Project ® 2012 Lesson Number and Title: 16 – Meta Yes
Concepts to be taught:
The area of focus of these lessons is for the student to learn and experience the Neuro-Semantic Principles, learn about themselves and their powers, and discover more about themselves as human beings. Knowing more about themselves helps them to understand themselves and others and helps them accept and appreciate how wonderfully we all are made and what makes us different.
We can program our brains and say yes to new empowering beliefs. The meta- Yes pattern will be followed.
Specific Objectives and Purpose of this Lesson: The specific outcomes and purpose of this lesson are listed below.
The learners must experience the meta-yes pattern and how an empowering belief can be taken on board
By the end of this lesson: Outcome1: Identify an empowering belief Outcome 2: Do the meta-yes pattern Outcome 3: Experience how an empowering belief is “absorbed” via the meta- yes pattern
Brief Notes for Teacher: Structure of Presenting: Follow the process
Meta-Yes pattern E.g. 1st pattern Meta State pattern – They need to know about states and the mind-body structure of states. This pattern is referring to primary states.
Lesson 16: Meta Yes 37 ISNS School Project ® 2012 Refer to the following Manuals: Accessing Personal Genius Manual Module 2 pages 31 - 32
Frames to set for the students about the lesson Here are some frames that will be useful and resourceful to set at the start of your lesson:
Today is about learning more about yourself. Today is learning about how to become a leader and the best leaders know how to lead them selves and how their mind works. Today we are going to learn about our brain and another piece of how we can run our own brain. We are going to spend an hour together having fun as we learn about how our brain works. Today we are going to learn more about the powers we have as human beings, the power to run our own brain. Today we are going to learn and become aware of how clever our mind is. Today we are going to learn another piece of how our mind and body work together so you can be the best you that you can be. Today we are going to learn strategies that help us to feel differently about ourselves so we can do more and achieve what we want to achieve. Today we are going to learn more about how our brain is our friend and how it can help us do what we want to do and reach our goals. Where there is a frame, there’s a game; where there is a game, there’s a frame. It’s all about the inner game of our frames. When you win the inner game, the outer game is a cinch. Because each of us creates our own meanings about things, we are the meaning-makers who construct our unique Matrix.
Lesson Plan (with step by step Procedures) The content of this lesson is based on the objectives identified and set at beginning of the lesson plan. At the beginning of this lesson, if required, check in if task from the last lesson was completed and how it went.
Today we are going to talk about our brain and what happens inside our brain So who knows where your brain is?
Ok and who knows what your brain’s job is?
Get the class to talk about what do they thing their brain is supposed to do. Let them give examples of what the brain should be doing.
Lesson 16: Meta Yes 38 ISNS School Project ® 2012 So if that is the brain’s job – tell me who of you think that your brain is very clever?
Who tells your brain what to do? Or does he/she automatically know what to do?
If they answer that the brain does things automatically ask them so who checks on the brain to make sure that he did a proper job? So the same as we have homework we hand it in to our teacher the teacher will then mark the work that was done by you? So who will mark the work that brain has done?
IF they answer that they tell brain what to do – the question is the same so if you tell brain to do something do you then mark brains work to check that brain did a proper job?
So do you think it is necessary for someone to “mark” the work that brain does? So who do you think would be the best person to do THAT job?
Facilitate the children to realize that THEY themselves should be “quality controlling what they think and what they believe”
WOW well done – so now we are going to learn how you can keep brain in check Are you all excited? Do you know how to do it? So first let’s practice on how we are going to speak to our brain. Show the class the range of pictures and if they are identical, they should all shout YES!
So let’s practice some more – I am going to say something and if you like it and if you want to keep it you shout out YES and if you don’t you shout out NO
We love eating big fat slimy worms – (let the class shout out) We love eating a nice big piece of cake – (let the class shout out) We are going to hit our best friend at school today- (let the class shout out) We are good at learning new things (let the class shout out) I am special (let the class shout out)
We are now going to practice taking on a new belief about ourselves, a belief that will make us stronger: “I can learn and grow” (Facilitate something that the class wants to do – if they want to replace it with I am special or I am clever then go for it) So now I want you to think of that phrase “I can learn and grow” do you have it? Can you hear it in your head?
Ok so can we give brain this instruction to keep this phrase in our minds?
Lesson 16: Meta Yes 39 ISNS School Project ® 2012 Do you like it? Do you want to keep it?
So if you want to say YES to it like you really mean it – it is the most special thing ever and you want to keep this forever and ever.
Ok so how does it feel when you say YES to this thought?
o YES – I can learn and grow!
What does your yes sound like?
o YES – I can learn and grow!
How are you holding your body?
o YES – I can learn and grow!
What gestures are you making to show the world that you want to keep this thought in your mind forever?
o YES – I can learn and grow!
The say YES again and again until it feels like this thought is now part of you?
o YES – I can learn and grow!
Required Materials/Tools/Diagrams The following diagrams are used and referenced in this lesson. List of pictures (Meta-Yes/Meta-No Pictures)
Closure/Summary/Recap of what we learnt: In this section, we reflect on what the student has learnt about themselves and about others. Ok so let’s “mark” your work Can I take this away from you? If I had to tell you that you are stupid, what happens? REMEMBER now you created it and you are the “teacher” that marks your brain’s work every single day – and you can fix or change anything and make it just the way YOU want it so that it FITS well like the pictures we saw today. Ask questions: What did you learn about yourself today?
Lesson 16: Meta Yes 40 ISNS School Project ® 2012 What did you learn about others? So how to you feel now that you believe that you can learn and grow? What do you think would be different going forward?
Application: In this section, we establish how the student will apply this in their environment / world. Ask the following application questions: How will you use what you have learnt today? What is one thing you will do? What will remind you, each day, of what you have learnt to do? How are you going to remember this? How will this change your lives going forward?
Assessment/Homework Based On Objectives: For the learning to be embodied and integrated, it’s important to task the student with some activity that they can do in their own time between lessons.
Draw a picture of what learning and growing means to you.
Ask the following questions: What 1 thing will you think, feel, say or do from now on because of what you now know?
Lesson 16: Meta Yes 41 ISNS School Project ® 2012 Lesson Number and Title: 17 – Meta No
Concepts to be taught:
The area of focus of these lessons is for the student to learn and experience the Neuro-Semantic Principles, learn about themselves and their powers, and discover more about themselves as human beings. Knowing more about themselves helps them to understand themselves and others and helps them accept and appreciate how wonderfully we all are made and what makes us different.
We can program our brains and say no to limiting beliefs. The meta-NO pattern will be followed.
Specific Objectives and Purpose of this Lesson: The specific outcomes and purpose of this lesson are listed below.
The learners must experience the Meta-no pattern and how a limiting belief can be taken shaken off
By the end of this lesson: Outcome1: Identify a limiting belief Outcome 2: Do the Meta-no pattern Outcome 3: Experience how a limiting belief is “shaken off” via the Meta-no pattern
Brief Notes for Teacher: Structure of Presenting: Follow the process
Meta-no process E.g. 1st pattern Meta State pattern – They need to know about states and the mind-body structure of states. This pattern is referring to primary states.
Lesson 17: Meta Yes / No 42 ISNS School Project ® 2012 Refer to the following Manuals: Accessing Personal Genius Manual Module 2 pages 31 - 32
Frames to set for the students about the lesson Here are some frames that will be useful and resourceful to set at the start of your lesson:
Today is about learning more about yourself. Today is learning about how to become a leader and the best leaders know how to lead themselves and how their mind works. Today we are going to learn about our brain and another piece of how we can run our own brain. We are going to spend an hour together having fun as we learn about how our brain works. Today we are going to learn more about the powers we have as human beings, the power to run our own brain. Today we are going to learn and become aware of how clever our mind is. Today we are going to learn another piece of how our mind and body work together so you can be the best you that you can be. Today we are going to learn strategies that help us to feel differently about ourselves so we can do more and achieve what we want to achieve. Today we are going to learn more about how our brain is our friend and how it can help us do what we want to do and reach our goals. Where there is a frame, there’s a game; where there is a game, there’s a frame. It’s all about the inner game of our frames. When you win the inner game, the outer game is a cinch. Because each of us creates our own meanings about things, we are the meaning-makers who construct our unique Matrix.
Lesson Plan (with step by step Procedures) The content of this lesson is based on the objectives identified and set at beginning of the lesson plan. At the beginning of this lesson, if required, check in if task from the last lesson was completed and how it went.
Remember how we talked about your brain, what his job is and how you have to “mark” the work of the brain?
Get the class to recap. Let them give examples of what the brain should be doing.
So first let’s practice again on how we are going to speak to our brain.
Lesson 17: Meta Yes / No 43 ISNS School Project ® 2012 Show the class the range of pictures and if they are not the same, they should all shout NO!
So let’s practice some more – I am going to say something and if you like it and if you want to keep it you shout out YES and if you don’t you shout out NO
We love eating big fat slimy worms – (let the class shout out) We love eating a nice big piece of cake – (let the class shout out) We are going to hit our best friend at school today- (let the class shout out) We are good at learning new things (let the class shout out) I am special (let the class shout out) I am stupid (let the class shout out)
We are now going to practice getting rid of a belief about ourselves that is limiting us, making us weaker.
How many times have you battled with something new? Maybe your 6-times table, maybe some spelling words? Perhaps you have shouted in frustration “I am stupid! I can’t do this!”
So now I want you to think of that phrase “I am stupid! I can’t do this! ” do you have it? Can you hear it in your head?
I now want you to say NO to that thought.
So now tell me when you say NO and you really mean it how does that feel?
How does that sound? Is it a loud no? Are you shaking your head? NO!!!
How are you holding your body when you say that NO? what does your body tell you about that NO
Are you using your hand or something to indicate and to show the world that you really mean NO?
So now that you have said NO to that thought - has it gone away? Is it still there? If it is still there let’s do it again – think of the phrase I am STUPID and say NO with everything you have in your body! Show this thought that you do not want it that it is not welcome in your head and that you do not want to keep
Remember how we said YES to “I can learn and grow!”?
Let’s remind our brains that we have this phrase in our minds! “YES! I can learn and grow!”
Lesson 17: Meta Yes / No 44 ISNS School Project ® 2012 Do you like it? Do you want to keep it?
So if you want to say YES to it like you really mean it – it is the most special thing ever and you want to keep this forever and ever.
Ok so how does it feel when you say YES to this thought?
o YES – I can learn and grow!
What does your yes sound like?
o YES – I can learn and grow!
How are you holding your body?
o YES – I can learn and grow!
What gestures are you making to show the world that you want to keep this thought in your mind forever?
o YES – I can learn and grow!
The say YES again and again until it feels like this thought is now part of you?
o YES – I can learn and grow!
Required Materials/Tools/Diagrams The following diagrams are used and referenced in this lesson. List of pictures (Meta-Yes/Meta-No Pictures)
Closure/Summary/Recap of what we learnt: In this section, we reflect on what the student has learnt about themselves and about others. Ok so let’s “mark” your work Can I take this away from you? If I had to tell you that you are stupid, what happens? REMEMBER now you created it and you are the “teacher” that marks your brain’s work every single day – and you can fix or change anything and make it just the way YOU want it so that it FITS well like the pictures we saw today. Ask questions: What did you learn about yourself today?
Lesson 17: Meta Yes / No 45 ISNS School Project ® 2012 What did you learn about others? What do you think would be different going forward?
Application: In this section, we establish how the student will apply this in their environment / world. Ask the following application questions: How will you use what you have learnt today? What is one thing you will do? What will remind you, each day, of what you have learnt to do? How are you going to remember this? How will this change your lives going forward?
Assessment/Homework Based On Objectives:
For the learning to be embodied and integrated, it’s important to task the student with some activity that they can do in their own time between lessons.
Practice at home saying “NO!” and notice what your body does, how you breathe, how you hold your hands, how you put your feet and KNOW that this is one of your powers. You CAN say NO!
Practice at home saying “YES!” and notice what your body does, how you breathe, how you hold your hands, how you put your feet and KNOW that this is one of your powers. You CAN say YES!
Ask the following questions: What 1 thing will you think, feel, say or do from now on because of what you now know?
Lesson 17: Meta Yes / No 46 ISNS School Project ® 2012