124/16 Attendance and Apologies for Absence

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124/16 Attendance and Apologies for Absence

Shipley Parish

Chairman: Mr Jamie Coad, Vine Cottage, Thakeham Road, Coolham, West Sussex, RH13 8QD. Tel: 07808Council 918847 Email: [email protected] Clerk: Mrs Fiona McNeile, 17 Barrow Close, Billingshurst, West Sussex, RH14 9SW Tel: 07481 803124 Email: [email protected]

The Minutes Of The Extraordinary Council Meeting of Shipley Parish Council Held On Thursday 11th August 2016 at The Andrew Hall, Shipley at 7:30pm

124/16 Attendance And Apologies For Absence Those Present: J Emrich, N King-Tours (Chair), L Lovett and P Sinton Also Present: Cllr A Jupp, Cllr K Rowbttom, Cllr N Jupp and Parish Clerk F McNeile

Apologies: Cllr Coad (Unwell), Cllr Baxter (Work), Cllr De Zoete (Family Commitment), Cllr Hayes (Holiday), Cllr Lindsay (Holiday), Cllr Roggendorff (Holiday)

125/16 To Receive Declarations of Interest, Notification of Changes to Members’ Interests and consider any requests for a dispensation None received.

126/16 Approval Of The Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on Monday 18th July 2016 The minutes having previously been circulated were taken as read. Cllr King-Tours proposed that the minutes be accepted and signed as a correct record, this was unanimously AGREED.

12716 Matters Arising from Item 126/16 (For information only)

116/16 To date seventeen people have confirmed attendance to the Pavilion opening ceremony. A follow up email will be sent to those who have not yet responded. David Barling WSCC Cabinet Member For Residents Services will be opening the pavilion. A plaque has been ordered. A small token of appreciation will be given to each of the WSCC volunteers and Debbie Cannons. The Clerk requires assistance serving drinks. Cllr A Jupp volunteered to help with the drinks service and help The Clerk to put together canapes for the event.

118/16 Dog fouling signs have been ordered for Coolham Playing Fields. The Clerk has discovered that there is a set procedure with HDC before a dog waste bin can be installed. The procedure is that there must be a need for them, they must be placed within 25 metres of the access to service them, they cannot be within 10 metres of a residential property without the owner’s permission and they meet our health & safety specification. The Clerk has met with HDC Street Cleansing and they have confirmed that there is a need for a dog waste bin or a litter bin (which can be utilised for both litter and dog waste bins).

The cost of supply, installation and servicing is as follows.

Dog waste bin, £334.60 Installation, £40.00 Servicing based on a once a week emptying £2.35 per service.

Litter bin £159.32 Installation £0 Servicing based on a once a week emptying £2.35 per service (can put dog and litter waste in this bin) Servicing does not need to be weekly can be flexible.

The Clerk is investigating costs of bins through other suppliers. This will be on the September meeting agenda. Shipley Parish Council 11 August 2016 Extraordinary Council Meeting Minutes Page 1 | 6

121/16 PC Danni Dawes updated regarding the speed checks “Councils are apparently rolling out a lot of the cables across Sussex at the moment. They are called automatic traffic counters these are normally identified as two rubber tubes laid across the carriageway linked to a road side recorder box. These tubes can measure both speed and number of vehicle movements and in some cases the weight of vehicles passing over, e.g. cars or HGV’s. These counters are used to provide more detailed information than the manual survey and are put in place to record data over a 24/7 period and are normally an accurate and true reflection of traffic speeds. But you can pin point times of day etc. it’s just an average.

Regarding the speed tests in Coolham “It was decided with my other colleagues at the safer 4 meeting that I would only do the southbound traffic into the village near the school. Risk assessment cannot be carried out yet as the new forms still have been designed. We are awaiting these.”

Madeleine Hartley at HDC clarified the situation at Ingrams Furze

• Ingrams Furze woodland appears to be just within Thakeham Parish. • Whilst we are still in the bird nesting season, there’s no law against carry out tree works in the bird nesting season; just against disturbing birds’ nests by doing the work. If it’s suspected that there is a serious problem here, the telephone number of the Police’s Wildlife & Countryside Officer is 08456 070999. • There are no Tree Preservation Order’s on the site, nor any outstanding conditions relevant to trees on a planning permission; nor is the site in a conservation area. • As a swathe of woodland in the countryside, the trees thereon will be protected by the 1967 Forestry Act (as amended), and felling in excess of 5 cubic metres of timber per calendar quarter would need a licence from the Forestry Commission. If it is suspected that there is felling going on here in excess of the allowance, the Forestry Commission should be contacted on 03000 674428. • From an examination of our available aerial photos, I notice that a small clearing in the centre of the site is present on the 2012 photo, but not on the 2007 one

In light of the above, the tree removal works does not appear to be a matter for HDC to deal with.

Members requested that the Clerk to contact the Forestry Commission and report the Parish Council concerns regarding the felling of timber at Ingrams Furze.

Mark Newman, WSCC Highways, confirmed the following regarding problems reported at Dragons Lane/Hooklands Lane/Countryman Lane, “I have made a site visit to the above locations, I have taken photographs of all defects and this information has been passed to my highway engineer, we are at the looking into the possibility of repairing these roads, but as you may already know this will be down to funding, I will update you with information as soon as I know what has been decided.” Cllr A Jupp requested a copy of the email.

128/16 Report from the Police None Received

129/16 Report from the County Councillor Cllr A Jupp requested that the Parish Council think about highway problems that may be dealt with on the Integrated Works Programme. Dragons Lane, Hooklands Lane and Countryman Lane are all eroding along the road edge due to a lack of passing places and wider vehicle use. The Clerk explained the problems identified by the Parish Council regarding the above roads. The Integrated Works Programme is part of the Highways budget the Parish Councils may apply for and requires backing from a County Councillor. The Clerk will apply for the budget to Chris Stark and include Cllr A Jupp in the correspondence. Cllr King- Tours commented that Hooklands Lane has been subject to unusual levels of (illegal) heavy vehicles use and this may assist the case for repairs.

Cllr A Jupp is on the committee investigating the contract for repair works on the highways in West Sussex. Cllr A Jupp requested information from the Parish Council which may assist in the decision making as this contract is worth a considerable amount of money.

Shipley Parish Council 11 August 2016 Extraordinary Council Meeting Minutes Page 2 | 6 Cllr A Jupp has ordered the banners for the two community events for the NHP but needs poles to put them up around the Parish. The Clerk to ask Cllr Coad if he has any spare wood fit for the purpose.

130/16 Report from the District Councillors Cllr Rowbottom reported that the two refuse depots in the area are going to be closed twice per week and have reduced operating hours. Cllr Rowbottom raised concerns that this may cause extra fly tipping. Cllr A Jupp noted that there will be further consultation to see if the new opening hours are working and whether there has been any effect on fly tipping levels. Most fly tipping derives from illegal builders/landscape gardener operations. Cllr Rowbottom also reported that the young trainee firemen will be in The Carfax on 12th August between 2pm and 3pm at a charity fund raising event.

7:58pm Cllr N Jupp entered the room.

131/16 Report from Representatives on Outside Organisations

The Clerk reported on the key points of the recent Environment Agency update regarding the River Adur.

From 31 March 2017 the Internal Drainage District will no longer exist and:  Riparian land owners will be responsible for maintaining and operating the small number of Ordinary Water Courses and associated water level management structures in the Internal Drainage District which we have been maintaining and operating on their behalf. This is in addition to their existing responsibility for all other Ordinary Water Courses on their land  District Councils will take over our power to carry out work in order to manage any flood risk from the Ordinary Water Courses and  West Sussex County Council will take over our enforcement and consenting powers on the Ordinary Water Courses

The Clerk has received an update from the Neighbourhood Planning Committee Chair, Sarah Bulmer:

“ After my last update the steering committee met with Cllr Hydes from Nuthurst parish and Troy Hayes from Troy Navigus consultants. They talked us through the process of producing a neighbourhood plan which we all found quite daunting but were reassured is achievable if we take things one step at a time!

The committee then had a very productive meeting on the 25th July. Our four focus groups had previously met to discuss what they thought would be the main issues to be addressed. At the committee meeting these findings were analysed and we made a list of the main points. These will be used as part of our Community Engagement Events which we are holding on the 17th September at Andrew Hall Shipley and on 24th September at Coolham Village Hall.

Our aim at these events is to find out what our fellow residents wishes are in regard to the future of their parish. We will be encouraging everyone to participate and to this end we are in the process of having 1000 leaflets/invitations printed, which together with some banners and large posters will advertise the events across the whole parish.

The Parish News and the Village Tweet will hopefully be including a short piece about the community events in their next editions and local clubs, societies and businesses will be encouraged to take part together with our two schools and the church. We are trying to make these occasions as sociable and interesting as possible to attract as many people who live and work in the parish to come along and tell us what they think. We are trying to do as much as possible ourselves in order to keep costs to a minimum.

Our next meeting is on the 5th September when we will finalise arrangements for the events and consider how to move forward with the information we will have collected. The next step is likely to be the distribution of a survey/questionnaire to every household and business in the parish.”

Shipley Parish Council 11 August 2016 Extraordinary Council Meeting Minutes Page 3 | 6 The Clerk added that help will be needed from the Parish Council at both events. The Parish Council will have a display board updating parishioners on Parish Council activity and WSCC will also be attending to assist with promoting voluntary assistance in the community.

132/16 Public Session (Members of the Public may speak for up to 3 minutes at the discretion of the Chairman). None

133/16 Chairman’s Announcements The Defibrillator Training which is being carried out by Billingshurst First Responders is taking place at Coolham Village Hall on 10th October at 7pm. It is free training, open to anyone wishing to learn about the defibrillator use and CPR skills. The Clerk is also liaising with Shipley Football Club for their members to join the training event as they also have a new defibrillator.

134/16 Planning Applications DC/16/1382 The Fords, Coolham Road, Brooks Green- Application to establish the independent residential use of the building and associated residential curtilage at The Barn (Certificate of Lawful Development - Existing) After Consideration the Parish Council voted to remain neutral on this planning application. Votes 4 Abstentions

DC/16/1620 St Andrews Farm, Coolham Road, Brooks Green- Amended proposal to scheme approved under DC/15/1573 - minor dwelling After Consideration the Parish Council voted against this planning application. The Parish Council did not feel that sufficient information had been provided with this application regarding the changes and reasons for changes. Votes 4 Objections.

DC/16/1622 St Andrews Farm, Coolham Road, Brooks Green- Amended proposal to scheme approved under DC/15/1574 - enlargement of garage with studio After Consideration the Parish Council voted against this planning application. The reason for the objections were that the Parish Council feel there is overdevelopment of the site and lack of sufficient information outlining the need for a studio and bathroom facility within a garage. Votes 4 Objections.

DC/16/1675 The Barn, Land West Of Hooklands Farmhouse, Hooklands Lane, Shipley- Prior notification to convert barn into 2 dwellings The Clerk explained that this planning comes under ‘Class Q – permitted development’ which means that HDC do not have to consult with the Parish Council on the application. HDC only have to consult with organisations such as Highways and Public Health.

DC/16/1732 Whitehall Cottage, Countryman Lane, Shipley – Erection of a single storey rear and side extension. After Consideration the Parish Council voted in favour of this planning application. The Parish Council commented that the planning authority needs to ensure that the application is in keeping with Shipley Parish Design Statement and that particular consideration is given to the materials and style of the new windows. The Parish Council feels that the windows detailed in the planning application are not in keeping with the current windows installed on the dwelling. Votes 4 Support

DC/16/1721 Longdon, Shipley Road, Southwater – Demolition of existing side and rear single storey extensions together with existing outbuilding, erection of side and rear two storey elevations and alterations to existing roof After Consideration the Parish Council voted in favour of this planning application. Votes 4 Support

Shipley Parish Council 11 August 2016 Extraordinary Council Meeting Minutes Page 4 | 6 135/16 Planning Decisions The Clerk issued an update of planning decisions made by HDC.

136/16 Roads, Footpaths, Bridleways & General Maintenance of the Parish Pavements – update from Councillors.

Cllr Emrich asked the Clerk to advertise for voluntary help for the Kingsland Public Right Of Way clearance project which will take place all day on Friday 7th and Saturday 8th October. Volunteers are needed to help with coppicing the area which runs from the Windmill through to Countryman Lane. Picnic refreshments will be provided. The Clerk will also promote the project at the NHP Community Events.

Cllr Sinton noted that the potholes near the Andrew Hall, Kingsland and the school had been repaired. Cllr A Jupp reported that School Lane needed further inspection past the school on the chicane area leading to Smithers Hill Lane as the road is in poor condition. The Clerk to report the problems.

137/16 Payments Payments August 2016 £

Received since last meeting Chq Nos VAT Reclaim 1,775.92 Interest 1.02

Paid since last meeting Invoiced Services Vision ICT Ltd Website Hosting 270.00 001462 M J Brown Ltd Toilet hire - Pavilion project 120.00 001463 Clerks Expenses Mileage, Broadband, Etc 168.33 001464 Coadman Contractors Pavilion Guttering materials 44.84 001465 Coadman Contractors Coolham Playing Field Fencing 1896.00 001466 WSCC Staff Salaries - June 1539.96 001467

Funds Transferred since last meeting D/Acc. To C/Acc. 4,500.00

Balances on Accounts. Current Acc. 997.12 Deposit Acc. 26,097.25 Investment Acc. (NSI) 5,212.45 Includes Neighbourhood Plan Grant 2,500.00 Includes Operation Watershed 2014 550.00

To Pay after this Meeting. Invoiced Services Troy Navigus Partnership Limited NHP Consultancy 1953.00 001468 HFE Signs NHP Banners 301.08 001469 Clerks Expenses Mileage, Broadband, Etc 129.87 001470 Three Mobile Parish Mobile 35.00 DD

Immediate Transfer D/Acc to C/Acc. 2,000.00

Cllr King-Tours proposed the authorisation of payments and Cllr Sinton seconded the motion. Shipley Parish Council 11 August 2016 Extraordinary Council Meeting Minutes Page 5 | 6 138/16 Date of next meeting Thursday 8th September, The Andrew Hall, Shipley 7:30pm

Subject to planning applications and a requirement for an extraordinary meeting.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8:48pm.

Acronym Information

AIRS Action In Rural Sussex CIL Community Infrastructure Levy FB Facebook FOSP Friends Of Shipley Parish (Charity) HALC Horsham Association of Local Councils HDC Horsham District Council HDPF Horsham District Planning Framework HAMSVA Horsham And Mid Sussex Voluntary Association NALC National Association of Local Councils NHP Neighbourhood Plan PROW Public Rights Of Way SHELAA Strategic Housing Economic Land Availability Assessment SLCC Society of Local Council Clerks SSALC Surrey & Sussex Association Of Local Councils TPO Tree Preservation Order TRO Traffic Regulation Order WSCC West Sussex County Council

Signed …………………………………………………………………………………………………….Chairman


Shipley Parish Council 11 August 2016 Extraordinary Council Meeting Minutes Page 6 | 6

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