Back to School

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Back to School

VISION Back to School A student of Matapeake Elementary School will Message be a well-educated, globally competitive and prepared to become a caring, productive st It is with great pleasure that we take this citizen of the 21 century. opportunity to welcome you to Matapeake Elementary School. We are extremely proud of MISSION the programs we offer our students, and we The mission of Matapeake Elementary School, a encourage you to make the most of your time high performing public school, is to ensure that with us. every child demonstrates a commitment to reach their highest potential of ability in the This handbook has been developed by our areas of intellect, physical, emotional and faculty and administrators to help you and your social development; by participating in parents learn as much as possible about school differentiated, motivating and rigorous procedures and the services we offer students. instruction; by incorporating research based It is a quick reference guide you will find teaching strategies that utilize technological extremely useful to refer to throughout the advances, encourage curiosity, creativity, school year. compassion and perseverance; that includes a Whether you are joining us for the first time or strong partnership with families in our you have been with us for a number of years, we community encourage you to become an active student at Matapeake Elementary School. In addition to an excellent academic foundation, we offer many activities to help students become well- rounded students.

We look forward to this school year with great excitement and hope all of our students will have a rewarding and successful year.

Matapeake Elementary Vision and Mission School Expectations Statement

1. PBIS at Matapeake minor or major incident report, depending on the severity of the behavior. PBIS stands for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. Minor incident reports are handled at the classroom level by the teacher. The teacher will At Matapeake Elementary School the students conference with the student and determine an review our Matapeake Expectations every appropriate consequence for the behavior. If a morning as we say the Matapeake Cheer. They student should receive a minor incident report, are: two copies will be sent home with the student. Parents should sign and return one copy and  Make safe choices keep the second copy for their own records. If  Exhibit responsibility the signed copy is not returned, the parent will  Show respect receive a follow-up call from the teacher to discuss the incident report. Our Matapeake Cheer is: Major incident reports are referrals to the office “ MES is the best. We’ll do our best to be and will be handled by the Principal. The parent above the rest. Make safe choices. Exhibit will receive a phone call and will receive two responsibility. Show respect. Be your best at copies of the referral. As with a minor incident MES!” report, parents should sign and return one copy and keep the second copy for their own records. Our Matapeake School song is: The staff has developed a chart (on the We are the Mariners of Matapeake following page) of specific expectations to help Make safe choices; students know exactly how they can make safe Exhibit responsibility. choices, exhibit responsibility, and show Oh yeah, the Mariners of Matapeake! determination in all settings in our school Gonna show respect every day of the week. building. Disclaimer: By no means is this handbook all inclusive. The school retains the right to alter or vary the application of these rules depending Gonna make safe choices; on the situation. This handbook is intended to help parents, students, and school staff to work together. Many guiding statements are Exhibit responsibility. included, but by no means does it cover every situation. As new policies Gonna show respect every day of the week. are developed, additions and/or deletions will be made to the handbook.

And if we do these things each and every day, We are going to light this up, like it is Dynamite!!!!

In order to reward students who demonstrate these behavior expectations, staff members periodically give out “Matapeake Money” to students who are displaying positive behaviors. Students may then save up their money and trade them in for school spirit items or special privilege passes.

We use behavior referral forms to document how well our students follow our school expectations. If a student does not follow behavior expectations, a teacher may complete a

2. Areas Make Safe Choices Exhibit Responsibility Show Respect Use my time appropriately Raise my hand Sit correctly in my chair Help and share w ith others Wait my turn Classroom /Special Keep the area around my desk free of clutter Complete assignments Use kind w ords Area Classrooms Use all learning tools correctly Use positive statements Keep my hands and feet to myself Follow directions Have my materials ready Walk Follow directions and routines Be tolerant of differences of others Take care of all equipment Use appropriate language Take turns Stay in area Respect personal space Use equipment appropriately Playground Pick up/clean up equipment Respect the environment Ask permission ot leave the playground Gather up my belongings w hen I go inside Include everyone Stay aw ay from the road and vehicles in the road EatFollow your team ow nand food game rules Enter the building quiety after recess Use inside voices Report spills or messes Clean up your space Talk only to people at your table Walk at all times Raise my hand to ask a question or get Wait for directions to clean up my area and throw Cafeteria Sit appropriately at the table help trash aw ay Touch only my food Use kind w ords Respect others' personal space Do not share food w ith other students Sit at the table quietly to be dismissed Respond to teachers' signal for quiet Go directly to your destination Remember other classes and students are w orking Walk at all times Return to class promptly Observe w all decorations and posted w ork w ith Look in he direction you are w alking Hallw ays Go only w here I need to go your eyes only Walk in a single file line on the correct side of the hallw ay Keep my hands and feet to myself Follow the Safety Patrol or adults' directions Watch w here I am going Model good behavior in the hallw ay Flush the toilet or report if the toilet is not Respect privacy w orking properly Wipe up or report spills Use quiet voices Put all papers tow els in the trash cans only Wash hands thoroughly Respect the custodians Use all facilities appropriately (soap, paper Bathrooms Sign out w hen you leave the classroom and Wash my hands thoroughly products, etc.) Conserve w ater and paper Do no leave paper tow els or toilet paper on the Return to class promptly after using the Report all major problems to an adult floor bathroom Use a quiet voice Keep the bus clean Use a quiet voice Do not distract the bus driver Keep my materials in my backpack Cooperate and listen to the bus driver Do not throw objects Sit in my assigned seat Use kind w ords Do not put your hands or other objects outside the w indow Follow the bus rules Sit in my assigned seat Bus Sit correctly in the seat w ith your back up against the seat and Wait my turn Follow the bus rules your feet on the floor Share my seat w ith others Wait my turn Place your bookbag on the floor or in your lap Follow the bus rules Share my seat The bus aisle should be empty Face forw ard in the seat Face forw ard in my seat Do not stand up or move w hile the bus is in motion Remind my friends to follow the rules Paricipate appropriately w hen asked by a performer or adult in Sit on your bottom Pay attention to w here you place your hands and charge Eyes should be forw ard feet w hile sitting on the bleachers/floor Assemblies in the gym/cafeteria Use active listening Applaud appropriately Walk in line Watch and follow the quiet sginal Enjoy the performance Listen as the speaker is talking. Use the bathroom before the performance present for instruction. Maryland law makes the General School failure of students reporting to school regularly Information a misdemeanor. If your child is absent from school, you will receive a call from the school Agenda Books letting you know that your child has been marked absent from school. A written excuse All students in grades 1-5 will be given an signed by the parent/guardian or a doctor’s note agenda book on the first day of school. Parents is required on the day the student returns to are asked to return the payment envelope with school. Please include the child’s complete $5.00 to cover some of the cost of the agenda name, the dates of the absence and the reason book. All homework assignments will be listed for the absence along with your signature and in the agenda book and initialed each day by the date within the note. A doctor’s note may be teacher. When students complete their required for extended absences. Students who homework, parents are asked to initial the are regularly late or have an attendance problem planner. The planner should come home each will be referred to the Pupil Personnel Services day and be returned to school each morning. for appropriate action.

Students who arrive later than one hour after the Assemblies start of the school day (10:15 A.M.) or leave With the financial backing of our PTA, one hour before the end of the school day (2:45 assemblies and cultural arts events will be held P.M.) will be counted as a half day absent. various times throughout the year. Planned assemblies and tentative dates are listed below: Band All fifth grade students will be offered the st October 1 -Anti Bully Plays-By Kids for Kids opportunity to play an instrument of his/her November 21 -Miss Molly’s Midsummer choice in the MES Band. Students will hear an Night’s Dream for Kids example of all instruments available to play in th February 4 –Single Carrot Theatre the band during an introductory assembly prepared by B and B Music Company. Parents rd In addition, 3 graders will participate in a week and students will attend a band night where they th long Drama Residency and 5 graders will can ask questions about the program and participate in a Poetry Residency in the Spring. purchase or rent instruments from B and B. Band students and parents will then sign an Quarterly recognition assemblies will be held to intent form. The intent form recognizes that honor academic progress, Character Counts band is a class and that students will be getting a awards and excellent and perfect attendance of grade for their participation (just like any other our students. The tentative dates for these course). As part of the intent form, students will assemblies are: be expected to participate in the band until the st  Friday November 1 end of the year. There will be three concerts st  Friday January 31 given by the band -- one in the spring, one in the th  Friday April 11 fall and select students will perform at Fifth th  Monday June 9 Grade Advancement. Students will receive a  Times of the quarterly assemblies are as monthly schedule in their Thursday folder and follows: reminders by e-mail so they will know in th nd rd 4 Grade: 9:15, 2 grade 11:15, 3 grade advance when there’s practice. 12:45, 1st grade 1:45 and 5th grade 2:45.

Attendance Matapeake Elementary School can perform its educational responsibilities only if students are Chorus during the school year and will perform in one of two concerts per year: 3rd graders will perform at the Winter Concert and the fourth and fifth graders will perform at the Spring Concert.

 Third graders will have chorus practices on Tuesdays at 8 AM beginning in Biking and/or Walking to School September through December. Students must be accompanied to and from  Fourth and Fifth graders will have school by a parent or guardian. Students are not chorus practice at 8 AM from January to walk or ride their bikes on their own. through May.

Students who are interested in being in chorus will have to commit to attending both the morning practices and the concert.

Conferences Regularly scheduled conferences are held twice Cell Phones each year. One conference follows the end of Students are not permitted to possess or use the first quarter of school (Thursday October portable communication devices while on 31st and Friday November 1st) and the other Queen Anne’s County Public School property or conference follows the completion of the third while attending any school activities according quarter (Thursday April 3rd and Friday April to QACPS policy. School office phones are 4th). Conferences may be requested at any time available for those students who need to contact and will be scheduled at a time mutually agreed parents. upon by the parent and teacher.

Consequences are outlined in the policy Delayed Openings available on the BOE website When Queen Anne’s County Schools are ( with the first delayed due to weather conditions, the delay is offense being confiscation of the portable 90 minutes. Doors will open to students at communication device and parent must pick up 10:25 A.M. and school begins at 10:45 A.M. the communication device with a conference. No breakfast is served on these days. Parents should not allow students to leave their car until Character Counts Program the buses begin to dismiss. Students are not Once a week, parents and community members allowed to wait at the front doors as there is come into each classroom for fifteen minutes to no supervision prior to school starting. talk about one of the six pillars of character: Responsibility, Respect, Caring, Parents may call the QACPS office at 410-758- Trustworthiness, Fairness and Citizenship. 2403 and get up to date weather related delays and closings. You may also check the website If you are interested in being a Character Counts at Local radio Coach, please contact Mrs. Doreen O’Connor, stations and television stations (Channels 11 and the Guidance Counselor. Lesson plans and 13) also broadcast this information. training are available to those who are interested. Dismissal  You must have a valid, photo Chorus identification in order to pick up a Third fourth and fifth graders may participate in student. The name of the person picking up the student Early dismissal from school is handled through  Doors will be unlocked at 3:40 Pm for the Office only. Parents must sign students out parents to enter the school. in the Main Office. Please be prepared to  Pick up persons will present their photo show proper identification prior to the child identification to sign out their students at being released. Students will not be allowed to the entrance of the cafeteria. be released to parents from the classroom  Pick up person will receive a “car-rider without prior approval from the administration. pass” for each student they are signing We appreciate all efforts to schedule out. They will then proceed to the side appointments before or after school. entrance of the cafeteria and wait at the sign for students to be called for Once each month, there is a scheduled half day dismissal. dismissal when students are dismissed at 1:00  Students will be dismissed to the PM. And teachers have the remainder of the day cafeteria at 3:45PM as long as they have to work on staff development activities. Please a note indicating they will be a pick up. consult the county calendar at the end of this  Once students being picked up are handbook for specific dates. settled in the cafeteria, they will be called to leave with the person Enrichment designated to pick them up. Students in first to fifth grades will participate in  As you exit the cafeteria, please turn in Intervention/Enrichment block of 30 minutes the “car rider pass” to the staff member either at the beginning or end of their reading at the entrance of the cafeteria. This block. Students who need additional practice in pass indicates that you have signed out reading and/or math will receive their the student and proper identification has interventions services outside of the classroom been verified. during this time period. All other teachers will  As you leave the school, please walk remain in the classroom and participate in down the right side of the hallway and enrichment activities that may be related to exit from the two right-hand doors. Reading, Math, Social Studies or Science.

Dress Code All teachers will differentiate learning and We take pride in the appearance of our students. assignments to meet the needs of all the learners Clothes and hair must not present a danger to in their classroom during other parts of the the health and safety of the students and other instructional day. staff members. Dress that tends to disrupt the class or contribute to a safety hazard will result Field Trips in a telephone call home requesting a change of Field trips are an extension of classroom clothing for the child. Any clothing which curriculum and activities. They are considered a contains obscene, vulgar, violent messages, is part of the regular school day. Classroom revealing, or promotes alcohol, tobacco or teachers and other school personnel supervise controlled dangerous substances are not these trips. Parent chaperones are requested for permitted. For safety reasons, students field trips that require additional adults. should not wear flip flops or sandals to gym Whenever a student leaves school on a field trip, class or outside recess. Please make sure it is mandatory for the student to have written your child has the appropriate shoes to permission from the parent or guardian prior to change into so they can participate in these the trip. Forms are sent home in advance and activities. Weather permitting, a daily recess should be returned prior to the day of the trip. If period is provided and students should be students do not have written permission, they sent to school with the appropriate jacket, will remain at school in another classroom for hat and gloves or mittens. the day. If for any other reason students are not allowed to participate in the field trip, Early Dismissal attendance at school is expected on that day. Field trips that require a cost must be paid for by medication before school if at all possible. If it the due date on the permission form. Since the is necessary to administer medication during the cost of the trip is computed depending on the day, parents must provide the school with a number of students and adults that have made a complete physician’s medication order form commitment, there will be no refunds due to containing the following information: absence. School rules remain in effect during  Complete written instructions from the the field trip and appropriate behavior is prescribing physician, including the date of expected on field trips. Field trips will not be the order, identification of drug by name, offered to students with unacceptable behavior dosage time, and circumstances of that could create an unsafe situation on a trip administration, length of time medication is away from the school unless a parent to be continued, reason for prescription, and accompanies them. possible side effects.  Signature of parents stating their desire to Field trips may also be canceled if the safety have medication administered and relieving and security of students is in question. Refunds the school, its agents, employees or will be made for these cancellations. representatives of any responsibility for ill effects resulting from the administering of the prescribed drug. Homework The term “homework” refers to an assignment The medication must be sent to school in the to be prepared during a period of independent pharmacy container with all of the labeling study in class or outside of class. The purposes information intact. School personnel will not of homework are to reinforce the skills and administer unlabeled medicines. Medications strategies that are taught each day. Parents may brought on school property without labeled assist by providing a quiet time for study, information will be confiscated and parents will checking progress, and assisting as needed and be contacted. appropriate. If at anytime a student has an Discretionary medication (i.e. acetaminophen, assignment that seems overwhelming, please cough medicine) may be administered by the contact the teacher to discuss your observations school nurse without a physician’s order, with a and concerns. parent/guardian’s written consent. The consent form may be obtained through the school nurse. Media Center Prescription or non-prescription medication to Students may check out two books from the be administered on a regular basis still requires Media Center. In order to continue to check out the completed medication form by a physician. books, the library books must be returned by the next media class. Each student is responsible for Morning Car Drop Offs the book checked out to them. If a book is lost Student safety is always an ongoing concern of or damaged, the student will need to pay for the our school community. Please follow the book. Each student will have a computer following procedures as you drop your child off number to memorize in order to check out for school in the morning. books. Parents may receive a phone call if students have not returned their books in a  Please do not drop off students until the timely fashion. Privileges to check out a book buses begin unloading as there is no may be suspended if books are not returned to supervision of students until 8:55AM . school. STUDENTS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO STAND AT THE FRONT DOORS UNTIL THE DOORS Medication Policy ARE OPENED . The school nurse is responsible for the care and  Please pull around the parking lot and wellness of students. Every effort should be th made to reduce the administration of medicine wait in a line beginning at the 4 jersey in schools. Parents are urged to administer wall. A staff member will help direct parents to pull up so that multiple cars can drop off simultaneously during this drop off time. Hopefully, this will help to move the cars quickly through the line to make the drop off.

 To further expedite the process, make sure your child is ready to get out of the Parking car and they have all their belongings Parking for all parents and visitors is in the front organized so that the drop off does not parking lot. No vehicles are allowed in the bus take additional time while students loop. All visitors should enter the school gather their belongings. through the front doors. Please push the buzzer and then identify yourself to the secretary. She If you arrive after 9:15 A.M. on a regular day will then unlock the door for you to enter the or after 10:45 A.M. on a delayed opening and main office. the front door of the school is closed, you will need to park your vehicle and escort your Personal Learning Devices child into the Office to sign them in as they Students may bring in devices such as a Kindle, are considered tardy if they arrive after these Nook, iPod or iPad to use for learning and designated times. reading while at school. These electronic devices are not a necessity, but a privilege. Parent Teacher Association The PTA at our school works to promote the Students who want to bring n these mobile welfare of our children in the home, school, and learning devices must complete an application the community. It is a combined effort of all to use this device on school property which parents, teachers, and administrators. includes school buses and on field trips. This Membership is open to all parents, staff, and any application is available in the front office of the adults who are interested in the objectives of the school and must be signed by the student, their PTA Association. parent and then approved by the Principal. The signatures on the agreement indicate that the Our PTA Officers for the 2013-2014 school students will comply with the policies and year are: procedures of the Personal Learning Devices. If President: Mary Sloan the policy is violated, access privileges may be Vice President: Open suspended or revoked. Secretary; Trish Blum Treasurer: Susan Donnelly QACPS and Matapeake Elementary School are not responsible for any personal learning The PTA has two major fundraisers during the devices that are broken, lost or stolen in school year. In addition, they help to sponsor two or on the way to or from school. Scholastic Book Fairs where students may purchase books, a Holiday Shoppe, where students can purchase holiday gifts for their family and a Spirit Wear sale of items with the MES logo throughout the school year. In addition, they sponsor a 5K Race for students and community members in the Spring. Physical Education (P.E.) Students should wear appropriate shoes (sneakers or tennis shoes) to participate in their P.E. class. If students wear sandals or other footwear to school, they should bring their tennis shoes to change into prior to PE class. Because students only have PE class 6-7 times during a marking period it is imperative for These items may be confiscated and returned students to wear appropriate shoes to be able to only to a parent or guardian. participate. The PE grade is based on participation and not wearing the appropriate Relay for Life shoes may results in a lower grade in PE. MES staff members support the American Cancer Society with a Relay for Life Team. Pick -Ups During the school year, they have various Students who will be picked up from school fundraisers to support this cause. each day need a note stating that they will be a daily pick up and who has permission to pick the child up. All other students who are picked up occasionally need to bring in a written note on the morning of the day they will be picked up. The note should contain the child’s name, teacher’s name and the exact name of the person who has permission to pick the child up. Keep Report Cards in mind that the parent/pick-up person must Report cards are issued every nine weeks to have some form of picture identification notify parents of student progress. available when picking up students. Please do Parent/Teacher conferences are held following not call in with information about pick ups the first and third marking periods. Attendance unless it is an emergency. You may fax notes to at these conferences is extremely important. the school at 410-643-3711 up until 3 P.M. Interim reports may be sent home at any point during the marking period to notify parents of their student’s performance. Prohibited Items Students are not allowed to use or have in view School Hours any toys or electronic devices. If a student does The school day for students begins at 9:15 A.M. not observe this policy, the school will take the Buses begin unloading at 8:55 A.M. and all items away from the student and it will be the students may enter the building at this time. responsibility of the parent/ guardian to retrieve Students should not be dropped off at school them. until 8:55 A.M. There is no supervision of students prior to 8:55 A.M. Students should The following are examples of items prohibited report to their homeroom class first, before on school property or buses: knives (real or toy) going to breakfast in the Cafeteria. Students or other objects with a blade, guns (real or toy) arriving after 9:15 A.M. should report to the and ammunition, explosives, weapons, tobacco, Office with their parent/guardian to be controlled dangerous substances, alcohol, signed in as being tardy to school. chewing gum, matches, any type of fireworks or sparkler, cap lighters, glass containers, Teacher’s work hours are from 8:30 A.M. to 4 skateboards, and hard sports equipment such as P.M. Please call teachers before or after the hockey and lacrosse sticks, baseballs and bats. instructional day. We are unable to send calls to Look alike items of the above are also the classroom once instruction begins. We will prohibited on school property or buses. be glad to send the call to their voicemail and you will receive a return call within 24 hours. For the safety of your personal property, please leave all toys, trading cards (Yugios, Pokemon, School Improvement Team etc.), radios, cassette or CD players, MP3 Our Matapeake Elementary School players, electronic games such as Game Boys Improvement Team (SIT) consists of teachers, and PSP’s at home. The school will not be parents, administrators, business and community responsible for the theft or damage of any partners. The team meets one day each month personal items you should bring to school. beginning at 8:00 A.M. The team discusses the goals, strategies, and activities of the School year are as follows: Improvement plan. If you are interested in Student Breakfast-$1.30 becoming a member of our School Improvement Student Reduced Breakfast cost –$.30 Team, please contact the Principal or Teacher Student Lunch --$2.25 Specialist. Student Reduced Lunch-$.40 Student Milk-white or chocolate $.50

Free and Reduced Lunch applications are sent home on the first day of school with all students and can be requested from the school and filled out at any time during the school year. School Meals Program Applications are screened at the Board of School meals will be coordinated through the Education and you will be notified if your Sodexo Marriott Corporation. The cost of the application has been approved and what the cost meals is established by the Maryland State of the meal will be for your child. Department of Education. Breakfast and lunch is available to all of our students. Snacks are If your child had free or reduced meals the prior also available to students at an extra cost. school year, those benefits stay into effect until th Cafeteria monitors will dismiss students to get September 30 . A new application will need to their snacks after most of their meal is eaten. completed and turned in prior to 9/30 if the Students will use a pin number to track their benefits are to continue. meal and snack purchases.

Money may be sent in ahead of time and it will be placed on a student’s account. is also available School Health Services as an online payment portal especially designed We are extremely fortunate to have a full-time to allow parents to make quick and easy online registered nurse on site. When your child is sent payments to thir children’s school accounts. to the Health Office because they are feeling ill, Payments can be made with a credit card and the nurse will take your child’s temperature and you will have access to child’s account balances assess their complaints. If your child has a and receive account balance alerts temperature of 99.6 degrees or above, you will electronically. be notified and requested to take your child home. If there is no fever or other sign of Because it is important that every child has obvious illness, such as coughing, vomiting, adequate nutrition, every student is required to diarrhea, rash, pain, etc., he/she will probably be have lunch each day. If a child occasionally asked to return to class and try to make it forgets their lunch money, they will be to through the day. Often minor aches and pains borrow money to pay for their lunch. Parents do subside after a visit to the Health Room and will receive a phone call in the evening letting talking with the school nurse. You will not be them know that their child borrowed money and notified of every health room visit your child they will have paper in their agenda book which makes, however, the school nurse will contact indicates the amount owed. This lunch fund you whenever follow-up is felt necessary. If depends upon the borrowed money being paid your child needs special consideration (i.e. back as soon as possible so the fund will always under a lot of pressure, recovering from a recent be replenished. The lunch fund is only for the illness or injury), please let the school know by cost of breakfast or lunch and we do not allow calling or sending a note. students to borrow money for snacks or additional food items. If your child has a fever or is vomiting before leaving home, please do not send him/her to School Meal Prices for the 2013-2014 school school. This is unfair to your child as well as others who come into contact with him/her. Computer classes for 60 minutes each week. Your child must be fever/vomit free for 24 We will follow a special calendar to determine hours without the aid of Tylenol/Motrin when students will have their specials each products before they may return to school. week. Your child’s teacher will explain the schedule on the first day of school. Communication between parents and school personnel is essential for the optimum health Student Council and safety of your child. Students need to be in 5th grade students have the opportunity to run school to achieve optimal learning. By working for student council officers and representatives together as a team, we will hopefully be able to in the fall. All MES students are a part of the decrease the number of absences during the student council and help with the canned food school year. drive and the Pennies for Patients fund drive for Leukemia and Lymphoma patients. Students in School Counselor all grades will help with the collection and An elementary school counseling program is counting of the canned foods and the collection available to students throughout the year. of coin boxes. Mrs. O’Connor, School Guidance activities are conducted in the Counselor is the facilitator of the MES Student classroom, in small groups as well as Council. individually. The guidance program is designed to support all of our educational programs at Supplies MES. The counselor is available to consult with The following is a list of general supplies that teachers, parents, staff and students during the will be needed throughout the school year for school day. Our guidance counselor is Mrs. each grade level: Doreen O’Connor. PreKindergarten Socials Backpack (no wheels-large enough to fit a Socials will be scheduled to coincide with the folder, snack/drink and a change of clothes) following holidays: Halloween, Christmas, and Valentine’s Day or Easter. 6-8 glue sticks

Birthday celebrations are permitted only by 1 box of 24 crayons providing a small treat at lunch time in the Cafeteria for the entire class. Small treats can be 1 black and white composition book cookies, cupcakes or donuts. Please check with your child’s teacher to see if any students in the 1 pair of children’s size blunt scissors class have food allergies. We are unablke to allow parents to bring in pizza or sodas during 2 boxes of tissues the lunch times. QACPS Wellness Policy 1 container of disinfecting wipes prohibits other foods to be served during the lunch times other than the offerings of the 1 bottle of hand sanitizer offerings of the Sodexho Food Services. Parties cannot be held in the classroom in celebration of Ziploc baggies (girls bring quart size and boys student’s birthdays. bring gallon size) Please do not send in birthday or party invitations to be handed out to the class unless there is an invitation for everyone in Kindergarten the class. I box of 12 Colored Pencils-sharpened Special Area Classes 1 Box of 8 Washable Markers-Classic Colors Students will have Art, Music, PE, Media and 1 Fiskar Scissors for Kids 5” blunt tip 1 4 pack of Dry Erase Markers-Assorted Colors 1 Pocket Folder-any color 10 Glue Sticks .26 ounces 2 packs of Notebook paper-wide rule 1 Large, pink eraser 2 dozen #2 pencils 2 boxes of 24 Crayons 1 set of 12 colored pencils-assorted colors 1 bottle of Antibacterial soap with pump 3 Black, Dry Erase Markers 2 boxes Facial Tissues 1 pencil case with 3 hole grommets 1 box Baby Wipes 2 boxes of Facial Tissues 1 bottle of Antibacterial soap with pump

First Grade Fifth Grade 12 Glue sticks, .77 ounces 2 pocket folders-blue and red 2 dozen #2 Pencils 1 Hand Sanitizer-Gel w/flip top 4 Large Pink Erasers 5 Spiral notebooks-wide rule- 2 boxes of 24 Crayons (Blue, Green, Red, Yellow and Purple) 6 Black, Dry Erase Markers 1 pack of wide ruled notebook paper 1 pair of Scissors-5” blunt tip 1 set of 12 colored pencils-assorted colors 2 boxes of tissues 6 dozen #2 pencils 1 box of Baby Wipes 2 boxes of Facial Tissues Second Grade 2 Glue Sticks, .26 ounces 1 Green 2 Pocket folder 1 four ounce bottle of Glue-white 1 pack of 8 dividers with tabs 1 pair of scissors, 7” pointed tip 1 3 inch three-ring binder 2 rolls of ¾” tape to refill a dispenser 1 Pencil case with three holes to go into binder 1 4 pack of Dry Erase Markers-assorted colors 1 box of 24 Crayons Students should also have a book bag to carry 5 Glue Sticks-.26 ounces their belongings to and from school. Please 3 dozen #2 pencils label all belongings with your child’s name. 2 Large Pink Erasers 1 pair of scissors 5”-pointed tip Please note: 2 boxes of tissues Individual teachers may add additional items 1 bottle of Foaming Hand Sanitizer with pump once the school year begins. 1 bottle of Antibacterial Soap with pump Third Grade Please check your child’s supplies 1 box of Baby Wipes periodically throughout the year to see if they 1 box of 24 Crayons need to be replenished. 2 Black Marbled Composition Books 100 pgs. 2 packs of Notebook Paper-Wide Rule Textbooks 4 dozen #2 Pencils Textbooks are provided free of charge to all 2 Glue Sticks .26 ounces students. Textbooks that are allowed to go 1 pair of scissors-5” pointed tip home should be covered with a book cover at all 1 Spiral Notebook-wide rule times. Lost or damaged books are the student’s 4 pocket folders with prongs- responsibility and restitution will need to be Red, Blue, Green and Yellow made in these instances. 4 pocket only folders-2 blue, 2 red 2 boxes of tissues 1 bottle of Foaming Hand Sanitizer w/ pump Vacations 4 Dry Erase Markers-black Attendance at Bayside Elementary School is of 1 roll of Paper Towels paramount importance to students and staff. 1 Pencil case with 3-hole grommets There is great pride taken in the preparation of Fourth Grade lessons that are taught to students on a daily basis. Parents who have made plans to take a trip or vacation during the school year should Transportation make the Principal aware of the trip through a The transportation and safety of all students to letter two weeks prior to the trip. The letter and from school is the responsibility of the bus should include the dates the student will be driver, who is in control of the bus. Students are away from school and the reason. The factors to follow all rules established by the county and for each individual will be examined carefully the bus driver. Riding on the school bus is a and a written response from the Principal will be privilege and that privilege may be suspended sent. whenever a student’s behavior is unsatisfactory. Severe or continual misbehavior may Because this is a trip, make-up work will not result in permanent suspension from riding the be given prior to the trip. The student should school bus. The following are sanctions for bus keep a journal of his/her activities and be misconduct: prepared to share this upon their return. All make up work can then be completed once First Offense: Administrative Action the child returns from the trip. Second Offense: 3 Day Bus Suspension Visitors Visitors to the school are to report to the Office, Third Offense: 5 Day Bus Suspension sign in, and wear a visitor’s pass during their visit. Do not report to a classroom or any part Fourth Offense: 30 Day Bus of the school property without first checking in Suspension at the Office. If you plan on proceeding beyond the Front Office, be prepared to show a current Fifth Offense: Bus Suspension for the driver’s license and have it checked thru the remainder of the year National Sex Offender’s Registry. Once this is verified, you will be issued a visitor badge complete with your photo and directed to your destination in the school. Upon completion of your visit, report back to the Front Office to let staff know you are exiting the building. Students who need to change buses need to bring in a note requesting the change. The note Volunteers should contain the complete name of the child, Bayside Elementary School welcomes the bus number and address that the child needs volunteers. Volunteers must adhere to school to go to as well as the reason for the change. policies and county guidelines. A Volunteer According to the Queen Anne’s County Public Training is mandatory for all volunteers. School’s Transportation Handbook: Volunteers may go on field trips as chaperones or help at other school events. They may also “ Vacations, temporary work assignment help in various areas of the school during the changes, social events, riding to a friend’s school day and under the direction of a staff home, or other unforeseen events will not be member. Several trainings will take place approved for a change in bus assignment. throughout the school year. All volunteers Under short-term emergency situations, the should sign in using the Volunteer Notebook in Principal may approve a different bus the Front Office and wear a pass indicating that assignment.” they are serving as a volunteer. All volunteers must have the training each school year in MES Staff Members 2013-2014 order to volunteer at school events and field Carol M. Kamp, Principal trips. Stacey Rankin, Teacher Specialist Jenn Osbourne, Reading Specialist Kathy Q. Boehmer, Math Specialist Doreen O’Connor, School Counselor Ann Martin, Admininstrative Secretary Mary Ballard, Front Desk Secretary Aurora Wolfe, School Nurse Patricia McMahon, Prekindergarten Teacher Sheryl Carmody, Kindergarten Teacher Lavon Toole, Kindergarten Teacher Heidi Kline, Kindergarten Teacher Erin Coyne, First Grade Teacher Debbie Mason, First Grade Teacher Rhonda Moore, First Grade Teacher Tara Coleman, First Grade Teacher Faith Burton, Second Grade Teacher Dawn Kelly, Second Grade Teacher Alicia Shields, Second Grade Teacher Sherry Valenti, Second Grade Teacher Sean Pelan, Third Grade Teacher Becky Rickabaugh, Third Grade Teacher Becky Tubman, Third Grade Teacher Karen Welsh, Third Grade Teacher Peggy Hartnett, Fourth Grade Teacher Susan Kinnamon, Fourth Grade Teacher Stephen Rafter, Fourth Grade Teacher Alison Todd, Fourth Grade Teacher Sharon Burak, Fifth Grade Teacher David Cherry, Fifth Grade Teacher Gina Crook, Fifth Grade Teacher Stephanie Wishart, Fifth Grade Teacher Lisa Clark, Special Educator Grades 4,5 Debra Hayward, Special Educator Gr. K,1 Sara Campbell, Special Educator, Gr 2,3 Heidi Wohlleber, Regional Special Ed class Toni Pajak, School Psychologist Corrie Smicnmick, Speech/Language Trina Neighbors, Music Teacher Sydney Podraza, Art Teacher Beth Stepowany, PE Teacher Seval Kanick, Band Teacher Christine Clow, Media Specialist Lou Ann Dailey, Computer Lab Assistant Claire Kelly, Special Ed Para Educator Barbara Stafford, Special Ed Para Educator Cindy Therres, Special Ed Para Educator Nate Copper, Jr, Lead Custodian Frank Dean, Custodian Tyrone Moody, Custodian Mark Warren, Custodian Cheryl Spencer, Cafeteria Manager

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