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National Leadership Summit on Emergency Management and Assistive Technology Reutilization
Successful Strategies, Innovative Partnerships, Futures Planning
February 23-24, 2010 Melrose Hotel, Washington, D.C.
Meeting Goals
1. Define the role of reused assistive technology (including, but not limited to, durable medical equipment) in disaster planning, response, recovery and mitigation for people with functional needs.
2. Identify the infrastructure needed to develop and implement a rapid response system for delivering assistive technology devices and services to people with functional needs who have been affected by disaster.
3. Develop a sustainable network to pursue national strategies for addressing the AT needs of people in disaster preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation.
4. Develop achievable action steps for participants and other key entities to meet these goals.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
8:00 Registration, Networking and Continental Breakfast
8:30 Welcome, Overview and Expectations for the Summit Introductions (All Participants) Joy Kniskern, Pass It On Center Carolyn Phillips, Pass It On Center George Heake, Pass It On Center
9:00 Assistive Technology (AT), the National AT Reuse Scene and the Role of AT in Emergency Management Jeremy Buzzell, Rehabilitation Services Administration Deborah Buck, National Information System for Assistive Technology (National Association of Assistive Technology Act Programs)
National Leadership Summit on Emergency Management and Assistive Technology Reutilization
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
9:45 AT and People with Functional Needs: Perspectives of the Department of Homeland Security, FEMA Marcie Roth, Senior Advisor, Disability Issues, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
10:30 Break
10:45 Key Elements and Issues in AT Reuse as a Component in Emergency Management Sara Sack, Assistive Technology for Kansans/Pass It On Center Chris Brand, Friends of Disabled Adults and Children (FODAC) George Heake, Pennsylvania’s Initiative on Assistive Technology/Pass It On Center
12:00 Buffet Lunch
1:30 Remarks Lynnae Ruttledge, Commissioner, Rehabilitation Services Administration
1:45 Exploring Strategies and Solutions: AT Reuse and Emergency Preparation Bruce McFarlane, National Organization on Disability Helena Mitchell, Wireless Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center Kevin Curtin, U.S. Department of Agriculture Jamie Karam, Louisiana Assistive Technology Assistance Network Faith McCormick, Acting Administrator, Administration on Developmental Disabilities Facilitator: Sara Sack, AT for Kansans/Pass It On Center
3:00 Break
3:15 Exploring Strategies and Solutions: AT Reuse and Emergency Response Tracy Keninger, Iowa Easter Seals Amy Green, American Red Cross Julie Nesbit, Louisiana Assistive Technology Assistance Network David Lett, Administration on Children and Families Kay Chiodo, Deaf Link Facilitator: George Heake, Pennsylvania’s Initiative on Assistive Technology/Pass It On Center
4:30 Day One: Wrap Up and Closing Thoughts
5:00 Networking Reception
February 23-24, 2010 | Washington, DC 3 National Leadership Summit on Emergency Management and Assistive Technology Reutilization
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
8:00 Networking and Continental Breakfast
8:30 Welcome, Review of Day One and Expectations for Today’s Session
8:45 Exploring Strategies and Solutions: AT Reuse and Recovery William Lynch, Department of Justice Elizabeth Davis, EAD and Associates Richard Petty, University of Texas Rob Curtin, Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program Facilitator: Carolyn Phillips, Pass It On Center
10:00 Break
10:15 Exploring Strategies and Solutions: AT Reuse and Mitigation Neil McDevitt, CEPIN June Isaacson Kailes, Disability Policy Consultant Edward Tanzman, Argonne National Laboratory Bryan F. Vaughan, Executive Director, Governor’s Commission on Disabilities (Florida) Facilitator: Amy Goldman, Pennsylvania’s Initiative on Assistive Technology/Pass It On Center
11:30 Planning for the Future: Commitment and Approaches for Ongoing Collaboration Facilitator: Joy Kniskern, Pass It On Center
12:30 Working Lunch – Identifying Strategic Future Directions, Next Steps and Recommendations
1:30 Wrap-Up Summit: Questions and Comments, Evaluation of the Workshop Facilitator: Carolyn Phillips, Pass It On Center
2:00 Adjourn
February 23-24, 2010 | Washington, DC 4