Videos De Música! Individual Tasks

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Videos De Música! Individual Tasks

¡Videos de música! Individual tasks 5 3 1 * Is typed and mostly * Is typed but not well proofread. proofread. * Is typed and proofread. * Translation is mostly * Translation is not * Translation is accurate. accurate. accurate. * English version sounds * English version usually * English version smooth and fluent. sounds smooth and Translation sounds choppy and * The mood and tone of fluent. unnatural. the song are * The mood and tone of * The mood and tone of maintained. the song are the song are not somewhat maintained. maintained. * May have an unclear * Has a specific grammar, * Has a specific grammar, vocabulary vocabulary or grammar, vocabulary or cultural focus. cultural focus. or cultural focus. * A specific audience * A specific audience * A specific audience (Spanish 1, Spanish (Spanish 1, Spanish (Spanish 1, Spanish 2, 2, etc) is identified, 2, etc) is identified, etc) is identified, and and the task is mostly but the task may be Worksheet the task is appropriate appropriate for that too difficult or to for that level. level. easy for that level. * Is attractive and neat. * Is attractive and neat. * Is sloppy and hastily * Activity is well * Activity is mostly well thrown together. explained. explained. * Activity is confusing. * Includes a key. * Includes a key. * Does not include a key. * I did as little as * I sometimes did my possible on this * I did my best on this best on this project. project. project. * I usually worked well * I had conflicts with * I worked well with my with my group. my group. Global Self- group. * I was able to * It was hard for me * I was able to compromise at times. evaluation when I didn’t get my compromise at times. * I contributed a little way. * I contributed equally to less than some of my * I let others do most of the final product. group to the final the work on the final product. product. ¡Videos de música! Checklist

Task: Individual Deadlin Early Bonus e ___1. Choose a song. 5-19-08 ___2. Translate into English 5-19-08 ___3. Highlight a grammar, vocabulary or cultural point. 5-21-08 ___4. Create a student worksheet, using the grammar or culture above, which 5-21-08 students can complete by listening to the song or watching the video. Task: Group ___1. Choose a song. 5-21-08 ___2. Complete a storyboard or outline of the video. 5-23-08 ___3. Film the video. 5-27-08 ___4. Edit the video. 5-30-08 ___5. Add subtitles. 5-30-08 ___6. Be sure the video will play in a computer or DVD player. Bring it to class! 6-02-08 ¡Videos de música! Group tasks f r l e e h S c

5 3 1 a e T * Song is appropriate for * Song is mostly * Song may not be school. appropriate for appropriate for * Vocabulary is relevant school. school. Song and varied. * Vocabulary is relevant * Vocabulary is not selection * Song will appeal to a and varied. relevant and varied. wide variety of * Song will appeal to a * Song will not appeal students. variety of students. to a wide variety of students.

* Planning is evident. * Planning is somewhat * Planning is barely * Storyboard/Outline is evident. evident. Storyboard / complete and * Storyboard/Outline is * Storyboard/Outline is Outline detailed. mostly complete and not complete and * Storyboard matches detailed. detailed. finished video.— * Storyboard mostly * Storyboard does not One can envision the matches finished match finished final product just by video. video. looking at it.

* Easy to read: contrast * Easy to read: contrast * Difficult to read: and size are and size are usually contrast and/or size Subtitles appropriate. appropriate. are not appropriate. * Subtitles match audio * Subtitles mostly match * Subtitles sometimes * Subtitles do not audio match audio interfere with video * Subtitles sometimes * Subtitles interfere with interfere with video video * Video complements * Video mostly * Video seems unrelated the tone and style of complements the to the tone and style the music. tone and style of the of the music. Video to * There are no music. * There are too many Audio distracting or * There are some distracting or inappropriate distracting or inappropriate Correlation images. inappropriate images. * Visuals aid in images. * Visuals do not aid in understanding the * Visuals often aid in understanding the lyrics. understanding the lyrics. lyrics.

* Very creative and * Somewhat creative * Somewhat creative Creativity / entertaining. and entertaining. and entertaining. Effort * Editing is sharp; time * Editing is acceptable-- * Editing is sloppy; time was obviously taken time may have been was obviously not to make a good rushed to make a taken to make a good video. good video. video.

* Group worked well * Group usually worked * Group did not work Participation together. well together. well together. * Always on task during * Mostly on task during * Sometimes on task class. class. during class. * Met or exceeded * Met deadlines. * Did not meet deadlines. deadlines.

Reflections page Nombre:______Canción:______EJEMPLO: Hoy trabajamos en la traducci ón . Mi canción se llama “La paga”, por Juanes. La frase que me da más problemas es, “solo junto a mis brazos”. No sé quién est é solo, ni como una persona pueda ser solo con algo o alguien junto a sus brazos. Voy a investigar más. En Internet, uso GOOGLE para encontrar palabras que me confunden. Escribo la palabra y “definición” para encontrar un diccionario en línea en español. Otra buena manera de investigar alguna frase es hacer una búsqueda GOOGLE para ver el uso real en el mundo hispanohablante. Si me salen 60,000 instancias de la frase, es probable que la frase sea legítima, pero se me salen sólo 25, es mejor que no la use. ______Merezco un 5 .

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