The Worship of God

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The Worship of God

The Worship of God The Word February 15, 2015 – Transfiguration of the Lord +Conversation with the Children Frances Williams Old Testament Reading 2 Kings 2: 1-12 Gathering New Testament Reading Mark 9: 2-9 Sounding of the Trinity Sermon “Can You Believe This?” Rev. John Causey Prelude Siciliano Bach As the prelude begins, let us prepare silently for worship. Response To The Word *Affirmation of Faith The Nicene Creed Page 34 of Hymnal Ritual of Friendship (Please pass the Fellowship Pad) Concerns and Celebrations The Sacrament Of Holy Communion Invitation to the Lord’s Table and Words of Institution Call to Worship +Anthem A Communion Invitation (J. Martin) Chancel Choir One: Let the light shine out of darkness. The Great Prayer of Thanksgiving and the Lord’s Prayer All: God of all glory, gather us in. The Communion of the People One: Let the light shine out of darkness. Prayer after Communion All: Lord Jesus Christ, shine in our hearts. Sending + Introit Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise Chancel Choir *Hymn #662 Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies *Opening Prayer *Charge and Benediction *Hymn #11 Source and Sovereign, Rock and Cloud +Choral Response On Our Way Rejoicing Chancel Choir Postlude Praise Elliot Call to Confession + 11:00 Worship Service only *Prayer of Confession (From Call to Worship Year B) *Those who are able, please stand God our Creator, we confess that we are broken, sinful creatures. You shine with Calendar for the Week perfect beauty, but we turn away from your presence. You blaze with heavenly Sunday 2/15 8:30am Early Worship – Transfiguration of the Lord - Communion glory, but we hide our faces from your truth. Forgive us, God of grace. Shine in our 9:45am Sunday School hearts this day through the light of your Word so that we may glorify you forever; 11:00am Worship – Transfiguration of the Lord - Communion through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 12-2pm SPY *Assurance of God’s Pardon Newsletter Deadline *The Gloria Patri Hymn #581 Monday 7:00pm Session Meeting Wednesday 12:00pm Lenten Lunch at St. Brendan’s Catholic Church The Offering 7:00pm Ash Wednesday Worship Service Presentation of Tithes and Offerings Thursday 6:00pm Handbells Offertory Where Charity and Love Prevail Roberts 7:00pm Chancel Choir *The Doxology Hymn #606 Sunday 2/22 8:30am Early Worship – 1st Sunday in Lent *Prayer of Dedication 9:45am Sunday School; Confirmation Class begins 11:00am Worship – 1st Sunday in Lent

Copies of the weekly 11:00 Worship Service are available on CD in the Narthex as a courtesy to Members, Visitors, and those unable to attend. Attendance last Sunday: 8:30am – 67; 11:00a.m. – 124 ANNOUNCEMENTS Welcome to this service of Worship. Our prayer is that all will be blessed as we worship together. Visitors, please fill out a Visitor’s Card found in the pew rack and place it in the offering plate or give it to a Greeter as you leave worship. Thank you. The flowers in the Sanctuary are given by Carol S. Vealey to the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of Paul A. Vealey and other loved ones. The rosebud on the Communion Table celebrates the birth of David Hayes Redwine on February 9. Hayes’ parents are Austin & Carey Redwine and his grandparents are David & Penny Redwine. Copies of the Lenten Devotional written by local church members are available on the bench in the Narthex. The Christian Education Committee is receiving applications for a Youth Coordinator. For a job description, please check in the church office. For more information regarding this opportunity please contact Marvin Stackhouse and/or Joyce Winkler. This year’s Confirmation Class will begin during the Sunday School hour on Sunday, Feb 22. This is for young people in the 7th grade or above. Please let John Causey know if you are interested in participating.

S.O.S. (Sisters of Strength) Group will host their monthly gathering on Friday, February 27 at 11:30am. More information to follow in next week’s bulletin regarding the location. Please make plans to attend the 2015 Community World Day of Prayer Service at Shallotte Presbyterian Church on Friday, March 6 at 11:00am. Fellowship and Refreshments will follow the service. All members of the community are invited and encouraged to attend! We hope you'll join us! Prayer Concerns: Gary Alley, Andy Austin, Kathy Bartlett, Bob Benjamin, Marian Downer, Judy Durham, Pete Durham, Charles Greene, Christian Huffman, Carol Kauffman, Lesa Kolcun, Lantz Lackey, Peggy Lackey, Ann Long, Jerry McCann, Martha Miller, Catherine Norman, Lucie Oakley, Pat Patterson, Jerry Small, and Seamus Smithwick. Rev. John Causey, Minister [email protected] Barry Auman, Director of Music Judy McCann, Organist/Music Associate Rev. Dan E. Norman, Pastor Emeritus Dr. Les & Dr. Christy Morgan, Missionaries in Bangladesh REMEMBER THE CHURCH IN YOUR WILL

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