Office of Regional Economic Integration

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Office of Regional Economic Integration

Papers’ Style Guide

Office of Regional Economic Integration


I. Main Heading = Paper heading, flush left Paragraph (single space) ( double ) A. Level 1 = main section ( space ) (single space) II. Main Heading 1. Level 2 = full indent (single space) (single space) A. Level 1 a. Level 3 = half indent (single space) (single space) 1. Level 2 = full indent

Format: Arial | 11pts. or pixels | bold | flush left. Indentation: Indent heading based on hierarchy of sections or topics. Always follow the proper alignment as seen on the examples above.

First chapter header starts at the top of the first page. Don’t use double spaces unless it is followed by a paragraph. For the succeeding chapter headings, a single space is used to divide topics or paragraphs.


Paragraphs should be written with single line spacing. Distance between paragraphs should be one single space.

Format: Arial | 11pts. | regular | justified. Paper’s Style Guide


OREI 2 Paper’s Style Guide

Table Header (A): Arial | 11pts. | bold | flush left. - Units enclosed in parentheses use a normal type format (i.e. %). - None units enclosed in parentheses are in bold (i.e. 2001–2007).

Horizontal line (B): rendered ½ in thickness. - Line is placed after title header (A), before and after the main cell (D). - Use enough space between your data and line. Avoid placing it too close.

Title Header (C): Arial | 9pts. | bold; - First column title header is always in flush left. - Second column up to the last column of the table header are centered. Main cell (D): Arial | 9pts. | regular; - First column flush left. - Second column up to the last column are flushed right. To format the units in these columns, format/ paragraph/ indent and spacing tab/ under indentation/ key-in a value which will apply the necessary space needed for alignment. - Values without decimals or words are best flushed center to simplify structure (G).

Single space: after the horizontal line, apply a single space before the notes and sources.

Notes & Sources (E): Arial | 8pts. | regular | align-left; - Apply a single space to separate the notes and sources. - (F) For best structure align longer notes with the width of the table.

OREI 3 Paper’s Style Guide

Charts and Figures

A. Title headers for Charts and Figures (Arial | 11pts. | bold | flush left from the y axis of the figure or chart). B. Main figure or chart remains as is. C. Notes and Source (C&D): align flush left from y axis where the vertical line is. Then center them from the graph line up to the end of the line or graph. To format text, use justify setting if the text is long, for short text flush left or align left. Remember to apply a single space before the notes and before source’s information.

OREI 4 Paper’s Style Guide


Format: Arial | 9pts. | align-left Separate the footnotes from the main text with 5-centimeter horizontal line flush with the left margin. Place superscript footnote indicator numbers flush left.

Format Menu / Bullets and Numbering / Number Tab, click the next choice after none, then click customize button at the lower right, a new box will open “Customize Number List”.

In Customize Number List, “Number format” modify the font used (Arial, superscript, and size 8pts.), below that is “Number Style”, leave it as is, then “Number position” (left, 0 as the value), then “Text Position”, Tab space after: 0.15 inch, indent at: 0.15 inch.

Tables Use superscript numbers, and place footnotes directly below the table (not at the bottom of the page), aligned with its left margin, and if longer format justify, align it with the width of the graph. The number should appear in the table in alphabetical order when reading from the top left across, then down and across, until the bottom right.

Page Numbers

Format: Arial | 11pts. | normal | center Use lower case for all numerals (Arial 11) without parentheses for preliminary pages.

Placements: Place page number in the footer area flush center. In the final version before creating a pdf, pagination always starts from the numeric number 2 on the “Introduction” page.

OREI 5 Paper’s Style Guide


Principle: Cite all quoted or referenced material correctly and completely in a footnote.

General reference models:

In footnotes, abbreviate the name of an organization if the abbreviation has already been spelled out in the main text.

Reference list with more than one document by an author (Use a 3-em dash for subsequent listings by the same author. Arrange entries chronologically, and for those in the same year, alphabetically by title.)

In reference list, spell out the name of an organization and introduce the abbreviation (if necessary) regardless of whether it is already introduced in the main text.

Break a URL (Internet address) that continues to another line after a slash or before a period. Avoid inserting a hyphen at the break.

Types and examples of references:

Book: One author Mallaby, S. 2004. The World's Banker: Story of Failed States, Financial Crises, and the Wealth and Poverty of Nations. Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin.

More than one author Rozanov, D., A. Godzik, J. Wang, and J. Smith. 2005. Sustainable Urbanization in China. Singapore: Butterworths.

Institution Asian Development Bank. 2007. Uncoupling Asia: Myth and Reality. Asian Development Outlook 2007. pp 66–81.

Forthcoming book Luker, V., S. Dinnen, and A. Patience, eds. Forthcoming. Law, Order and HIV/AIDS in PNG. Canberra: Australian National University Press.

Journal Brown, R. A. 2004. Conglomerates in Contemporary Indonesia: Concentration, Crisis and Restructuring. South East Asia Research. 12 (3). pp. 378–407.

Paper Eichengreen, B. and Y. C. Park. 2004. Why Has There Been Less Financial Integration in Asia than in Europe? MAS Staff Paper Monetary Authority of Singapore. pp 1–21.

Working paper Crucini, M. and M. Shintani. 2006. Persistence in Law-of-One- Price Deviations: Evidence from Micro-data. Working Paper. Vanderbilt University.

Mimeo Chai, H. and Y. Rhee. 2005. Financial Integration and Financial Efficiency in East Asia. Mimeo.

Website Homepage Asian Development Bank (ADB). 2007a. Asian Economic Monitor (July). Available:

Web document, page, or report Financial Stability Forum. 2008. Report of the Financial Stability Forum on Enhancing Market and Institutional Resilience. Available:

OREI 6 Paper’s Style Guide

Part of an online document ADB. 2008. How to Design, Negotiate, and Implement a Free Trade Agreement in Asia. Manila. Figure 1.1: Number of Free Trade Agreements Involving Asia and Pacific Countries, 1990– 2007.

Related source(s) _____ 2008. Emerging Asian Regionalism. Manila. European Central Bank 2008. Financial Integration in Europe (April). Frankfurt.


 Each appendix should start on a new page.  Label appendixes “APPENDIX 1,” “APPENDIX 2,” and so forth. A substantive title, such as “Items in Scales,” should follow. Label tables within appendixes as follows:

If a table is found in Label The only appendix Table A.1, Table A.2, etc. The first appendix Table A1.1, Table A1.2, Table A1.3, etc. The second appendix Table A2.1, Table A2.2, Table A2.3, etc.

 The word appendix and the identifying number are flush left on the top line of the page.  The text of the appendix is double-spaced, and typed in paragraph format, just like the text of the paper.  If figures are included in the appendix, they are numbered Figure A1, and so forth, similar to the labeling convention for tables.  Align formula(s) center, and the corresponding number flush right. Also applies to formulas in main text. Formulas are in Time New Roman font and size 11pts. Formulas found in paragraphs should appear the same as it is presented.

For example:

P P lc lc * lc * (1) rt  1 prt p   2 prt p  rt1 0  rt1  ut p1 p0

Format: Arial | 11pts. | bold | flush left

Appendixes with Title header Single space

A. Data Description single space Paragraph single space B. Empirical Methodology

C. Specification Issues


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