Standards for Flight Commanders

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Standards for Flight Commanders


Flight Commander: The job of a flight commander is to control the appearance, discipline, and military training of the flight and to conduct their cadets during leadership training and in the academic classroom. Flight commanders also assist the instructors in the classroom and on the drill pad. They appoint representatives from their flight to assist thejob Commanders in the Mission Support Group. Flight commanders lead and direct the flight at all cadet formations. They advise the instructors on matters pertaining to the flights and report to their squadron commander on the status of the flight.The flight commanders help the Wing’s success by delegating the everyday tasks to the flight and ensuring they are complete.

1 Table of Contents

Chapter One - Daily Tasks (Pages 3-5) 1.1 - Reporting In 1.2 - Reporting Out 1.3 - Attendance 1.4 - Bell work 1.5 - Current Events 1.6 - Workbook 1.7 - Notes

Chapter Two - Weekly Tasks (Pages 6-9) 2.1 - Tests/Quizzes 2.2 - Current Events 2.3 - Inspection 2.4 - Participation 2.5 - Physical Training 2.6 - Goals for Each Flight

Chapter Three - Selecting Positions for the Flight (Pages10-11) 3.1 - Flight Sergeant 3.2 - Element Leaders 3.3 - Guide 3.4 - Flight Representatives

Chapter Four - Worksheets for Flight Commanders (Pages 12-14) 4.1 - Cadet Papers 4.3 - Weekly Grade Papers 4.4 - Community Service Papers 4.5- Organization of Flight Binder

Chapter Five- Virtual/ Online Resources ( (Page 15) 5.1 - Resource Access 5.2 - Resources on 5.3 - Announcements

2 Chapter One - Daily Tasks

1.1 - Reporting In a. When the cadets enter the classroom they will stand at parade rest by their assigned desk in elements with the element leader being in the first desk of the column

b. The flight sergeant for that week will be in the front of the room facing the flight at parade rest

c. When the bell rings to begin class the flight sergeant will come to attention and call the room to attention

d. The flight sergeant will then command the element leaders to report in by saying “element leaders report”

e. The element leaders will render a salute and respond with “element 1 (2, 3, 4, etc.) all present and/or accounted for sir/ma’am” or if there is (are) a cadet(s) missing they will respond by saying “element 1 (2, 3, 4, etc.) one (two, three, etc.) cadet(s) missing sir/ma’am”

f. The flight sergeant reports to the flight commander or assistant flight commander by rendering a salute and saying “all present and/or accounted for sir/ma’am” or if there are cadets missing they say “one (two, three, etc.) cadet(s) missing sir/ma’am”

g. The flight commander will give the command “post” and the flight sergeant will return to his/her assigned seat

h. The flight commander will then command the flight to seat down by saying “seats, at ease” and class will begin

1.2 - Reporting Out a. When it is five minutes before the bell rings for dismissal or whenever the instructors are finished with their lesson, the flight sergeant will proceed to the front of the class and call the room to attention

b. When all cadets are at attention the flight sergeant will tell the cadets to dismiss with the bell and give the command “Dismiss with the bell, seats, at ease”

c. If the bell has already rang the flight sergeant will say “class dismissed”

3 1.3 - Attendance a. The flight commander or assistant flight commander will retrieve the attendance book from your instructor for that week

b. The flight commander will than take attendance by putting the date in the appropriate spot and writing the names in alphabetical order with the last name first and first name last

c. For the cadets who are present the flight commander will put a dot in the space next their name and under the appropriate date

d. For the cadets who are absent the flight commander will write a capital “A” in the space next to their name and under the appropriate date

e. When the absent cadets return the next day or whenever they return, they must have a readmit slip and if it is excused or has a note, the flight commander will put a circle around the “A” on the days they were absent

f. If there are absent cadets the flight commander will write their names on the makeup worksheet, so the flight commanders know what work they need to make up when they return

g. The flight commander will return the attendance book to the instructor’s office after taking attendance

1.4 - Bell Work a. Bell work will begin immediately after the flight sergeant reports in and seats the cadets

b. While the cadets are working on their bell work the flight commander will take attendance

c. Bell work will be checked and recorded on the grading sheet (this only applies to the flights that do bell work)

d. Depending on what the instructor wants to do the cadets might just go over the answers to the bell work and keep them for future reference

4 1.5 - Current Events a. Cadets will bring in a current event written down on a sheet of paper from Monday through Thursday each week (unless otherwise stated by an instructor)

b. The flight commander will check every day to see if each cadet brought a current event

c. On Thursdays, each cadet will turn in their notebook where they include all of their current events for the week.

d. The Flight Commander will grade each cadet’s whole notebook

e. The flight Commander will record the grades on the rubric in each binder and in the grade book.

1.6 - Homework a. When homework is assigned by the instructor, it will be completed by Thursday ( the students will work on their homework when they have free time in class and if needed they will take home to complete)

b. On Thursday, the homework will be handed out and graded by the cadets

c. When the cadets are done grading the homework, the flight commander will call out every cadet’s name from the grade sheet. The cadet who graded that cadet’s homework will say their grade out loud so the flight commander can record the grades

d. The grades from the homework will be then recorded onto a grading sheet (this only applies to the flights that have homework)

e. For the cadets who are absent, there will already be a makeup worksheet with their name on it made by the flight commander, record the missing homework on the sheet so the cadets can make up their work when they return

1.7 - Notes a. Everyday except for Thursdays and Fridays the cadets will take notes on the instructors’ lessons

b. All cadets must take notes if they want to use their notes and book on the test (if they have that option to use them on the test)

c. Occasionally the instructor will ask the flight commander to present the power point slides/lessons the cadets use to take notes. This allows the instructors to answer phone calls and document attendance or speak privately with a cadet. The flight commander can often respond to questions as they typically have already completed and excelled (which is why they were selected) in the material. Any questions not answered will be answered by the instructor upon their return

5 Chapter Two - Weekly Tasks

2.1 - Tests/Quizzes a. Test/Quizzes will be assigned that week by the Instructor

b. Test/Quizzes will normally be taken on Thursdays on the material they learned throughout the week

c. After the tests/quizzes are complete they will normally be graded by the students, the Instructor, or the Flight Commanders

d. The Flight Commander will record the grades onto a grading sheet no later than Friday

e. After grades are recorded on the grade sheet, the grade sheet will be placed in the flight binder in the appropriate divided section

f. These grades will also be recorded into the Honors Points System

g. For the cadets who are absent one of the flight commanders will record the missing work on the makeup worksheet so they are informed of what they have missed

2.2 - Current Events a. On Thursday, cadets’ current event binders will be graded and recorded (on a grade sheet). If a cadet was missing a current event during the week, they will have points deducted from their overall current event grade

b. To grade the current event binders, the flight commander will use the current event rubric as the reference

c. For the cadets who are absent, one of the flight commanders will record the missing work on the makeup worksheet so the cadet is informed on what they have missed and to insure the made-up work is properly recorded

6 2.3 - Inspection a. Every Tuesday, unless informed otherwise, cadets will come to school dressed properly in their uniform

b. Duringclass the cadets will form into a flight outside to be graded by their flight commander

c. The flight sergeant will form the cadets outside and give them the command, “flight fall in”, forming the flight into an in- line formationwith four elements and with cadets in alphabetical order. If possible, the flight sergeant will form the cadets up facing away from the sun.

d. The guide will fall in 3 paces in front of and to the flight sergeant’s left so the flight will be centered on the flight sergeant

e. The first element leader will fall in to the left of the guide with the rest of the element leaders falling behind the first element leader

f. The flight commander will give the command “open ranks” and “ready front” (for reference, use the Dill and Ceremonies book)

g. The flight sergeant will then call the second, third and fourth elements to parade rest while the first element is at attention

h. The flight commander will then give the new flight binder (with the uniform grade sheets) to the other flight commander and the one without the binder will inspect uniforms as the one with the binder notes the deductions

i. The fight sergeant will stay at the front of the flight and watch for the flight’s position of attention and military bearing

j. After the flight commander has passed the element that they just graded, they will inspect the back of the uniforms of the element

k. When the flight commanders get to the next element’s element leader, the element leader will call their element to attention while the previous element’s leader will call their element to parade rest

l. The flight commanders will grade each cadet individually in their element, starting with the first element and beginning with the guide.

m. The flight commanders will take no longer than 45 seconds to grade each cadet, starting with the top of the head and working their way down

n. When the flight commander is finished grading uniforms, they will give the command, “close ranks, march”

7 o. The flight commanders will either march the flight back to the classroom or have their flight stay on the drill pad and drill

2.4 - Participation a. Every week cadets receive a weekly participation grade for how well they did that week

b. Cadets are graded on their behavior in their flight, the amount of participation in classroom discussion, and whether or not they took notes during class

c. The participation grades are placed on the current event sheet under the weekly participation column

2.5 - Physical Training a. Physical training (PT) is every Friday during class

b. Cadets will bring their PT uniform on Friday (PT uniform includes PT shirt, PT shorts, and running shoes)

c. The cadets will be instructed to change into their PT uniform the first 10 minutes of class by their flight commanders

d. The cadets will come back into the classroom fully dressed and stand by their desks at parade rest

e. The flight commander will retrieve a PT sheet from a Instructor’s office and fill it out with each cadet’s name in alphabetical order and the date at the top

f. The flight commander or assistant flight commander will call the name of each cadet and the cadet will respond with check, check, check Sir/Ma’am if they have their PT shirt/sweatshirt, their PT shorts/sweatpants, and running shoes

g. Cadets will receive 25 points for shirts and shorts, 10 points for shoes, and 40 points for participation

h. After checking the cadets’ uniform, the cadets will form up outside and wait for instructors to proceed to their destination

i. The flight commanders will observe the cadets and make sure they are participating in the activity of the day

j. If they are not participating then points will be deducted from their PT participation grade

k. The amount of points deducted will be the decision of the flight commander

l. Upon completing the activity of the day, the flight commanders will form up their flight and march them into the classroom

8 m. They will march in and mark time at their desks until the flight sergeant or flight commander commands them to halt

n. The cadets will go change into their civilian clothes when commanded by the flight commander

o. After the cadets change they will return to their desks until they are dismissed

2.6 - Goals for Each Flight a. Every week and quarter,goals will be set for each flight by the flight commander and their cadets. Along with their goals there will be a set award agreed upon when each flight’s goals are accomplished

b. There must be at least 5 reachable goals written down and recorded by the flight commanders

c. By the end of the week/ quarter, all goals will be met and if they are not, the flight will not be awarded the agreed upon award

2.7 - Weekly Reports to Flight Squadron Commanders a. Disciplineincludes information on cadets’ behavior. Notes should also be included on the flight sergeant’s ability to control the flight

b. Academics is based off of the cadets’ scores on the bellwork, quiz, and homework.

c. Uniformsis based off of the weekly uniform grades received and any recurring problems that seem to be prevalent in the Squadron.

d. Physical Trainingwill include info from the Group’s PT performance that week; this includes whether or not cadets dressed in PT clothes, PT participation info, and any other prevalent info about PT from the Squadron.

e. Participationwill include information about the behavior of the cadets in flights in general, as well as participation grades.

f. Remarks can be any pressing issue or concern that the flight commander thinks needs to be brought to the attention of their squadron commander

9 Chapter Three - Selecting Positions for the Flight

a. Each cadet selected for a specific position will be given the position for a minimum time of one week and a maximum time of two weeks

b. The flight commanders will ensure each cadet in the flight has had a chance to be in at least one of these positions each semester

c. Under certain circumstances if the cadet misbehaves, their grades drop, or fails to meet the standards for their given job they will be dismissed and replaced by another cadet

3.1 - Flight Sergeant a. When selecting a flight sergeant for the first time in a semester, the flight commanders must select a cadet who is the most self-disciplined, participates the most during class, has one of the highest grades in the class, and is not afraid to stand up to his/her fellow cadets

b. For each fight sergeant after this, the flight commanders will choose whoever they see fit for the position, but should take into account who has and has not yet been in a flight position

3.2 - Guide a. When selecting a guide in the flight for the first time in a semester, the flight commanders must select a cadet who participates in class, has one of the highest grades in the class, understands the concepts AFJROTC drill, and is able to lead the flight proficiently

b. For each guide after this, the flight commanders will choose whoever they see fit for the position, but should take into account who has and has not yet been in a flight position

3.3 - Element Leaders a. When selecting the element leaders the flight commander must select those cadets that are not yet confident with their commanding abilities, have decent grades, some knowledge of the AFJROTC drill, and want to become more active within their flight

10 3.4 - Flight Representatives a. When selecting representatives to assist job commanders in the Mission Support Group, the cadet must be interested in the position they are volunteering for and must know the responsibilities that go along with their position

b. The representatives must attend the meetings held by their commander and if they are unable to make it they must inform their commander a day before the meeting is scheduled

c. Flight commanders should have a backup representative for each position if the primary representative cannot make the meetings, the backup can attend them and inform him/her on all pertinent information discussed

d. The representatives will make sure their flights have everything they need and the operation commander has all the information he/she needs to complete the task they were assigned

e. If no cadets from the flight wish to be representatives for a certain job, the flight commander will work with the job’s commander and resolve the issue

11 Chapter Four - Worksheets for Flight Commanders

4.1 - Cadet Papers 4.1.1 - Class Rules, Consequences, and Class Procedures a. The flight commander will pass this paper out to all their cadets and read it over with them the first day of school making sure they understand all of it

b. They will take this home and show their parent/guardian and for safe keeping they should keep it in their ROTC binders or folders

4.1.2 - Weekly Schedule a. This paper will be passed out the first day of school and read over carefully by the cadet and parent/guardian

4.1.3 - PT Consent Form a. This paper will be passed out the first week of school before PT begins

b. The cadet and their parent/guardian will go over this paper and fill it out and sign it in the appropriate places

c. It will then be returned to the flight commander

4.1.4 - Parent/Guardian Contact Info a. This paper will be passed out the first week of school and filled out completely by the cadet’s parent/ guardian

b. It will then be returned to the flight commander

4.2 - Weekly Grade papers 4.2.1 - Current Events Rubric a. This paper will be passed out the first week of school and read over to understand the standards for completing current events properly

b. This paper should stay in the current event binder at all times so the cadet can understand what points were deducted from their overall score

4.2.2 - Current Events Grades a. This paper will be passed out along with the current event rubric

b. This paper will have the cadets name on it and must be in the cadet’s current event binder/folder or there will be points deducted from their overall score

c. The flight commander will write the cadet’s grade on this paper and comments on why there was points deducted

12 4.3.3 - Uniform Inspection Form a. This paper will be in the flight binder for uniform inspection

b. This paper will be filled out correctly including: 1. The name of the cadet will be written at the top of the paper with the last name first and first name last 2. The date will be written below each week 3. If points are deducted from any category the amount of points will be written in that section and comments will be written on why those points were deducted 4. If a cadet is absent or excused an A or E will be put in the total section of the form until it is made up

4.4 - Community Service Papers 4.4.1 - Community Service Log Sheet a. This paper will be passed out the first week of school to the cadets

b. The cadets will fill it out when they receive community service hours and they will turn it in at the end of the semesterfor promotion

c. The form will also be available on

13 4.5 - Organization of Flight Binder 4.5.1 - The Binder a. The binder will contain the following items in the proceeding order and hole- punched within the binder

b. The following items are: the front clear pocket of the binder, one clear protective sheet, three dividers (labeled uniform, current events (CE), and Physical Training (PT), one folder, and the back clear pocket of the binder

c. The front clear pocket of the binder will contain announcements from jobs and other messages for representatives in the flights or flight commanders. These announcements are to be addressed and either given back to applicable job commanders or disposed of.

d. The clear protective sheet will contain a contact sheet with a working phone number for each cadet

e. The divider labeled “uniform” will contain each cadet’s uniform grade sheet in alphabetical order

f. The divider labeled “current events (CE)” will contain the grade sheets for bellwork, homework, participation, daily current events grades, quizzes, and test grades

g. The divider labeled “physical training (PT) will contain the PT grade sheet for the PT gear, the participation grades, each cadet’s mile time, number of push- ups, and number of sit- ups

h. The folder will have two pockets, one on the left and one on the right. The left pocket will contain incomplete quizzes (for cadets who were absent) with their name at the top of the incomplete quiz

i. The right pocket of the folder will contain quizzes that have been graded and recorded on the grade sheet; these may be returned to cadets

j. The back clear pocket of the binder will be where the instructor puts the completed grade sheets; this pocket will be left empty by the flight commanders until the instructor places the grade sheets (which have already been recorded by the instructor) into that pocket.

14 Chapter Five -Virtual/ Online Resources

5.1 -Resources on 5.1.1 - General resources on the website a. The following items below can be found under the tab “curriculum resources” and under each class’s tab

b. The aerospaceeduaction 100 and leadership education textbook, workbook, and powerpoint slides can be found under the tab “AS-1”

c. The science of flight (AS-II) and Leadership Education II textbook, workbook, and powerpoint slides can be found under the tab “AS2”

d. The Survival textbook, exploring space, and leadership education III powerpoint slides can be found under the tab “AS- 3”

e. The FAA Handbook of Pilot Knowledge (Honors Ground School) can be found under the tab “AS3 Honors”

f. The leadership Education IV textbook, workbook, and powerpoint slides can be found under the tab “AS4”

5.2 - Announcements 5.2.1 - Where to find announcements a. Click the tab “home” on the website

b. Announcements will be posted on the middle of the page

5.2.2- Flight Commanders and announcements a. The announcements on the website should be read off the website to the cadets by the flight commander whenever they are updated


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