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2001 Old Lincoln Highway Langhorne, Pennsylvania 19047-3295


Neshaminy School District 2001 Old Lincoln Highway  Langhorne, Pennsylvania 19047-3295

Dear Parents/Guardians of 10th Graders:

During the 2013-2014 school year your son/daughter will study a Human Sexuality Unit as part of the 10th Grade Health Curriculum. We feel this is a very important and worthwhile unit for our students especially since tenth grade is the final year for health curriculum at Neshaminy.

The unit is designed to be comprehensive in nature and to complement lessons received in the 8th grade Health Education Unit. Abstinence (postponing sexual intercourse) is stressed throughout the unit while providing students accurate, up to date information about this complex portion of their lives.

We encourage you to review our unit content outline on the back of this sheet. We believe that parents are the primary sexuality educators with their children. Whenever possible, we hope you will initiate conversations with your children to discuss your family’s values and attitudes on these topics. If you have any questions about the unit please contact your son’s/daughter’s health teacher or the individuals listed below. Should you wish to have your child excluded from any portion of this unit, you need to contract your son’s/daughter’s health teacher or the Department Chairperson in writing.

Mrs. Amy Geruc Mrs. Jan King Department Chairperson Lead Teacher 215-809-6139 215-809-6562

Return only if you are requesting that your son/daughter be excluded from all or part of this unit or if you wish to offer comments.

Name of Student: ______Health Teacher: ______

Name of Parent: ______Phone Number: ______

_____ I wish to have my son/daughter excluded from this unit. ______The entire unit ______Portion of the unit: please list topics from the outline.

Comments: Understanding Sexuality: Making Healthy Choices

Lesson 1: Defining Sexuality: Defining sexuality within the TV and media while discussing adolescent concerns. Listing and evaluating values and responsibilities as an adolescent.

Lesson 2: Expressing Sexuality: Looks at sexuality as an integral part of our lives that can be expressed in healthy or unhealthy ways.

Lesson 3: Gender Roles and Stereotyping: Explores the impact of sex roles stereotyping on human potential.

Lesson 4-6: Dating Relationships: Explores the need for intimacy and considers the difference between true intimacy and close physical contract. Discusses violence within dating relationships and focuses on traits of a healthy relationship.

Lesson 7: Anatomy and Physiology: Reviews the structures and functions of the male and female reproduction systems.

Lesson 8: Short and Long Term goals: Looks at the realities of teenage pregnancy and the difficult choices involved with/without a child. Discusses resources associated with teen pregnancy.

Lesson 9: Family Planning: Explains pregnancy prevention methods, including abstinence, as an important part of planning for the future.

Lesson 10: Sexually Transmitted Infections: Provides information on sexually transmitted infections, including symptoms, prevention, and the impact on the future health and relationships.

Lesson 11: HIV and AIDS: Relates accurate information about HIV and AIDS to everyday living, including the choices we do (or do not) make to protect ourselves, and the way we respond to others. WHAT’S IT ALL ABOUT?

TODAY’S GOALS: -Students will review ideas and definitions related to sexuality. -Students will be able to identify different topics within sexuality and answer questions.

National Standards:


GENDER: Directions: In complete sentences answer each of these questions. Answers must be at least a paragraph in length.

SEXUALITY: Everything you are as a male or female encompassing physical characteristics, feelings, attitudes, values, and relationships.

1. At what age does a person’s sexuality begin to develop?

2. At what age does a person’s sexuality come to an end?

3. Are all people sexual? What if they choose never to have sex?

See what your basic knowledge is about some of the many fascinating things you’ll be learning about this semester. Complete each of these sentences.


1. A majority of sexual crimes against children are done by… 2. A female can become pregnant during sexual intercourse without the male… 3. The volume of semen consists mainly of. . . 4. Among married couples in the United States, the most common form of birth control is… 5. The age which puberty begins is. . .

6. Fertilization of the egg occurs in the…

7. Testicular cancer affects men primarily aged . . . 8. HIV can be transmitted through…

9. Most transsexuals feel they really should be a member of… 10. Condoms are made and sold for…

11. AIDS is an autoimmune disease that if left untreated can lead to… 12. Homosexuality is defined as. . .

13. Women with certain STI’s may have… For the next week, you are to watch three TV shows that feature teens. Use the checklist below to evaluate each one. Jot down some examples you find in the show that illustrate each of your responses.


Do the teens act in responsible ways? YES NO YES NO YES NO


Do the teens have serious discussions with adult role YES NO YES NO YES NO models about sex?


Are the negative consequences of teen sex YES NO YES NO YES NO portrayed realistically?


Do any of the characters who have been sexually YES NO YES NO YES NO active later choose abstinence?


What TV show portrays the healthiest message about teen sex? Please state examples to support your decision. EXPRESSING SEXUALITY

TODAY’S GOALS: -Identify one fact and one myth about each of the following: sexual intercourse masturbation sexual fantasy marriage going out-“dating” sexiness -Describe what people need from a relationship.

National Standards:

Identify one statement that you believe to be a MYTH about human sexuality.

Identify one statement that you believe to be a FACT about human sexuality. Sexual Fantasy: Definition: ______Facts: 1. ______2. ______3. ______4. ______5. ______Myths: 1. ______2. ______3. ______

Opinions: 1. ______2. ______

Masturbation: Definition: ______Facts: 1. ______2. ______3. ______4. ______5. ______Myths: 1. ______2. ______3. ______

Opinions: 1. ______2. ______Sexual Intercourse Definition: ______Facts: 1. ______2. ______3. ______4. ______5. ______Myths: 1. ______2. ______3. ______

Opinions: 1. ______2. ______

Marriage: Definition: ______Facts: 1. ______2. ______3. ______4. ______5. ______Myths: 1. ______2. ______3. ______

Opinions: 1. ______2. ______Going out (Dating): Definition: ______Facts: 1. ______2. ______3. ______4. ______5. ______Myths: 1. ______2. ______3. ______

Opinions: 1. ______2. ______MALE Advantages Disadvantages

When thinking of advantages and disadvantages, consider the following areas: dating, friendships, family responsibilities, child care, employment, appearance (hair, make-up, clothing), education, sports, feelings, etc. Be specific. FEMALE Advantages Disadvantages

When thinking of advantages and disadvantages, consider the following areas: dating, friendships, family responsibilities, child care, employment, appearance (hair, make-up, clothing), education, sports, feelings, etc. Be specific. GENDER ROLES AND STEREOTYPES

TODAY’S GOALS: -Examine the influence of societal stereotypes on interpersonal relationships. -Identify advantages/disadvantages of each gender. -Examine the influence of gender roles on interpersonal relationships.

National Standards: 10.1.12 Evaluate factors that impact growth and development during adulthood and late adulthood. (Relationships)



SEXISM: The Real-Life, Cleaning-UP the Messes Family Reevaluation Checklist

Rank each item according to its level of importance (or time requirement in your household, and tally the results. Add your own items. Then sit down with your partner and, if necessary, agree on a more equitable division of labor. Strive for a negotiated balance, not an equal number of tasks.

TASK FREQUENCY WOMAN WOMAN SHARED MAN MAN (daily, weekly, DOES DOES DOES DOES monthly?) ALWAYS SOMETIMES ALWAYS SOMETIMES Get Children Dressed Have Children Brush Teeth Cook Breakfast Cook Dinner Do Dinner Dishes Animal Chores Take Trash Out House Cleaning Washing Clothes Drying/Folding Clothes Taking Children to School Taking Children to Activities Taking Children to Doctor Changing Sheets on Beds Making Beds Changing Diapers Taking Care of Sick Child Going Grocery Shopping Making Lunches Cleaning Bathroom Mowing the Lawn House Repairs Gardening Planning Social Events Doing Finances Earning the Income Bathing Young Children Buying Clothes Playing Sports with Kids Watering Houseplants Waking up with Kids at Night Attending School Functions Decorating the House DIRECTIONS: For each scenario, answer each question, writing at least 3 complete sentences.

1. Travis is about to ask Michelle out for the first time when she walks over to him and says, “Travis, there’s a new movie in town and I really want to see it. I was hoping you would go with me. Are you busy Saturday night?” Travis has no plans, and he was hoping to take Michelle to the movie, but he wants to do the asking. He thinks he’ll say he’s busy. What can Travis say or do?

2. Charlene has been offered a special grant to apprentice with a master plumber after graduation. She’s excited, and she rushes to tell John. They’ve been planning to get married in the fall, and this way, she’ll be able to start earning good money. John is very quiet after Charlene tells him. Finally he says, “I don’t think I can marry a plumber, Charlene. You’re going to have to make a choice – me or being a plumber.” What might Charlene do? What are your thoughts about what John said?

3. Sam wants to buy a doll for his nephew’s birthday, but his friend, Jose says, “No way!” Sam explains that dolls help teach little boys to take care of someone and be loving, but Jose argues that they just teach boys to be sissies. Sam knows he is right, but he’s concerned about what Jose might say to their friends. What might Sam do? 4. Serena and Fernando have been going out for months and things have been good between them. Her parents approve of him and the word is out around school that she is his girl. However, lately Fernando has been putting a lot of pressure on Serena for more than she is ready for. When she says, “No,” he says that it’s her place as a woman to please him. What can Serena say to him?

5. Shaundra and Malcolm are arguing about their sister, Patricia, and her husband, Robert. Shaundra has noticed lots of bruises on Patricia’s arms and shoulders recently, and this weekend she had a black eye. Malcolm says Patricia has been too “uppity” lately and their brother-in-law is trying to show her who’s boss. Shaundra looks at Malcolm and shakes her head. She doesn’t think violence is ever an answer. What might Shaundra say?

6. Keisha has decided to have sexual intercourse with her boyfriend Tony. She says they really love each other. She stops at the drugstore to buy condoms, and her friend, Tanya, says, “Girls can’t buy condoms! That’s a guys business to do.” What might Keisha say and do?

7. Susan and Michael have been going together for almost a year. Michael always pays for everything and makes most of the decisions about where to go and what to do. In Susan’s health class they talked about girls paying for dates and having some say about a couple’s plans. Both Susan and Michael have part-time jobs and earn very little money, so pooling their funds seems to make sense to Susan; but Michael is furious at the idea. What might Susan say to Michael? DATING AND RELATIONSHIPS

TODAY’S GOALS: List some things you can learn about a person by dating ٠ .٠Describe some strategies for dealing with dating concerns

National Standards: 10.1.12 Evaluate factors that impact growth and development during adulthood and late adulthood. (Relationships)


QUICK QUIZ- Which of these do you value you most in a romantic partner? Explain why you selected the answer that you did. 1. Someone who is physically attractive? 2. Someone who is outgoing? 2. Someone who is intelligent? 3. Someone who is honest and reliable? 4. Someone who shares my values. .٠Dating practices vary with individuals, families and cultures

In the chart below, fill in expectations you find in society about dating.

Family Friends Cultural Media

What are some ways to eliminate stress while dating? With three of your classmates, write a short skit that shows the importance of honest communication. Pick a situation when failing to ask questions, or telling a lie when answering questions causing a misunderstanding. CHOOSING ABSTINENCE

TODAY’S GOALS: ٠Identify some risks of sexual intimacy ٠Explain why emotional intimacy is important in close relationships .٠List some skills that can help you choose abstinence

National Standards: 10.1.12 Evaluate factors that impact growth and development during adulthood and late adulthood. (Relationships)

Emotional Intimacy:

Abstinence: In the chart below, list and rank in order the top five people/things that influence a teenager’s decisions about sex.







Parents- Parents Friends- Friends Clergy- Clergy Teachers- Teachers Media- Media Other- Other ME Me- SEXUAL INTIMACY EMOTIONAL INTIMACY


A decision to become sexually involved may go against moral values, making them feel guilty or ashamed. Often teenagers do not think that pregnancy can happen to them. Few want to become pregnant, but 1 in 6 sexually active girls will. Often couples are not prepared for the complications of sexual intimacy. Changes are permanent and it is almost impossible to go back to a time before sex. Often teenagers think they are invincible and that STI’s cannot happen to them. Abstinence is: ______

Abstinence Skills you may need:


In the space below, write a persuasive e-mail to a fictional friend that uses information that you have learned in this section to encourage the friend to choose abstinence. Remember, persuasive means having the power to convince someone to believe or do something!!


TODAY’S GOALS: .٠Describe the cycle of violence .٠Identify reasons why a person should report a rape ٠Explain the effect of sexual abuse on a victim ٠Describe an effective way to reduce sexual harassment at school

National Standards: 10.1.12 Evaluate factors that impact growth and development during adulthood and late adulthood. (Relationships)

Dating Violence: ______

Physical Abuse: ______

Emotional Abuse: ______

Sexual Abuse: ______

Rape: ______

Date Rape: ______

Statutory Rape: ______

Incest: ______

Pedophilia: ______

Sexual Harrassment: ______:٠Tension Building Stage ______

______:٠Violent Episode ______

______:”٠Calm or “honeymoon stage ______

Warning Signs of Abuse: A good way to avoid the Cycle of Violence is to recognize the warning signs that can lead to abuse.

٠Your date is jealous when you talk to others ٠Your date makes all the decisions and tries to control what you do ٠Your date has a history of bad relationships ٠You feel isolated from your friends and family ٠You feel less self-confident when you are with your date ٠You change how you behave to avoid an argument Some reasons a teen may remain in an abusive relationship or hide the abuse from others:

Steps to End the Abuse: Answer the following in complete sentences.

1. Would you define this situation as rape? Why or why not?

2. What could Mark have done to prevent this situation from occurring?

3. What could Diane have done to prevent this situation from occurring?

4. What should a person do when they want to be sexual but don’t want to have intercourse?

Do you think Diane/Mark planned to have sex with Mark/Diane from the beginning of the date? Why or why not? REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEMS

TODAY’S GOALS: Describe three functions of the male reproductive system. Describe three functions of the female reproductive system. Identify parts of the male and female reproductive systems. Summarize the stages of the menstrual cycle. Summarize the pathway of the sperm.

National Standards: 10.1.12 Evaluate factors that impact growth and development during adulthood and late adulthood. (Relationships)







Vas Deferens

Prostate Gland


Seminal Vesicle


Bulbo-Urethra Glands



Nocturnal Emission


1. Sperm are produced in the TESTES. They mature and are stored in the epididymis.

2. Sperm travel through the vas deferens to the seminal vesicle.

3. Seminal vesicles add a fluid that provides a source of energy to the active sperm.

4. The prostate gland adds a fluid that protects the sperm.

5. The bulbourethral glands add a fluid that protects sperm from acidic conditions in the urethra. FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM


Fallopian Tubes





Menstrual Cycle




Days 1-4 The uterine lining is shed during menstruation.

Days 5-13 An egg matures in one of the ovaries, and the uterine lining thickens

Days 14-15 The ovary releases a mature egg during ovulation.

Days 16-22 The egg travels through the fallopian tube to the uterus, and the uterine lining continues to thicken.

Days 23-28 The unfertilized egg enters the uterus. PREGNANCY

TODAY’S GOALS: Summarize the events that occur during the first week after fertilization. Describe the structures that protect and nourish the embryo and fetus. Identify four behaviors that are essential for a healthy pregnancy. Explain the importance of prenatal care throughout pregnancy. Describe the risks associated with teen pregnancy.

National Standards: 10.1.12 Evaluate factors that impact growth and development during adulthood and late adulthood. (Relationships)

What are some factors you think a married couple should consider before they have a baby? PREGNANCY

Zygote Embryo



Amniotic Sac


Umbilical Cord


Prenatal Care Obstetrician Trimester


Ectopic Pregnancy

Miscarriage FERTILIZATION Of the hundreds of millions of sperm that enter the vagina during sexual intercourse, only a few hundred make it to the egg, and only one can fertilize it. Within seconds, the surface of the egg changes so that no more sperm can enter the egg. In the first week after fertilization, the fertilized egg undergoes many cell divisions and travels to the uterus.

The Zygote Within 36 hours, while the zygote is traveling through the fallopian tube, it begins to divide.

Cell Division The original cell divides to make two cells, becoming an embryo. As the embryo travels toward the uterus, its cells continue to divide.

The Blastocyst About 5 days after fertilization, the embryo reaches the uterus, where it floats for a few days.

Implantation Once the blastocyst forms, it begins to attach itself ti the wall of the uterus.

Getting proper nutrition and exercise and avoiding drugs and environmental hazards are especially important both before and throughout pregnancy. The chances of having a healthy baby greatly increase when the mother is under the prenatal care of an obstetrician.


-Record medical history -Monitor heartbeat of -Check position and size and weight. fetus. of fetus.

-Note conditions that -Measure growth of -Check for warning signs could affect the uterus. of premature, or early pregnancy. birth.

-Prescribe prenatal -Monitor complications -Continue to monitor for vitamins as needed. using ultrasound and complications. other tools. -Discuss birth process.

Ectopic Pregnancy



Gestational Diabetes

Premature Birth Health Risks: Teenagers face risks to their health and to the health of the fetus that most pregnant women in their 20’s and 30’s do not face. In the space below, please describe how your life would be different if you had a baby. Consider how a baby would affect your free time, your friendships, your family relationships, and your goals for the future. ______PREVENTING PREGNANCY

TODAY’S GOALS: Explain why abstinence is the only completely effective way to prevent pregnancy and STI’s. Explain why contraception is a responsible decision for those who choose to be sexually active. Identify the three general types of contraception.

National Standards: 10.1.12 Evaluate factors that impact growth and development during adulthood and late adulthood. (Relationships)



Failure Rate


Sterilization 0

Contraceptive Failure Protection Availability Proper Use Methods Rate From STI’s 0% Complete

11% Some Over the Applied immediately before Counter intercourse; used once.

21% Some Over the Inserted before intercourse, Counter used once.

17% None Prescription Must be left in place for 6 hours after intercourse. Can be washed and re-used.

17-23% None Prescription Proper insertion can be difficult; must be left in place for 8 hours after intercourse. Can be washed and re-used.

15% None Prescription Must be left in place for 8 hours after intercourse. Can be washed and re-used.

16% None Over the Must be left in place for 6 hours Counter after intercourse. Discarded after use.

35% None Over the Varies based on type. Counter 1 to 2% None Prescription Must be taken daily. 1 to 2% None Prescription New patch is applied once a week.

1 to 2% None Prescription New ring is inserted once a month.

<1% None Prescription One injection every 3 months.

<1% None Prescription One-time procedure. Tubal Ligation- Female Vasectomy- Male Barrier Methods Hormonal Methods Permanent Methods

Periodic Abstinence


On the scale below, show the following contraception methods, comparing their total effectiveness against preventing pregnancy.

Birth Control Pill Male Condom Sterilization Withdrawal Diaphragm Female Condom Injections Abstinence

100% 0% See if you can put the steps to placing a condom on correctly into the right order.

____Ejaculation occurs

____Apply more lubricant to the outside of the condom

____Carefully push the condom to one side

____Carefully open the condom by tearing the corner

____Make sure the right side of the condom is facing out

____Check the date

____Discard of the condom (do not flush it!)

____Move away from the vagina and remove the condom

____Apply Lubricant to the inside of the condom

_____The penis is fully erect

_____Carefully roll the condom down over the penis

____Pinch the tip and leave some room

____Ready to have intercourse

____Hold on to the base of the condom and carefully remove the penis from the vagina Definition: ______


The act of refraining from sexual intercourse is called: ______

Barrier Methods Sponge Withdrawal Hormonal Methods Birth Control Pill Cervical Cap Permanent Methods Patch Vasectomy Male Condom Ring Tubal Ligation Female Condom Injection Diaphragm

1. ______of contraception prevent sperm from reaching the egg.

2. The ______is a barrier method that can only be obtained by seeing a healthcare professional.

3. An operation where the doctor makes a small incision in the scrotum and then severs each vas deferens is called a ______.

4. Hormonal Method where female hormones are released into the body through a ______taken daily.

5. The ______is a thin sheath that is usually made of latex that provides the best possible protection against STI’s.

6. ______is a procedure where a woman’s fallopian tubes are cut or closed, blocking the sperm’s access to the released egg. 7. ______of contraception are only appropriate for people who are sure they either do not want children or do not want more children.

8. The ______is a hormonal method that prevents ovulation by releasing estrogen and progestin through the skin.

9. The ______is a disc shaped, foam device that contains spermicide.

10. The ______is a thin plastic sheath that is inserted into the vagina and is also available over the counter.

11. A female may receive an ______of progestin every 3 months.

12. ______of contraception work by preventing ovulation or inhibiting fertilization.

13. The vaginal ______is a flexible piece of plastic that contains hormones that are inserted into the woman’s vagina.

14. ______is one of the most ineffective methods of birth control because it does not protect against STI’s and has the highest failure rate.

15. The ______is smaller than the diaphragm, but does the same job. SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS

TODAY’S GOALS: Identify the best way to avoid sexually transmitted infections during the teenage years. Identify three of the most common STI’s including their symptoms and treatments. List four other STI’s and describe their symptoms. Know when a person should seek treatment for an STI.

National Standards: 10.1.12 Evaluate factors that impact growth and development during adulthood and late adulthood. (Relationships)

1. What is this song about?

2. List two facts you learned from listening to this song.

3. List two behaviors the singer could have changed to avoid the situation. 1 A person can have an STI and not know it. 2 It is normal for women to have some vaginal discharge. 3 In this state, parents must be notified before minors can be tested or treated for an STI 4 Once you have had an STI and been cured, you can t get it again. 5 It is easy to get syphilis or gonorrhea from a toilet seat. 6 It is possible to get crabs, scabies, or yeast infections from borrowed towels and clothing. 7 Women who have sex for the first time before age 20 are at higher risk for cancer of the cervix.

8 A pregnant woman who has an STI can pass the disease on to her baby. 9 STIs that aren’t cured early can make it impossible for a person to have children.

10 Most STIs go away on their own without treatment if people wait long enough. 11 Birth control pills offer excellent protection from STIs. 12 Condoms can help prevent the spread of STIs. 13 Burning with urination is a common symptom of STDs in both men and women. 14 AIDS can be passed from one person to another by hugging. 15 The symptoms of AIDS are the same as the symptoms of other sexually transmitted diseases. STI Usual Time Symptoms Complications Treatments from Contact to First Symptoms 4 to 20 days, with Pain when urinating, Gland infections in Doctor prescribed average being 7 discharge, intense females, vaginitis, medicine days. itching, painful prostatitis in males, intercourse, usually inflammation of no symptoms in men urethra in males Soon after first Genital warts Cervical cancer, Surgical removal of sexual contact (itching/burning),can must have regular Warts, Immune But usually there are be removed Pap tests system no apparent surgically done for abnormal can at times remove symptoms. cell growth, HPV test virus from body (for HPV only) 2-3 weeks for males; Males- painful PID- can lead to Antibiotics usually frequent infertility or ectopic no symptoms in urination and pregnancy, can be females. discharge passed on to infant from penis, during childbirth Females- often no affecting their lungs symptoms (yellowish and eyes. vaginal discharge) 45-160 days Some persons may Liver cancer, Diagnosed by blood not have any Cirrhosis test. Medications symptoms. (liver tissue replaced may relieve Others have nausea, by scar tissue), symptoms, no abdominal pain, abdominal pain, low medical cure. Most fatigue and jaundice. back pain. persons recover Premature birth or within 6 to 8 weeks. spontaneous Vaccine is now abortion can occur. available. From a few days to Painful blisters on or Strong evidence No cure at the about 3 weeks around genitals linking infection to present time; cervical cancer, medication can central nervous relieve pain, shorten system damage, the time of sores or death or eye prevent infections at damage to infants the site of open sores. 2-10 days, but Genital discharge, Pelvic inflammatory Curable with possibly 30 days or painful urination, disease, sterility, antibiotics. more. often no symptoms arthritis, blindness, in men; no eye Usually no infection in symptoms in newborns women. STI Usual Time Symptoms Complications Treatments from Contact to First Symptoms Ten days to 3 First stage- painless Symptoms may Easily cured with months, with sore (chancre) imitate those of other antibiotics in the average of 21 days appears at site diseases; initial stage. Second stage- sores Damage done to in mouth with flu like body is permanent; symptoms and non- treatment of itchy skin rash pregnant women appears on with syphilis is hands and feet. necessary to prevent Third stage-no damage to fetus. symptoms-untreated syphilis leads to brain damage, paralysis and heart disease. This damage can lead to death. PID Pubic Lice Gonorrhea Herpes Syphilis Chlamydia HPV Chancre Trichomoniasis Hepatitis 1. ______is an infection caused by a protozoan that infects the urinary tract or vagina.

2. The most common viral STI in the United States is ______.

3. ______is a disease that causes blisters to form around the mouth and genitals.

4. A ______is a painless sore on the body.

5. ______causes intense itching in the genital region.

6. The most common bacterial STI in the USA is ______.

7. ______can be caused if Chlamydia goes untreated.

8. During the last phase of ______organs are invaded which can eventually lead to death.

9. ______can be spread through blood-to-blood contact.

10. If you are treated for Chlamydia, you most likely will also be treated for


List 4 ways to avoid STI’s

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

Name the three things you should do if you suspect you have an STI or STD.

1. ______2. ______

3. ______

Fast forward into the future: You are married. One night you make a poor decision and cheat on your partner. A couple of weeks later you begin to experience symptoms of Chlamydia. You see a doctor, and he confirms your suspicion. You must now tell your partner you are being treated for Chlamydia and that there is a chance they have contracted it as well. What do you say? Consider everything that you may need to include in your explanation. (This should be at least 4 sentences)

______HIV and AIDS

TODAY’S GOALS: Explain how the HIV infection leads to AIDS. Describe how HIV is transmitted from person to person.

National Standards: 10.1.12 Evaluate factors that impact growth and development during adulthood and late adulthood. (Relationships)

Pass It On!

1. How did you feel before and after the activity? Explain

2. What thoughts were going through your head as you were opening the envelope?

3. How can you avoid feeling this way?

4. How can you tell if someone has HIV? Cup Number Dice Roll 1. 1.

Reflection questions:

1. Why might teens not use protection?

2. How did you feel when found your test result came out positive?

3. Would you know be more willing to get tested for HIV and have your partner tested before have sexual relations?



Opportunistic Infection

Asymptomatic Stage

HIV attacks Helper T cells. These helper T cells call other cells to help fight any infection. The HIV cells take over the T cells and destroy them while reproducing.

1 Asymptomatic Stage

2 Symptomatic Stage


There are FOUR main ways that HIV can spread from person-to-person. Testing HIV Tests can be done anonymously. If you do test positive for HIV it is important that you contact all previous partners that you have had sex or shared needles with.You should also do follow up testing. People have been given false positive HIV test diagnosis. Even if your results are negative the tests may not register for six months after being infected.

Treatment The main goal of HIV treatment is to keep the person’s immune system functioning as close to normal as possible. (Viral load low, T cell count High)

A combination drug treatment called “triple drug cocktail” has been the most successful method used in recent years. Three different types of drugs have to be taken each day. They are large pills and there is a lot. They also have to be taken at the same exact time everyday or they will the no longer work. HIV will adjust and the person will have to start all over with new stronger treatment. The drugs themselves can make you very sick. It is not sure but people have been living longer healthier lives because of this treatment.

One million people in the United States had HIV infections in the year 2004. Medical costs for a person with HIV may be at least $30,000 per year.

Use this data to estimate the total cost of HIV infections in the United States in 2004. THEN answer the following question:

With today’s economy, why is HIV prevention such an important issue? 1. Explain how HIV affects the immune system and how it eventually leads to Aids.

2. What is meant by an Opportunistic infection? Give an Example

3. What are four ways that HIV can be transmitted from an infected person to an uninfected person? List Three ways that HIV is not transmitted.

4. Which region of the world accounts for the majority of HIV infections?

5. Should teens in the United states be concerned about the global Aids problem? Why or Why not?

6. HIV is more common in poorer countries than in wealthier countries. Why do you think this might be the case?

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