Chapter 24 Test (35 Points)

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Chapter 24 Test (35 Points)

Chapter 24 Study Guide

1. How did President Nixon try to turn America into a more conservative direction?

2. The main goal of President Nixon’s New Federalism was to:

3. ______allowed state and local governments to spend their federal tax dollars however they saw fit, with only a few restrictions.

4. Who was Nixon’s Vice-President who promoted Nixon’s “law and order” policies but later resigned due to charges of bribery?

5. This term refers to the dual problems of rising unemployment and high inflation that occurred during the Nixon years.

6. Name some causes of the poor economy during the 1970s?

7. During the 1970s the United States became heavily dependent on ______.

8. As President Nixon’s advisor for national security affairs, and later as Secretary of State, he was the chief architect of Nixon’s foreign policy.

9. What was the name of President Nixon’s foreign policy?

10. What did Henry Kissinger believe should be the U.S.’s main consideration when dealing with other nation?

11. ______is described as the thawing of Cold War tensions during President Nixon’s administrations?

12. American ping-pong players were the first official American visitors to communist China when they participated in an international ping-pong tournament. This visit became known as:

13. During his presidency, Nixon visited what foreign country(ies)

14. Did most Americans approve of President Nixon visiting communist Countries? explain

15. Why is the SALT I Treaty between the United States and the Soviet Union historically significant?

16. ______centered on the Nixon administration’s attempt to cover up the burglary of the Democratic National Committee headquarters.

17. What was the nickname of President Nixon’s small, loyal group of advisors who, like Nixon, felt that they were above the law?

18. In the 1972 the “plumbers” were caught breaking into the offices of:

19. T/F After President Nixon was told about the burglary, he gave his permission for the CIA to get the FBI to stop its investigation of the break-in.

20. Who investigated and wrote about the Watergate scandal for the Washington Post?

21. In 2005 the secret identity of Bob Woodward’s source, known only as Deep Throat, was revealed to be:

22. James McCord, the head burglar in the Watergate break-in, wrote a letter to Judge John Sirica telling him that:

23. During the Senate investigation of Watergate, who revealed that President Nixon had been deeply involved in the cover-up of the Watergate break-in? 24. Presidential aid Alexander Butterfield stunned the Senate Committee investigating Watergate when he revealed that:

25. Why did President Nixon want Attorney General Elliot Richardson to fire Archibald Cox, the special prosecutor investing Watergate for the White House?

26. When President Nixon ordered Attorney General Elliot Richardson to fire special prosecutor Archibald Cox, the events that followed became known as:

27. Why was President Nixon forced to give Congress all of his taped conversations and not just provide them with the edited transcripts?

28. The tapes showed that President Nixon:

29. President Nixon is the only American President to:

30. After Watergate many Americans:

31. Gerald Ford is the only President in American history who:

32. In order to move the country past Watergate and focus on his own administration, President Ford:

33. T/F President Ford’s “Whip Inflation Now” (WIN) was very successful in improving the American economy while he was in office.

34. Explain the focus of President Ford’s foreign policy?

35. Why did Jimmy Carter defeat Gerald Ford in the Presidential election of 1976?

36. The most important domestic issue for President Carter was:

37. What was a result of President Carter’s National Energy Act?

38. T/F Western Pennsylvania was part of the “rustbelt” of the 1970s.

39. Explain the basis of President Carter’s foreign policy?

40. T/F Because of President Carter’s foreign policy the United States’ relationships with China and the Soviet Union continued to improve.

41. Because of an agreement signed during Carter’s presidency, as of December 31, 1999, what country (or countries) owns the American-built Panama Canal?

42. President Carter received wide-spread praise for his efforts in forging peace between what two nations in the Camp David Accords?

43. In 1979, why did students seize the U.S. embassy in Tehran, Iran, and take 53 Americans hostage? 44. On April 22, 1970, thousands of communities, schools, and colleges celebrated the first ______by hosting some type of environmental awareness activity.

45. In the 1970s, in what state did the federal government have to balance the need for oil with the need to protect the environment?

46. The worst nuclear disaster in American history was:

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