Reynoldsburg High School Chemistry Facebook Group

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Reynoldsburg High School Chemistry Facebook Group

Reynoldsburg High School Chemistry Facebook Group My Facebook Page [email protected] Mr. Grady’s Chemistry

Science is a quest for knowledge of how our universe works. My goal as your science teacher is to be your guide as we explore the wonders of the natural world. We will learn about the smallest bits of matter that are a part of everything and how those small bits caused everything we know to exist. We will learn why things move and why they don’t. We will learn how universe began and how it may end. We will see something that cannot be destroyed or created. All along our quest you will be learning how to see the cosmos through scientific eyes and how to use your new perception to change the world.

Course Description: Classes that do not involve labs generally consist of problem review, a 20-minute lecture (often with demonstrations), and real-life applications. Most lectures will be online. The remaining time is used by you to start their new assignment, which usually involves the application of critical thinking skills in order to solve problems associated with the lecture/demonstration. You will be allowed to pair up and help each other. This gives me, the instructor, time to help you and others individually.

Classroom Policies: In a classroom, there are several key values that everyone needs to hold onto so that we can learn and take advantage of time we have in this room. If you do not follow these, both your time and mine are wasted. If you abide by these values, you will be successful in my class.

 Respect In this classroom, everyone’s beliefs, ideas, belongings, and persons are to be respected. Your actions affect not only your learning but also the learning of others. It is of paramount importance that you respect your fellow students, your teacher, and the classroom. This means you are to: 1. Not use, borrow, or take someone else’s belongings without permission. 2. Not insult or threaten fellow classmates. 3. Follow teacher instruction. 4. Have materials ready for class

 Hard Work I greatly value hard work. I value it so much that if you fall just below a letter grade (for example, if you have a C+) and I have seen you work hard at understanding the material, I will bump you up to that next letter grade (B-). What I am looking for in hard work is: 1. Turning in all your homework. 3. Contributing to your lab groups. 2. Participating in class. 4. Asking for help if you need it. 5.  Safety 6. We will be doing laboratory experiments in the classroom as well as outside. These experiments can be dangerous if you are not careful. Safety is critical in this class. I will remove you from a laboratory activity if you are not being safe. You will receive a zero on that activity. I do not joke when it comes to your safety. Safe practices are: 1. Following all directions. 2. No horseplay in the classroom. It is dangerous. 3. Listening to the teacher. 4. Knowing and following the safety contract. 7.  Late Work

Mr. Grady Chemistry Class Page 1 of 5 Reynoldsburg High School Chemistry Facebook Group My Facebook Page [email protected] 8. Homework is to be turned in the day it is due. You will lose 10% of your grade for every day it is late. After 5 school days, it will no longer be accepted. If you feel like you are an exception to the rule, talk to Mr. Grady before class, before school or after school.  Late and Absences: 9. If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to find out what you have missed. It is also your responsibility to make up the work that you missed. If you are late for class on a day of lab, you will not be able to participate in the lab until have listened to the safety procedures. If you are more than 15 minutes late to class or are absent on a lab day, you can make up the lab by scheduling a time with me. If you do not ask me what you missed and you do not turn in the assignment or make up a lab by the 5 day deadline, you receive a zero on that assignment or lab. There will be regular clicker quizzes at the beginning of class. If you miss a quiz due to unexcused absence of tarty, the quiz cannot be made up and you will receive a 0. 10.  Phones, iPods, Tablets, Laptops, and other electronic devices. 11. I encourage you to bring your devices to class because these devices can be very useful in the classroom when used correctly. But, there are restrictions to how you can use them in class. 1. General rule: If Mr. Grady is talking, you should not be using your device. 2. You ALWAYS need to be able to hear Mr. Grady. 3. Games are NEVER acceptable in class. 4. “Put away” means remove from view, remove from hand, and place somewhere where you will not continue using your device. 5. “Take out your headphones” means remove them from your ears, take them off your head, place them on your table/lap, or “put them away”. 6. Electronic devises are NEVER acceptable during tests or quizzes. It is considered cheating. 7. MR. GRADY HAS THE FINAL SAY WHEN AND WHERE YOU CAN USE YOUR ELECTRONIC DEVISES!! 12.  Plagiarism and Cheating: 13. Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s ideas or work as your own. Cheating is using resources prohibited to other students on an assignment or test. If caught cheating or plagiarizing, you could be given any number of the following punishments: 1. Made to redo the assignment; possibly for reduced credit. 2. Receiving a “0” on the assignment. 3. A phone call home. 4. Logging of event 5. Farther disciplinary measures. 14. 15. Housekeeping: 16.  Course Materials: 17. For this course, you will need the following equipment: 18. Flash drive, Colored pencils, colored pencil sharpener 19. Chemistry Only Notebook, Lab Notebook 20. Scientific Calculator: Minimum: Must have log, exponential and root functions. Preferred: Graphing Calculator 21. Internet Access at Home (If you do not have this, you MUST inform 22. Mr. Grady. We can accommodate.) 23. Useful but not required: 24. Home Printer (If you do not have this, you MUST inform Mr. Grady. We can accommodate.)  Need Help? 25. I am here to help you. I am available to help you with homework or subject matter before school, after school, and during my 2nd Block lunch and PASS. If you want help, you need to see me during class,

Mr. Grady Chemistry Class Page 2 of 5 Reynoldsburg High School Chemistry Facebook Group My Facebook Page [email protected] before school or after school and schedule a time with me. You still need a lunch pass to receive help during lunch. My email is at the top of the page if you need to get a hold of me for homework help. Do not wait until you are behind to find help. 26.

 Grading: This final grade for this course will be calculated using the Academic Policies and Procedures in The Reynoldsburg High School Student handbook:

EARNING CREDIT AND CALCULATING GRADES To pass a course, a minimum of a 60% must be earned.  A 90%-100%  B 80%-89%  C 70%-79%  D 60%-69%  F 0%-59%

Final grade = (4 X Q1 + 4 X Q2 + midterm + final) / 1000

The grade awarded for each Quarter will be the total point earned though the quarter divided by the total points possible. Points can be earned through tests, quizzes, homework, class work, laboratories, and projects. None of the work is individually weighted. This means that a point earned on homework equals a point earned on a test and a point earned on a lab. The points will be distributed in each section roughly like this: Tests and Quizzes: 40% Homework and Class Work: 30% Laboratories and Projects: 30%

Course Breakdown: This course will cover these topics and roughly follow this outline: -What is science? (1 weeks)  What is the difference between a LAW and a THEORY? What is the goal of science? What is Chemistry? How significant are my figures? Accuracy, precision, and error. Measurement and equipment. -What does it Matter? (Properties of Matter) (2 weeks)  What is matter? What does it do? What is it made of? What are atoms? Man, I wish all of these elements were put in one, easily-referenced chart where I could learn all I needed to know about each element just by looking at it (periodic table). What happens when I put these two things together (chemical bonding)? -Phasing in and out. (Phases of matter) (3 weeks)  The movement of atoms and molecules. Pressure, temperature and volume of gasses. How a gas interacts with itself. In a perfect universe, this is how it works (Ideal Gas Law). Liquids, solids and the changing of states. The crazy thing we call water. -I don’t understand a word you are saying. (The Language of Chemistry) (3 weeks)  Chemical names and formulas. Using Chemical equations to describe reactions. Types of reactions. Stoichiometry: calculating reactions. -I found a solution. (Solutions and Their Tricks) (4 weeks)  Types of mixtures. Concentrations. Ions in water. The properties of solutions that change with concentration (Like the force!). The infamous Acids and bases. pH and titrations! -The nitty-gritty of chemical reactions. (4 weeks)  What drives reactions? How fast will it go? Why is it all not changing? All chemicals go to equilibrium: What does that mean? Can I change the equilibrium? Have I reached the equilibrium? REDOX Reactions. Oxidation and reduction and their agents. Electrochemistry (batteries) -Organic and Nuclear Chemistry (1 weeks)

Mr. Grady Chemistry Class Page 3 of 5 Reynoldsburg High School Chemistry Facebook Group My Facebook Page [email protected]  Carbon: the super element. All the awesome things it makes. Saturated vs. unsaturated fats. Classes of organic compounds. Polymers and plastics. Nuclear decay and radiation. Nuclear fusion and fission. Fukushima, Chernobyl, and Three Mile Island.

Safety Contract

Safety is of utmost importance in lab. You are to read and know the following safety rules. If you break these rules you endanger yourself and others. I will quickly enforce these rules. As I said before, I will remove you from a laboratory activity if are not being safe. You will receive a zero on that activity. I do not kid around when it comes to your safety.

Safety rules: 1) You will always wear your safety goggles during lab! 2) There is absolutely no fooling around in class. It is very dangerous. 3) Read and understand the directions of the lab before you begin. 4) Listen to the teacher’s instructions. 5) There will be a short safety briefing before each lab. If you are not present for the briefing, you must make it up before you begin the lab. 6) There is no eating, drinking or chewing gum during lab. 7) Be conscious of the people around you. 8) You can only conduct experiments the teacher has given permission for. 9) You must wear safety equipment when you are directed to do so. 10) Keep walkways and aisles free of books, backpacks, and personal items. 11) If a chemical splashes on your eyes or skin, flush immediately with water for 20 min and tell the teacher immediately. 12) If there is a spill of any kind, tell the teacher immediately. 13) If you catch fire, wrap area with the fire blanket and tell the teacher immediately. 14) If anything catches fire that is not supposed to be on fire; tell the teacher immediately. 15) If there is any accident or injury, tell the teacher immediately. 16) Do not use broken equipment. 17) If you have broken equipment, tell the teacher immediately. 18) Never handle broken glass with your hands. 19) You will always wear your safety goggles during lab! 20) Broken glass is only thrown away in the broken glass disposal bin. 21) Follow the teacher’s instructions for disposal for all chemicals. Never poor chemicals down the sink unless the teacher gave you express permission. 22) Do not touch lab equipment until you are told to do so. 23) Treat all chemicals as if they were dangerous. Treat all glassware as if it were hot. 24) Do not eat or drink anything in lab. 25) Collect lab materials only when directed to do so. 26) Clean-up is not time to finish your experiment. When the teacher tells you to clean up; you stop what you were doing and clean up your workplace. 27) Keep your workplace clean as you are running the experiments. 28) You must wear closed toes shoes and floor-length pants/skirts in lab. 29) Contacts are dangerous and should not be worn in lab. 30) You will always wear your safety goggles during lab!

Mr. Grady Chemistry Class Page 4 of 5 Reynoldsburg High School Chemistry Facebook Group My Facebook Page [email protected] These are the bare minimum rules during lab. I have the right and responsibility to change the rules as I see fit to insure the safety of you and the rest of the students. The penalty of breaking any of the safety follows the pattern bellow. Depending on the severity of the offence, I reserve the right to skip steps.

First Offence Second Offence Third offence Other Possible Actions Warning Removal from activity, Call home, detention Removal from lab zero given, extra activities for the classwork given, call home remainder of the year Fill out the following document and return it to your teacher. You can both email it from the parents email or print, sign, and return with student to school. Student will not be allowed to participate in laboratory activities if this is not returned.

1) Do you have any allergies? ______Yes ______No

2) If so, what are they? ______

3) Do you have any medical conditions that I should be aware of? ______Yes ______No

4) If so, what are they? ______

5) Are you color blind? ______Yes ______No

6) Do your parents or guardians have one or more email accounts where I can reach them? ______Yes ______No

7) If so, what are they? ______

I have read and understand the syllabus and safety contract. I will follow the rules listed in the both.

Print Student Name

Student Signature Date:

Print Parent Name

Parent Signature Date:

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