IASFAA Executive Council Meeting
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IASFAA Executive Council meeting
November 12, 2015
Members present: Kristi Fuller, Chris Ditter, Julie Haack, Chad Peters, Teresa Brahm, Pam Perry, Carolyn Schwendeman, Erick Danielson, Brittany Peterson, Gary Adams, Michelle Dunn, Roberta Johnson, Barb Badger, Mary Bloomingdale, Renae Armentrout, Jen Schroeder, Debbie Murphy, Chad Olson, Shelly Brimeyer, Marsha Boender, Jen Sassman and Terri Gronau
Meeting called to order by President Kristi Fuller at 11:03 a.m.
Approve minutes from September 10, 2015
Motion to approve by Carolyn Schwendeman
Seconded by Chris Ditter
Minutes approved as written
Treasurer’s Report –Theresa Brahm
The 2014 Tax Return was completed by Timmins, Krolls & Jacobson, LLP on 10/13/2015. Tax Return was filed electronicaly on 10/16/2015.
Worked with Amy Norton in October to start the process of reconciliation of books. We are working together to make sure I am getting her the correct reports she needs to reconcile and updating procedures for this process.
Will be meeting with Beth Rinderknecht in November (Treasurer-Elect) to pass on Treasurer-Elect materials and work on Quick Book reports requested from the Long Range Planning Committee.
All bills and payments are up to date.
Approval of Treasurer’s Report
Motion to approve by Julie Haack
Seconded by Chris Ditter
Motion carries
Past President – Julie Haack
In October, on the day prior to the MASFAA conference, I attended, as Iowa State Rep, MASFAA President Aaron Steffen’s last exec council meeting as MASFAA president, and Sue Swisher’s first meeting as the incoming president for 15-16. I then attended the MASFAA conference which followed the exec council meetings. I feel it was a great success!
On November 5th, I attended the first Program Committee meeting for the spring conference in Ames, IA. I feel like we accomplished a lot and are off to a great start for the April event.
In December, I will be attending FSA. I am arranging an Iowa dinner so if you haven’t contacted me yet, please let me know if you are interested.
If anyone needs assistance with anything, please let me know.
President – Kristi Fuller
In October, I attended the MASFAA conference in Coralville where I also gave an Iowa welcome on Sunday evening. Iowa was well represented and everyone involved with the conference did an excellent job! Thanks to everyone that brought a silent auction item or bid on one of the items – Iowa was the winner of the state charity challenge and has bragging rights along with a trophy until next year’s conference in Kansas City.
On October 16, Chris and I attended the Iowa College Application Campaign proclamation signing to represent IASFAA at North High School in Des Moines. There was also representation from ICAN, Iowa College Aid and Gear Up/TRIO. After signing the proclamation and giving a short speech, Governor Branstad took questions from the students in attendance.
On October 27, I received an email from Sara Harrington informing me that she would have to resign from the chair position of Federal and State Issues. I have asked Roberta to finish out Sara’s year and she has graciously agreed to take this position on earlier than she expected. Roberta will also serve as the Iowa Rep on the MASFAA Federal Issues Committee. Thank you Roberta!
Last week I attended the Program Committee meeting held at ISU. The committee did a wonderful job in a short time of coming up with ideas and I’m really excited for the spring conference! Remember that we have added a day for the spring conference and it will be held Wednesday, April 6-Friday April 8.
President Elect – Chris Ditter
I am currently working on the 2016-2017 IASFAA ballot. My hope is to finish getting the ballot put together within the next couple of weeks and to hold elections in early December. That way we can let folks know the results before Christmas and allows the new President-Elect the ability to register make plans for attending the NASFAA Leadership & Legislative Conference & Expo at the end of February in Washington D.C. If you receive a phone call from me requesting you to run for an office, please consider saying ‘yes’!
Vice President
No Report Secretary – Chad Peters
No report
Delegates –Pam Perry, Carolyn Schwendeman, Erick Danielson
The approved Policy and Procedure changes of detailed descriptions for the President, Past President, Business Solution Sessions and Community Outreach have been posted to the website.
Delegates also reviewed all sections of the Policy and Procedure Manual and there were no additional changes recommended.
Iowa College Student Aid Commission Report
There will be a college aid update the beginning of December to give IASFAA insight on the upcoming legislative session and budget proposals. We are unsure of the date at this time, but will be letting everyone know as soon as we can finalize a date.
As you know, President Obama announced the FAFSA will be going to a prior-prior year format and will be releasing the FAFSA for the 2017-18 school year on October 1, 2016. We are speaking with legislators and our board commissioners in regards to issues this may cause. If you have concerns or solutions, please contact your state legislators.
Association Communication Committee –Renae Armentrout/Shelly Brimeyer
No report
Awards Committee –Brittany Peterson/Barb Badger
No report
By-Laws Committee – Delegates
No Report
Community Outreach Committee –Gary Adams/Karen Gagnon
Presenters and dates have been identified for the High School Counselor Webinars. Erick Danielson at ICAN has again agreed to manage the webinars and we will be sending the first registration email on Friday, November 20th . The dates and times are as follows:
Thursday, December 10th at 10:00am – State Update (provided by Todd Brown, ICSAC)
Thursday, December 17th at 2:00pm – Financial Aid Overview (provided by Tim Bakula, UNI)
Thursday, January 7th at 10:00am – FAFSA Overview (provided by Erick Danielson, ICAN) We continue to look for a middle school in the Des Moines area to host the Real Life Zone event prior to the upcoming spring conference. Erick Danielson and Chris Ditter have been kind enough to help with these efforts and we hope to have a location in the next couple of weeks.
Electronic Services Committee – Chris Ditter/Mary Jacobsen
This past month committee calendars and the executive council calendar have been added to the website. You may access them by going to the Inside IASFAA tab. Also, save the date messages for the spring conference have been added to the Conference and Exhibitor pages of the website.
Exhibitor Relations –Michele Dunne/Mary Bloomingdale
I received a prospective exhibitor from Marsha Boender, Measure One, and I will be emailing the contact. If anyone has other suggestions for exhibitors, shoot me an email. According to my exhibit relations calendar, I am supposed to attend the Program initial meeting for the spring 2016 conference. When is that?
Federal and State Issues Committee –Sara Harrington/Roberta Johnson
No Report
Finance Committee – Kristi Fuller
No report
Long Range Planning Committee – Jen Sassman
Data from the membership survey, reports generated by the treasurer and treasurer elect as well as guidance from the book, Road to Relevance, will be used to propose a Five Year Long Range Fiscal Plan to the Executive Council by the Spring conference.
The Long Range Planning Committee finalized and disseminated a membership survey. We were overwhelmed with 109 responses.
Next week the treasurer and treasurer-elect are meeting to generate some reports that will be helpful in our analysis.
Our next meeting is being planned for the week of December 7th.
Professional Development Committee – Jen Schroeder/Marsha Boender
The Professional Development Committee is working with the program committee to offer some training and sessions at the spring conference. We will offer the NASFAA Training on 150% sub eligibility as two interest sessions as well as a few FA 101 Sessions. Session topics include EFC calculation, PJs, PLUS Loan Basics and more. We will also work to welcome our new members at the spring conference.
We will also be planning the Director’s Drive-in Workshop soon. The event will probably be held in February. We’re still working on a location so stay tuned for more details.
Program Committee – Debbie Murphy/Terri Gronau
We held our first official planning meeting on November 5th, 2015. Conference planning is underway and progressing nicely. General Sessions and the speakers have been identified: NASFAA, MASFAA, FSA and a State Update are all scheduled. We will also have a Town Hall panel as a General Session, similar to what folks experience at FSA Conferences. The committee has also identified a vast array of Interest Session topics and are currently working to secure presenters for each of those sessions. Topics include: PPY, Verification, Veterans, NASFAA Core on SULA, Cash Management, GE, Financial Literacy, FAFSA on the Web, Panel Reviews, etc.
An email promoting the Spring Conference will be sent to IASFAA in December and we plan to have a full conference agenda and on-line registration available in February. We are currently working on the logo/theme for the conference, more details on that will be forthcoming soon.
Site Committee – Chad Olson/Gary Adams
The Site Committee met with the Program Committee on 11/5 to begin planning the Spring 2016 IASFAA Conference. Contacts have been made with the Stoney Creek Inn in Johnston to add some meeting rooms to the contract for Wednesday, April 6.
Approval of Officer and Committee Reports
Motion to approve by Chris Ditter
Seconded by Carolyn Schwendeman
Motion carries
Old Business
Committee Chairs need to update the IASFAA website with the list of current committee members
New Business
Discussion regarding Admission staff attending IASFAA conference and providing sessions for Admissions staff, but IASFAA’s spring conference is not a good time of the year for Admissions staff to be out of the office. The Midwest ACAC conference in Minneapolis on May 15-17, 2016 is calling for session proposals, members mentioned having sessions regarding Financial Aid at this conference. Members suggested having the Minnesota Financial Aid association contact ACAC to do Financial Aid sessions at the conference. Minnesota’s Financial Aid association will be contacted to see if they would be interested. The deadline to propose sessions is in February.
NASFAA Core/Credentialing – If IASFAA is interested in participating in NASFAA Core, would cost the association $1,000 to purchase. Discussed if NASFAA Core should be purchased to allow members the opportunity to become credentialed. Anyone who takes courses in the NASFAA Core and passed test would become credentialed and be able to teach topics they are credentialed in. President Fuller will contact members that are credentialed to see if they would be interested in teaching sessions on their credentialed topics. Members shared positive feedback regarding NASFAA Core. IASFAA has potential to make a profit from offering NASFAA Core and would be a less expensive route for school to have their staff become credentialed.
Motion to adjourn by Chris Ditter
Seconded by Julie Haack
Motion carries
Respectfully submitted by Chad Peters, Secretary