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WCS HS Bible Unit IIIA Printed from Rfbiese.Com 8 of 8

Winona Christian School: High School Bible Education Unit III-A: Baptized into Moses Scripture Memory (due Friday): Exodus 11:6-7, There shall be a great cry throughout all the land of Egypt, such as there has never been, nor ever will be again. But not a dog shall growl against any of the people of Israel, either man or beast, that you may know that the LORD makes a distinc- tion between Egypt and Israel.

I. God Equips, Prepares, Sends Moses (6:28-7:25) A. Moses & Aaron Recommissioned A.1. God’s Spokesman (6:28)

A.1.a. Moses’ Continued? Reviewed? Objections

A.1.b. God uses the weak to shame the great (cf. I Cor. 1:26-29)

A.2. God’s Will (7:1-5)

A.2.a. What does God mean : I have made you like God to Pharaoh?

A.2.b. What other cultures have “divine” rulers?

A.2.c. Moses’ Goal: Pharaoh’s Obedience

A.2.d. God gives pharaoh completely over to his sin : God’s will to harden Pharaoh’s heart

A.2.e. Disobedience Expected

A.2.f. God’s Purpose in the Plagues, Redeeming Israel

A.2.f.1)Judgment and Evangelism?

A.2.f.2)What is the price of Israel’s redemption?

A.3. God’s Servants (7:6-7)

A.3.a. Moses & Aaron Obey God

A.3.b. The younger listed first : God defies cultural norms

B. Egypt Consumed by God’s Wrath (7:9-13)

B.1. Introduction

B.1.a. Paradigm of the Plague Dialogues :

B.1.a.1) Foreshadows Egypt’s Humiliation

B.1.a.2) What kind of people demand signs, proofs? WCS HS Bible Unit IIIA printed from rfbiese.com 2 of 9 B.1.b. Issues at Stake : What is the real battle?

B.2. Exodus 7:9-13

B.2.a. God anticipates demand for signs (cf. Matt. 12:38)

B.2.a.1) Magical worldview

B.2.a.2) Egypt's national emblem:

B.2.b. Moses and Aaron Obey

B.2.b.1) Assault on Pharaoh’s sovereignty

B.2.b.2) Assault on Egyptian mythology

B.2.c. Pharaoh Counters

B.2.d. What is the significance of the swallowing?

B.2.e. God’s Word proves true : Pharaoh’s heart hard

B.3. Conclusions

B.3.a. Can someone be “talked” into believing God’s word?

B.3.b. What are God’s purposes in this conflict ?

C. Nile Turned to blood (7:14-25)

A.1. Significance of the Nile?

A.1.a. Who is the god of the Nile?

A.1.b. What happens to Egypt without the Nile?

A.2. Exodus 7:14-25

A.2.a. Pharaoh’s Hard Heart

A.2.b. Strike the Nile: Spiritual Warfare

A.2.c. Yahweh’s Command

A.2.c.1) The Hebrews’ God (cf. Exod. 6:7, “I will be your God, you will be my people)

A.2.c.2) What is worship? WCS HS Bible Unit IIIA printed from rfbiese.com 3 of 9 A.2.c.2.a) Serve = Worship (cf. “worship service”)

A.2.c.2.b) Who is the “audience” in worship?

A.2.c.2.c) Who is worship “for”?

A.2.c.2.d) Who decides what happens in worship?

A.2.d. The First Plague: God (Yahweh) is greater than “Hapi”

A.2.d.1) Transubstantiation!

A.2.d.2) Natural explanation?

A.2.d.3) How does God mock the gods of Egypt?

A.2.e. Pharaoh Counters

A.2.e.1) Pharaoh doubts, Pharaoh’s hard heart

A.2.e.2) Pharaoh ignores the sign

II. The Final Plagues (9:13-35-10:21-11:10)

A. Introduction

A.3. Plagues 2-6 : Frogs, Gnats, Flies, Livestock, Boils

A.3.a. Egyptian Magicians

A.3.b. Pharaoh’s Hardening Heart (cf. 8:19)

A.3.c. Pharaoh’s Weakening Resolve (cf. 8:25ff)

A.4. Natural Explanations

B. The Seventh Plague (9:13-35)

A.5. Third Plague Cycle

A.5.a. God humiliates Pharaoh’s Magicians

A.5.b. God is smiting Egypt: no longer “if,” merely a command and declaration of plague

A.6. God’s Purpose for Pharaoh (Exod. 9:16)

A.7. Yahweh Mocks the “sky gods” of Egypt WCS HS Bible Unit IIIA printed from rfbiese.com 4 of 9 A.7.a. The Hebrew God warns: get your livestock indoors

A.7.b. No hail in Goshen

A.8. Pharaoh’s Confession (9:27ff)

A.9. Devastating Plague in Egypt (9:30-32) : grace in the midst of judgment

A.10. Pharaoh’s Heart (9:33ff)

A. The Ninth Plague (10:21-29)

A.1. Against the “sun god”

A.2. Three Days Darkness

A.3. Pharaoh Relents : Go, but without anything

A.4. God Promised Israel will plunder Egypt

A.5. God Hardens Pharaoh’s Heart (vv. 27-29)

C. Passover Promised (11:1-10)

A.11. Where is Moses?

A.12. The Final Plague (vv. 1-3) : and then freedom

A.12.a. God in control of Pharaoh’s Heart

A.12.b. Moses “very great in the land of Egypt”

A.13. Feast of Passover (vv. 4-6)

A.13.a. God will strike Egypt: why?

A.13.b. Great sorrow: God silences the gods of Egypt

A.13.c. The Death of the Firstborn

A.14. Exodus Foretold (vv. 7-8)

A.14.a. Discrimination, Distinction, God’s choice:

A.14.b. Egypt will beg Israel to leave

A.15. The Reason for the Plagues (vv. 9-10) WCS HS Bible Unit IIIA printed from rfbiese.com 5 of 9 A.15.a. Why will Pharaoh not listen?

A.15.b. God’s power displayed in wrath

III. The Passover (12:1-28)

A. Introduction

A.16. Connections with Christ and Lord’s Table

A.17. Preparation for Judgment, Redemption, and Exodus

B. Laws Related to the Passover (1-11)

B.1. God gives His people Laws (vv. 1-7)

A.1.a. first of months

A.1.b. focus on the lamb

A.1.c. blood on the doors

B.2. Food preparation, consumption

A.1.d. Israelite feasts different from pagan feasts

A.1.e. No leftovers

B.3. Attire (v. 11)

C. Blood on the Doors (vv. 12-13)

A.18. Firstborn struck dead

A.19. Blood-sign

A.19.a. distinction

A.19.b. what is a sign?

D. Feast of Unleavened Bread (vv. 14-20)

A.20. Three Terms to define passover :

A.21. What about those who don’t keep the feast?

A.22. Purpose of such “ceremonial laws” WCS HS Bible Unit IIIA printed from rfbiese.com 6 of 9 E. Purpose of Passover (vv. 21-28)

A.23. Elders Leading the People

A.24. Sign for the LORD

A.25. Memorial Feast : Remember

A.26. Obedience

F. Conclusions

A.27. Cf. The Lord’s Table

A.28. Christ Our Passover (I Cor. 5:7)

IV. The Tenth Plague, The Exodus (12:28-13:10)

A. Review

A.1. Miracles : display of God’s sovereignty

A.2. Pharaoh’s Heart : display of God’s sovereignty

A.3. Foretaste of Eternal Judgment

B. The Death of the Firstborn (vv. 28-32)

A.29. Worship : because Redemption is at hand (v. 28)

A.30. Mourning at Midnight (vv. 29-30)

A.30.a. Moses doesn’t hide the cause of the deaths (v. 29)

A.30.b. Pharaoh Humiliated (v. 30)

A.31. Pharaoh Relents or Repents? (vv. 31-32)

C. Egypt Plundered (vv. 33-36)

A.32. Changed hearts or simply changed attitudes of Egyptians?

A.33. Hasty Exit (cf. Passover Feast)

A.34. Massive “Spoil” (vv. 35-36)

D. The Exodus Itself (vv. 37-42) WCS HS Bible Unit IIIA printed from rfbiese.com 7 of 9 A.35. Massive in Size

A.36. What is a “mixed multitude”? (v. 38)

E. Remembering Redemption (12:43-13:10)

A.37. Historic Night : Passover Remembered

A.37.a. Passover becomes the central act of God’s redemption; Religion not merely social or eco- nomic justice, but God’s redemption

A.37.b. Passover becomes central to the identity of the Old Covenant church

A.37.c. Who Participates?

A.37.d. Obedience of the Whole People (vv. 46-51)

A.38. Firstborn Consecrated (13:1-2) : how is this distinct from other ANE cultures

A.39. Feast of “Unleavened Bread (13:3-10) :

A.39.a. Change of Service

A.39.b. Purpose of the Feast: remember

V. Journey to the Promised Land (13:11-22)

A. Law of the First Born (13:11-16)

A.40. Redemption (11-13)

A.41. Purpose (14-16) : remember

B. Pillar of Fire, Cloud (13:17-22)

A.42. Which Route?

A.42.a. “Way of the Sea” (via Maris)

A.1.a. Sea of Reeds: (Yam Suph)

A.43. Joesph’s Bones (v. 19)

A.44. *Theophany* (vv. 20-22)

C. Conclusions

A.45. Redemption : Substitution WCS HS Bible Unit IIIA printed from rfbiese.com 8 of 9 A.46. The Easy Route not Taken

VI. Crossing the Red Sea (14:1-30)

A. Pharaoh’s Pursuit (14:1-12)

A.47. God’s Purpose in Making Israel Vulnerable (vv. 1-4)

A.47.a. Backs to the Sea

A.47.b. God’s Sovereignty over Pharaoh’s Heart

A.48. Pharaoh Changes his Mind : lost labor (vv. 5-9)

A.48.a. God’s sovereignty worked out

A.48.b. Army dispatched

A.49. Panic in the Church (vv. 10-14)

A.49.a. Hopeless Situation: complain to Moses

A.49.b. Egyptian Graves(!): Lack of Faith

B. Baptism of Israel and Egypt (14:13-31)

A.50. God Defends His People (vv. 13-20)

A.50.a. Moses quiets the grumblers: see what God will do

A.50.b. God wages war on his enemies

A.50.c. God will show Pharaoh who is truly God

A.51. The Waters Divided (vv. 21-25

A.51.a. How long did this take?

A.51.b. How does God frustrate Egyptians?

A.52. Egyptian Army Immersed in the Water (vv. 26-28)

A.52.a. At daybreak: god of the sun impotent to save Egypt

A.52.b. Egypt’s elite corps completely destroyed

A.53. Summary (vv. 29-31) : WCS HS Bible Unit IIIA printed from rfbiese.com 9 of 9 A.53.a. Israel saved because God is faithful to His covenant

A.53.b. I Cor. 10:1-5

C. Conclusions

End of Unit IIIA. Begin Unit IIIB: Grumbling All the Way

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