Pastors Initiative Prayers

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Pastors Initiative Prayers

Hope Prayer Guide

S U N D A Y M O N D A Y T U E S D A Y W E D N E S D AY THURSDAY F R I D A Y S A T U R D A Y PRAISE WORSHIP BURDENS MEDITATIONS WORD OF GOD HOLY SPIRIT DELIVERANCE Loving Father, Lord, I am coming into Out of the depths I cry Lord, You brought me up I declare that You are my Lord, may Your Holy Into Your hands, I My Abba Your tabernacle; I wor- unto you, O Lord. Father, out of the pit of destruc- Hope; O Lord God, You Spirit lead me into all commit my spirit. You My Creator ship at Your footstool. hear my voice; let Your tion. You will set my feet are my trust. Ps 39:7 Truth. Shine the light of have redeemed me, O My Redeemer Psalm 132:7 ears be attentive to my upon the Rock of Jesus Your Holiness through- Lord, my God of truth My Reconciler prayer. Psalm 130:1 Christ, making my But now in Christ Jesus, out my heart. Cleanse me, and faithfulness! My Justifier Lord, I lift my voice in footsteps firm. Ps 40:2 we who once were far off see if there be any wicked Psalm 31:5 My Healer praise and song to You, O my God, my life is cast through the blood of way in me, and lead me My Restorer my Beloved. I worship down upon me and I find Father, I thank You that Christ have been brought in the life everlasting. Lord, You said that My Light in the Darkness You in the beauty of the burden more than I can You have not given me a near. For He is our peace, Walk with me, as I repent though the mountains My Cloud by Day holiness. I give You the bear. Therefore I will spirit of fear, but of love, our bond of unity and and seek reconciliation should depart, and the My Fire by Night glory that is due to earnestly remember You, power and a sound mind. harmony. Ephes. 2:13-14 with those who have hills be shaken, that Your My Deliverer Your name! Psalm 29 My Burden-Bearer. I Timothy 4:7 wounded me, and those love and kindness would Psalm 42: 6 Lord, I will be vigilant and whom I have wounded. not depart from me, nor You are As the deer pants and Lord, I thank You that cautious at all times, for Ps 139 Your covenant of peace The King of Kings longs for the water- Lord, my heart is broken the Angel of the Lord my enemy the devil, be removed from me. The Lord of Lords brook, so my soul longs over my sin. But You, O encamps around me, and roams around like a lion, Clothe me, as one of Thank you, Father, for The Prince of Peace after Thee. My soul Lord, said that You would delivers me. Psalm 34:7 roaring in fierce hunger, Christ’s ambassadors, by this promise! Is 54:10 The High King of Heaven thirsts for You. When not despise my broken seeking someone to seize putting on me-pity, The Way shall I come and behold heart. Psalm 51:17 Father, I praise and thank upon and devour. I Pet5:8 mercy, gentleness and Father of glory, I pray The Truth Your face? My tears You that there is therefore forbearance. And above that You will grant me a The Life have been my food day Hear my voice, O God, in now no condemnation But Lord, I thank you that all, Lord, may I put on spirit of wisdom and The Bread of Heaven and night, while men my complaint; guard to me, for I am in Christ Your eyes run to and fro love, desiring harmony revelation in the deep, The Living Water say to me all day long, and preserve my life from Jesus. Romans 8 :1 throughout the whole with my fellow men. intimate knowledge of The Lily of the Valley where is your God ? the terror of the enemy. earth to show Yourself Col. 3 You by having the eyes of Psalm 42:1 Hide me from the secret Lord, I will rejoice in strong on behalf of us my heart flooded with You are counsel and conspiracy of You! I will not fret or fear whose hearts are clean Holy Spirit, guide me, light. Then I will know Adonai-my Sovereign If You, Lord, should the ungodly, from the or have anxiety about before You. that I will walk in the the hope to which you Lord keep account of my sin, schemes of evildoers. anything, but in every II Chron. 16:9 Spirit and not the flesh. have called me, and the El Shaddai-my Supply who could stand? But Psalm 64:1 circumstance I will, by Produce the fruits of the works which you have El Elyon-the Lord of there is forgiveness prayer and thanksgiving Lord, give me the mind of Spirit in me: love, joy, prepared for me to walk Hosts with You. I wait for Lord, pour Your healing make requests to You. Christ as I walk through peace, longsuffering, in. Eph. 1:17-18 Jehovah Shalom-my Peace You, my Lord, I expect- oil, Your Balm of Gilead Your Peace will be my this battle. May my every kindness, gentleness, and Jehovah Tsidkenu-my antly wait for You, and into my heart and soul, Peace, and it will mount thought be made captive self-control. Gal 5:22 I am like a bird escaped Righteousness I hope in Your Word. that no bitterness will guard over my heart and to the obedience of Jesus from the snare of the Jehovah Rapha –my Psalm 130:3 spring up in me. For You mind in Christ Jesus. Christ. II Cor. 10:5 I pray that every strong- fowlers. The snare is Healer said that if I choose to Phil 4:4-7 hold in my mind that is broken and I have Jehovah-Rohi- my I thank you, Loving dwell in bitterness that I thank you, Lord, that I raised up against the escaped! My help is in the Shepherd Father, that You have many would be defiled. Satan has desired to sift wear the victor’s crown, knowledge of You will be name of the Lord who Jehovah Nissi-Your not given me over to Hebrews 12:15 me, but You, O Lord, have and I overcome by the pulled down by the made heaven and earth. Banner of Love covers me torment, but You are prayed for me, that my blood of the Lamb, the weapons of the Living Psalm 124:7-8 my refuge and dwelling Lord, I confess that I have faith may not fail; and word of my testimony, Word and the Holy Spirit. Every created thing place and Your ever- taken on a mantle of hallelujah, when I have and loving not my life II Cor. 10: 3-5 Soon our mouths will be praises you! The lasting arms are holding heaviness and an over- turned once again, I will unto death. Rev. 12:11 filled with laughter and mountains sing for joy! me. Hallelujah! burdened and heavy spirit. strengthen my brethren! Lord, I thank you that I our tongues with singing! The trees clap their hands! Deut 33:27 I choose to take off the Luke 22:31-32 I thank you , Lord, that am strengthened with Then they will say among The heavens declare Your graveclothes, and put on nothing can seperate me might by your Spirit in the nations, “The Lord glory, and I praise You, the garment of praise to Father , You have plans from Your love! Rom 8:38 my inner man, and inner has done great things for Lord! Rev 5:13 You, Lord God! Is 61:3 for good for me, not evil, woman. Eph. 3:14-21 them.!” Psalm 126 to give me a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11 Nancy Nicholson .

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