10 X 30 Minute Lessons
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Year: Foundation (10 x 30 minute lessons)
Topic Aust. Curriculum Learning Intentions Resi PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY A Good Friend lien Social Awareness For students to recognise qualities of a good friend ce Understand relationships and explore relationships through play and group experiences Social Management Work collaboratively and share experiences of cooperation in play and group activities VISUAL ARTS Create and display artworks to communicate ideas to an audience Resi PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Sharing is Caring lien Self Awareness For students to understand the importance of sharing ce Recognise emotions and describe situations that may evoke these emotions Develop reflective practice and reflect on their feelings as learners and how their efforts affect skills and For students to recognise some strategies to use when achievements they have a problem Self Management Express their emotions constructively in interactions with others Become confident, resilient and adaptable and identify situations that feel safe or unsafe, approaching new situations with confidence Social Awareness Appreciate diverse perspectives and acknowledge that people hold many points of view Social Management Work collaboratively and share experiences of cooperation in play and group activities VISUAL ARTS Create and display artworks to communicate ideas to an audience Emo PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITIES Feelings tion Self-Awareness For students to develop an emotional literacy al Recognise emotions, identify a range of emotions and describe situations that make evoke these emotions. vocabulary Lite racy For students to recognise and identify there are many different emotions Emp PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITIES Being a Helper athy Contribute to civil society For students to identify text characters feelings Describe ways they can help at home and school ENGLISH For students to discuss and listen to others opinions on Speaking and listening – Literature text based characters Share feelings and thoughts about the events and characters in texts Literacy Listen to and respond orally to texts and to the communication of others in informal and structured classroom For students to reflect on how they have helped others situations Min HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Mindful Now dful Contributing to healthy and active communities For students to have an understanding of what ness Identify actions that promote health, safety and wellbeing mindfulness is PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Self Awareness For students to participate in a technique used for Develop reflective practice mindfulness VISUAL ARTS Create and display artworks to communicate ideas to an audience For students to draw four pictures representing sounds they heard when being mindful Grat PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Please and Thankyou itud Self Awareness For students to begin to have an understanding of e Develop reflective practice gratitude Social Management Work collaboratively and share experiences of cooperation in play and group activities For students to watch a clip showing the importance of VISUAL ARTS saying please and thankyou Create and display artworks to communicate ideas to an audience For students to recognise something that someone has done for them and show appreciation and gratitude for it Emo PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITIES Changing Faces tion Self-Awareness For students to identify strong emotional reactions in al Recognise emotions, identify a range of emotions and describe situations that make evoke these emotions. different situations Lite racy Emp PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITIES Help athy Contribute to civil society For students to recognised the benefits in helping Describe ways they can help at home and school others Understand relationships Explore relationships through play and group experiences. For students to practice helping others through role ENGLISH play Speaking and listening – Literacy Use interaction skills including listening while others speak, using appropriate voice levels, articulation and body language, gestures and eye contact For students to interact with other positivity and INTERPERSONAL DEVELOPMENT They contribute to the development of positive social relationships in a range participate in group activities of contexts. Min HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Mindful Breathing dful Contributing to healthy and active communities For students to identify some of their feelings or ness Identify actions that promote health, safety and wellbeing worries PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Self Awareness For students to participate in mindful practice Develop reflective practice VISUAL ARTS Create and display artworks to communicate ideas to an audience For students to compare their feelings before and after mindfulness Grat PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Gratitude Chain itud Self Awareness For students to understand what gratitude means e Develop reflective practice Social Management For students to recognise some big things they are Work collaboratively and share experiences of cooperation in play and group activities grateful for VISUAL ARTS Create and display artworks to communicate ideas to an audience For students to identify some smaller things they are grateful for today Year: 1 18 x 30 min lessons
Topic Aust. Curriculum Learning Intentions Resilience HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION No You Can’t Play Being healthy, safe and active For students to use language nicely to explain Practise strategies they can use when they feel uncomfortable, their feelings and reasons unsafe or need help with a task, problem or situation Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing For students to take note of 3 things they are Describe ways to include others to make them feel they belong going to try the next time someone doesn’t let Identify and practise emotional responses that account for own them play. and others’ feelings PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Self Management Express emotions appropriately and express their emotions constructively in interactions with others Become confident, resilient and adaptable and identify situations that feel safe or unsafe, approaching new situations with confidence DRAMA Use voice, facial expression, movement and space to imagine and establish role and situation Resilience HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Worry Worm Being healthy, safe and active For students to recognise something they Practise strategies they can use when they feel uncomfortable, have worried about unsafe or need help with a task, problem or situation Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing For students begin to identify strategies to Identify and practise emotional responses that account for own help them overcome their worry and others’ feelings
PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Self Awareness Recognise emotions and identify a range of emotions and describe situations that may evoke these emotions Develop reflective practice and reflect on their feelings as learners and how their efforts affect skills and achievements Emotional Literacy PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITIES Feelings Bodies Self-Awareness For students to recognise emotions have a Recognise emotions, identify a range of emotions and describe physical effect on the body situations that make evoke these emotions. HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION Communicating and For students to identify different situations interacting for health and wellbeing which bring on strong emotions Identify and describe emotional responses people may experience in different situations
Empathy PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITIES Different Perspectives Self awareness For students to develop an understand of Appreciate diverse perspectives, acknowledge that people hold empathy many points of view For students to acknowledge different perspectives Mindfulness HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Mindful Bodies Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing For students to have an understanding of Identify and practise emotional responses that account for own mindfulness and others’ feelings Contributing to healthy and active communities For students to practise some mindful Explore actions that help make the classroom a healthy, safe techniques and active place PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Self Awareness For students maintain mindfulness for 1 Develop reflective practice and reflect on their feelings as minute learners and how their efforts affect skills and achievements
Gratitude HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION I am Thankful For Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing For students to understand what it means to Identify and practise emotional responses that account for own be grateful and others’ feelings PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY For students to recognise why bear said Self Awareness thanks and why his friends were grateful for him Recognise emotions and identify a range of emotions and describe situations that may evoke these emotions Social Awareness For students to draw pictures to match Understand relationships and explore relationships through different things they are grateful for play and group experiences VISUAL ARTS Create and display artworks to communicate ideas to an audience Emotional Literacy PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITIES Musical Emotions Self-Awareness For students to explore how music effects Developing reflective practice. Reflect on their feelings as their emotions. learners and how their efforts affect skills and achievements
Empathy PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITIES Reactions Self awareness For students to understand the word Appreciate diverse perspectives, acknowledge that people hold ‘compromising’ many points of view Social management For student to develop strategies to resolve Work collaboratively, sharing experiences of cooperation in conflict play and group activities Negotiate and resolve conflict, listening to others’ ideas, and recognise that others may see things differently from them Mindfulness HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Belly Breathing Being healthy, safe and active For students to practise mindful techniques Practise strategies they can use when they feel uncomfortable, unsafe or need help with a task, problem or situation For students to recognise when they might Recognise situations and opportunities to promote health, use belly breathing safety and wellbeing PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Self Awareness Recognise emotions and identify a range of emotions and describe situations that may evoke these emotions Develop reflective practice and reflect on their feelings as learners and how their efforts affect skills and achievements Gratitude HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Gratitude Giraffe Being healthy, safe and active For students to contribute to construction of Recognise situations and opportunities to promote health, a class definition on Gratitude safety and wellbeing Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing For students to recognise 4 things they are Identify and practise emotional responses that account for own grateful for and others’ feelings Contributing to healthy and active communities Recognise similarities and differences in individuals and groups, For students to make a gratitude giraffe to and explore how these are celebrated and respected represent their gratitude PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Self Awareness Develop reflective practice and reflect on their feelings as learners and how their efforts affect skills and achievements VISUAL ARTS Create and display artworks to communicate ideas to an audience Emotional Literacy PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITIES Feeling Safe Self-management For students to understand why we have Identify situations that feel safe or unsafe, approaching new emotions situations with confidence. For students to understand the importance of emotions Empathy PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITIES Encouraging Contribute to civil society For students to identify ways they can help Describe ways they can help at home and school others
Mindfulness HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Calming Down Being healthy, safe and active For students to recognise that sometimes our Practise strategies they can use when they feel uncomfortable, minds can become full unsafe or need help with a task, problem or situation Recognise situations and opportunities to promote health, For students to participate in a fun game that safety and wellbeing gets their emotions running Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing Identify and practise emotional responses that account for own and others’ feelings For students to use some mindful techniques Contributing to healthy and active communities to calm their body and free their minds Explore actions that help make the classroom a healthy, safe and active place PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Self Awareness Recognise emotions and identify a range of emotions and describe situations that may evoke these emotions Develop reflective practice and reflect on their feelings as learners and how their efforts affect skills and achievements Gratitude PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Tree Of Gratitude Self Awareness For students to list 4 things they are grateful Recognise emotions and identify a range of emotions and for describe situations that may evoke these emotions Develop reflective practice and reflect on their feelings as For students to compare the things they are learners and how their efforts affect skills and achievements grateful for with others Self Management Express emotions appropriately and express their emotions constructively in interactions with others For students to contribute to the class Tree VISUAL ARTS of Gratitude Create and display artworks to communicate ideas to an audience Emotional Literacy ENGLISH Emotional Performances Language For students to explore how emotions Explore different ways of expressing emotions, including communicated through body language verbal, visual, body language and facial expressions DRAMA Present drama that communicates ideas, including stories from their community, to an audience PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITIES Self-awareness Appreciate diverse perspectives- acknowledge that people hold many points of view Social management Work collaboratively, sharing experiences of cooperation in play and group activities Negotiate and resolve conflict Empathy PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITIES Understand Friendship relationships For students understand what makes a good Explore relationships through play and group experiences. friend
Mindfulness HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION More Mindfulness Being healthy, safe and active For students to reflect on their feelings and Practise strategies they can use when they feel uncomfortable, emotions unsafe or need help with a task, problem or situation Recognise situations and opportunities to promote health, For students to participate in some mindful safety and wellbeing techniques Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing Identify and practise emotional responses that account for own and others’ feelings For students to begin to notice that Contributing to healthy and active communities mindfulness affects their feelings and emotions Explore actions that help make the classroom a healthy, safe and active place PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Self Awareness Recognise emotions and identify a range of emotions and describe situations that may evoke these emotions Develop reflective practice and reflect on their feelings as learners and how their efforts affect skills and achievements DRAMA Explore role and dramatic action in dramatic play, improvisation and process drama Gratitude PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Thankyou Self Awareness For students to recognise that people can be Develop reflective practice and reflect on their feelings as thankful for different things learners and how their efforts affect skills and achievements Self Management For students to show that in order to do Express emotions appropriately and express their emotions different things there are features to be grateful constructively in interactions with others for Social Awareness Understand relationships and explore relationships through play and group experiences Year: 2 18 x 40 min lessons
Topic Aust. Curriculum Learning Intentions Resilience HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Bouncing Back Being healthy, safe and active For students to reflect on situations that Practise strategies they can use when they feel uncomfortable, haven’t gone according to their expectations unsafe or need help with a task, problem or situation Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing For students to recognise how people can Identify and practise emotional responses that account for respond to situations differently own and others’ feelings Contributing to healthy and active communities Explore actions that help make the classroom a healthy, safe For students to identify a bounce back and active place approach to situations PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITIES Self Awareness Recognise emotions and compare their emotional responses with those of their peers Understand themselves as learners and discuss their strengths and weaknesses as learners and identify some learning strategies to assist them Develop reflective practice and reflect on what they have learnt about themselves from a range of experiences at home and school Self Management Express emotions appropriately and describe ways to express emotions to show awareness of the feelings and needs of others Social Awareness Understand relationships and identify ways to care for others, including ways of making and keeping friends Social Management Negotiate and resolve conflict and practise solving simple interpersonal problems, recognising there are many ways to solve conflict Resilience HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Together Everyone Achieves More Contributing to healthy and active communities For students to identify teams/groups they Explore actions that help make the classroom a healthy, safe are a part of and active place Recognise similarities and differences in individuals and For students to work as a team to successfully groups, and explore how these are celebrated and respected complete a task PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITIES Self Awareness Recognise emotions and compare their emotional responses For students to write a key for teamwork. with those of their peers Self Management Express emotions appropriately and describe ways to express emotions to show awareness of the feelings and needs of others Social Awareness Understand relationships and identify ways to care for others, including ways of making and keeping friends Social Management Work collaboratively and identify cooperative behaviours in a range of group activities Make decisions and practise individual and group decision making in situations such as class meetings and when working in pairs and small groups Emotional Literacy PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITIES Emotion Dictionary Emotional awareness For students to develop vocabulary around Recognise emotions- compare their emotional responses with emotions those of their peers. Social management For students to explore facial expression Communicate effectively -discuss the use of verbal and associated with different emotions nonverbal communication skills to respond appropriately to adults and peers HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION For students to describe different emotions Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing Identify and practise emotional responses that account for own and others feelings Empathy PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITIES Empathy Role Play Social awareness For students to develop an understanding of Contribute to civil society-describe how they contribute to the word empathy their homes, classrooms and local communities, and how others care for and assist them For students to act out empathy through role Understand relationships -identify ways to care for others play HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing Describe ways to include others to make them feel they belong DRAMA Use voice, facial expression, movement and space to imagine and establish role and situation Mindfulness HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Smile That Mind Being healthy, safe and active For students to participate in mindful Practise strategies they can use when they feel uncomfortable, techniques unsafe or need help with a task, problem or situation PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITIES For students to use behave appropriately Self Awareness during the mindful session Develop reflective practice and reflect on what they have learnt about themselves from a range of experiences at home and school For students to discuss how being mindful made them feel Gratitude HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Gratitude Cards Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing For students to contribute to the construction Describe ways to include others to make them feel they belong of a class definition for gratitude Identify and practise emotional responses that account for own and others’ feelings For students to list some things they are Contributing to healthy and active communities grateful for Explore actions that help make the classroom a healthy, safe and active place Recognise similarities and differences in individuals and groups, and explore how these are celebrated and respected PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITIES Self Awareness Recognise personal qualities and achievements and identify and describe personal interests, skills and achievements and explain how these contribute to family and school life Develop reflective practice and reflect on what they have learnt about themselves from a range of experiences at home and school Self Management Express emotions appropriately and describe ways to express emotions to show awareness of the feelings and needs of others VISUAL ARTS Create and display artworks to communicate ideas to an audience Emotional Literacy PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITIES Emotional Me Emotional awareness For students to recognise their own emotions Recognise emotions, compare their emotional responses with and demonstrate positive ways to react in those of their peers different situations Develop reflective practice Self-management Express emotions appropriately Describe ways to express emotions to show awareness of the feelings and needs of others HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing Identify and practise emotional responses that account for own and others feelings Empathy PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITIES Inclusion Emotional awareness For students to explore how people feel when Develop reflective practice they are included and excluded from groups and Social awareness activities Understand relationships -identify ways to care for others, including ways of making and keeping friends Social management Work collaboratively HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing Describe ways to include others to make them feel they belong Identify and practise emotional responses that account for own and others feelings Mindfulness HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Mindful Time Being healthy, safe and active For students to reflect on their feelings and Practise strategies they can use when they feel uncomfortable, emotions unsafe or need help with a task, problem or situation Recognise situations and opportunities to promote health, For students to participate in some mindful safety and wellbeing techniques Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing Identify and practise emotional responses that account for own and others’ feelings For students to begin to notice that Contributing to healthy and active communities mindfulness affects their feelings and emotions Explore actions that help make the classroom a healthy, safe and active place PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITIES Self Awareness Understand themselves as learners and discuss their strengths and weaknesses as learners and identify some learning strategies to assist them Develop reflective practice and reflect on what they have learnt about themselves from a range of experiences at home and school Gratitude HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Family Gratitude Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing For students to identify different things they Describe ways to include others to make them feel they belong are grateful for Identify and practise emotional responses that account for own and others’ feelings For students to recognise the different things Contributing to healthy and active communities our parents do for us Recognise similarities and differences in individuals and groups, and explore how these are celebrated and respected PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITIES For students to construct gratitude cards to Self Awareness their mum and dad Recognise personal qualities and achievements and identify and describe personal interests, skills and achievements and explain how these contribute to family and school life Develop reflective practice and reflect on what they have learnt about themselves from a range of experiences at home and school Self Management Express emotions appropriately and describe ways to express emotions to show awareness of the feelings and needs of others ENGLISH Creating Texts Create short imaginative, informative and persuasive texts using growing knowledge of text structures and language features for familiar and some less familiar audiences, selecting print and multimodal elements appropriate to the audience and purpose Emotional Literacy PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITIES Emotional Reactions Emotional awareness For students to identify physical reaction to Recognise emotions -compare their emotional responses with emotions those of their peers Self-management For students to compare different emotional Express emotions appropriately and describe ways to express responses emotions to show awareness of the feelings and needs of others Self-management Express emotions appropriately Describe ways to express emotions to show awareness of the feelings and needs of others Empathy PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITIES In Their Shoes Social awareness For students to practice seeing things from Appreciate diverse perspectives others perspectives Describe similarities and differences in points of view between themselves and people in their communities Mindfulness HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Counting Sounds Being healthy, safe and active For students to identify what mindfulness is Practise strategies they can use when they feel uncomfortable, unsafe or need help with a task, problem or situation For students to participate in a mindful walk Recognise situations and opportunities to promote health, focusing on listening for sounds safety and wellbeing PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITIES Self Awareness For students to recognise some sounds they Develop reflective practice and reflect on what they have can hear when being mindful learnt about themselves from a range of experiences at home and school Gratitude PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITIES Grateful Hands Self Awareness For students to reflect on times where they Develop reflective practice and reflect on what they have compare what they have to others learnt about themselves from a range of experiences at home and school For students to recognise what they are grateful for
For students to use a hand to display the things they are grateful Emotional Literacy PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITIES Emotional Body Emotional awareness For students to show different ways the body Recognise emotions shows emotions Social management Communicate effectively -discuss the use of verbal and For students to write stories/comic with nonverbal communication skills to respond appropriately to emotions as the theme adults and peers ENGLISH Creating literature Recreate texts imaginatively using drawing, writing, performance and digital forms of communication Innovate on familiar texts by using similar characters, repetitive patterns or vocabulary Re-read and edit texts for meaning, appropriate structure, grammatical choices and punctuation DRAMA Use voice, facial expression, movement and space to imagine and establish role and situation Empathy HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Kindness Tree Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing For students to engage in positive reflections Describe ways to include others to make them feel they belong PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITIES For students to feel they belong Emotional awareness Develop reflective practice Social awareness For students to care and support their peers Understand relationships -identify ways to care for others Mindfulness HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Cloud Dreaming Being healthy, safe and active For students to begin to recognise when their Practise strategies they can use when they feel uncomfortable, lives get busy and their emotions are out of unsafe or need help with a task, problem or situation balance Recognise situations and opportunities to promote health, safety and wellbeing For students to participate in some mindful PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITIES practice Self Awareness Develop reflective practice and reflect on what they have learnt about themselves from a range of experiences at home For students to spend some time remaining in and school the moment Gratitude PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITIES Attitude Of Gratitude Self Awareness For students to contribute to a list of Develop reflective practice and reflect on what they have gratitude learnt about themselves from a range of experiences at home and school For students to create and publish a gratitude ENGLISH acrostic poem using their name Creating Texts Create short imaginative, informative and persuasive texts using growing knowledge of text structures and language features for familiar and some less familiar audiences, selecting print and multimodal elements appropriate to the audience and purpose Year: 3 (30 x 50 min lessons)
Topic Aust. Curriculum Learning Intentions Character Strengths PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Introduction to Character Strengths Self Awareness Learning intention: Recognise personal qualities and achievements For students to be able to identify - Describe personal strengths and challenges and identify skills and describe a character strength or quality they wish to develop they embody Understand themselves as learners - Identify and describe factors and strategies that assist their learning Develop reflective practice - Reflect on personal strengths and achievements, based on self-assessment strategies and teacher feedback Character Strengths PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Spotting Strengths Self Awareness Learning intention: Recognise personal qualities and achievements Students to develop the ability to - Describe personal strengths and challenges and identify skills identify and recognize character strengths in they wish to develop others Understand themselves as learners - Identify and describe factors and strategies that assist their learning Develop reflective practice - Reflect on personal strengths and achievements, based on self-assessment strategies and teacher feedback
Emotional Literacy PERSONAL & SOCIAL CAPABLITY Introduction to Emotional Literacy Self-management: Learning Intention: Express emotions appropriately identify and describe For students to identify and describe strategies to manage and moderate emotions in increasingly different emotions unfamiliar situations For students to interpret different emotions based on body language/facial expressions Empathy PERSONAL & SOCIAL CAPABLITY Introduction to Empathy Self-management: Learning Intention: Express emotions appropriately For students to define and Recognise emotions investigate the concept of empathy (what is - Describe the influence that people, situations and events empathy?) have on their emotions Students identify how others feel - Explain how the appropriateness of emotional responses (cognitive) by noticing their body influences behaviour language/tone of voice Students emotionally experience the feelings of others (affective) Mindfulness PERSONAL & SOCIAL CAPABLITY Introduction to Mindfulness Self-awareness Learning intentions: Recognise emotions Students to define what mindfulness Self-management is Express emotions appropriately identify and describe Students to be introduced to strategies to manage and moderate emotions in increasingly mindfulness meditation unfamiliar situations Gratitude HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION What is Gratitude? Sub-strand 2: Communicating and interacting for health and Learning intention: wellbeing To define what gratitude is and why Describe how respect, empathy and valuing difference can it is important positively influence relationships Emotional Literacy PERSONAL & SOCIAL CAPABLITY The role of emotions Social Management Learning Intention: Communicate effectively identify communication skills that Students identify the role of enhance relationships for particular groups and purposes different emotions Students recognise the importance of emotions Empathy PERSONAL & SOCIAL CAPABLITY Identifying how others feel Social Awareness Learning Intention: Appreciate diverse perspectives discuss the value of diverse Students identify perspectives and describe a point of view that is different from how others feel by noticing tone of voice, their own body language and facial expressions. Understand relationships describe factors that contribute to Students identify positive relationships, including with people at school and in and experience the feelings of others their community Mindfulness PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY The jar of emotions Self-awareness Learning intention: Recognise emotions For students to develop a visual Self-management understanding of how stress can ‘stir up’ the Express emotions appropriately identify and describe mind strategies to manage and moderate emotions in increasingly For students to practice mindful unfamiliar situations meditation Gratitude HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Moments of Gratitude Sub-strand 2: Communicating and interacting for health and Learning intention: wellbeing For students to have a greater Describe how respect, empathy and valuing difference can understanding of what gratitude is positively influence relationships For students to practice gratitude Emotional Literacy PERSONAL & SOCIAL CAPABLITY Physical responses to emotions Self-Awareness: Learning Intentions: Recognise emotions: For students to identify the way their Describe the influence that people, situations and events have bodies physically respond to different on their emotions emotions Self-management: For students to describe what Express emotions appropriately: influences certain emotions Identify and describe strategies to manage and moderate emotions in increasingly unfamiliar situations
Empathy PERSONAL & SOCIAL CAPABLITY Responding to others Social management Learning Intention: Communicate effectively identify communication skills that Students respond to enhance relationships for particular groups and purposes the perceived distress of another with words Work collaboratively describe characteristics of cooperative or actions of kindness or support (Action) behaviour and identify evidence of these in group activities Mindfulness PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Mindfull vs Mindful Self-awareness Learning intentions: Recognise emotions Students to describe the difference Self-management between mindfull and mindful Express emotions appropriately identify and describe Students to develop their mindful strategies to manage and moderate emotions in increasingly meditation practice unfamiliar situations Gratitude HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION ‘How full is your bucket’ Sub strand 1 – Being healthy, safe and active Learning intention: - Identify and practice strategies to promote health, safety and Students to develop the ability to wellbeing give other students compliments and express - Explore strategies to manage physical, social and emotional gratitude change Emotional Literacy PERSONAL & SOCIAL CAPABLITY Expressing Emotions Self-management Learning Intentions: Become confident, resilient and adaptable For students develop strategies to Persist with tasks when faced with challenges and adapt their deal with strong emotions such as anger approach where first attempts are not successful For students understand the Self-management: importance of expressing emotions Express emotions appropriately: appropriately Identify and describe strategies to manage and moderate emotions in increasingly unfamiliar situations For students to understand why it important to express our emotions Empathy PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND HEALTH Empathy and friendship Sub strand 1 – Being healthy, safe and active Learning Intention: - Describe how respect, empathy and valuing difference can Students consider the feelings and positively influence relationships circumstances of others - Investigate how emotional responses vary in depth and Students consider how empathy strength assists in building strong relationships Students consider how empathy can assist in negotiations with others Mindfulness PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Mindful Colouring In Self-awareness Learning intention: Recognise emotions Developing mindful meditation Self-management practice Express emotions appropriately identify and describe Developing the ability to concentrate strategies to manage and moderate emotions in increasingly and focus on one task at a time unfamiliar situations Gratitude HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Gratitude Letter Sub-strand 2: Communicating and interacting for health and Learning intention: wellbeing Describe how respect, empathy and valuing For students to express gratitude for difference can positively influence relationships a family member For students to experience giving gratitude and observing the impact on others Emotional Literacy PERSONAL & SOCIAL CAPABLITY Influences on our emotions. Social Awareness Learning Intention: Understand relationships For students to understand that Describe factors that contribute to positive relationships, thoughts, situations, people affect our including with people at school and in their community emotions Self-awareness For students to understand that Recognise emotions emotions and thoughts are connected Self-management Express emotions appropriately identify and describe For students to understand that strategies to manage and moderate emotions in increasingly helpful thinking can greatly affect how we unfamiliar situations feel Empathy PERSONAL & SOCIAL CAPABLITY Walking in the shoes of others Social Awareness Learning Intention: Appreciate diverse perspectives discuss the value of diverse Students consider the feelings of perspectives and describe a point of view that is different from others their own Students think about what it would Social Management feel like to ‘walk in the shoes of another Communicate effectively identify communication skills that person’ enhance relationships for particular groups and purposes Work collaboratively describe characteristics of cooperative behaviour and identify evidence of these in group activities Mindfulness PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPAPBILITY Rock the Boat Self-awareness Learning intention: Recognise emotions Students to use an object to focus Self-management their attention on in order to develop their Express emotions appropriately identify and describe mindfulness practice strategies to manage and moderate emotions in increasingly Students to develop ability in using unfamiliar situations their breath as a strategy to help them relax Gratitude HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Gratitude Journal Sub-strand 2: Communicating and interacting for health and Learning intention: wellbeing Students to develop their ability to Describe how respect, empathy and valuing difference can reflect on grateful moments by writing a positively influence relationships journal
Emotional Literacy PERSONAL & SOCIAL CAPABLITY Emotional vocabulary Social Awareness Learning Intention Understand relationships Students develop a more Describe factors that contribute to positive relationships, comprehensive vocabulary to describe and including with people at school and in their community identify their emotions The explore how different emotion look, feel and sound Empathy PERSONAL & SOCIAL CAPABLITY Observing Empathy Contribute to civil society identify the various communities to Learning Intention: which they belong and what they can do to make a difference Students explore the concept of Understand relationships describe factors that contribute to ‘putting others first’ positive relationships, including with people at school and in Students explore strategies to help their community others in need Mindfulness PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Mindful Safari Self-awareness Learning intention: Recognise emotions Students to develop a sense of Self-management connection to nature through observe and Express emotions appropriately identify and describe being present outdoors strategies to manage and moderate emotions in increasingly unfamiliar situations HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Sub-strand 3: Contributing to healthy and active communities Participate in outdoor games and activities to examine how participation promotes a connection between the community, natural and built environments, and health and wellbeing. Gratitude HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION ‘I Spy Gratitude Game’ Sub strand 1 – Being healthy, safe and active Examine how Learning intention: success, challenge and failure strengthen personal identities Students to develop the ability to spot acts of gratitude in their peers Emotional Literacy PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Expressing Emotions Appropriately Self-awareness Learning Intention: Recognise emotions Students identify and describe Self-management emotions Express emotions appropriately identify and describe Students develop their ‘emotional’ strategies to manage and moderate emotions in increasingly vocabulary unfamiliar situations Students explore strategies to express emotions Empathy PERSONAL & SOCIAL CAPABLITY Empathy and Happiness Recognise personal qualities and achievements Learning Intention: - Describe personal strengths and challenges and identify skills Students explore the connection they wish to develop between empathy and happiness Understand themselves as learners - Identify and describe factors and strategies that assist their learning Mindfulness PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Mindful Reflection Self-awareness Learning intention Recognise emotions Students to demonstrate their Self-management understanding of what mindfulness is Express emotions appropriately identify and describe Students to continue to develop strategies to manage and moderate emotions in increasingly their mindful practice unfamiliar situations HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Sub strand 1 – Being healthy, safe and active Identify and practise strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing Gratitude HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Learning intention: Sub strand 1 – Being healthy, safe and active Students to develop gratitude and a Identify and practise strategies to promote health, safety and positive classroom culture by doing acts of wellbeing kindness for each other Year: 4 (30 x 50 min lessons)
Topic Australian Curriculum Learning Intentions Char PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Introduction to Character Strengths acte Self awareness For student to develop an understanding of what r Recognise emotions - describe the influence that people, situations and events have on their emotions character strengths are Stre Recognise personal qualities and achievements and describe personal strengths and challenges and identify ngth skills they wish to develop For students to identify character strengths in s people Char PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Strength Spotting acte Self awareness For student to develop an understanding of what r Recognise emotions - describe the influence that people, situations and events have on their emotions character strengths are Stre Recognise personal qualities and achievements and describe personal strengths and challenges and identify ngth skills they wish to develop For students to identify character strengths in s themselves Emo PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPAPBILITY Introduction to Emotional Literacy tion Self Awareness al Recognise emotions and describe the influence that people, situations and events have on their emotions For students to identify and describe different Liter Self Management emotions acy Become confident, resilient and adaptable persist with tasks when faced with challenges and adapt their approach where first attempts are not successful For students to interpret different emotions HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION based on body language and facial expressions Communicating And Interacting For Health And Wellbeing Investigate how emotional responses vary in depth and strength For students to build emotional language Emp PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY What is Empathy? athy Self Awareness For students understand the meaning of empathy Recognise emotions describe the influence that people, situations and events have on their emotions HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION For students to explore the importance of Communicating And Interacting For Health And Wellbeing empathy Describe how respect, empathy and valuing difference can positively influence relationships Grat PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Introduction to Gratitude itud Self Awareness For student to develop an understanding for e Recognise emotions and describe the influence that people, situations and events have on their emotions what gratitude is Social Awareness Understand relationships and describe factors that contribute to positive relationships, including with people at school and in their community Social Management Communicate effectively and identify communication skills that enhance relationships for particular groups and purposes HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Communicating And Interacting For Health And Wellbeing Describe how respect, empathy and valuing difference can positively influence relationships Min PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY What is Mindfulness? dful Self awareness For student to develop an understanding of what ness Recognise emotions and describe the influence that people, situations and events have on their emotions mindfulness is Self management Express emotions appropriately, identify and describe strategies to manage and moderate emotions in For students to practice mindfulness through increasingly unfamiliar situations observation
Emo PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Building Emotional Word Bank Learning Intention: tion Self Awareness For students to develop comprehensive al Recognise emotions -describe the influence that people, situations and events have on their emotions emotional vocabulary Liter Self Management acy Express emotions appropriately identify and describe strategies to manage and moderate emotions in For students in feel confident in identifying increasingly unfamiliar situations emotions Social Management Communicate effectively identify communication skills that enhance relationships for particular groups and purposes For students to build an understanding of how Work collaboratively describe characteristics of cooperative behaviour and identify evidence of these in group emotions overlap and change. activities HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Communicating And Interacting For Health And Wellbeing Investigate how emotional responses vary in depth and strength Emp PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Feeling Empathetic athy Self Awareness For student to further develop understanding of Recognise emotions and describe the influence that people, situations and events have on their emotions empathy HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Communicating And Interacting For Health And Wellbeing For students to identify empathetic gestures Describe how respect, empathy and valuing difference can positively influence relationships For students to explore the effects of empathy Grat PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY I’m so lucky! itud Self Awareness For student to develop an understanding for e Recognise emotions - describe the influence that people, situations and events have on their emotions what gratitude is Social Awareness Understand relationships describe factors that contribute to positive relationships, including with people at For students to inquire into what gratitude is school and in their community
HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Communicating And Interacting For Health And Wellbeing Describe how respect, empathy and valuing difference can positively influence relationships Min PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Mindfulness - 5 Count Belly Breathing dful Self awareness For students to practise mindful meditation ness Recognise emotions and describe the influence that people, situations and events have on their emotions Self management Express emotions appropriately and identify and describe strategies to manage and moderate emotions in increasingly unfamiliar situations PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILTY E motions Influencing Our Behaviour Emo Self Management For students to be aware of emotions affecting tion Express emotions appropriately identify and describe strategies to manage and moderate emotions in behaviour al increasingly unfamiliar situations Liter Self Awareness For students to develop strategies to cope with acy Understand themselves as learners identify and describe factors and strategies that assist their learning emotions in unfamiliar situations. HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Being healthy, safe and active Explore strategies to manage physical, social and emotional change For students to understand emotions can be linked Emp PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Different Perspectives athy Social Management For students to think about other perspectives Negotiate and resolve conflict identify a range of conflict resolution strategies to negotiate positive outcomes to problems For students to understand emotional responses HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION vary in depth and strength for others and themselves. Communicating And Interacting For Health And Wellbeing Investigate how emotional responses vary in depth and strength Grat PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Thank you Poster Part 1 itud Self Awareness For students to show/express gratitude for a e Recognise emotions and describe the influence that people, situations and events have on their emotions family member Social Awareness Understand relationships describe factors that contribute to positive relationships, including with people at For students to develop their understanding of school and in their community what gratitude is HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Communicating And Interacting For Health And Wellbeing Describe how respect, empathy and valuing difference can positively influence relationships Min PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Mindful Eating dful Self awareness For students to practise mindful meditation ness Recognise emotions and describe the influence that people, situations and events have on their emotions Self management For students to develop their practise through Express emotions appropriately and identify and describe strategies to manage and moderate emotions in mindful eating increasingly unfamiliar situations Emo PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Emotions influencing our learning . tion Self Awareness For students to be aware of emotions affecting s Understand themselves as learners - identify and describe factors and strategies that assist their learning their own and others learning. Self Management Express emotions appropriately identify and describe strategies to manage and moderate emotions in For students to develop strategies to cope with increasingly unfamiliar situations different emotions in unfamiliar situations. HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Being healthy, safe and active Explore strategies to manage physical, social and emotional change Emp PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Small Gestures athy Social Management For students to recognise/understand the Communicate effectively - identify communication skills that enhance relationships for particular groups and positive effects of small gestures have on others and purposes themselves. Work collaboratively - describe characteristics of cooperative behaviour and identify evidence of these in group activities HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Communicating and interacting for Health and Wellbeing Describe how respect, empathy and valuing difference can positively influence relationships Grat PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Thank you Poster Part 2 itud Self Awareness For students to show/express gratitude for a e Recognise emotions - describe the influence that people, situations and events have on their emotions family member Social Awareness Understand relationships describe factors that contribute to positive relationships, including with people at For students to develop their understanding of school and in their community what gratitude is HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Communicating And Interacting For Health And Wellbeing Describe how respect, empathy and valuing difference can positively influence relationships Min PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Mindful Outdoors dful Self awareness For students to practise mindful meditation ness Recognise emotions and describe the influence that people, situations and events have on their emotions Self management For students to develop connection to nature and Express emotions appropriately and identify and describe strategies to manage and moderate emotions in their surroundings increasingly unfamiliar situations Emo PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Emotions Influencing Friendship tion Self Management For students to identify where emotions have Express emotions appropriately identify and describe strategies to manage and moderate emotions in effected their relationships increasingly unfamiliar situations Social Awareness For students to develop a strong sense of self to Understand relationships describe factors that contribute to positive relationships, including with people at deal with unfamiliar and uncomfortable emotions school and in their community Social Management Communicate effectively identify communication skills that enhance relationships for particular groups and purposes Negotiate and resolve conflict identify a range of conflict resolution strategies to negotiate positive outcomes to problems HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Being healthy, safe and active Explore strategies to manage physical, social and emotional change Emp PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Empathy and Family athy Social Awareness For students to identify empathetic behaviours Understand relationships describe factors that contribute to positive relationships, including with people at school and in their community For students to explore empathy in relationships Social Management Negotiate and resolve conflict identify a range of conflict resolution strategies to negotiate positive outcomes to problems For students to understand empathy can HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION sometimes be a gut instinct Communicating And Interacting For Health And Wellbeing Describe how respect, empathy and valuing difference can positively influence relationships Grat PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Gratitude Graph itud Self Awareness For students to identify things they are most e Recognise emotions - describe the influence that people, situations and events have on their emotions grateful for HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Communicating And Interacting For Health And Wellbeing For students to develop their ability to Describe how respect, empathy and valuing difference can positively influence relationships represent/identify/interpret and describe data MATHEMATICS Statistics and Probability / Data representation and interpretation Identify questions or issues for categorical variables. Identify data sources and plan methods of data collection and recording Collect data, organise into categories and create displays using lists, tables, picture graphs and simple column graphs, with and without the use of digital technologies Min PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Yoga dful Self awareness For students to practise mindful meditation ness Recognise emotions and describe the influence that people, situations and events have on their emotions Self management For students to understand how mindfulness can Express emotions appropriately and identify and describe strategies to manage and moderate emotions in help manage relationships increasingly unfamiliar situations Emo PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Positive Self-talk tion Self Awareness For students to understand positive self-talk Recognise personal qualities and achievements- describe personal strengths and challenges and identify skills they wish to develop For student to identify how positive self-talk Develop reflective practice -reflect on personal strengths and achievements, based on self-assessment affects their emotions, relationships and behaviours. strategies and teacher feedback Self Management Become confident, resilient and adaptable persist with tasks when faced with challenges and adapt their approach where first attempts are not successful Emp PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Building Strong Communities athy Social Awareness For students to recognise it is the responsibility of Understand relationships describe factors that contribute to positive relationships, including with people at everyone to support and look after each other in the school and in their community community
For students to understand the importance of belonging Grat PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CURRICULUM Gratitude Wall itud Self Awareness For students to identify things they are most e Recognise emotions - describe the influence that people, situations and events have on their emotions grateful for HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Communicating And Interacting For Health And Wellbeing For students to celebrate and acknowledge Describe how respect, empathy and valuing difference can positively influence relationships things that are important to them Min PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Mindful Colouring In dful Self awareness For students to develop their mindful practice by ness Recognise emotions and describe the influence that people, situations and events have on their emotions colouring in Self management Express emotions appropriately and identify and describe strategies to manage and moderate emotions in increasingly unfamiliar situations Emo PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Pep Talks tion Self Awareness For students to engage in positive self-talk Recognise personal qualities and achievements and describe personal strengths and challenges and identify skills they wish to develop For students to identify their own strengths and Develop reflective practice and reflect on personal strengths and achievements, based on self-assessment share with others strategies and teacher feedback Self Management Become confident, resilient and adaptable persist with tasks when faced with challenges and adapt their approach where first attempts are not successful Emp PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Small acts of kindness athy Social Management For students to understand the impacts of Communicate effectively and identify communication skills that enhance relationships for particular groups kindness and purposes Work collaboratively and describe characteristics of cooperative behaviour and identify evidence of these in For student to share acts of kindness with their group activities peers HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Communicating And Interacting For Health And Wellbeing Describe how respect, empathy and valuing difference can positively influence relationships Grat PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Taking Action itud Social Awareness For students to take action based on their e Understand relationships describe factors that contribute to positive relationships, including with people at understanding of what gratitude is school and in their community For students to express gratitude for people in their school community Min PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Hopes for the Future: dful Self awareness ness Recognise emotions and describe the influence that people, situations and events have on their emotions For students to practice mindfulness and think Self management about what they wish for the future Express emotions appropriately and identify and describe strategies to manage and moderate emotions in increasingly unfamiliar situations Year: 5 (30 x 50 min lessons)
Topic Aust. Curriculum Learning Intentions Character Strengths PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Character Strengths Self awareness: For students to begin to explore Recognise personal qualities and achievements character strengths - Describe the influence that personal qualities For students to discover their own and strengths have on their learning outcomes character strengths Understand themselves as learners: - Identify preferred learning styles and work habits Self Management: Develop self-discipline and set goals - Analyse factors that influence ability to self regulate; devise and apply strategies to monitor own behaviour and set realistic learning goals Character Strengths PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Character Strengths Self awareness: Recognise personal qualities and achievements For students to explore their own - Describe the influence that personal qualities character strengths and strengths have on their learning outcomes For students to identify theirs and Understand themselves as learners: others strengths in action - Identify preferred learning styles and work habits Self Management: Develop self-discipline and set goals - Analyse factors that influence ability to self regulate; devise and apply strategies to monitor own behaviour and set realistic learning goals Emotional Literacy PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Getting In Touch With Your Emotions Self Awareness For students to build emotional vocabulary Recognise emotions and explain how the appropriateness of emotional responses influences behaviour For students to consolidate understanding of Self Management emotional literacy Express emotions appropriately - explain the influence of emotions on behaviour, learning and relationships Empathy PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Empathy Is ... Social Management For students to have a clear understanding of Communicate effectively and identify communication skills empathy that enhance relationships for particular groups and purposes For student to observe and identify empathy in their everyday life Mindfulness HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Introduction to Mindful Bodies Communication and Interacting for health and wellbeing For students to reflect on their own Practise skills to establish and manage relationships mindfulness PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Self Awareness For students to explore mindful techniques Develop reflective practice For students to create a definition of the term Mindfulness Gratitude HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION What Is Gratitude Personal, Social and Community Health For students to understand what gratefulness Plan and practise strategies to promote health, safety and is wellbeing PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY For students to define gratitude Self Awareness Develop reflective practice CRITICAL AND CREATIVE THINKING For students to list some of the things they Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information are grateful for and ideas Organise and process information Emotional Literacy PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Brain Business (Understanding emotions from a Self Awareness scientific point of view) Recognise emotions and explain how the appropriateness of For students to understand the brain releases emotional responses influences behaviour certain chemicals resulting in us feeling certain Self Management emotions Develop self-discipline, set goals and analyse factors that influence ability to self-regulate; devise and apply strategies to For students to understand emotions can monitor own behaviour and set realistic learning goals drive our behaviour
For students to develop strategies to encourage positive emotions Empathy PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Supporting Others Social Management For students to understand the benefits of Work collaboratively and describe characteristics of empathy cooperative behaviour and identify evidence of these in group activities For students to recognise empathy helps both the giver and receiver Mindfulness HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Human Camera Personal, Social and Community Health For students to focus on the present Plan and practice strategies to promote health, safety and For students to capture a moment wellbeing PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY For students to keep their mind in the Self Awareness present Develop reflective practice Gratitude HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Book Of “Awesome” Personal, Social and Community Health For students to recognise small things that Plan and practise strategies to promote health, safety and are wonderful wellbeing Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing For students to list their own awesome Examine the influence of emotional responses on behaviour moment and relationships PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Self Awareness For students to design and illustrate their Recognise personal qualities and achievements moments of awesome Develop reflective practice Recognise emotions For students to contribute to a class ‘Book of CRITICAL AND CREATIVE THINKING Awesome’ Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas Organise and process information Identify and clarify information and ideas Generating ideas, possibilities and actions Imagine possibilities and connect ideas ENGLISH Creating Literature Create literary texts that adapt or combine aspects of texts students have experienced in innovative ways VISUAL ARTS develop understanding of use and application of visual conventions as they develop conceptual and representational skills Emotional Literacy PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Regulating Emotions Self Management For students to recognise and manage Express emotions appropriately explain the influence of negative emotions such as anger, sadness worry emotions on behaviour, learning and relationships disappointment and embarrassment Develop self-discipline, set goals and analyse factors that influence ability to self-regulate; devise and apply strategies to For students to develop strategies to deal monitor own behaviour and set realistic learning goals with negative emotions Empathy PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Responding With Empathy Self Management For students to understand the difference Become confident, resilient and adaptable and devise between positive and negative feedback. strategies and formulate plans to assist in the completion of challenging tasks and the maintenance of personal safety For student to engage and practice positive feedback with their peers Mindfulness HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Mindful Glitter Jars Communication and Interacting for health and wellbeing For students to understand how their brain Practise skills to establish and manage relationships reacts to different feelings and situations PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Self Awareness For students to identify some triggers that Develop reflective practice make them feel stressed Self Management Explain the influence of emotions on behaviour, learning and relationships For students to recognise VISUAL ARTS feelings/techniques/strategies that make them Develop understanding of use and application of visual feel calm conventions as they develop conceptual and representational skills Gratitude HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION This Moment Personal, Social and Community Health For students to list 3 things they are grateful Examine how identities are influenced by people and places for at this moment Plan and practise strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing For students to reflect on a recent moment Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing that wasn’t positive Examine the influence of emotional responses on behaviour and relationships PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY For students to find 3 aspects of their Self Awareness negative experience and turn them into moments Develop reflective practice of gratitude Recognise emotions CRITICAL AND CREATIVE THINKING Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas Organise and process information Identify and clarify information and ideas Generating ideas, possibilities and actions Imagine possibilities and connect ideas Emotional Literacy PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Influencing Our Emotions Self Awareness For students to develop strategies to Recognise emotions and explain how the appropriateness of encourage positive emotions and thinking emotional responses influences behaviour Self Management For students to regulate behaviours and Express emotions appropriately - explain the influence of responses emotions on behaviour, learning and relationships Develop self-discipline, set goals and analyse factors that influence ability to self-regulate; devise and apply strategies to monitor own behaviour and set realistic learning goals Empathy PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Causes Of Conflict Self Management For students to develop an understanding of Express emotions appropriately - explain the influence of why conflicts arise amongst friends emotions on behaviour, learning and relationships Develop self-discipline, set goals and analyse factors that For student to know they have control of the influence ability to self-regulate; devise and apply strategies to actions and a choice on their reactions. monitor own behaviour and set realistic learning goals Social Management Work collaboratively and describe characteristics of For students to develop strategies cope with cooperative behaviour and identify evidence of these in group conflict. activities Negotiate and resolve conflict and identify a range of conflict resolution strategies to negotiate positive outcomes to problems
Mindfulness HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Deep Belly Breathing Communication and Interacting for health and wellbeing For students to reflect on different feelings Practice skills to establish and manage relationships Personal, Social and Community Health For students to participate in relaxing Plan and practice strategies to promote health, safety and techniques wellbeing
PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY For students to keep their mind in the Self Awareness present Develop reflective practice For students to understand how deep belly breathing can help calm the body and mind Gratitude HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Card Of Compliments Personal, Social and Community Health For students to follow guidelines to give a Examine how identities are influenced by people and places compliment Plan and practise strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing For students to create a compliment card for Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing a classmate Practise skills to establish and manage relationships Examine the influence of emotional responses on behaviour and relationships For students to receive a compliment PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY appropriately Social Awareness Understand relationships CRITICAL AND CREATIVE THINKING Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas Organise and process information Identify and clarify information and ideas Generating ideas, possibilities and actions Imagine possibilities and connect ideas ENGLISH Interacting with Others Use interaction skills, varying conventions of spoken interactions such as voice volume, tone, pitch and pace, according to group size, formality of interaction and needs and expertise of the audience Creating Literature Create literary texts that adapt or combine aspects of texts students have experienced in innovative ways
Emotional Literacy PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Emotions And Friendship Self Management For students to understand what makes a Express emotions appropriately - explain the influence of good friend emotions on behaviour, learning and relationships Develop self-discipline, set goals and analyse factors that For students to reflect on themselves as a influence ability to self-regulate; devise and apply strategies to friend monitor own behaviour and set realistic learning goals Social Management Negotiate and resolve conflict and identify a range of conflict resolution strategies to negotiate positive outcomes to problems Empathy PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Cause And Effect In Conflict Self Management For student to know they have control of the Express emotions appropriately - explain the influence of actions and a choice on their reactions. emotions on behaviour, learning and relationships Develop self-discipline, set goals and analyse factors that For students to continue to develop influence ability to self-regulate; devise and apply strategies to strategies to cope with conflict. monitor own behaviour and set realistic learning goals Social Management Negotiate and resolve conflict and identify a range of conflict resolution strategies to negotiate positive outcomes to problems Mindfulness HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION T.H.I.N.K Before You Speak Communication and Interacting for health and wellbeing For students to become aware of mindful Practice skills to establish and manage relationships speech PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Self Awareness For students to recognise when words can be Develop reflective practice unhelpful Self Management Explain the influence of emotions on behaviour, learning and relationships For students to use mindful speech in DRAMA appropriate situations Explore dramatic action, empathy and space in improvisations, play building and scripted drama to develop characters and situations Gratitude HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Thanks Mum and Dad Personal, Social and Community Health For students to recall a significant story or Examine how identities are influenced by people and places memory with their parents that impacted their Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing lives Examine the influence of emotional responses on behaviour and relationships For students to reflect on their mother and PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY father and what they mean to them Self Awareness Recognise personal qualities and achievements Develop reflective practice For students to compose a letter to their Recognise emotions mother and father showing gratitude Social Awareness Understand relationships Self Management Express emotions appropriately - explain the influence of emotions on behaviour, learning and relationships CRITICAL AND CREATIVE THINKING Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas Organise and process information Identify and clarify information and ideas Generating ideas, possibilities and actions Imagine possibilities and connect ideas ENGLISH Creating Literature Create literary texts that adapt or combine aspects of texts students have experienced in innovative ways VISUAL ARTS develop understanding of use and application of visual conventions as they develop conceptual and representational skills Emotional Literacy PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Recognising And Recalling Positive Emotions Self Management For students to reflect on their own emotions Express emotions appropriately - explain the influence of emotions on behaviour, learning and relationships For students to understand happiness and its Self Awareness benefits on our learning, health, relationships and Recognise personal qualities and achievements describe the behaviour. influence that personal qualities and strengths have on their learning outcomes Empathy PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Positive Self-Talk Self Awareness For students to understand the importance of Recognise personal qualities and achievements describe the self-talk influence that personal qualities and strengths have on their learning outcomes For students to engage in positive self-talk Self Management Become confident, resilient and adaptable devise strategies and formulate plans to assist in the completion of challenging tasks and the maintenance of personal safety Mindfulness HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Mindful Meditation Personal, Social and Community Health For students to use meditation as a technique Plan and practice strategies to promote health, safety and for being mindful wellbeing PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY For students to relax and unwind as mindful Self Awareness practice Develop reflective practice Gratitude HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION The Important Book Personal, Social and Community Health For students to reflect on different things Examine how identities are influenced by people and places that are important PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Self Awareness For students to give reasons for why things Develop reflective practice are important Social Awareness Understand relationships Self Management For students to show gratitude and see the Express emotions appropriately - explain the influence of positives in things emotions on behaviour, learning and relationships CRITICAL AND CREATIVE THINKING Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas Organise and process information Identify and clarify information and ideas Generating ideas, possibilities and actions Imagine possibilities and connect ideas ENGLISH Interacting with Others Use interaction skills, varying conventions of spoken interactions such as voice volume, tone, pitch and pace, according to group size, formality of interaction and needs and expertise of the audience Creating Literature Create literary texts that adapt or combine aspects of texts students have experienced in innovative ways Emotional Literacy PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Everyone Experiences Emotions Differently Social Management For students to understand how individuals Work collaboratively and describe characteristics of show and express emotions differently cooperative behaviour and identify evidence of these in group activities For students to be able to read other Communicate effectively and identify communication skills behaviours and identify emotions that enhance relationships for particular groups and purposes
For students to develop appropriate reactions to different emotions Empathy PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Teaching Others Positive Self-Talk Self Management For students to share their understanding of Become confident, resilient and adaptable devise strategies positive self-talk and formulate plans to assist in the completion of challenging tasks and the maintenance of personal safety For students to communicate effectively to Social Management their peers, sharing knowledge and solving Communicate effectively and identify communication skills problems that enhance relationships for particular groups and purposes Work collaboratively and describe characteristics of cooperative behaviour and identify evidence of these in group For students to learn of one and other and activities take part in teamwork collaborations.
Mindfulness HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Mindful Through Music Personal, Social and Community Health For students to understand that different Plan and practice strategies to promote health, safety and events can affect our mindfulness wellbeing PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY For students to listen to music and express Self Awareness feelings and emotions Develop reflective practice MUSIC Explore meaning and interpretation, forms and elements of For students to list songs that may benefit music as they make and respond to music. mindfulness VISUAL ARTS • Develop understanding of use and application of visual conventions as they develop conceptual and representational skills Gratitude PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Gratitude Quote Self Awareness For students to list 3 things they are grateful Develop reflective practice for at this moment Social Awareness Understand relationships For students to unpack a gratitude quote and CRITICAL AND CREATIVE THINKING find its meaning Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas Organise and process information For students to work collaboratively in pairs Identify and clarify information and ideas to produce a poster representing a gratitude Generating ideas, possibilities and actions quote Imagine possibilities and connect ideas ENGLISH Interacting with Others Use interaction skills, varying conventions of spoken interactions such as voice volume, tone, pitch and pace, according to group size, formality of interaction and needs and expertise of the audience Plan, rehearse and deliver presentations, selecting and sequencing appropriate content and multimodal elements for defined audiences and purposes, making appropriate choices for modality and emphasis Creating Literature Create literary texts that adapt or combine aspects of texts students have experienced in innovative ways VISUAL ARTS develop understanding of use and application of visual conventions as they develop conceptual and representational skills Year: 6 (30 x 50 min lessons)
Topic Aust. Curriculum Learning Intentions Emotional Literacy HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Emotions are essential Communication and Interacting for health and wellbeing For students to understand all Practice skills to establish and manage emotions emotions are important and natural. Examine the influence of emotional responses on For students to understand and behaviour and relationships identify their emotions. DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGIES Production Skills For students to share their Develop and communicate design ideas and processes for knowledge of emotional literacy and work audiences using appropriate technical terms and graphical collaboratively. representation techniques PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITIES Recognise emotions Reflect critically on their emotional responses to challenging situations in a wide range of learning, social and work- related contexts Mindfulness HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION To reflect on their own mindful behaviour Communication and Interacting for health and wellbeing To demonstrate a tool for being mindful Practice skills to establish and manage relationships PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY To nominate a tool for mindfulness they will Self Awareness try Develop reflective practice DRAMA Explore dramatic action, empathy and space in improvisations, play building and scripted drama to develop characters and situations Gratitude HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION To understand what gratefulness is Personal, Social and Community Health Examine how identities are influenced by people and places To recognise aspects of their lives they are Plan and practise strategies to promote health, safety and grateful for wellbeing PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Self Awareness Recognise personal qualities and achievements Develop reflective practice CRITICAL AND CREATIVE THINKING Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas Organise and process information Generating ideas, possibilities and actions Imagine possibilities and connect ideas Empathy HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Empathy 101 Communication and Interacting for health and wellbeing For students to understand what empathy is Practice skills to establish and manage relationships For students to identify what stops Examine the influence of emotional responses on behaviour us from being empathetic and relationships PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Self Awareness Develop reflective practice Emotional Literacy PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITIES Understanding chemical response of emotions Self awareness For students to understand emotions Recognise emotions, reflect critically on their emotional come from chemicals released in the body. responses to challenging situations in a wide range of For students to build their learning, social and work-related contexts vocabulary on emotions Express emotions appropriately, explain the influence of emotions on behaviour, learning and relationships For students to express their emotions appropriately Mindfulness HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION To recognise the 5 senses Personal, Social and Community Health Plan and practice strategies to promote health, safety and To use the senses in being mindful wellbeing PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Self Awareness To reflect on different activities using the Develop reflective practice senses Gratitude HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION To explore the notion of gratitude Personal, Social and Community Health Examine how identities are influenced by people and places To create a display about gratitude using Plan and practise strategies to promote health, safety and quotes and sayings wellbeing CRITICAL AND CREATIVE THINKING Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising To find a quote or saying that connects with information and ideas them Organise and process information Generating ideas, possibilities and actions Imagine possibilities and connect ideas INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY Locate, generate and access data and information Locate, retrieve or generate information using search engines and simple search functions and classify information in meaningful ways Empathy PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITIES Empathy vs sympathy Self-awareness For students to understand the Recognise emotions, explain how the appropriateness of different between empathy and sympathy emotional responses influences behaviour For students to reflect on past Develop reflective practice experiences and responses to empathy. ENGLISH Interacting with others Participate in and contribute to discussions, clarifying and interrogating ideas, developing and supporting arguments, sharing and evaluating information, experiences and opinions Emotional Literacy PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Managing physical changes Self Awareness For students to understand puberty Develop reflective practice happens to everyone and is natural Express emotions appropriately- explain the influence of For students to develop positive emotions on behaviour, learning and relationships Self- behaviours around puberty Management Develop self-discipline and set goals - analyse factors that For students to have strategies to influence ability to self-regulate; devise and apply strategies manage with physical changes during to monitor own behaviour and set realistic learning goals puberty. HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Personal, social and community health Investigate resources and strategies to manage changes and transitions associated with puberty Mindfulness HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION To use colour to appreciate the world around Personal, Social and Community Health us Plan and practice strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing To show photos of colours in the moment PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Self Awareness Develop reflective practice To rest the mind and see our surrounds DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES Digital Technologies Processes and Production Tools Acquire, store and validate different types of data, and use a range of software to interpret and visualise data to create information Gratitude HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION To have gratitude for our class mates Personal, Social and Community Health Plan and practise strategies to promote health, safety and To express gratitude to others wellbeing Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing Practise skills to establish and manage relationships To receive gratitude from others Examine the influence of emotional responses on behaviour and relationships PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Self Awareness Recognise personal qualities and achievements Develop reflective practice Recognise emotions Social Awareness Understand relationships Empathy PHYSICAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Sharing your knowledge Personal, Social and Community Health For students to find examples of Plan and practise strategies to promote health, safety and empathy around the world. wellbeing For students to share their PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITIES understanding of empathy. Self awareness Recognise emotions, reflect critically on their emotional responses Social Management Communicate effectively, formulate plans for effective communication. Work collaboratively, critique their ability to devise and enact strategies for working in diverse teams, drawing on the skills and contributions of team members to complete complex tasks Emotional Literacy PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Managing emotional changes Self-Awareness For students to identify, locate and Recognise emotions, reflect critically on their emotional release strong emotions. responses For students to recognise emotional
Express emotions appropriately- explain the influence of changes during puberty. emotions on behaviour, learning and relationships HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION For students to develop positive Communication and Interacting for health and wellbeing strategies to reduce stress. Practice skills to establish and manage relationships Investigate resources and strategies to manage changes and transitions associated with puberty Mindfulness HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION To reflect on their current responses to Personal, Social and Community Health emotions Plan and practice strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing To perform short skits showing mindful Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing responses to emotions Practice skills to establish and manage relationships PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Self Awareness To devise a script they are going to try the Develop reflective practice next time they are feeling annoyed Recognise Emotions Explain how the appropriateness of emotional responses influences behavior Express Emotions Appropriately Explain the influence of emotions on behaviour, learning and relationships DRAMA Explore dramatic action, empathy and space in improvisations, play building and scripted drama to develop characters and situations Gratitude HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Random Acts of Kindness Personal, Social and Community Health To make connections between gratitude and Plan and practise strategies to promote health, safety and random acts of kindness. wellbeing Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing To create a list of ways they can perform Practise skills to establish and manage relationships random acts of kindness. Examine the influence of emotional responses on behaviour and relationships PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY To see how expressing gratitude through Self Awareness random acts of kindness can impact someone Recognise personal qualities and achievements else’s day. Develop reflective practice Recognise emotions Social Awareness Understand relationships Self Management Express emotions appropriately - explain the influence of emotions on behaviour, learning and relationships Empathy HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Small acts of kindness Communication and Interacting for health and wellbeing For students to engage in small acts Practice skills to establish and manage relationships of kindness Personal, Social and Community Health For students to recognise the Plan and practise strategies to promote health, safety and benefits on others and themselves through wellbeing small acts of kindness PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITIES Self-awareness Recognise emotion, explain how the appropriateness of emotional responses influences behaviour Emotional Literacy PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Managing social changes Self Awareness For students to build strong Develop reflective practice relationships with peers. Recognise emotion, explain how the appropriateness of For students to reflect on emotional responses influences behaviour themselves as a friend. Express emotions appropriately- explain the influence of emotions on behaviour, learning and relationships For students to have strategies to HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION deal with conflict or negative relationships. Communication and Interacting for health and wellbeing Practice skills to establish and manage relationships ENGLISH Interacting with others Participate in and contribute to discussions, clarifying and interrogating ideas, developing and supporting arguments, sharing and evaluating information, experiences and opinions Mindfulness HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION To use meditation as a technique for being Personal, Social and Community Health mindful Plan and practice strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing To relax and unwind as mindful practice PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Self Awareness Develop reflective practice Gratitude HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION To reflect on a teacher that made a positive Personal, Social and Community Health impact on their lives Examine how identities are influenced by people and places Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing To construct a letter to that teacher showing Examine the influence of emotional responses on behaviour gratitude. and relationships PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Self Awareness Recognise personal qualities and achievements Understand themselves as learners Develop reflective practice Social Awareness Understand relationships Self Management Express emotions appropriately - explain the influence of emotions on behaviour, learning and relationships CRITICAL AND CREATIVE THINKING Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas Organise and process information Identify and clarify information and ideas ENGLISH Creating Literature Create literary texts that adapt or combine aspects of texts students have experienced in innovative ways Empathy PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITIES Encouraging change Social management For students to see empathy is contagious Work collaboratively, describe characteristics of cooperative For students to promote change behaviour and identify evidence of these in group activities through acts of empathy and kindness. Communicate effectively, identify and explain factors that influence effective communication in a variety of situations For students to work collaboratively with peers For students to communicate effectively to their peers and others. Emotional Literacy PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Emotions vary in depth and strength Self Awareness For students to recognise emotions Develop reflective practice vary in depth and strength Self Management For students to reflect on their own Express emotions appropriately - explain the influence of emotional experiences emotions on behaviour, learning and relationships Work collaboratively, describe characteristics of cooperative For students to work in team to behaviour and identify evidence of these in group activities collect and analyse data Social awareness Appreciate diverse perspectives ENGLISH Interacting with others Participate in and contribute to discussions, clarifying and interrogating ideas, developing and supporting arguments, sharing and evaluating information, experiences and opinions MATHEMATICS Data representation and interpretation Interpret and compare a range of data displays. Mindfulness LITERACY To read/listen to the story ‘The Navigate, read and view learning area texts Three Questions’ by Jon Muth CRITICAL AND CREATIVE THINKING Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising To recognise what concept Nikolai information and ideas was seeking with his three questions Identify and clarify information and ideas Organise and process information Generating ideas, possibilities and actions To reflect on a time when they were Imagine possibilities and connect ideas helpful HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Personal, Social and Community Health To understand the conclusions Plan and practice strategies to promote health, safety and Nikolai came to wellbeing PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY To question what makes a good Self Awareness person Develop reflective practice To create a recipe for a good person Gratitude CRITICAL AND CREATIVE THINKING To reflect on facilities in other Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising countries information and ideas Organise and process information To recognise the facilities at our Identify and clarify information and ideas school Generating ideas, possibilities and actions Imagine possibilities and connect ideas INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY To compare the facilities between Locate, generate and access data and information our school and other countries Locate, retrieve or generate information using search engines and simple search functions and classify information To construct a poster showing in meaningful ways gratitude for what we have ENGLISH Creating Literature Create literary texts that adapt or combine aspects of texts students have experienced in innovative ways Empathy PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Positive self-talk Self Awareness For students to understand the Recognise personal qualities and achievements benefits of positive self-talk Develop reflective practice For students to engage in positive ENGLISH self-talk and recognise their own and others Literature and context achievements/strengths Make connections between students’ own experiences and those of characters and events represented in texts. Select, navigate and read texts for a range of purposes Emotional Literacy PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Who can help? Self management For students to recognise there is Become confident, resilient and adaptable help available Social awareness For students to feel confident in Appreciate diverse perspectives sharing and communicating their emotions HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION with others Communication and Interacting for health and wellbeing For students to identify people/organisations Practice skills to establish and manage relationships they can seek support from Investigate community resources and ways to seek help about health, safety and wellbeing Mindfulness HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION To reflect on their feelings and emotions Personal, Social and Community Health Plan and practice strategies to promote health, safety and To practice being ‘in the moment’ wellbeing PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Self Awareness To record how mindful walking can assist Develop reflective practice with feelings and emotions Gratitude HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION To recognise the power of words and how Personal, Social and Community Health they make people feel Examine how identities are influenced by people and places Plan and practise strategies to promote health, safety and To create a presentation of things we should wellbeing say more often CRITICAL AND CREATIVE THINKING Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas Organise and process information Identify and clarify information and ideas Generating ideas, possibilities and actions Imagine possibilities and connect ideas DRAMA Explore dramatic action, empathy and space in improvisations, play building and scripted drama to develop characters and situations ENGLISH Interacting with Others Use interaction skills, varying conventions of spoken interactions such as voice volume, tone, pitch and pace, according to group size, formality of interaction and needs and expertise of the audience Plan, rehearse and deliver presentations, selecting and sequencing appropriate content and multimodal elements for defined audiences and purposes, making appropriate choices for modality and emphasis
Empathy HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION All unique, all different Communication and Interacting for health and wellbeing For students know their own Practice skills to establish and manage relationships strengths and weakness Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing For students to understand the Recognise how media and important people in the negative effects of comparing ourselves to community influence personal attitudes, beliefs, decisions others and behaviours PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITIES For students to understand the Self management effects media has on self esteem Become confident, resilient and adaptable Recognise personal qualities and achievements