English 100: Enhanced Composition I
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English 100: Enhanced Composition I Brian T. Murphy Section B1: Mon. 8:00–10:20 AM, Y-04; Wed. 8:00–9:15 AM, South 216 Bradley Hall, Y-219 Section J2: Mon. 12:30–1:20 PM, L-233-B; Wed. 12:30–1:45 PM, South 112; 516-572-7185, ext. 25686 Fri. 12:30–1:45 PM, South 105 Office Hours: Wed. 11:00 AM–12:00 Email: [email protected] Fri. 10:30 AM –12:00 Class web page: www.Brian-T-Murphy.com/Eng100.htm
Readings from Ready Player One (Sections B1 and J2) Reading selections from Ready Player One by Ernest Cline are listed below. Note that both sections are expected to read the same pages each week, and to have completed the assigned reading by the monday listed below. You will be expected to read several chapters each week, beginning this week; however, we will not finish the novel. Instead, it is hoped that you be sufficiently interested to finish Ready Player One on your own. Also, note that some of these readings are longer than others, so do not plan on completing each assignment the Sunday night before it is due. Rather, you should read at least a few pages a day. Date: Reading to be completed: Mon., 13 Oct. Chapters 0000-0003 (pp. 1-36) Mon., 20 Oct. Chapters 0004-0006 (pp. 37-67) Mon., 27 Oct. Chapters 0007-0009 (pp. 68-99) Mon., 3 Nov. Chapters 0010-0012 (pp. 100-127) Mon., 10 Nov. Chapters 0013-0015 (pp. 128-159) Mon., 17 Nov. Chapters 0016-0018 (pp. 160-189) Mon., 24 Nov. Class does not meet Mon., 1 Dec. Chapters 019-0024 (pp. 190-240) Mon., 8 Dec. Chapters 0025-0027 (pp. 241-266)
Readings and Assignments: Section B1 Note: All readings below are required, and must be completed by the session indicated; the only exceptions are those indicated with an asterisk (*), which are recommended additional readings or resources. Be sure you are reading the right schedule, as Sections B1 and J2 will follow the same general schedule but meet on different days, so readings, assignments and due dates may differ.
Readings from Focus on Writing: Paragraphs and Essays are identified below by title and page number, e.g. “Understanding the Writing Process: Step 1: Planning” (28-40). Essays from Part 6, “Readings for Writers,” are identified by author and title as well as page numbers, e.g., Sherry, “In Praise of the F Word” (766-69). Note that these pages include sections after each essay: “Focus on Meaning,” “Focus on Strategy,” “Focus on Language and Style,” “Focus on the Pattern,” “Focus on Critical Thinking,” and “Writing Practice.” You should read these questions, but you do not have to answer the questions or do complete any writing assignments unless and until announced. Additional readings, including selections from Ready Player One by Ernest Cline, handouts, or online texts, will also be assigned.
Note: This schedule is subject to revision according to the instructor’s discretion, the Academic Calendar for the semester, school closings due to inclement weather or other reasons, and the progress of the class. Additions or changes will be announced in class, and they will also be posted on the class Announcements page.
Date: Readings and Assignments: Mon., 29 Sep. Essay 1 Due: Narrative/Descriptive; Lab: In-class writing: Process Process Writing: “Process” (109-120); “Process Essays” (276-283) Wed., 1 Oct. “Revising and Editing” (216-225) Mon., 6 Oct. Lab: “Subject-Verb Agreement” (495-509); Online exercises: Subject-Verb Agreement 1, Subject-Verb Agreement 2 Goodheart, “How to Mummify a Pharaoh” (727-730) Wed., 8 Oct. O’Keeney, “How to Make It In College, Now That You’re Here” (Handout) Mon., 13 Oct. Lab: In-class writing: TBA Comparison and Contrast Writing: “Comparison-and-Contrast” (132-148); “Comparison- and-Contrast Essays” (291-298) Wed., 15 Oct. Essay 2 Due: Process Gray, “Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus” (747-751) Mon., 20 Oct. Lab: “Illogical Shifts” (510-519); “Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers” (520-534); Online exercises: Shifts in Person and Number, Shifts in Tense, Shifts in Tense, Voice, and Mood, Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers 1 Britt, “Neat People vs. Sloppy People” (handout)
Wed., 22 Oct. Midterm Essay (Comparison/Contrast) Mon., 27 Oct. Lab: Electronic Databases, CARS Checklist for Evaluating Sources
Persuasion/Argument Writing: “Argument” (173-187); “Argument Essays” (311-322) Wed., 29 Oct. “Using Words Effectively” (429-451); In-class exercise: TBA Mon., 3 Nov. Lab: In-Class Exercise: Diction (dictionary and/or thesaurus required); Online exercises: Redundancy and Wordiness, Bias and Sexist Usage, Choosing the Correct Word 1, Choosing the Correct Word 2 Sherry, “In Praise of the F Word” (766-769) Wed., 5 Nov. Essay 3 Due: Comparison/Contrast Research Essays: “Writing a Research Paper 17a-g” (325-342) Mon., 10 Nov. Lab: “Understanding Punctuation and Mechanics” (637-682); Online exercises: Using Commas 1, Using Commas 2, Abbreviations, Capitalization, Numbers “Why Other Countries Teach Better” New York Times 18 Dec. 2013: A28. (Handout) Wed., 12 Nov. Segal, “The Dog Ate My Flash Drive, and Other Tales of Woe” (756-760) Mon., 17 Nov. Lab: In-class exercise: Incorporating Sources Winkler, “The Guns of Academe” (772-776) Wed., 19 Nov. Essay 4 Due: Argument “Writing a Research Paper 17a-g” (325-342) Mon., 24 Nov. Day classes meet on a Thursday schedule Wed., 26 Nov. Day classes meet on a Friday schedule; Evening classes do not meet Fri., 28 Nov. Thanksgiving Recess: College Holiday Mon., 1 Dec. Lab: In-class exercise: Documenting Sources “Writing a Research Paper 17h: Documenting Your Sources” (342-351) Wed., 3 Dec. Ivins, “Ban The Things. Ban Them All,” (handout) Mon., 8 Dec. Lab: TBA Model Research Essay: Compton, “The True Price of Counterfeit Goods” (348-351) Wed., 10 Dec. Model Research Essay: “Toward a Recovery of 19th-Century Farming Handbooks” (Handout) Mon., 15 Dec. Research Essay Due (Draft) In-class exercise: Peer Review Wed., 17 Dec. Research Essay Due (Final) TBA Mon., 22 Dec. TBA