QCA ICT in Subjects
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ICT in Other Subjects
A reference guide to indicate ICT provision in the Programmes of Study for other subjects in the National Curriculum Maths KS 1 KS2 KS3 KS4
BREADTH OF STUDY NUMBER SHAPE, SPACE AND FOUNDATION LEVEL MEASURES 1f 1c SHAPE, SPACE AND Statutory: pupils should be Statutory: pupils should be taught to 1a MEASURES taught the knowledge, skills and select and use appropriate Statutory: pupils should be taught to understanding through exploring mathematical equipment, select problem-solving strategies and 1a and using a variety of resources including ICT resources, including ICT, to use in Statutory: pupils should be taught and materials, including ICT geometrical work and monitor their to select problem-solving strategies SHAPE, SPACE AND effectiveness and resources, including ICT, to use MEASURES in geometrical work and monitor 4j their effectiveness 3b Statutory: pupils should be taught to Statutory: pupils should be taught to find loci, both by reasoning and 4j transform objects in practical by using ICT to produce shapes Statutory: pupils should be taught situations; transform images using and paths to find loci, both by reasoning ICT. and by using ICT to produce HANDLING DATA shapes and paths PROCESSING, REPRESENTING AND HANDLING DATA 3b HANDLING DATA Statutory: pupils should be taught to 2c gather data from secondary sources 1f Statutory: pupils should be taught to including printed tables and lists from Statutory: pupils should be taught represent and interpret discrete data ICT-based sources to communicate mathematically, using graphs and diagrams, including including using ICT, making use of pictograms, bar charts and line 4a diagrams and related explanatory graphs, then interpret a wider range Statutory: pupils should be taught to text of graphs and diagrams, using ICT draw and produce, using paper and where appropriate ICT, pie charts for categorical data 3b and diagrams for continuous data, Statutory: pupils should be taught including line graphs for time series, to gather data from secondary scatter graphs, frequency diagrams sources including printed tables and BREADTH OF STUDY and stem-and-leaf diagrams lists from ICT-based sources
1f BREADTH OF STUDY 4a Statutory: pupils should be taught Statutory: pupils should be taught the knowledge, skills and 1h to draw and produce, using paper understanding through exploring and Statutory: pupils should be taught and ICT, pie charts for categorical using a variety of resources and the knowledge, skills and data and diagrams for continuous materials, including ICT. understanding through tasks focused data, including line graphs for time on using appropriate ICT [ for series, scatter graphs, frequency example, spreadsheets, databases, diagrams and stem-and-leaf geometry or graphic packages] using diagrams calculators correctly and efficiently and knowing when it is not BREADTH OF STUDY appropriate to use a particular form of technology 1h Statutory: pupils should be taught the knowledge, skills and understanding through tasks focused on using appropriate ICT [ for example, spreadsheets, databases, geometry or graphic packages] using calculators correctly and efficiently and knowing when not to use a calculator
SHAPE, SPACE AND MEASURES 4e Statutory: pupils should be taught to find loci, both by reasoning and by using ICT to produce shapes and paths
1g Statutory: pupils should be taught the knowledge, skills and understanding through choosing appropriate ICT tools and using these to solve numerical and graphical problems, to represent numerical and graphical configurations and to present and analyse data. ICT OPPORTUNITIES, EXAMPLES & LINKS
1f 4d 5f NUMBER AND ALGEBRA Statutory: pupils should be Statutory: pupils should be taught to Statutory: pupils should be taught to taught to communicate in spoken, recognise, represent and interpret use formulae from mathematics and 5f pictorial and written form, at first simple number relationships, other subjects; substitute numbers Statutory: pupils should be taught using informal language and constructing and using formulae in into a formulae; derive a formula and to use formulae from mathematics recording, then mathematical words then symbols change its subject and other subjects expressed language and symbols ICT opportunity: pupils could ICT opportunity: pupils could use a initially in words and then using ICT opportunity: pupils could construct and use a formula to spreadsheet to construct formulae to letters and symbols use ICT to communicate results transform one list of data to another model situations ICT opportunity: pupils could use using appropriate mathematical a spreadsheet to construct formulae symbols SHAPE, SPACE AND 6g to model situations MEASURES Statutory: pupils should be taught to SHAPE, SPACE AND generate points and plot graphs of 6d MEASURES 1c simple quadratic and cubic functions Statutory: pupils should be taught Statutory: pupils should be taught to ICT opportunity: pupils could use a to find the gradient of lines given by 1b approach spatial problems flexibly, spreadsheet to generate points and equations of the form y = mx + c Statutory: pupils should be including trying alternative plot graphs (when values are given for m and c); taught to select and use approaches to overcome difficulties investigate the gradients of parallel appropriate mathematical ICT opportunity: pupils could use lines equipment when solving problems software to create repeating patters, HANDLING DATA ICT opportunity: pupils could use involving measures or such as tessellations a spreadsheet to calculate points and measurement 1f draw graphs to explore the effects of ICT opportunity: pupils could 2c Statutory: pupils should be taught to varying m and c use both digital and analogue Statutory: pupils should be taught to communicate mathematically, devices to measure weight or time make and draw with increasing making use of diagrams and related HANDLING DATA accuracy 2-D and 3-D shapes and explanatory text 4b patterns; recognise reflective ICT opportunity: pupils could use 5c Statutory: pupils should be symmetry in regular polygons presentation software to Statutory: pupils should be taught taught to understand angle as a recognise their geometrical features communicate their findings and to look at data to find patterns and measure of turn using whole and properties including angles, display the data exceptions turns, half- turns and quarter-turns faces, pairs of parallel lines and ICT opportunity: pupils could use ICT opportunity: pupils could symmetry, and use these to classify 5c databases to present their findings programme a toy to follow a path shapes and solve problems Statutory: pupils should be taught to involving half and quarter-turns ICT opportunity: pupils could use look at data to find patterns and object drawing software to plan exceptions HIGHER LEVEL alternative layouts for a room ICT opportunity: pupils could use databases to present their findings NUMBER AND ALGEBRA
5g Statutory: pupils should be taught to use formulae for mathematics and other subjects; substitute numbers into a formula; change the subject of a formula, including cases where a subject occurs twice, or where the power of a subject appears; generate a formula ICT opportunity: pupils could use a spreadsheet or graphic calculator to construct and use formulae
6b – 6f Graphs of linear functions/interpreting graphical information/quadratic functions/other functions ICT opportunity: pupils could generate functions from plots of data, for example, from a science experiment, using simple curve fitting techniques on graphic calculators or with graphics software
6g Statutory: pupils should be taught to apply to the graph of y = f(x) the transformations y = f(x) + a, y = f(ax), y = f(x + a), y = af(x) for linear, quadratic, sine and cosine functions f(x) ICT opportunity: pupils could use software to explore transformations of graphs
3b – 3f Properties of transformations/Coordinates/ Vectors ICT opportunity: pupils could use software to explore transformations and their effects on properties of shapes
1c Statutory: pupils should be taught to communicate mathematically, with emphasis on an increasing range of diagrams and related explanatory text, on the selection of their mathematical presentation, explaining its purpose and approach and on the use of symbols to convey statistical meaning ICT opportunity: pupils could use databases or spreadsheets to present their findings and display their data
5c Statutory: pupils should be taught to look at data to find patters and exceptions ICT opportunity: pupils could use databases to present their findings History KS1 KS2 KS3
4a 4a Statutory: pupils should be taught to Statutory: pupils should be taught to identify, select and use a range of find out about the events, people and appropriate sources of information including oral accounts, documents, changes studied from an appropriate printed sources, the media, artefacts, pictures, photographs, music, range of sources of information, museums, buildings and sites and ICT-based sources as a basis for including ICT-based sources independent historical enquiries
5c Statutory: pupils should be taught to communicate their knowledge and understanding of history, using a range of techniques, including spoken language, structured narratives, substantiated explanations and the use of ICT. ICT OPPORTUNITIES, EXAMPLES & LINKS
4a 4b 4a Statutory: pupils should be Statutory: pupils should be taught to Statutory: pupils should be taught to identify, select and use a range of taught how to find out about the ask and answer questions and to select appropriate sources of information including oral accounts, documents, past from a range of sources of and record information relevant to the printed sources, the media, artefacts, pictures, photographs, music, information focus of the enquiry museums, buildings and sites and ICT-based sources as a basis for ICT opportunity: pupils could ICT opportunity: pupils could use a independent historical enquiries use information from a CD-ROM census database to search for ICT link: this requirement builds on ICT/1a-1c to find out about the life of a information and identify and explain significant person, or the way of patterns of change 4b life in the past Statutory: pupils should be taught to evaluate the sources used, select and 5c record information relevant to the enquiry and reach conclusions 5 Statutory: pupils should be taught to ICT opportunity: pupils could use a spreadsheet or a data file of Statutory: pupils should be communicate their knowledge and information about an historical event to search and analyse patterns, for taught to select from their understanding of history in a variety of example, mortality rates knowledge of history and ways communicate it in a variety of ICT opportunity: pupils could use ways digitised maps to identify and colour- ICT opportunity: pupils could code features important to local study order important events in a story on an on-screen timeline. Geography KS1 KS2 KS3
2f 2d Statutory: in developing Statutory: in developing geographical skills, pupils should be taught to geographical enquiry, pupils should select and use secondary sources of evidence, including photographs, be taught to use ICT to help in satellite images and evidence from ICT-based sources [for example, from geographical investigations [for the internet] example, by creating a data file to analyse fieldwork data] 2e Statutory: in developing geographical skills, pupils should be taught to draw maps and plans at a range of scales, using symbols, keys and scales to select and use appropriate graphical techniques to present evidence on maps and diagrams, including using ICT [ for example, using mapping software to plot the distribution of shops and services in a town centre]
2f Statutory: in developing geographical skills, pupils should be taught to communicate in different ways, including using ICT [ for example by writing a report about an environmental issue, exchanging fieldwork data using e-mail] 2g Statutory: in developing geographical skills, pupils should be taught decision-making skills, including using ICT [for example, by using a spreadsheet to help find the best location for a superstore]
2c 1e 1c In developing geographical skills, In undertaking geographical enquiry, In undertaking geographical enquiry, pupils should be taught to collect, pupils should be taught use pupils should be taught to record and present evidence globes, maps and plans at a range communicate in ways appropriate to ICT opportunity: pupils could use a digital camera to record appropriate of scales the task and audience images to support fieldwork ICT opportunity: pupils could [ for example, by writing to a use a programmable toy to newspaper about a local issue, using 1d develop instructions for following e-mail to exchange information about In undertaking geographical enquiry, pupils should be taught to analyse a route the locality with another school] and evaluate evidence and draw and justify conclusions ICT link: this requirement builds on ICT link: this builds on the requirement in ICT/1c 2d ICT/3a,3b In developing geographical skills, 1f pupils should be taught to use 2d In undertaking geographical enquiry, pupils should be taught to secondary sources of information In developing geographical skills, communicate in ways appropriate to the task and audience [ for example, [for example, CD-ROMs …..] pupils should be taught to use by using desktop publishing to produce a leaflet] ICT link: this requirement builds secondary sources of information, on ICT/1a including aerial photographs [ for 5a example, stories, information texts, Pupils should be taught to describe and explain environmental change and 4a the internet……] recognise different ways of managing it Pupils should be taught to make ICT opportunity: pupils could use a ICT opportunity: pupils could use the internet to obtain Earth observations about where things database to sort, question, and present observation, satellite and other information about rainforest depletion and are located and about other information about different countries sustainable use. features in the environment ICT opportunity: pupils could 3d 6b use a digital camera to record Pupils should be taught to explain Pupils should be taught the knowledge, skills and understanding through people, places and events why places are like they are the study of 10 themes….tectonic processes and their effects on landscapes observed outside the classroom ICT opportunity: pupils could use and people the internet to access comparative ICT opportunity: pupils could use the internet to access resources that 6b weather information about different explain and explore tectonic processes Pupils should be taught the locations knowledge, skills and 6d understanding through the study 3f Pupils should be taught the knowledge, skills and understanding through of two localities, a locality either Pupils should be taught to describe the study of 10 themes ….how and why weather and climate vary in the UK or overseas that has and explain how and why places are ICT opportunity: pupils could use an automatic weather station for physical and/or human features similar to and different from places in datalogging weather information for comparison with similar data from that contrast with the locality of the same country and elsewhere in other places the school the world ICT opportunity: pupils could ICT opportunity: pupils could use 6g use CD-ROMs or the internet to the internet to access comparative Pupils should be taught the knowledge, skills and understanding, through investigate a contrasting locality information about different locations the study of 10 themes….the changing characteristics of settlements ICT opportunity: pupils could collect information from ICT-based sources about different settlements and select and revise some of this for a report, using presentation software
6h Pupils should be taught the knowledge, skills and understanding through the study of 10 themes….changing distribution of economic activity and its impact ICT opportunity: pupils could consider the increase in ‘telecommuting’ and its impact on the distribution of economic activities
6j Pupils should be taught the knowledge, skills and understanding through the study of 10 themes….environmental issues ICT opportunity: pupils could use a spreadsheet to collate transport management information and graph the findings Art and KS1 KS2 KS3 Design ICT STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS
5c 5c Statutory: pupils should be taught Statutory: pupils should be taught the knowledge, skills and understanding the knowledge, skills and through using a range of materials and processes, including ICT [ for understanding through using a range example……. digital media] of materials and processes, including ICT [for example …. digital media]
4a 1c 1b Pupils should be taught about visual Pupils should be taught to collect Pupils should be taught to discuss and question critically and select from a and tactile elements, including visual and other information to help range of visual and other information [ for example, …… colour, pattern and texture, line and them develop their ideas, including CD-ROMs] to help them develop ideas for independent work tone, shape, form and space using a sketchbook ICT opportunity: pupils could use ICT opportunity: pupils could use 1c ‘paint’ software to explore shape, digital and video cameras to record Pupils should be taught to organise and present this information in different colour and pattern observations ways, including using a sketchbook ICT opportunity: pupils could use an electronic sketchbook to record 2b their observations and ideas Pupils should be taught to apply their experience of materials and 2a processes, including drawing, Pupils should be taught to investigate, combine and manipulate materials developing their control of tools and and images, taking account of purpose and audience techniques ICT opportunity: pupils could manipulate and interpret digital images to ICT opportunity: pupils could use create 2-D and 3-D work digital images as a starting point for creative textile work 3a Pupils should be taught to analyse and evaluate their own and other’s work, express opinions and make reasoned judgements 3a ICT opportunity: pupils could recreate works of art in a contemporary Pupils should be taught to compare context and share their work via e-mail ideas, methods and approaches in their own and other’s work and say 5d what they think and feel about them Pupils should be taught the knowledge, skills and understanding through ICT opportunity: pupils could investigating art, craft and design in the locality, in a variety of genres, develop their own class art gallery on styles and traditions and from a range of historical, social and cultural the school web site contexts [ for example ……..on the internet]
5d Pupils should be taught the knowledge, skills and understanding through investigating art, craft and design in the locality and in a variety of genres, styles and traditions [ for example, …… on the internet]
Music KS1 KS2 KS3
ICT STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS 5d 4c Statutory: pupils should be taught the Statutory: pupils should be taught to identify the resources, conventions, knowledge, skills and understanding processes and procedures, including use of ICT, staff notation and other through using ICT to capture, change relevant notations, used in selected musical genres, styles and traditions and combine sounds 5d Statutory: pupils should be taught the knowledge, skills and understanding through using ICT to create, manipulate and refine sounds
ICT OPPORTUNITIES, EXAMPLES & LINKS 2b 4c 4d Pupils should be taught how to Pupils should be taught how music is Pupils should be taught to identify the contextual influences that affect the explore, choose and organise produced in different ways [for way music is created, performed and heard [for example …use of ICT….. ] sounds and musical ideas example, through the use of different ICT opportunity: pupils could resources, including ICT] and use software designed to enable described through relevant established exploration of sounds and invented notations
3b 5d Pupils should be taught how to Pupils should be taught the knowledge, make improvements to their skills and understanding through using own work ICT to capture, change and combine ICT opportunity: pupils could sounds use recording equipment to ICT link: this requirement builds on recall sounds and identify and ICT/1b make improvements PHSE and KS1 KS2 KS3 KS4 Citizenship ICT STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS
2a 2a Statutory: pupils should be Statutory: pupils should be taught taught to think about topical to research a political, spiritual, political, spiritual, moral, social moral, social or cultural issue, and cultural issues, problems and problem or event by analysing events by analysing information information from different sources, and its sources, including ICT- including ICT-based sources, based sources showing an awareness of the use and abuse of statistics ICT OPPORTUNITIES, EXAMPLES & LINKS
2k 1h Guideline: pupils should be taught to Pupils should be taught about the explore how the media present significance of the media within information society ICT opportunity: pupils could use ICT opportunity: pupils could the internet to look at different explore the growing importance reports about the same issue of the internet, e-mail and e- commerce
1i Pupils should be taught about the world as a global community and the political, economic, environmental and social implications of this and the role of the EU, the Commonwealth and the UN ICT opportunity: pupils could explore the growing importance of the internet, e-mail and e- commerce
2b Pupils should be taught to justify orally and in writing a personal opinion about such issues, problems or events ICT opportunity: pupils could use e-mail to exchange views Design KS1 KS2 KS3 KS4 and Technology ICT STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS
1a 1a 1g Statutory: pupils should be taught Statutory: pupils should be Statutory: pupils should be taught to generate ideas for products after taught to identify relevant sources to use graphic techniques and ICT thinking about who will use them of information, using a range of including computer-aided design and what they will be used for, resources including ICT (CAD) to generate, develop, model using information from a variety of and communicate design proposals sources, including ICT-based 5g [for example, using CAD software sources Statutory: pupils should be to generate accurate drawings and taught how to use ICT to design part drawings to help with 2e sub-systems and systems manufacturing] Statutory: pupils should be taught to use finishing techniques to 2e strengthen and improve the Statutory: pupils should be taught appearance of their product, using a to simulate production and assembly range of equipment including ICT lines, including the use of ICT [for example, ‘drawing’ software or computer-aided design (CAD) software and a printer]
4c Statutory: pupils should be taught how mechanisms can be used to make things move in different ways, using a range of equipment including an ICT control program ICT OPPORTUNITIES, EXAMPLES & LINKS
1a 1b 1a 1d Pupils should be taught to generate Pupils should be taught to develop Pupils should be taught to identify Pupils should be taught to produce ideas by drawing on their own and ideas and explain them clearly, relevant sources of information, and use detailed working schedules, other’s experiences putting together a list of what they using a range of resources setting realistic deadlines and ICT opportunity: pupils could use want their design to achieve including ICT identifying critical points word-processing or desktop ICT opportunity: pupils could use ICT link: this requirement builds ICT opportunity: pupils could use publishing (DTP) software and a desktop publishing (DTP) software on ICT/1b spreadsheets to model schedules printer to plan and display their and a colour printer to develop and ideas communicate their design ideas 1g 2d Pupils should be taught to Pupils should be taught to use 1e 1c prioritise actions and reconcile computer-aided manufacture (CAM) Pupils should be taught to Pupils should be taught to plan decisions as a project develops, in single item production and in communicate their ideas using a what they have to do, suggesting a taking into account the use of batch or volume production variety of methods, including sequence of actions and alternatives time and costs when selecting drawing and using models if needed materials, components, tolls, 4b ICT opportunity: pupils could use ICT opportunity: pupils could use equipment and production Pupils should be taught how word-processing or desktop desktop publishing (DTP) software methods materials can be combined and publishing (DTP) software and a and a colour printer to develop and ICT opportunity: pupils could processed to create more useful printer to plan and display their communicate their design ideas use spreadsheets to model time properties and how these changed ideas and costs materials are used in industry 1d ICT opportunity: pupils could 2e Pupils should be taught to 1h research industrial applications on Pupils should be taught to use communicate design ideas in Pupils should be taught to use the internet simple finishing techniques to different ways as these develop, graphic techniques, including improve the appearance of their bearing in mind aesthetic qualities computer-aided design (CAD) to product, using a range of equipment and the uses and purposes for which explore, develop, model and ICT opportunity: pupils could use the product is intended communicate design proposals ‘paint’ software and a colour printer ICT opportunity: pupils could use [ for example, using CAD to produce a pattern for finishing a desktop publishing (DTP) software software or clip-art libraries, product and a colour printer to develop and CD-ROM and internet-based communicate their design ideas resources, or scanners and digital cameras] 4c 2a Pupils should be taught how Pupils should be taught to select mechanisms can be used to make and use tools, equipment and things move in different ways, processes, including computer- using a range of equipment aided design and manufacture including an ICT control program (CAD/CAM) to shape and form ICT link: this requirement builds materials safely and accurately on ICT/2b and finish them appropriately [for example, using CAM software linked to a cutter/plotter, lathe, milling machine or sewing machine]
2d Pupils should be taught to make single products and products in quantity, using a range of techniques, including CAD/CAM to ensure consistency and accuracy
4b Pupils should be taught that materials and components can be classified according to their properties and working characteristics ICT opportunity: pupils could analyse materials and their properties using data handling techniques Physical KS1 KS2 KS3 KS4 Education ICT OPPORTUNITIES, EXAMPLES & LINKS
Dance activities Dance activities Knowledge and understanding Dance activities 6 6 of fitness and health 6 ICT opportunity: pupils could use ICT opportunity: pupils could use 4 ICT opportunity: pupils could use videos of movements and actions to video recordings of their sequences ICT opportunity: pupils could multimedia devices to create sounds develop their ideas and dances to compare ideas and use heart and pulse rate monitors and music and provide lighting and quality and a variety of other measuring other effects to enhance their dance Gymnastic activities ICT opportunity: pupils could use and recording devices to collect, ICT opportunity: pupils could use 8 video and CD-ROMs of actions, analyse and intepret data databases of movement ideas and ICT opportunity: pupils could use balances and body shapes to techniques to help them analyse and videos of movements and actions to improve performance Games activities evaluate performance develop their ideas 7 ICT opportunity: pupils could use ICT opportunity: pupils could use Gymnastic activities ICT opportunity: pupils could digital cameras to help them analyse a concept keyboard to record the 8 use data-recording and analysis actions and techniques order of specific actions in their ICT opportunity: pupils could use software to analyse patterns of sequences video recordings of their sequences play and individual contributions Games activities and dances to compare ideas and ICT opportunity: pupils could 7 quality use stop watches with lap ICT opportunity: pupils could use ICT opportunity: pupils could use recorders linked to data-collection videos of games analysis to develop video and CD-ROMs of actions, devices to analyse and evaluate understanding of patterns of play balances and body shapes to performance and individual contributions improve performance Swimming activities and water Gymnastic activities Athletic activities safety 8 10 9 ICT opportunity: pupils could use ICT opportunity: pupils could use ICT opportunity: pupils could databases of movement ideas and video and CD-ROMs of actions, use stop watches with lap techniques to help them analyse and balances and body shapes to recorders linked to data-collection evaluate performance improve performance devices to analyse and evaluate ICT opportunity: pupils could use performance digital cameras to help them analyse ICT opportunity: pupils could actions and techniques use spreadsheets to record and track progress Swimming activities and water safety 9 Athletic activities ICT opportunity: pupils could use 10 digital cameras to help them analyse ICT opportunity: pupils could actions and techniques use stop watches with lap ICT opportunity: pupils could use recorders linked to data-collection a variety of electronic and digital devices to analyse and evaluate recording, measuring, and timing performance devices to measure the effectiveness ICT opportunity: pupils could of performance use spreadsheets to record and ICT opportunity: pupils could use track progress spreadsheets to collect, analyse and interpret data
Outdoor and adventurous Athletic activities activities 10 11 ICT opportunity: pupils could use ICT opportunity: pupils could databases of movement ideas and use stop watches with lap techniques to help them analyse and recorders linked to data-collection evaluate performance devices to analyse and evaluate ICT opportunity: pupils could use performance digital cameras to help them analyse actions and tecqniques ICT opportunity: pupils could use a variety of electronic and digital recording, measuring, and timing devices to measure the effectiveness of performance ICT opportunity: pupils could use spreadsheets to collect, analyse and interpret data
Outdoor and adventurous activities 11 ICT opportunity: pupils could use a variety of electronic and digital recording, measuring, and timing devices to measure the effectiveness of performance Science KS1 KS2 KS3
2g 2f 2g Statutory: pupils should be taught Statutory: pupils should be taught to make Statutory: pupils should be taught to make observations to communicate what systematic observations and measurements, and measurements, including the use of ICT for happened in a variety of ways, including the use of ICT for datalogging datalogging to an appropriate degree of precision including using ICT ICT link: this requirement builds on ICT/2b 2h BREADTH OF STUDY Statutory: pupils should be taught to use a wide 2j range of methods, including diagrams, drawings, Statutory: pupils should be taught to use a wide range of 1c …… and ICT, to communicate data in an methods, including diagrams, tables …….. and ICT, to Statutory: pupils should be taught appropriate and systematic manner represent and communicate qualitative and quantitative the knowledge, skills and data understanding through using a BREADTH OF STUDY range of sources of information and 1c BREADTH OF STUDY data, including ICT- based sources Statutory: pupils should be taught the knowledge, skills and understanding through using a range of 1d sources of information and data, including ICT- Statutory: pupils should be taught the knowledge, skills based sources and understanding through using a range of sources of information, including ICT-based sources ICT OPPORTUNITIES, EXAMPLES & LINKS
SCIENTIFIC ENQUIRY SCIENTIFIC ENQUIRY SCIENTIFIC ENQUIRY 2g 2f 2d Statutory: pupils should be taught Statutory: pupils should be taught to make Statutory: pupils should be taught to consider key to communicate what happened in a systematic observations and measurements, factors that need to be taken into account when collecting variety of ways, including using including the use of ICT for datalogging evidence, and how evidence may be collected in contexts ICT ICT link: this requirement builds upon ICT/2b in which the variables cannot readily be controlled ICT link: this requirement builds ICT opportunity: pupils could use data handling on ICT/3 2h software with fieldwork data Statutory: pupils should be taught to use a wide LIFE PROCESSES AND range of methods, including diagrams, drawings, 2g LIVING THINGS …… and ICT, to communicate data in an Statutory: pupils should be taught to make observations appropriate and systematic manner and measurements, including the use of ICT for 2a ICT link: this requirement builds on ICT/3 datalogging to an appropriate degree of precision Statutory: pupils should be taught ICT link: this requirement builds on ICT/2b to recognise and compare the main external parts of the bodies of LIFE PROCESSES AND LIVING THINGS 2j humans and other animals Statutory: pupils should be taught to use diagrams, ICT opportunity: pupils could use 2b tables, charts and graphs, including lines of best fit, to multimedia sources to make Statutory: pupils should be taught about the need identify and describe patterns or relationships in data comparisons for food for activity and growth, and about the ICT opportunity: pupils could use data handling importance of an adequate and varied diet for health software to create analyse and evaluate charts and graphs 4 ICT opportunity: pupils could use a database or Variation and classification spreadsheet to analyse data about types of food in LIFE PROCESSES AND LIVING THINGS ICT opportunity: pupils could use school lunches data collected to compile a class 2a database Statutory: pupils should be taught that animal and plant 2c cells can form tissues and tissues can form organs MATERIALS AND THEIR Statutory: pupils should be taught that the heart ICT opportunity: pupils could use databases or PROCESSES acts as a pump to circulate the blood through spreadsheets to record, analyse and evaluate information vessels around the body, including through the about diets. 1b lungs Statutory: pupils should be taught ICT opportunity: pupils could use video or CD- 2n to sort objects into groups on the ROM to see things that cannot be directly observed Statutory: pupils should be taught how the growth and basis of simple material properties reproduction of bacteria and the replication of viruses can ICT opportunity: pupils could use 2e affect health and how the body’s natural defences may be a software package to combine Statutory: pupils should be taught that humans and enhanced by immunisation and medicines words and pictures about materials some other animals have skeletons and muscles to ICT opportunity: pupils could use simulation software and objects support and protect their bodies and to help them to model changes in populations of bacteria in different move conditions PHYSICAL PROCESSES ICT opportunity: pupils could use video or CD- ROM to see things that cannot be directly observed 3a 3c Statutory: pupils should be taught that plants need Statutory: pupils should be taught carbon dioxide, water and light for photosynthesis and that there are many kinds of sound 2f produce biomass and oxygen and sources of sound Statutory: pupils should be taught about the main ICT opportunity: pupils could use sensors to record or ICT opportunity: pupils could use stages of the human life cycle use simulation software to model factors that affect sensors to detect and compare ICT opportunity: pupils could use video or CD- photosynthesis sounds ROM to see things that cannot be directly observed 5f 4a Statutory: pupils should be taught how toxic materials Statutory: pupils should be taught to make and use can accumulate in food chains keys ICT opportunity: pupils could use simulation software ICT opportunity: pupils could use a branching to explore toxic materials in food chains database to develop and use keys MATERIALS AND THEIR PROPERTIES 5b Statutory: pupils should be taught about the 1a different plants and animals found in different Statutory: pupils should be taught how materials can be habitats characterised my melting point, boiling point and density ICT opportunity: pupils could use video or CD- ICT opportunity: pupils could search a database for ROM to compare non-local habitats information about properties of materials
5f 2a Statutory: pupils should be taught that micro- Statutory: pupils should be taught that when physical organisms are living organisms that are often too changes take place, mass is conserved small to be seen, and that they may be beneficial or ICT opportunity: pupils could use dataloggers to harmful collect, analyse and evaluate changes of temperature and ICT opportunity: pupils could use simulation mass software to show changes in the populations of micro-organisms in different conditions 2i Statutory: pupils should be taught about possible effects MATERIALS AND THEIR PROPERTIES of burning fossil fuels on the environment and how these effects can be minimised 2b ICT opportunity: pupils could use the internet to find Statutory: pupils should be taught to describe up-to-date information on environmental issues changes that occur when materials are heated or cooled 3a ICT opportunity: pupils could use sensors to Statutory: pupils should be taught how metals react with record temperature changes oxygen, water, acids and oxides of other metals and what the products of these reactions are 2e ICT opportunity: pupils could use video or CD-ROM to Statutory: pupils should be taught the part played see reactions that are dangerous by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle ICT opportunity: pupils could use CD-ROM or PHYSICAL PROCESSES the internet to research water supplies in a range of localities 1a Statutory: pupils should be taught how to design and PHYSICAL PROCESSES construct series and parallel circuits, and how to measure current and voltage 1a ICT opportunity: pupils could use simulation software ti Statutory: pupils should be taught to construct investigate and model circuits circuits, incorporating a battery or power supply and a range of switches, to make electrical devices 4a work Statutory: pupils should be taught how the movement of ICT opportunity: pupils could use simulation the Earth causes the apparent daily and annual movement software to extend an investigation of components of the Sun and other stars in a series circuit ICT opportunity: pupils could use video or CD-ROM to study the solar system 3f Statutory: pupils should be taught how to change the pitch and loudness of sounds produced by some 4c vibrating objects Statutory: pupils should be taught about the movements ICT opportunity: pupils could use sensors to of planets around the Sun and to relate these to detect and compare sounds made under different gravitational forces conditions ICT opportunity: pupils could use video or CD-ROM to study the solar system 4b 4e Statutory: pupils should be taught how the sun Statutory: pupils should be taught about the use of appears to change during the day and how shadows artificial satellites and probes to observe the earth and to change as this happens explore the solar system ICT opportunity: pupils could use video or CD- ICT opportunity: pupils could use video or CD-ROM to ROM to study models of the Sun, Earth and Moon study the solar system system
4c Statutory: pupils should be taught how day and 5a night are related to the spin of the Earth on its own Statutory: pupils should be taught about the variety of axis energy resources, including oil, gas, coal, biomass, food, ICT opportunity: pupils could use video or CD- wind, waves and batteries and the distinction between ROM to study models of the Sun, Earth and Moon renewable and non-renewable resources system ICT opportunity: pupils could use the internet to find up-to-date information about energy resources 4d Statutory: pupils should be taught that the Earth 5c orbits the Sun once each year and that the Moon Statutory: pupils should be taught that electricity is take approximately 28 days to orbit the Earth generated by means of a variety of energy resources ICT opportunity: pupils could use video or CD- ICT opportunity: pupils could use the internet to find ROM to study models of the Sun, Earth and Moon up-to-date information about energy resources system
SCIENTIFIC ENQUIRY SCIENTIFIC ENQUIRY 2g 2g Statutory: pupils should be taught to make Statutory: pupils should be taught to make observations and measurements, including the observations and measurements, including the use of use of ICT for datalogging to degree of ICT for datalogging to degree of precision appropriate precision appropriate to the context to the context
2j 2j Statutory: pupils should be taught to represent and Statutory: pupils should be taught to represent and communicate quantitative and qualitative data using communicate quantitative and qualitative data using diagrams, tables, charts, graphs and ICT diagrams, tables, charts, graphs and ICT
1d 1d Statutory: pupils should be taught the knowledge, Statutory: pupils should be taught the knowledge, skills and understanding through using a range of skills and understanding through using a range of sources of information, including ICT-based sources sources of information, including ICT-based sources
2d 2d Statutory: pupils should be taught to consider key Statutory: pupils should be taught to consider key factors that need to be taken into account when factors that need to be taken into account when collecting evidence and how evidence can be collecting evidence and how evidence can be collected collected in contexts in which the variables cannot in contexts in which the variables cannot readily be readily be controlled controlled ICT opportunity: pupils could use data-handling ICT opportunity: pupils could use data-handling software to analyse data from fieldwork software to analyse data from fieldwork
2g 2g Statutory: pupils should be taught to make Statutory: pupils should be taught to make observations and measurements, including the use of observations and measurements, including the use of ICT for datalogging to degree of precision ICT for datalogging to degree of precision appropriate appropriate to the context to the context ICT link: this requirement builds on ICT/1 ICT link: this requirement builds on ICT/1
2j 2j Statutory: pupils should be taught to represent and Statutory: pupils should be taught to represent and communicate quantitative and qualitative data using communicate quantitative and qualitative data using diagrams, tables, charts, graphs and ICT diagrams, tables, charts, graphs and ICT ICT opportunity: this requirement builds on ICT/3 ICT opportunity: this requirement builds on ICT/3
LIFE PROCESSES AND LIVING THINGS 2k Statutory: pupils should be taught to use diagrams, 2d tables, charts and graphs and identify and explain Statutory: pupils should be taught how the reflex arc patterns or relationships in data makes rapid response to a stimulus possible ICT opportunity: pupils could use data-handling ICT opportunity: pupils could use multimedia software simulation of nerve impulse
3g LIFE PROCESSES AND LIVING THINGS Statutory: pupils should be taught the basic principles of cloning, selective breeding and genetic 2d engineering Statutory: pupils should be taught how the structure of ICT opportunity: pupils could use the internet to the thorax enables ventilation of the lungs find out about current developments and issues ICT opportunity: pupils could use multimedia sources to see things that cannot readily be observed 4a Statutory: pupils should be taught how the 2h distribution and relative abundance of organisms in Statutory: pupils should be taught how the reflex arc habitats can be explained using ideas of makes rapid response to a stimulus possible interdependence, adaptation, competition and ICT opportunity: pupils could use multimedia sources predation to see things that cannot readily be observed ICT opportunity: pupils could use spreadsheets to model the effects of competition and predation 3b Statutory: pupils should be taught that the rate of MATERIALS AND THEIR COMPONENTS photosynthesis may be limited by light intensity, carbon dioxide concentration or temperature 1b ICT opportunity: pupils could use dataloggers in Statutory: pupils should be taught about a model of investigations of photosynthesis the way electrons are arranged in atoms ICT opportunity: pupils could use software simulations to explore models of the atom and 3e reactions Statutory: pupils should be taught the hormonal control of plant growth and development, including commercial applications 1c ICT opportunity: pupils could use the internet to find Statutory: pupils should be taught how the reactions information about commercial applications of elements depend on the arrangement of elctrons in their atoms 4h ICT opportunity: pupils could use software Statutory: pupils should be taught the basic principles simulations to explore models of the atom and of cloning, selective breeding and genetic engineering reactions ICT opportunity: pupils could use the internet to find out about current developments and issues 2b Statutory: pupils should be taught the use of some of 5a the products from crude oil distillation as fuels Statutory: pupils should be taught how the distribution ICT opportunity: pupils could use the internet to and relative abundance or organisms and habitats find out about products and processes ICT opportunity: pupils could use spreadsheets to model the effects of competition and predation 2c Statutory: pupils should be taught the products of MATERIALS AND THEIR PROPERTIES burning hydrocarbons ICT opportunity: pupils could use the internet to 1d find out about products and processes Statutory: pupils should be taught about a model of the way electrons are arranged in atoms 2e ICT opportunity: pupils could use software Statutory: pupils should be taught some uses of simulations to explore models of the atom and reactions addition polymers ICT opportunity: pupils could use the internet to 1e find out about products and processes Statutory: pupils should be taught how the reactions of elements depend on the arrangement of electrons in 3c their atoms Statutory: pupils should be taught the connection ICT opportunity: pupils could use software between the arrangement of outer electrons and the simulations to explore models of the atom and reactions position of an element in the periodic table ICT opportunity: pupils could use a database of the 2b elements to explore patterns Statutory: pupils should be taught the use of some of the products from crude oil distillation as fuels 3d ICT opportunity: pupils could use the internet to find Statutory: pupils should be taught that elements in out about products from oil, rocks and minerals and the same group of the periodic table have similar current processes properties ICT opportunity: pupils could use a database of the 2c elements to explore patterns Statutory: pupils should be taught the products of burning hydrocarbons 3e ICT opportunity: pupils could use the internet to find Statutory: pupils should be taught how the out about products from oil, rocks and minerals and properties of elements change gradually from the top current processes to the bottom of a group, illustrated by the study of at least one group 2f ICT opportunity: pupils could use a database of the Statutory: pupils should be taught some uses of elements to explore patterns addition polymers ICT opportunity: pupils could use the internet to find 3h out about products from oil, rocks and minerals and Statutory: pupils should be taught about the great current processes variation in the rates at which different reactions take place 2g ICT opportunity: pupils could use dataloggers to Statutory: pupils should be taught about the variety of analyse and evaluate reaction data useful substances that can be made from rocks and minerals 3I ICT opportunity: pupils could use the internet to find Statutory: pupils should be taught how the reactions out about products from oil, rocks and minerals and can be altered by varying temperatures or current processes concentration or by changing the surface area of a solid reactant or by adding a catalyst 3 ICT opportunity: pupils could use dataloggers to Patterns of behaviour analyse and evaluate reaction data ICT opportunity: pupils could use a database of the elements to explore patterns
PHYSICAL PROCESSES 3n 1c Statutory: pupils should be taught about the great Statutory: pupils should be taught the quantitative variation in the rates at which different reactions take relationship between resistance, voltage and current place ICT opportunity: pupils could use dataloggers to ICT opportunity: pupils could use datalogging to investigate relationships analyse and evaluate reaction data
1d 3o Statutory: pupils should be taught how current Statutory: pupils should be taught how the rates of varies with voltage in a range of devices reactions can be altered by varying temperatures or ICT opportunity: pupils could use dataloggers to concentration or by changing the surface area of a solid investigate relationships reactant or by adding a catalyst ICT opportunity: pupils could use datalogging to 2a analyse and evaluate reaction data Statutory: pupils should be taught about the reflection and refraction of waves, including light and 3r sound as examples of transverse and longitudinal Statutory: pupils should be taught how enzymes may waves be used in biotechnology ICT opportunity: pupils could use CD-ROM ICT opportunity: pupils could use the internet to find software to explore wave models out about the use of enzymes in biotechnology and other manufacturing processes 2b Statutory: pupils should be taught the meaning of 3s frequency, wavelength and amplitude of a wave Statutory: pupils should be taught about manufacturing ICT opportunity: pupils could use CD-ROM processes based on reversible reactions and how the software to explore wave models yield of these depends on the conditions ICT opportunity: pupils could use the internet to find 3a out about the use of enzymes in biotechnology and Statutory: pupils should be taught the relative other manufacturing processes positions and sizes of the planets, stars and other ICT opportunity: pupils could use simulation software bodies in the universe to explore the effects of changing conditions ICT opportunity: pupils could use video or CD-ROM software to stimulate movements in the PHYSICAL PROCESSES solar system and universe 1c 3b Statutory: pupils should be taught the quantitative Statutory: pupils should be taught how gravity acts relationship between resistance, voltage and current as a force throughout the universe ICT opportunity: pupils could use dataloggers to ICT opportunity: pupils could use video or investigate relationships CD-ROM software to stimulate movements in the solar system and universe 1d Statutory: pupils should be taught how current varies with voltage in a range of devices 4b ICT opportunity: pupils could use dataloggers to Statutory: pupils should be taught about the efficient investigate relationships use of energy, the need for economical uses of energy resources and the environmental implications of 1e generating energy Statutory: pupils should be taught that voltage is the ICT opportunity: pupils could use a spreadsheet to energy transferred per unit charge model energy loss in a house ICT opportunity: pupils could use dataloggers to investigate relationships
1n Statutory: pupils should be taught about the uses and potential dangers of electrostatic charges generated in everyday situations [for example in photocopiers and inkjet printers]
2b Statutory: pupils should be taught about factors affecting vehicle stopping distances ICT opportunity: pupils could use a spreadsheet to analyse data
2i Statutory: pupils should be taught why falling objects may reach a terminal velocity ICT opportunity: pupils could use simulations to investigate falling objects
3a Statutory: pupils should be taught about the reflection, refraction and diffraction of waves, including light and sound as examples of transverse and longitudinal waves ICT opportunity: pupils could use CD-ROM software to explore wave models
3b Statutory: pupils should be taught the meaning of frequency, wavelength and amplitude of a wave ICT opportunity: pupils could use CD-ROM software to explore wave models
3c Statutory: pupils should be taught the quantitative relationship between the speed, frequency and wavelength of a wave ICT opportunity: pupils could use CD-ROM software to explore wave models
3n Statutory: pupils should be taught that the Earth’s outermost layer, the lithosphere, is composed of plates in relative motion and that plate tectonic processes result in the formation, deformation and recycling of rocks ICT opportunity: pupils could use simulation software to model plate tectonic processes 4a Statutory: pupils should be taught the relative positions and sizes of planets, stars and other bodies in the universe ICT opportunity: pupils could use CD-ROM software to stimulate movements in the solar system and the universe
4b Statutory: pupils should be taught that gravity acts as a force throughout the universe ICT opportunity: pupils could use CD-ROM software to stimulate movements in the solar system and the universe
5b Statutory: pupils should be taught about the efficient use of energy, the need for economical use of energy resources and the environmental implications of generating energy ICT opportunity: pupils could use the internet to find out about current issues relating to the use of energy sources in Britain and worldwide
6d Statutory: pupils should be taught the meaning of the term ‘half-life’ ICT opportunity: pupils could use simulations to explore half-life Modern KS2 KS3 and KS4 Foreign Languages ICT STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS
2h Statutory: pupils should be taught techniques for skimming and scanning written texts for information, including those from ICT-based sources
2j Statutory: pupils should be taught how to redraft their writing to improve its accuracy and presentation, including the use of ICT
4a Statutory: pupils should be taught about different countries and cultures by working with authentic materials in the target language, including some from ICT-based sources
5d Statutory: pupils should be taught the knowledge, skills and understanding through producing and responding to different types of spoken and written language, including texts produced using ICT
5e Statutory: pupils should be taught the knowledge, skills and understanding using a range of resources, including ICT, for accessing and communicating information ICT OPPORTUNITIES, EXAMPLES & LINKS
2a 2j Guidelines: pupils can be taught about other countries and cultures by Pupils should be taught how to redraft their writing to improve its accuracy working with authentic materials including some from ICT-based and presentation, including the use of ICT sources ICT link: this requirement builds on ICT/3b
Links with other subjects 4a Learning another language presents opportunities for the Pupils should be taught about different countries and cultures by working with reinforcement of knowledge, skills and understanding developed in authentic materials in the target language, including some from ICT-based other curriculum areas. These opportunities can be exploited through sources [ for example ………. video, satellite television, texts from the internet] using ICT, for example e-mail with schools abroad, materials from the internet and satellite television 4b Pupils should be taught about different countries and cultures by communicating with native speakers ICT opportunity: pupils could communicate by e-mail with speakers of the target language, including those in more distant countries
5h Pupils should be taught the knowledge, skills and understanding through using the target language for real purposes [for example by sending and receiving messages by telephone, letter, fax or e-mail] English KS1 KS 2 KS3 and KS4
Non fiction and non literary Non-fiction and non-literary Printed and ICT-based information texts texts texts 4 7a 7a Statutory: to develop their reading of print and ICT-based information Statutory: the range should Statutory: print and ICT-based texts, pupils should be taught to: a) select, compare and synthesise include print and ICT-based information texts, including those information from different texts; b) evaluate how information is presented; information texts, including those with continuous text and c) sift the relevant from the irrelevant and distinguish between fact and with continuous text and illustrations opinion, bias and objectivity; d) identify the characteristic features, at word, illustrations sentence and text level of different types of texts READING BREADTH OF STUDY READING BREADTH OF STUDY WRITING Non-fiction and non-literary Non-fiction and non-literary texts Planning and drafting texts 9 2b 9b Statutory: the range should include b) print and ICT-based information and Statutory: working with the Statutory: the range should reference texts teacher, in order to be able to include print and ICT-based develop their writing, pupils reference and information WRITING should be taught to assemble and materials (for example, textbooks, develop ideas on screen and on reports, encyclopedias, Planning and drafting paper handbooks, dictionaries, 2a thesauruses, glossaries, CD- Statutory: to improve and sustain their writing, pupils should be taught to ROM, internet) plan, draft, redraft and proofread their work on paper and on screen
Planning and drafting 2 Statutory: to develop their writing on paper and on screen, pupils should be taught to: a) plan – note and develop initial ideas; d) proofread – check the draft for spelling and punctuation errors, omissions and repetitions ICT Note: on screen includes using the planning and proofing tools in a word processor (for example, thesaurus, grammar checker)
Non-fiction and non-literary Non-fiction and non-literary Group discussion and interaction texts texts 10 2a 2a ICT Note: interaction may be face-to-face or by electronic means Pupils should be taught to use the Pupils should be taught to use the organisational features of non- organisational features of non- READING fiction texts, including captions, fiction texts, including captions, illustrations, contents, index and illustrations, contents, index and Media and moving image texts chapters to find information chapters to find information 5b ICT Note: organisational features ICT Note: organisational features Pupils should be taught how the choice of form, layout and presentation in CD-ROMs and web pages in CD-ROMs and web pages contribute to effect [for example, font, caption, illustration in printed text, include icons, hot-links and include icons, hot-links and sequencing, framing, soundtrack in moving image text] menus menus WRITING WRITING Literature 8 Composition Planning and drafting ICT opportunity: pupils could 1h 2c use moving image text (eg Pupils should be taught to present material clearly, using appropriate layout, Pupils should be taught to plan television, film, multimedia) to illustrations and organisation and review their writing, support their study of literary ICT opportunity: pupils could make choices of font style and size and discussing the quality of what is texts and to study how words, whether to use bold, italics or bullets in presenting their work written images and sounds are combined Planning and drafting ICT opportunity: pupils could to convey meaning and emotion 2a compare print-outs from two To improve and sustain their writing, pupils should be taught to plan, draft, different drafts of their own WRITING redraft and proofread their work on paper and on screen writing to check revisions and ICT Note: planning and revising can be done simultaneously when working improvements Composition on screen 1 ICT opportunity: pupils could Spelling compose on screen and on paper 4e Pupils should be taught to use different kinds of dictionary, thesaurus and Planning and drafting spellchecker 2 ICT Note: using spellcheckers involves understanding both their uses and To develop their writing on paper their limitations and on screen, pupils should be taught to: a) plan – note and Handwriting and presentation develop initial ideas; d) proofread 5c – check the draft for spelling and In presenting final polished work, pupils should be taught to make full use of punctuation errors, omissions and presentational devices where appropriate repetitions ICT opportunity: pupils could use a variety of ways to present their work , ICT Note: on screen includes including using pictures and moving images as well as print using the planning and proofing tools in a word processor (for example, thesaurus, grammar checker)
11 The range of readers for writing should include teachers, the class, other children, adults, the wider community and imagined readers ICT Note: readers could include those contacted through post, fax or e-mail