MEETING OPENED: Opened at 9.30Am Belinda Williams in the Chair
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Minutes of Committee Meeting
9.30 am June 27th 2017
MEETING OPENED: opened at 9.30am Belinda Williams in the Chair.
PRESENT: Belinda Williams (BW), Marg Douglas (MD), John Kent (JK) , Amanda McMillan (AM), Steve Hodgson (SH), Steve Patton (SP),
In Attendance - Paul Wittwer (PW), Jenny Symons (JS)
CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES: Minutes from May meeting accepted.
Action plan reviewed
Staff work agreements – completed
Water – A major blockage occurred in A Reserve early June – pumped out immediately
- Leak in C reserve detected
Community garden – the BBCA to look at assisting with some funding for this project once they receive more information about what is required.
Signage – Progress signs still creating new signage apart from CFA ones containing CFA expectations as wording for these is still to be resolved.
Cultural Heritage plan – completed at a cost of $16000
Vicroad Sign at main Balnarring intersection – a sticker depicting a caravan to be obtained to lay over the current symbol of a fireplace.
Horse permit regulations – see Managers report – a clear map of permitted training areas will be distributed with new permits
IN: DELWP – Boardwalk grant has been withdrawn as the time for expenditure has expired.
The Profit &Loss Reports and Balance sheet distributed.
1 of 5 Cash flow was down for a short time as a term deposit had been rolled over instead of being converted into everyday account. Cash flow now adequate as money from horse permits is beginning to arrive.
Motion: That the BBFC bank accounts be rationalised to 1 trading account with a debit card with visa access attached plus a high interest term deposit account.
Motion put by SP, 2nd SH, Carried.
SH & SP to look at water bills and contact SE Water re obtaining a reimbursement for large payments having been made due to water leakages
As tabled
Manager’s Report June
Ron is on annual leave till August, Steve has had 2 weeks annual leave, Sarah has reduced hours from 6 (Mon & Thurs) to 4 (Mon only). We anticipate hours to remain unchanged until the camping reserves reopen in September.
All reserves are now closed, bins emptied and removed and buildings locked.
Our team have been concentrating on the areas of A Reserve that front onto Masonsmith Rd to improve the amenity. They have also trimmed around all the sites in A and B reserve.
The landcare team has focussed on planting now the wet weather has arrived. Approximately 1500 plants have been planted over the Month of May. They have also been completing garden beds at the Rotunda and spraying in the Habitat Zone. They are now focussing on opening up and planting along Annie’s Track.
Horse Permits
All horse permit renewals have been sent out and payments are coming in slowly. Sign for “Hard Sand Riding’ and ‘No Horses Beyond this Point’ are with the sign makers.
Capital Works
Cultural Heritage Management Plan
The CHMP has been approved and a copy is available in the office.
Annie’s Track
Council has approved the amended Planning Permit. As expected we do not require the Vegetation Offset. Our team have commenced work including extensive pruning, planting out the area surrounding the track and poisoning of weed grasses. Once the weed grasses die off we will be laying a gravel base along the track for an opening in Mid July.
2 of 5 Balnarring Point Universal Access Boardwalk
There has been a request for further information for our Application for Planning Permit for the Balnarring Point Universal Access Boardwalk. The grant for the Boardwalk (granted in 2015) has expired. We have been invited to re-submit once all statutory approvals are in place and a suitable grant program is offered.
Fire Services
We have installed the supports for the fire hose reels and on Friday received the 20 fire hose reels. We are awaiting quotes from the plumbers for their connection.
Most of the emergency evacuation signs are with the signmaker. We are still awaiting confirmation of wording with the CFA on the final signs.
Westernport CoM’s meeting
The Belinda and I met with representatives of the other Westernport Foreshores. We have offered up to 120hrs of labour for work in the Merricks Foreshore. Pt Leo has offered 240hrs to match (based on income) our contribution. The Merricks Foreshore CoM are considering the offer and deciding on their prioities.
We have also agreed to consistent regulations across the Foreshores. This means our Dog Free time (9am to 7pm) will run during daylight savings hours rather than November to March. New signs will be created to reflect the changes and a flyer circulated to all residents prior to the summer months.
Workplan 2017/18
This was distributed and approved.
Work plans for May and June supplied.
OH&S - Code of Conduct
Water flow meters. – All agreed that water flow meters be installed in all Reserves to try to keep on top of any leakages.
Cottage - clean up required around cottage complex.
Winter Bonfire in conjunction with the opening of Annie’s Track – 29th July
Staff wages – All agreed that staff wages be increased by the CPI index for the past financial year.
- Steve Smith to moved from the trainee wage pay scale to the regular employee wage.
Dog Regulations - a consistent approach across all foreshores is being organised, along the lines of the current practices of Balnarring, with regular patrols endeavouring to educate the community regarding keeping dogs on leads and the reasons behind this. All Westernport foreshores will have the same regulations, timings and signage.
3 of 5 Meeting Closed - 11.30
In – Camera meeting followed.
NEXT MEETING: 9.30am Tuesday 18th July 2017
Chair Date
Month in Person which to be MEETING ACTION Responsible actioned Comments
21/09/15 Staff work agreements / OH&S procedures manual and code of conduct being PW Interviews developed /Risk assessment checklist to completed for this be developed as part of annual plan year. 21/2/17 Community Garden behind polyhouse, Community Group Investigate cost of planter boxes to be PW Underway will assist with used in this area. funding this project but need details of costs. 21/1/17 Install a plaque for Tom Hazelgrove All signage apart Masonsmith Rd beach seat. Plus other PW July from CFA signs to campground signage. be installed once received from Progress signs 21/12/15 Signage for Camping at Balnarring Beach A sticker with be placed on a sign at the T-intersection at JK/ PW ongoing caravan symbol to the top of Balnarring Beach Rd. be obtained to place over fireplace symbol. 18/04/16 Look at options for on time payment discount with gas providers. PW April Paul to arrange 26/6/17 Install water flow meters in all Reserves PW July
16/05/17 Paul to bring amended Horse Permit PW July regulations to next meeting. New signs to be erected. A map detailing training area to be distributed. 26/06/17 SE water to be contacted re refund of SP/SH July some payments made due to water leakages
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