Budget Justification
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A. Senior Personnel Funds are requested to support the Principal Investigator, ______, for ___ calendar/academic/summer months per year. Total salary support for the project duration is $______.
Funds are requested for the Co-Principal Investigators: ______for ___ calendar/academic/summer months per year (total support of $____); etc.
An increase of #% has been budgeted on all salaries for each consecutive year.
B. Other Personnel Funds are requested to support other research team members . . . detail position (Post Doc, RA I, etc.), support months, and total support amount.
Funds are requested for ( #) MS/PhD Graduate Students to (brief detail of what they will do) at % effort based on an annual salary of $_____ per year. Total salary support requested is $_____.
Funds are requested for (#) Undergraduate Students to (brief detail of what they will do) at a rate of $____ per hour for ____ hours per ___. Total salary support requested is $______.
*For team personnel, it is suggested that you give a brief description of their duties related to this project, i.e. “Graduate students will be responsible for data collection . . .”
C. Fringe Benefits Fringe benefits are applied at the university approved rate. Total fringe benefits for faculty members are $_____. Total fringe benefits requested for students are $_____.
D. Equipment Equipment justification should be specific, such as “For this project, a thermostatic oven will be purchased for . . .” Total funds requested for equipment are $____.
E. Travel 1. Domestic Travel Travel justification should give the following details: travelers per trip, who are the travelers (PI? Co-PI? Students?) destination, conference name if known, and an estimated cost per trip. (e.g., New Orleans, Louisiana to attend conference, 2 persons - $ 1000 ea.) a breakdown of costs per trip (hotel, airfare, meals, car rental, registration, miscellaneous, personal vehicle mileage, etc.is not required unless otherwise stated in the RFP) This section may be broken out by year if needed. Total domestic travel funds requested are $_____.
2. Foreign Travel Travel justification should give the following details: travelers per trip, who are the travelers (PI? Co-PI? Students?) destination, conference name if known, and an estimated cost per trip. (e.g., New Orleans, Louisiana to attend conference, 2 persons - $ 1000 ea.) a breakdown of costs per trip (hotel, airfare, meals, car rental, registration, miscellaneous, personal vehicle mileage, 1 etc.is not required unless otherwise stated in the RFP) This section may be broken out by year if needed. Total foreign travel funds requested are $_____.
Total funds requested for all travel are $______.
F. Participant Support Costs This project includes (#) participants to participate in a XXXX. Funds ($XX/person) will be provided to the participants as a stipend/travel reimbursement/subsistence/other (choose one). The total requested for participant costs is $___.
G. Other Direct Costs 1. Materials and Supplies This justification should give the reviewer some idea of what will be purchased and a brief detail of what they will be used for. Instead of “miscellaneous supplies”, use “lab supplies, such as chemicals, specimen samples, etc.” The total requested for materials and supplies is $_____.
2. Publication Costs
3. Consultant Services
4. Computer (ADPE) Services
5. Subconracts ( Name of entity of subawardee, if known ). The total subaward support requested is $______. Subaward justification should state who the subaward is being issued to. A separate budget and budget justification are needed from the subcawardee to provide their budget details).
6. Other Tuition for graduate student is requested at a rate of $___/month for XX months/year. The total requested for tuition is $___.
Graduate Student health insurance is calculated at a rate of $____/month for XX months/year. The total requested for Health Insurance is $ _____.
Conference registration fees … I. Indirect Costs Indirect costs are charged at a rate of ___% of the Modified Total Direct Cost (MTDC). This rate was negotiated with and approved by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. MTDC shall exclude equipment costing at least $5,000, tuition, participant support costs, and the costs exceeding $25,000 for each subaward. Total F&A requested for this proposal is $______.