Helicopters RFP Template
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NEW YORK STATE RFP #22726 – Helicopter and Related Services Attachment 1 – Helicopter Specifications
Instructions: This attachment contains the minimum specifications for the helicopter being purchased by NYSP. Bidders should enter their company name and proposed helicopter model in the spaces provided in the table below. Bidder’s Company Name: Bidder’s Proposed Helicopter Model:
Bidders shall review each specification listed in the table below. For every item listed in the table, a Bidder shall enter a “Yes” in the column labeled Bidder Confirmation if they confirm that their proposed helicopter model meets or exceeds the listed specification. A Bidder shall enter a “No” in the column labeled Bidder Confirmation if their proposed helicopter model does not meet or exceed the listed specification. Bidders that enter a “No” in the Bidder Confirmation column for any item shall have their proposal deemed non-responsive by the State.
In addition to its general right to seek clarification specified in the RFP, the State reserves the right to seek clarification from a Bidder after initial review of their Attachment 1 – Helicopter Specifications for any blank space in the Bidder Confirmation, Manufacturer Name and Manufacturer Model Number columns. If a Bidder responds to such a clarification request with a “No” a blank space in the Bidder Confirmation column or does not respond within three (3) business days from the State’s written request for clarification the Bid will be disqualified as non-responsive.
For items where the Manufacturer Name column and the Manufacturer Model Number column are shaded grey in the table below, a Bidder shall enter the Manufacturer Name in the Manufacturer Name column and the Manufacturer Model Number in the Manufacturer Model Number column for the proposed item to be included in the proposed helicopter that meets or exceeds the listed specification. For items in the table below that specify an equivalent item is acceptable, the NYSP Aviation Unit shall be the sole determiner that the proposed item meets or exceeds the listed specification. The NYSP Aviation Unit may require a Bidder to provide additional documentation or information to assist in their determination of equivalency of proposed items.
Bidders shall use the Inquiries process described in Section 1.9 – Inquiries and Designated Contacts of the RFP to address any questions or concerns around the specifications in this attachment. This includes any questions related to equivalency of items to the listed specification.
03a923b633ed4a8f12432148912c7f85.docx Attachment 1 of 11 Page 1 of 16 NEW YORK STATE RFP #22726 – Helicopter and Related Services Attachment 1 – Helicopter Specifications Bidder Index Manufactu Manufacturer Model Helicopter Specification Confirmation # rer Name Number (Yes or No) 1 Helicopter shall have a minimum useful load, which is defined as the weight of fuel, passengers, and cargo, of 4,000 pounds and have an interior capable of being changed to perform NYSP’s multiple mission profiles described in Section 1.3 New York State Police Overview of the RFP document. 2 Helicopter shall be able to operate during the day, at night, and over all parts of the State, including its waterways and be equipped with dual flight controls. 3 Helicopter shall be capable of flying a minimum of five hundred (500) hours per year. 4 Systems and component quantities listed shall be installed in helicopter as specified herein and shall meet or exceed FAA certification requirements upon delivery to NYSP. In addition, all installed equipment on subsequent helicopters shall be the same as the equipment installed on the first helicopter, or achieve a standard of "commonality" as approved by the NYSP. 5 Helicopter shall be zero time, no previous owner, factory new, twin turbine-engine powered, the latest improved model in current production, as offered to commercial trade. 6 Helicopter shall be Category A certified according to 14 CFR Part 29, Airworthiness Standards: Transport Category Rotorcraft, with performance determined and scheduled so that if one engine fails at any time after the start of take-off, or in the approach to landing sequence (surface and elevated heliport), the helicopter can return to, and stop safely on the take-off area; or continue the take-off and climb-out, and attain a configuration and airspeed for single engine fly away performance in compliance with Sec. 29.67(a)(2), Climb: One Engine Inoperative; and, the landing performance determined and scheduled so that if one engine fails at any point in the approach path, the helicopter can either land safely or climb out and attain a configuration and speed allowing compliance with the climb requirement of Sec. 29.67(a)(2), Climb: One Engine Inoperative.
03a923b633ed4a8f12432148912c7f85.docx Attachment 1 of 11 Page 2 of 16 NEW YORK STATE RFP #22726 – Helicopter and Related Services Attachment 1 – Helicopter Specifications Bidder Index Manufactu Manufacturer Model Helicopter Specification Confirmation # rer Name Number (Yes or No) 7 Helicopter shall be Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) certified. 8 Helicopter shall be Night Vision Imaging System (NVIS) certified. 9 Helicopter shall accommodate at least two (2) pilot flight crew, a two (2) person medical crew, up to two (2) litter-borne patients, and all required Advanced Life Support equipment for patient treatment and resuscitation specified in Items 98 through 111 below. 10 Helicopter shall be equipped with dual flight controls. 11 Helicopter shall be equipped with wheeled landing gear and all required test panels, advisory and warning annunciators. 12 Wheel gear shall be retractable including wheel doors. 13 Landing gear shall be of the highest certificated type available by the manufacturer. 14 Main rotor blades shall be painted with a high visibility paint scheme. 15 Wire Strike Protection System or equivalent shall be installed on the helicopter. 16 Windshields shall be laminated glass-type, tinted, heated, high integrity, and bird-resistant. All cabin windows shall be tinted. 17 Helicopter shall have a windshield bleed-air defogging system. 18 Helicopter shall have a ram-air ventilation system. 19 Helicopter shall have an Environmental Control System (ECS) including ducting to provide adequate cooling/heating distribution throughout cockpit and cabin. Heating system shall be a bleed- air type with a cockpit mounted temperature control panel and cabin Inside Air Temperature (IAT) display. 20 Helicopter shall have nose and tail-cone easy access electronics compartments. 21 Helicopter shall have easy access hydraulic system servicing quick disconnects. 22 Helicopter shall have system inspection and service access panels. 23 Helicopter shall have left and right cabin sliding door systems 03a923b633ed4a8f12432148912c7f85.docx Attachment 1 of 11 Page 3 of 16 NEW YORK STATE RFP #22726 – Helicopter and Related Services Attachment 1 – Helicopter Specifications Bidder Index Manufactu Manufacturer Model Helicopter Specification Confirmation # rer Name Number (Yes or No) with left and right side rope guide. 24 Helicopter shall have fast rope insertion/extraction system with arm extension/retraction capability and equal left and right side lateral extension. System shall be capable of being extended or retracted without the use of tools. In addition, system shall be rated for six hundred (600) pounds minimum weight. 25 Latching mechanisms shall be installed to hold the sliding doors in the open position during loading/unloading, as well as on those occasions requiring doors to be open in flight. Latching mechanisms shall be clearly marked. Operating instructions and emergency egress directions shall be clearly displayed. Latch release and door closing shall be accessible from inside the cabin. 26 Helicopter shall have door position advisory system for all doors. 27 Helicopter shall have common keys for all helicopter door lock mechanisms including baggage door(s). Keys for all helicopter door lock mechanisms, including baggage door(s), for additional helicopters ordered under the contract shall have matching common keys to the first helicopter purchased by the New York State Police. 28 Helicopter shall have hinged fuel filler cap(s). 29 Helicopter shall have manually operated rotor brake with system pressure indicator and advisory light. 30 Helicopter shall have Rotor Analysis Diagnostic System (RADS) provisions installed. 31 Helicopter shall have Health and Usage Monitoring System (HUMS) provisions and removable components installed. 32 Helicopter shall have cockpit stowage provisions for the flight manual, credit card holder, charts, and portable equipment (IPAD2 Size). 33 Helicopter shall have cockpit mounted hour-meter, for tracking flight time, activated by a weight-on-wheels switch. Location of cockpit mounted hour-meter to be determined at time of design
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34 Helicopter shall have low-profile instrument panel with a glare shield. 35 Helicopter shall have additional corrosion prevention coating of Zinc Chromate, Corrosion “X”, ACF 50 or equivalent. This requirement is necessitated by flight operations that will be conducted in and near salt-laden environments. 36 Engines shall be of new manufacture with performance capability to satisfy requirements of Item 5 above, and equipped with electronic controls, diagnostic systems, and engine wash kit. 37 Helicopter shall have fire detection and suppression systems. Protection from snow and foreign object damage shall be installed. Intake filters shall be “cleanable”. Inlet Barrier Filter preferred. 38 Cockpit engine and gearbox indicating systems shall be an integrated display system. 39 Avionics and electrical systems shall be installed and approved either as part of the helicopter’s original type certification, under supplemental type certificate, or installed meeting or exceeding FAA requirements and approved on FAA Form 337. All equipment shall have NVIS integrated lighting. 40 Avionics and electrical bays shall be placarded to indicate equipment installed. 41 Instrumentation and avionics shall be front-mounted in the instrument panel and center console with sufficient extra wiring to allow easy removal. 42 Helicopter shall be equipped with a heavy duty battery, Ni-Cad, or preferred sealed Lead Acid, with voltage and amperage according to the certification requirements in this table, to power battery bus items, provide unassisted engine starting, and
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43 Dual starter/generators shall supply required DC electrical power, with each generator supplying power to its respective primary bus. 44 Generators shall have the capacity to power the DC electrical system in the event of a single generator failure with the understanding that some non-essential systems shall require shedding for single generator operation. System shall include a DC generator control unit and fault detection circuitry. 45 115 Volt/400Hz and 26 Volt/400 Hz AC power shall be provided by dual static inverters, or, one static inverter and one 10 KVA generator. System shall include monitoring and fault detection systems. 46 Helicopter shall have DC external power receptacle with “APU door open” advisory on caution panel. 47 Helicopter shall have fixed landing lights with switching interface to allow either normal or Pulselite use as per Item 50 below. 48 Helicopter shall have Whelen LED position and anti-collision lighting, or equivalent. 49 Helicopter shall have Whelen LED recognition lighting, or equivalent, consisting of two forward facing, nose mounted lights integrated with Pulselite system as per Item 50 below. 50 Helicopter shall have Pulselite lighting system. System shall pulse both recognition and landing lights with the ability to select the Pulselite system either on or off by cockpit mounted switch so that the recognition and landing lights can function normally. 51 Helicopter shall have Battery operated emergency egress lighting, with a minimum of twenty (20) minute battery life. 52 Helicopter shall have low mounted external passenger/litter loading lights with cabin and cockpit activation capability. Lights shall be automatically deactivated by weight-on-wheel or
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53 Helicopter shall have at least two (2) Wemac type cockpit ceiling mounted map lights with dimming capability, one for pilot use and one for co-pilot use. 54 Helicopter shall have non-skid, non-absorbent, cockpit and cabin floor covering sealed to protect helicopters substructure and prevent contamination from corrosive fluids. Where possible, a sealed, blood dam type flooring shall be installed. Cabin floor shall have flush mounted attachment fittings (no recessed mounts allowed) and tracking to accommodate the installation and removal of seats and medical litter systems as per mission requirements. Floor structure inspection panels shall be installed. 55 The specified cockpit and cabin flooring shall be capable of being removed (not sealed to helicopter floor panels) to facilitate maintenance requirements. 56 Helicopter shall have minimum four point restraint system for all cockpit and cabin seats. Access to all seat belts and shoulder harness mechanisms hidden by any structure will be by screw- mounted access panels. Five point restraint preferred; if available. 57 Helicopter shall have Voice and Data Recorder (Black box) installed. 58 Cockpit shall be of paperless design to eliminate the need to have paper charts and maps in the cockpit. An example would be Universal’s UCDs or Garmin’s GMX 200 that require subscriptions from Jeppesen. These displays usually take the place of the chart holders. 59 Helicopter shall have Engine and Airframe Log Books at time of delivery. 60 Helicopter shall have Weight and Balance Data Sheet with
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70 Helicopter shall have at least four Flat Panel Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Electronic Flight Instrumentation System incorporating two (2) separate and independent Directional Gyro (DG)/Vertical Gyro (VG) systems. System shall indicate airspeed, vertical speed, and altitude. 71 Helicopter shall have two (2) Universal (latest Search and Rescue (SAR) version), or equivalent, Flight Management Systems (FMS). SAR automatic control and Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) capabilities preferred. 72 Helicopter shall have one (1) SAR Weather Radar System coupled to meet the requirements specified in Item 75 below. 73 Helicopter shall have one (1) Integrated Traffic Alert and Collision Advisory System (TCAS) coupled to meet the requirements specified in Item 74 below. TCAS II preferred. 74 Helicopter shall have one (1) Digital Moving Map System coupled to meet the requirements specified in Item 75 below. 75 Helicopter shall have two (2) MFDs (One (1) MFD is acceptable, provided stand-by instruments are capable of providing full time display of heading, altitude and attitude to the Pilots In Command) integrated with weather radar, navigation data, TCAS, hoist camera, moving map system, satellite weather, thermal imaging systems, and include the capability to display Doppler hover and search pattern data. 76 Helicopter shall have real time satellite flight following and satellite communication which shall interface through the helicopter. Two-way text messaging or email with pre- programmed and user-programmable capability. 77 Helicopter shall have one (1) Davtron Density Altitude Indicator M-655-1 or equivalent. 78 Helicopter shall have two (2) Davtron M877 digital clocks, or
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93 The video/IR hand controller shall be a quick-disconnect type with storage for controller located on co-pilot side of cockpit and shall have integrated NVIS lighting. Use from cockpit or cabin is required. Location of storage for controller to be determined at time of design review. 94 An additional MFD shall be installed in the cabin so that it affords passengers the maximum viewing and be capable of displaying the information described in Item 75 above. 95 Helicopter shall have HD color capable, IR compatible digital recording system and downlink transmission system with a portable downlink briefcase, antenna, and charger on a frequency compatible with current NYSP Aviation Unit broadcast equipment. (1.99-2.5Ghz, 4.4 -5.06Ghz and 6.425 -6.525Ghz.) 96 Helicopter shall have one (1) XM Satellite Weather Information system, or equivalent, interfaced with MFDs as per Item 75 above. 97 The patient compartment/cabin area shall be isolated from the cockpit. 98 All medical equipment storage, AC-DC power, medical suction systems, oxygen delivery systems and supplemental high intensity medical lighting shall be provided in a modular configuration, where possible, allowing efficient installation and removal in converting the helicopter to the airborne law enforcement / search and rescue configurations. 99 Medical oxygen and power system busing, circuit breakers, and switching shall be controlled from the cockpit. 100 Emergency shut off for the system shall be provided. The helicopter’s medical oxygen system shall interconnect with the modular system. 101 Oxygen and power system “on” annunciators shall be displayed in the cockpit.
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120 Helicopter shall have Gaseous Medical Oxygen system including all mounting, plumbing, removable canisters, activation controls, emergency shutoff, annunciators, quantity display, and monitoring system. System shall be installed with easy access to remove the canister for refilling outside the helicopters. An overboard bleed off vent shall be provided. Quantity indicator shall be wired so that the oxygen quantity can be checked with helicopter main battery on or off. 121 Helicopter shall have color scheme that is consistent with current NYSP fleet design for planning purposes. Final exterior paint scheme shall be determined at the time of design review and shall consist of three different colors. NYSP seal to be painted on by Contractor. No decals. 122 FAA registration numbers for helicopters shall be selected from NYSP Aviation Unit’s reserved lot. 123 Helicopter shall have one (1) Flight Manual plus ten (10) year revision service, delivered with helicopter. Additional electronic copy is preferable. 124 Helicopter shall have four (4) Engine operating and maintenance manuals plus ten (10) year revision service, delivered two months prior to helicopter delivery. Additional electronic copy is preferable. 125 Helicopter shall have four (4) Engine and Airframe Illustrated Parts Breakdown Manuals plus ten (10) year revision service, delivered two months prior to helicopter delivery. Additional electronic copy is preferable. 126 Helicopter shall have four (4) Airframe Maintenance Manuals plus ten (10) year revision service, delivered two months prior to helicopter delivery. Additional electronic copy is preferable.
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