You Will Receive Power When the Holy Spirit Comes on You; and You Will Be My Witnesses
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oiuytre M Alyssa Posthuma - Gill-Tech Academy Welcome to Bethel Christian Reformed Church onDavid Sunday, Smits -May UW-Madison 19, 2013 . This is the day the Lord has made! If you are hearing impaired, contactNicole one(Posthuma) of the ushersStaudt - andDordt they College will direct Collin Visser - Madison College you to a personal listening device. Please contact an usher if you have visual problems and need a large print Bible,This hymnal, morning or bulletin. as a church If youfamily are we visiting have the with privilege us, please of witnessing fill out the your baptisms of Benjamin David Kartechner, son of Dave and Cassie, Jase information in the friendshipRobert Oosterhouse, register sonfound of Justin at the & Jessicaend of and your Milan pew. Andrew Children Smits, ages son threeof Mark & Andrea. Please pray for these families and encourage them on this through five are invitedspecial to day. attend Walk Out Worship during the morning service. We rejoice with Ruth and Kevin Benson on the birth of Drew Dennis who was born on May 9, 2013. Drew weighed 9lbs 9oz and was 21 inches long. "You will Prayers of joy for this beautiful baby boy. May God bless and keep this little one and his family. receive power Rev. Brower and his family will be on vacation from May 30-June 7 in Washington, D.C. and will be unable to return or be contacted. In the event of a when the pastoral emergency, please contact Randy Posthuma, Council Chairman, or your district elder. Holy Spirit Many thanks to our Bethel Family and Council for the cake that was provided in celebration of my birthday. Craig Logterman and family. comes on Mark and Mary Walvort will be on vacation June 29-July 15. If anyone is interested in mowing the church lawn during this time please contact Mary you; and you Walvort at 324-8967. will be my witnesses" Bethel Community Acts 1:8a Week Attendance Offering AttendanceHappening this week: Offering Bethel Family May 12 AM 270 $13,456.62 Monday: PM 63 6:00 pm - Connections $93.00 & (Total Offering) Friendship (Total Offering) Congratulations $340.00 Wed: 7:00 pm - CWC 8th Grade to our 2013 Graduation Reminder:$93.00 All pledge forms for the upcoming year are due on May Friday: 26. 7:00 pm - CWC & WHS Graduates! (Education Ministry) Graduations (Building Fund) Graduating The Bethel congregation is invited to join First CRC for a combined evening service Sunday, May 26th at 7:00pm. from 8th Helping with Worship grade: Abby Join the Bethel CRC Mission Team! We have many opportunities available in the Waupun area for people of all ages and skills. All of the "missions" will take place the same week as VBS (July 15-19). You can find sign-up sheetsand Fellowshipon the black grid bulletin board in the narthex. Please return sign-up Brower Next Sunday Graduating sheets to the church office mailbox. If you have questions please contact Laura Hoekstra at [email protected], 324-4962 or 210-5878. May 26, 2013 from High Thank you to the Bethel congregation for utilizing the T.R.I.P. program. The spring payout was $16,906.67. This amount, along with the fall payout of School: $23.914.77, gave Bethel a total of $40,821.44 for the school year. AM Offering : Calvin College Jamison Bethel is scheduled to serve the hot meal at the Community Table onAM Friday,Ushers: ChadMay Guse, 31st. Steve Care & Share Groups #3 and #4 are responsible for bringing Heuver, food items and serving this meal. Please look for the food and serving assignmentsHoekstra & Jared in Homanyour mailboxes. Thank you! Elizabeth Smits, Available: We have 3 toy storage bins and the diaper/coat rack from theAM old Greeters: nursery. Mark If you& Mary are interested in them please talk to Becky ASAP. After June WalvortPrayer Needs: Emilee 1st they will be donated to Bargains Galore.
Wiersma Memorial Day Parade - Looking for adults and children willing to AMwalk Nursery in the Greeters: Memorial Sara Day parade and hand out flyers about VBS to get Waupun Graduating Wobschall add me &to Laura the prayer Hoekstra list excited about learning about God!! If interested in helping out in this way please sign-up on the black grid bulletin board in the narthex. Any questions from AMtake Nursery: me off Chadthe prayer & Rhonda list Guse, please contact Dominique Van Hill at 324-2249. prayer chain College: Mandy Perry, Mary Dull, Lexy Lisa Rens and Andrea Smits are co-chairing a Bethel CRC Relay Buteyn, confidential for LifeMackenzie team. Hoekstra Bethel's team goal is to raise $2,000 for the American Cancer Kimberly Society. This event will take place the evening of June 14th from 6:00pm-midnight. Team members can walk for an hour anytime during these hours. Lisa Alsum - PP______& Audio: Jay & Kyle will be giving her speech at 9:00pm. Anyone who wishes to be a part of this great cause but is unable to participate can make a donation to the Bethel Bryant & CRC team. AM______Organist: Marilyn Smits Stratton Library/May:______Rachel Navis Corey Dull - UW- Community Stevens Point Walk______out Worship: ______No WOW ______Help show a (annuals/flats) to help beautify the campuses. If you can help, contact Val Vande Zande at 324-9051 (or drop them off anytime at the Christian Home). child a brighter Thank you! future, become The Union Youth Center would like to thank all those that have volunteered for Dances and Saturday nights over the last year. We are blessed to a foster parent! have your help and support. Please keep us in your prayers as we look forward to summer work projects and more Saturday hang-outs. If you ever are Dodge County interested in volunteering please contact Kim Venhuizen at [email protected]. Human Services nd th and Health On May 22 graduation will be held for our CWC 8 grade class at Bethel CRC at 7:00pm. Mrs. Barb Thomson, mom of CWC students and director Deptartment is of this year’s play, will congratulate these young people on their achievements, and challenge them with Proverbs 16:3 – "Commit to the Lord whatever in desperate you do, and your plans will succeed", their class verse, as they look forward to the new exciting times as high school students. You are invited to rejoice need of children with them as they thank God for the blessings that they have. foster homes. The CWC Senior Class of 2013 will be presented with their diplomas on Friday, May 24th at 7:00pm in the Crusader Centre. Mr. Matt Hofman, high They currently school teacher, has been selected to address the students, recognizing the achievements they have made and encouraging them as they prepare to enter the need foster next phase of their life. The 26 seniors have chosen I John 3:1a – “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called homes for children of God!” as their class verse as they thank God for His faithfulness and ask Him for continued guidance. children birth The whole community is invited to the Baccalaureate service for the graduating class of 2013. The service will be held in the LGI at Waupun High through eighteen school Friday, May 24 at 7:00pm. This is a Praise and Worship service inspired by the graduating Seniors. Graduation is an important milestone in these years of age. students lives so please come out to support and celebrate their accomplishment with us. They especially need homes that Memorial Day Pancake Breakfast: Join the CWC Booster Club as we celebrate Memorial Day with the Annual Pancake Breakfast. Breakfast will be can take sibling served from 7:00am till 9:30am in the CWC Commons area. We will be serving pancakes, scrambled eggs, and beverages. Donations will go to support groups. If you CWC athletics. Come and start your Memorial Day activities with a wonderful breakfast. have the time Union-Congregational Church (125 Beaver Dam St.) is holding their annual Spring Rummage Sale and Bake Sale on Wednesday, May 22 from 8:00am and energy to – 4:00pm and Thursday, May 23 from 8:00am – 2:00pm. We are located across the street from the Waupun Memorial Hospital. Any questions please call help shelter a us at 324-2801. child from the storm, please The American Cancer Society will hold their annual "Relay for Life" at the Rock River Intermediate School Track in Waupun on Friday, June 14. contact Jim The opening ceremony starts at 6:00pm and the event ends at midnight. The special luminary ceremony will be held at 9:00pm. The luminaries are in Wiersma, Foster honor of those who have survived their battle with cancer and in memory of those who have courageously battled this disease, but lost. There are also Care Caregiver luminaries available to purchase. These are to let those who help care for those battling the disease or those that lost the battle, know how Coordinator at important they are in this whole process. Names for both luminaries will be read aloud. Prior to the ceremony, candles in the luminaries will be lit and [email protected] they will light the path throughout the night for the remainder of the Relay for Life walk. Please support the fight against cancer by purchasing a luminary or and attending this meaningful ceremony. If you are interested in purchasing a Luminaria the forms can be found on the black wire grid bulletin board in 920-386-3634. the narthex. It’s Spring! The Christian Home is looking for donations of flowers May 19, 2013 9:30 a.m. Worship Service
Prelude *Call to Worship Leader: Spirit of the Living God, visit us again on this day of Pentecost People: Come, Holy Spirit! Leader: With rushing wind that sweeps away all barriers, People: Come, Holy Spirit! Leader: With Spirit Divine, Inspire Our Prayer tongues of fire that set our hearts aflame, Walk Out Worship is excused. Helping with Worship and People: Come, Fellowship this morning Holy Spirit! Leader: With speech Scripture that unites the Babel Greeters: Dan & Renee Walker of our tongues, Acts 1:1-11 People: Come, Holy Spirit! Sermon Ushers: Dan Bos, Jared & Justin Leader: With love Oosterhouse that overlaps the You Will Be My Witnesses boundaries of race *Song of Response #419 (stanzas 1,4,5) Nursery Greeters: Mandy Perry & Tiffany and nation DeVries People: Come, Spirit of God, Who Dwells within My Heart Holy Spirit! *Benediction Nursery: Rachel and Beth Smits, Brittni Leader: With power *Closing Song #427 from above to make Kooiman, Barb Hoekstra, Noelle our weakness strong, Dwell in Me, O Blessed Spirit Groenewold, Logan Wobschall People: Come, *Postlude Holy Spirit! Amen! PP & Audio: Jay & Kyle *Opening Song #517 #Psalter *Those who are able, please stand Organist: Sandy Alsum There's No God as Great Library/May: Rachel Navis *God's May 19, 2013 Greeting 7:00 p.m. WorshipWalk Service Out Worship: *We Greet One Leader: Renee Walker Another Helpers: Kari & Emma Westover Choir: Obey the Prelude Spirit of the Lord *Call to Worship Baptism of: *God’s Greeting *We Greet Each Other Benjamin David *Opening Song #502 Kartechner The Church's One Foundation Jase Congregational & Offertory Prayer Robert Offering: Faith Promise Helping with Worship and Oosterhouse *Song of Preparation #496 Fellowship this evening Milan My Lord, I Did Not Choose You Andrew Smits Scripture Greeters: Congregational Elders Prayer Romans 11:11-26 Offertory Ushers: Prayer Sermon Elders Offering: 1) General Fund Doomsday Preppers: The Israel of God Nursery: Abby Brower 2) *Song of Response #497 (stanzas 1-2) Christian How Vast the Benefits Divine PP & Audio: Reformed World *Apostles' Creed Jay & Kyle Missions *Benediction *Song of *Closing Song #497 (stanza 3) Organist: Preparation #421 How Vast the Benefits Divine Betty Kemink *Silent Meditation & Reflection *Postlude diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer ~ for all those who have been sick or had procedures, for continued recovery Those suffering from chronic illnesses… ~ Sawyer Lange # Psalter ~ Kristin Sauer *Those who are ~ Dick Ritzema able, please stand ~ Michelle DeKok ~ Trinity Lange Those unable to attend worship services… ~ Bernice Loomans - Christian Homestead ~ Bonnie Luteyn - Oakwood Village in Madison ~ Dick & Edith Ritzema - Christian Home ~ Leah Kemink - Whippoorwill House U.S. Military, either stateside or abroad… ~ Austin Page, grandson of Henry and Alice Heeringa, who recently enlisted in the Marines and is in basic training at Camp Pendleton in California ~ Erin DeVries, daughter of Glenn and Pat DeVries--currently stationed at Great Lakes Naval Base, North Chicago, IL ~ Brendon Kemink, grandson of Bud and Betty Kemink, and his family--currently stationed in Virginia Beach, VA ~ Bryce Kemink, grandson of Bud and Betty Kemink--stationed in Japan, deployment destination not able to be disclosed ~ Ashlyn DeVries, granddaughter of Annabelle DeVries--currently stationed in Fairbanks, AK ~ Andrew DeVries, grandson of Annabelle DeVries--who is currently home and serves one weekend a month Please ~ Chaplain Peter Hofman, currently stationed in Fort Bragg, North Carolina Pray For: Those mourning the loss of loved ones… ~ please continue to remember our many church families who are still in mourningTo have your name added/deleted or have other changes made to the prayer list, please contact Laura Hoekstra Those recovering from injury,@ surgery, 324-4962 or or illness… [email protected]. Office Hours are: M/T/W/TH from 10:00am - 2:30pm. Please have ~ Ann (Kastein) Melton, whoall bulletinis undergoing announcements chemo in by 9:00 am on Thursday to ensure they are included in the bulletin. treatments for her cancer ~ Lisa Rens, who continues treatments in her fight against stage IV colon cancer ~ Emily Kasper, 3 year old daughter of a co-worker of Jill Walker, whose recent bone marrow transplant went very well and she is now home. The results of the transplant will not be known for few months when she has another scan. Prayers for no more cancer. If anyone would like well wishes here is their information: Pete & Tina Kasper W7575 Lighthouse children are Evan (8) and Emily (3). Thank you for all the prayers! ~ Joe Scheradella, grandfather of Derek Minnema, who is dealing with lung cancer ~ Brian Kartechner, who is recovering from a back injury suffered during a car accident ~ Kevin De Boer, Waupun Elementary school teacher and Varsity baseball coach, who was