PM Intermediate ELL - Spring 2016

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PM Intermediate ELL - Spring 2016

PM Intermediate ELL - Spring 2016

Spring 2016 April 11 – June 9 9 Weeks UNIT 1, WEEK 1 TOPICS: WELCOME UNIT 1 GRAMMAR: Review alphabet, numbers, months, and days, simple present tense Day/Date Students will be able to Materials (Vocabulary & Teaching Notes) Monday 1. Identify vocabulary for parts of the CLOW April 11 computer More True Stories p. 43 2. Click and drag an icon 3. Distinguish right click, left click, and double click functions 4. Introduce themselves to other students 5. Read “Margaret Patrick…Meet Ruth Eisenberg” and discuss Tuesday 1. Identify letters of the alphabet Ventures 1 p. 3 The alphabet April 12 2. Identify sounds associated with letters Step Forward 1 Activity Book p. 15 student name 3. Spell their classmates’ names mixer with alphabet 4. Use I, you, he, she, it, we, they to Grammar Wise 1 – subject pronouns describe classmates and groups of More True Stories p. 43 people 5. Review “Margaret Patrick…Meet Ruth Eisenberg” an answer vocabulary questions Wednesday 1. Use I, you, he, she, it, we, they to Ventures 1 p. 4 numbers April 13 describe classmates and groups of people (photos) Ventures 2 p. 3 Skills 2. Use the verb TO BE to connect subjects and descriptions Focus on Grammar 1 p. 23 Affirmative statements 3. Say and spell numbers 4. Identify skills they have and want to gain More True Stories p. 44 in English class 5. Read “Margaret Patrick…Meet Ruth Eisenberg” and answer comprehension questions Thursday 1. Say months and days Ventures 1 p. 5 Days and months April 14 LifePrints p. 24-25 – Listening dialogues, greetings 2. Use greetings to say hello and goodbye Focus on Grammar 1 p. 24 Negatives and contractions 3. Interview classmates about where they More True Stories p. 44 are from and write about the results

NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSE INTERMEDIATE ELL VERSION A – SPRING 2016 4. Create a short dialog about meeting a friend and leaving again

5. Use contractions with “to be”

6. Write negative “to be” sentences

1. Review “Margaret Patrick…Meet Ruth Eisenberg” and answer inference questions

Friday Review week’s topics April 15

NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSE INTERMEDIATE ELL VERSION A – SPRING 2016 UNIT 2, WEEK 2 TOPICS: PERSONAL INFORMATION/DESCRIBING PEOPLE UNIT 2 GRAMMAR: POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES AND NOUNS Day/Date Students will be able to Materials (Vocabulary & Teaching Notes) Monday 1. Describe uses of the internet CLOW April 18 2. Distinguish browsers and search engine More True Stories p. 23 “The Twins of Siam” 3. Navigate to 4. Describe functions of Google 5. Listen to the teacher read “Twins of Siam” and discuss Tuesday 1. Give first name, last name, phone Ventures 1 p. 7 Listen April 19 number, and telephone number 2. Fill out simple forms Oxford Picture Dictionary p. 4 – personal info vocab, 3. Use possessive nouns (i.e. the teacher’s) template and possessive adjectives (i.e. my, your, his, her, its, our, their) in sentences Side By Side 1 p. 4 – readings with photos, personal 4. Read “The Twins of Siam” silently and info answer vocabulary questions Focus on Grammar 1 p. 32 Possessive adjectives GrammarWise 1 p. 119-120 possessives More True Stories p. 23 “The Twins of Siam”

Wednesday 1. Ask classmate for information using Ventures 1 p. 8 What’s your name? April 20 possessive adjectives Word By Word Basic p. 2 – application templates Focus on Grammar 1 p. 34 Possessive adjectives 2. Fill out simple application forms More True Stories p. 24 Comprehension Questions

3. Use possessive adjectives to describe their family and friends

4. Read “The Twins of Siam” in small groups and answer comprehension questions Thursday 1. Describe the appearance of themselves Grammar Wise: Book 1 p. 121 possessives April 21 and/or a family member using possessive Ventures 1 p. 13 Picture dictionary adjectives (my hair, my eyes, his hair, Ventures Workbook 1 p. 13 Read and complete the ID etc.) card 2. Read an ID card and answer questions More True Stories p. 25 Discussion about the given information 3. Read information about a student and fill NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSE INTERMEDIATE ELL VERSION A – SPRING 2016 in a student ID card 4. Review “Twins of Siam” and discuss discussion questions

Friday Review week’s topics April 22

NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSE INTERMEDIATE ELL VERSION A – SPRING 2016 UNIT 3, WEEK 3 TOPICS: SCHOOL UNIT 3 GRAMMAR: PREPOSITIONS AND NOUNS Day/Date Students will be able to Materials (Vocabulary & Teaching Notes) Monday 1. Navigate to CLOW April 25 2. Create a Google account and Gmail More Easy Stories Plus p. 52-53“Borrow and Lend” 3. Identify the icons on a Gmail home screen 4. Read “Borrow and Lend” and answer questions Tuesday 1. Label items in the classroom Ventures 1 p. 20 Where is the pen? April 26 2. Ask questions with “where” Oxford Picture Dictionary p. 6-7 classroom vocab, 3. Describe where things are in the Word By Word Basic p. 9 – classroom nouns classroom using prepositions Step Forward 1 Activity Book p. 18 our classroom 4. Review “Borrow and Lend” and answer More Easy Stories Plus p. 54-55 “Borrow and Lend” questions

Wednesday 1. Use prepositions to describe the location Magazines in closet April 27 of items in the classroom Word by Word Beginning Workbook p. 10-11 2. Describe the location of things in pictures Oxford Picture Dictionary p. 10-11 using prepositions Ventures 3 p. 24 Strategies for learning English 3. Use classroom verbs to describe Step Forward 1 Activity Book p. 22 study skill mingle classroom actions 4. Identify good study skills for learning English

Thursday 1. Review items in the classroom Grammar Wise 1 p. 82 – there is/there are April 28 2. Identify singular and plural nouns Ventures 1 Workbook p. 23 Singular and plural nouns 3. Use ‘there is’ and ‘there are’ with Step Forward 1 Activity Book p. 26 sentence maker singular and plural nouns to describe items in the classroom 4. Create a dialog as a class to practice borrowing classroom items from other students 5. Practice dialog in pairs 6. Perform dialog for the large group

Friday Review week’s topics


NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSE INTERMEDIATE ELL VERSION A – SPRING 2016 UNIT 3, WEEK 4 TOPICS: SCHOOL UNIT 3 GRAMMAR: YES/NO QUESTIONS Day/Date Students will be able to Materials (Vocabulary & Teaching Notes) Monday 1. Log in to Gmail accounts CLOW May 2 2. Compose an e-mail Read This! Intro p. 11-12 3. Write formal and informal e-mails 4. Send a message to a classmate in Gchat 5. Listen to the teacher read “First Write…It Helps!” and discuss

Tuesday 1. Ask yes/no questions with “be” Ventures 1 p. 22 Where are the pencils? May 3 2. Give short answers to yes/no questions Focus on Grammar 1 p. 42 Yes/No questions and 3. Interview their classmates using yes/no questions answers 4. Create a dialog asking for directions in the school Downtown 1 p. 30 Dialog 5. Read their dialog Read This! Intro p. 13 6. Read “First Write…It Helps!” aloud and answer comprehension questions

Wednesday 1. Read a course catalog and answer questions about the catalog Ventures 2 p. 28 Life-skills reading May 4 2. Write a sample course catalog for the Neighborhood House Ventures 2 Workbook p. 21 Riverdale adult classes 3. Ask yes/no questions with “Do” Life Prints 3 p. 7 Adult education options 4. Give short responses to yes/no questions Focus on Grammar 1 p. 101 Do or does 5. Read “First Write…It Helps!” silently and answer vocabulary questions Read This! Intro p. 14

Thursday 1. Survey the class with yes/no questions Ventures 1 p. 30-31 Review May 5 2. Distinguish yes/no questions with “Be” (Are you…) and “Do” (Do you…) Basic English Grammar (Red Azar) The simple 3. Review content from “Personal Information” and “School” units present: yes/no questions 4. Review “First Write…It Helps!” in groups and answer reading skills questions Read This! Intro p. 15

Friday Review week’s topics May 6

UNIT 4, WEEK 5 TOPICS: FRIENDS AND FAMILY UNIT 4 GRAMMAR: PRESENT CONTINUOUS Day/Date Students will be able to Materials (Vocabulary & Teaching Notes)

NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSE INTERMEDIATE ELL VERSION A – SPRING 2016 Monday 1. Describe ways to safely use the internet CLOW May 9 More True Stories p. 23 2. Use strong keywords in a search engine

3. Complete an online scavenger hunt

4. Listen to the teacher read “The Ghost” and discuss

Tuesday 1. Identify close family members, including Ventures 1 p. 32 Family pictures May 10 father, mother, sister, brother, son, daughter, wife, husband Magazines in closet

2. Use present continuous sentences Oxford Picture Dictionary p. 35 good pictures about family relationships 3. Write sentences in the present continuous about what is happening in a Step Forward 1 Activity Book p. 38 family picture picture English In Action 1 p. 43 reading – a family, picture More True Stories p. 23 4. Read “The Ghost” and answer vocabulary questions

Wednesday 1. Identify close family members, including English In Action 1 p. 32 family relationships May 11 father, mother, sister, brother, son, daughter, wife husband Ventures 1 p. 34 – 35 What are you doing? Ventures 1 Workbook p. 32 Read the chart 2. Ask questions in the present continuous More True Stories p. 24

3. Create conversations with “what are you doing” and responses

4. Read a schedule and write about what people are doing at different times of the day

5. Review “The Ghost” and answer


Thursday 1. Describe their family to classmate Stand Out 1 p. 8 Describe family relationships May 12 2. Write about their partner’s family Ventures 1 p. 36 – 37 Are you working now? 3. Ask yes/no questions in the present Ventures 1 Workbook p. 33 Family e-mail continuous More True Stories p. 25 4. Give short answers to present continuous yes/no questions 5. Identify present continuous verbs in a reading 6. Review “The Ghost” and answer discussion questions

Friday Review week’s topics May 13

NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSE INTERMEDIATE ELL VERSION A – SPRING 2016 UNIT 4, WEEK 6 TOPICS: FRIENDS AND FAMILY UNIT 4 GRAMMAR: WH-QUESTIONS Day/Date Students will be able to Materials (Vocabulary & Teaching Notes) Monday 1. Open a Microsoft Word document More True Stories p. 51 May 16 2. Identify formatting icons on the Word ribbon 3. Write a description of their family in Word 4. Listen to the teacher read “The Husband” and discuss Tuesday 1. Fill in a census form Ventures 1 p. 40 Writing May 17 2. Review Wh-question words Focus on Grammar 1 p. 42 Who and what 3. Ask wh-questions with the verb “be” Basic English Grammar (Red Azar) p. 32 Asking 4. Use contractions with wh-question questions with ‘what’ and ‘who’ + be words and “be” (what’s, who’s) More True Stories p. 51 5. Review “The Husband” and answer vocabulary questions

Wednesday 1. Read a family’s tax form and answer Ventures 1 Workbook p. 40 Another view May 18 comprehension questions Focus on Grammar 1 p. 110 Wh-questions 2. Ask wh-questions with “do” and “does” Ventures 2 p. 39 Picture dictionary 3. Use verbs for common actions More True Stories p. 52 4. Interview a classmate about their daily routine 5. Review “The Husband” and answer comprehension questions

Thursday 1. Look at family photos and ask questions Side by Side 1 p. 46 – 47 My favorite photographs May 19 about the photos Ventures 1 p. 41 Draw your family 2. Write responses to the photos in the Grammar Wise 1 p. 137 Complete the questions and simple present and present continuous write the answers 3. Draw a picture of their family and answer More True Stories p. 53 questions about the picture 4. Ask a partner questions about their family picture 5. Review “The Husband” and answer discussion questions


NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSE INTERMEDIATE ELL VERSION A – SPRING 2016 UNIT 5, WEEK 7 TOPICS: HEALTH UNIT 5 GRAMMAR: HAVE AND NEED Day/Date Students will be able to Materials (Vocabulary & Teaching Notes) Monday 1. Open a Word document CLOW May 23 2. Insert WordArt to a document What a Life! 1 (in Historic Biographies Bin) p. 10 3. Copy and paste an image from the internet to a Word document 4. Listen to the teacher read “Florence Nightingale” and discuss

Tuesday 1. Identify body parts Ventures 1 p. 51 Picture dictionary May 24 2. Label body parts on a drawing Lifeprints 1, 102 Body parts

3. Use “have” and “has” Basic English Grammar (Red Azar) p. 26 Using have and has 4. Review “Florence Nightingale” and What a Life! 1 (in Historic Biographies Bin) p. 10 answer vocabulary questions

Wednesday 1. Identify common ailments Ventures 1 p. 46 I have a headache May 25 Ventures 1 p. 48 Do you have a cold? 2. Contrast “symptoms” and “illnesses” Standout 1, 104-105 (health problems)

3. Ask questions using “have” English in action 1, 198-199, 201 health ailments

4. Use present tense of “have” and “don’t What a Life! 1 (in Historic Biographies Bin) p. 11 have” in sentences

5. Review “Florence Nightingale” and answer comprehension questions

Thursday 1. Identify common remedies for illnesses Ventures 1 p. 47 May 26 2. Describe common remedies in their Ventures 1 p. 55 have and need home country Lifeprints 1 p. 106 Doctor’s advice 3. Use “need” to help with a symptom (I have a runny nose – you need tissues) 4. Write a dialog between a patient and a

NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSE INTERMEDIATE ELL VERSION A – SPRING 2016 doctor using the verbs “have” and “need”

5. Practice their dialog

6. Perform the dialog for the class

Friday 1. Review week’s topics May 27

NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSE INTERMEDIATE ELL VERSION A – SPRING 2016 UNIT 5, WEEK 8 TOPICS: HEALTH UNIT 5 GRAMMAR: MODALS Day/Date Students will be able to Materials (Vocabulary & Teaching Notes) Monday No Class – Memorial Day May 30 Tuesday 1. Match illnesses with their remedies stories, flash cards, resource binders, dialogues May 31 2. Give advice about illnesses and Thermometers in closet symptoms using “should” and Ventures 2 p. 46 You should go to the hospital “shouldn’t” Step Forward 2 Activity Book p. 92 remedy survey 3. Read a thermometer and number line Basic English Grammar (Red Azar) p. 421 Should and 4. Listen to the teacher read “Please Pass shouldn’t the Bird Brains” and discuss More True Stories p. 39 “Please Pass the Bird Brains”

Wednesday 1. Practice calling their teacher to excuse Ventures 1 p. 52 Writing June 1 themselves from school for an illness Ventures 2 p. 48 You have to see a doctor 2. Write a note to excuse a child or Basic English Grammar (Red Azar) p. 428 Must themselves from school More True Stories p. 39 “Please Pass the Bird Brains” 3. Use “have to” and “must” to show necessity in health problems 4. Read “Please Pass the Bird Brains” aloud and answer vocabulary questions

Thursday 1. Read packages for over the counter and Ventures 2 Workbook p. 53 Medicine label June 2 prescription medications (medical realia LifePrints 1, 108-109 is in the supply closet) Side by Side 1, 144-145 More True Stories p. 40 “Please Pass the Bird Brains” 2. Use “have to” and “must” to give directions on a label

3. Review common health ailments (cold, headache, stomachache, etc)

4. Discuss ways to treat each ailment

5. Review the story “Please Pass the Bird

NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSE INTERMEDIATE ELL VERSION A – SPRING 2016 Brains” and answer comprehension questions

Friday Review week’s topics June 3

NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSE INTERMEDIATE ELL VERSION A – SPRING 2016 UNIT 5, WEEK 9 TOPICS: FINANCES UNIT 5 GRAMMAR: FUTURE Day/Date Students will be able to Materials (Vocabulary & Teaching Notes) Monday 1. Create a Word document describing their CLOW June 6 goals with pictures More True Stories p. 59 2. Complete a typing exam 3. Read “Money to Burn” and discuss Tuesday 1. Identify different items of US currency fake money, math problems, resource binders June 7 and their values Reading for Life: Volume 2 ~ 13.8 2. Do simple math with money Word by Word: Intermediate ~ 69 3. Use will+base form of a verb to make Focus on Grammar Basic p. 294 Discover the future tense questions Grammar 4. Read “Money to Burn” and answer vocabulary questions More True Stories p. 59

Wednesday 1. Write money amounts in different ways Focus on Grammar Basic p. 296 Grand Opening June 8 (a penny, one cent, $0.01, etc) Beginning English Grammar p. 243-244 questions 2. Listen to different money amounts and with will write what they hear (dictation) More True Stories p. 60 3. Answer math problems about money 4. Ask questions with will+base form of a verb 5. Read “Money to Burn” and answer comprehension questions

Thursday End of the Quarter Party! June 9


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